int main() { int cho; char check,c,esc; system("clear"); strcpy(filename,"pranav"); while(1) { system("clear"); printf(BOLDYELLOW"\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t----------------------*******---------------------"RESET); printf(BOLDCYAN"\n\n\n\t\t\t\tHello !! Welcome to PRANAV's Library --- choose from the following menu"RESET); printf(YELLOW"\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t1.Add Book Information"RESET); printf(YELLOW"\n\n\t\t\t\t\t2.Display Book Information"RESET); printf(YELLOW"\n\n\t\t\t\t\t3.Delete Book Information"RESET); printf(YELLOW"\n\n\t\t\t\t\t4.Search a Book "RESET); printf(YELLOW"\n\n\t\t\t\t\t5.Edit available book Information"RESET); printf(YELLOW"\n\n\t\t\t\t\t6.Exit from this menu"RESET); printf(BOLDYELLOW"\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t----------------------*******---------------------"RESET); printf(BOLDCYAN"\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t Your Choice:"RESET); scanf("%d",&cho); switch(cho) { case 1: Password(); addbook(); break; case 2: display_book(lib); sleep(2); break; case 3: Password(); delete_book(lib); sleep(2); break; case 4: search(lib); sleep(2); break; case 5: Password(); edit_info(lib); break; case 6: exitp(); default: printf(BOLDRED"\n\t\t\t\tChoose from following choices only \n"RESET); printf(RED"\t\t\tEnter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7"RESET); } } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { struct timeval begin, now; long counter; printf("\n -- EYEBOT Viewer -- \n\n"); // Allocate buffers img_buffer = malloc(SIZE * CHANNELS); read_buffer = malloc(SIZE + PADDING); scaled_up_img = malloc(UP_S * CHANNELS); scaled_up_img_dbl = malloc(UP_S * CHANNELS); unsigned char b[4096]; display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); visual = DefaultVisual(display, 0); window = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, RootWindow(display, 0), 0, 0, 320, 300, 1, 0, 0); XMapWindow(display, window); XFlush(display); if(visual->class!=TrueColor) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot handle non true color visual ...\n"); exit(1); } //XMapWindow(display, window); //XFlush(display); image = NULL; struct addrinfo hints, *res; int socket_fd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP); if(socket_fd == -1) { printf("Could not make a socket\n"); return 1; } memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints); hints.ai_family = AF_INET; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; getaddrinfo(SERVER_HOSTNAME, SERVER_PORT, &hints, &res); sleep(1); memset(b, 0, sizeof(b)); sprintf(b, "Eyebot Line Follower - LiveEye"); XSetForeground(display, DefaultGC(display, 0), 0x00ff0000); // red XDrawString(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), 10, 20, b, strlen(b)); memset(b, 0, sizeof(b)); sprintf(b, "Copyright (C) 2013 Andre Christensen and Jacob Pedersen"); XSetForeground(display, DefaultGC(display, 0), 0x000000EF); // red XDrawString(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), 10, 35, b, strlen(b)); XFlush(display); while (1) { printf("Connecting to EYEBOT! (%s:%s)\n", SERVER_HOSTNAME, SERVER_PORT); // Connect loop while (1) { if (connect(socket_fd, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen) == -1) { sleep(1); } else { printf("Connected!\n"); break; } } // Two seconds of timeout. Useful so that recv doesn't wait // forever to receive all its bytes. struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 2; tv.tv_usec = 0; setsockopt(socket_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char *)&tv, sizeof(struct timeval)); // Measure time at beginning counter = 0; gettimeofday(&begin, NULL); // Frame update loop while (1) { int bytes_read; int total = 0; unsigned int x = 0, y = 0, error, error_upper, mass; int l_x, l_y, u_x, u_y; fd_set fds; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(socket_fd, &fds); struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = 6 * 60; timeout.tv_usec = 0; if (select(sizeof(fds) * 8, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout) < 0) { exitp("select()"); } if (read(socket_fd, &l_x, sizeof(l_x)) < 0) { exitp("read() (error x)"); } if (read(socket_fd, &l_y, sizeof(l_y)) < 0) { exitp("read() (error y)"); } if (read(socket_fd, &u_x, sizeof(u_x)) < 0) { exitp("read() (error x)"); } if (read(socket_fd, &u_y, sizeof(u_y)) < 0) { exitp("read() (error y)"); } if (read(socket_fd, &error, sizeof(error)) < 0) { exitp("read() (error)"); } if (read(socket_fd, &error_upper, sizeof(error_upper)) < 0) { exitp("read() (error)"); } if (read(socket_fd, &mass, sizeof(mass)) < 0) { exitp("read() (error mass)"); } // Clear the read buffer memset(read_buffer, 0, SIZE); // // Read the 76800 bytes a frame consist of // bytes_read = recv(socket_fd, read_buffer, SIZE, MSG_WAITALL); if (bytes_read < 0) { perror("recv"); break; } else if (bytes_read == SIZE) { copy_to_x_buffer(read_buffer, bytes_read); draw_center_point(l_x, l_y, 0, 0, 255); draw_center_point(u_x, u_y, 0, 255, 0); draw_center_lines(); //upscale_image(); if (image != NULL) { XDestroyImage(image); } //upscale_image(); //draw_center_point2(l_x, l_y, 0, 0, 255); //draw_center_point2(u_x, u_y, 0, 255, 0); //draw_center_lines2(); //scaled_up_img_dbl = malloc(UP_S * CHANNELS); //memcpy(scaled_up_img_dbl, scaled_up_img, UP_S * CHANNELS); // Allocate a new buffer for next frame. // The old one is freed by XDestroyImage img_disp_buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(SIZE * CHANNELS); memcpy(img_disp_buffer, img_buffer, SIZE * CHANNELS); image = XCreateImage(display, visual, 24, ZPixmap, 0, img_disp_buffer, 320, 240, 32, 0); XPutImage(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), image, 0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 240); //image = XCreateImage(display, visual, 24, ZPixmap, 0, scaled_up_img_dbl, 640, 480, 32, 0); //XPutImage(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), image, 0, 0, 0, 0, 640, 480); // Clear text area XSetForeground(display, DefaultGC(display, 0), 0x00ffffff); XFillRectangle(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), 0, 240, 320, 60); // memset(b, 0, sizeof(b)); // sprintf(b, "Center: (%d, %d)", x,y); XSetForeground(display, DefaultGC(display, 0), 0x00ff0000); // red // XDrawString(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), 5, 260, b, strlen(b)); memset(b, 0, sizeof(b)); sprintf(b, "Error (upper): %d", error_upper); XDrawString(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), 5, 250, b, strlen(b)); memset(b, 0, sizeof(b)); sprintf(b, "Error (lower): %d", error); XDrawString(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), 5, 280, b, strlen(b)); memset(b, 0, sizeof(b)); sprintf(b, "Mass: %d", mass); XDrawString(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), 150, 250, b, strlen(b)); // Calculate and display fps gettimeofday(&now, NULL); double elapsed = (now.tv_sec - begin.tv_sec) * 1000.0; elapsed += (now.tv_usec - begin.tv_usec) / 1000.0; elapsed /= 1000.0; memset(b, 0, sizeof(b)); sprintf(b, "FPS: %.2f", ((counter / elapsed) * 3)); XDrawString(display, window, DefaultGC(display, 0), 150, 280, b, strlen(b)); counter++; } else { printf("Connection lost - retrying!\n"); close(socket_fd); break; } } } printf("Closing the socket\n"); if(close(socket_fd) == -1) { printf("Could not close socket\n"); return 0; } }
main() { int winning[SIZE] = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 }; // winning numbers + bonus register int i; char option; int pickedNumbers[SIZE]; int freq[MAX+1] = {0}; // max is the highest number user can enter, so only MAX elements are needed in this array - MAX+1 so number is same as position - initially set to 0 int num_match; int numbersEntered = 0; // false int b_match = 0; // bonus does not match //main program loop // do { system("cls");//clears the screen printf("Enter 1 - 5, or 0 to select an option from below:\n\n"); printf("________________________________________________________________________________\n"); printf("(1) Enter the 6 Numbers ( range: 1 - 42 )\n\n"); printf("(2) Display the Entered Numbers\n\n"); printf("(3) Display Numbers in Increasing Order\n\n"); printf("(4) Did I Win?\n\n"); printf("(5) Display Frequency of Numbers Entered\n\n"); printf("(0) Exit Program\n"); printf("________________________________________________________________________________\n\n"); printf("Enter option: "); scanf("%1s", &option); flushall(); // clear buffer system("cls");//clears the screen switch (option) { case '1': { //get input getInput(pickedNumbers, freq); numbersEntered++; break; }//end case 1 case '2': { if ( numbersEntered == 0 ) { printf("**You did not Enter Your Numbers\n\n"); }//end if else // display numbers { displayInput(pickedNumbers); }//end else break; }//end case 2 case '3': { if ( numbersEntered == 0 ) { printf("**You did not Enter Your Numbers\n\n"); } else // sort the numbers { sort(pickedNumbers); } break; }//end case 3 case '4': { if ( numbersEntered == 0 ) { printf("**You did not Enter Your Numbers\n\n"); } else // see match { num_match = compare(pickedNumbers, winning); // check bonus // for ( i = 0; i < SIZE; i++ ) { if ( *(pickedNumbers + i) == BONUS ) { b_match++; break; // dont check rest of numbers }//end if }//end for switch ( num_match ) { case 3: { if ( b_match > 0 ) printf("You Won a Cinema Ticket\n"); else printf("You Lost :(\n"); break; } case 4: { if ( b_match > 0 ) printf("You Won a Weekend Away\n"); else printf("You Won a Night Out\n"); break; } case 5: { if ( b_match > 0 ) printf("You Won a New Car\n"); else printf("You Won a Holiday\n"); break; } case 6: { printf("You Won the JACKPOT!!!\n"); break; } default: { printf("You Lost :(\n"); } }//end switch }//end else break; }//end case 4 case '5': { if ( numbersEntered == 0 ) { printf("**You did not Enter Your Numbers\n"); }//end if else //get frequency { frequency( freq ); }//end else break; }//end case 5 case '0': { exitp(); break; }//end case 0 default: { system("cls");//clears the screen printf("**Error: Input value not valid\n\n"); } }//end switch printf("\n\n**Press Enter to Continue"); getchar(); }//end do while ( option != '0' ); } //end main
int main(int argc, char **argv){ int rc,num_processors,rank; rc=MPI_Init(&argc,&argv); if (rc != MPI_SUCCESS) { printf("Error starting MPI program. Terminating\n"); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rc); } MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&num_processors); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rank); //**************************************************************************************// // reading input information by all cores // //**************************************************************************************// FILE *fpenergy=fopen("./energy","w"); // Print the energy evolution FILE *fprestart=fopen("./restart","w"); //print the generation and popsize coordinates FILE *fpoptim=fopen("./","wb"); FILE *fp=fopen("data.txt","r"); time_t current_time; double seconds,start,end,seconds_new,seconds_old,seconds_total; struct timespec now,tmstart; char* c_time_string,c_time_final; int flag_converge=0; int i=0; srand(time(NULL)+rank); clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tmstart); printf("hello from processor %ld\n",rank); start = (double)clock() /(double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC; seconds_old= (double)(tmstart.tv_sec+tmstart.tv_nsec*1e-9); current_time = time(NULL); c_time_string = ctime(¤t_time); printf("Current time is %s\n", c_time_string); printf("hello from processor %ld\n",rank); char skip[10]; FILE *fp_input2 = fopen("ga_dftb_input1.1","r"); int NSTEP=0; int step=0; double ee_mate=0 ; // the energy cretiria for accepting children cluster. the larger, the less restrict. can be 0.1 0 or -0.1 double ELITRATE=0.2; int POPSIZE=0; int min_step=0; int NEWPOPSIZE=POPSIZE; double delte=0.00001 ; //0.00001; int ptnatm,runatm,cnatm; double boxl=0; double Mu=0.2; double dptc; int glob=0,globconvg=20; double globe[30]; int Temp; int flag_res=0; double cell[9]; int esize=0; int num_cores_child; fscanf(fp_input2,"%d %d %d %s\n", &ptnatm, &runatm,&cnatm,&skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%d %s\n ", &POPSIZE,skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%d %s\n", &NSTEP,skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%d %s\n", &globconvg,skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%lf %s\n",&ELITRATE,skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%lf %s\n",&delte,skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%d %s\n",&Temp,skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%d %s\n",&min_step,skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%lf %s\n",&ee_mate,skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%lf %s\n",&dptc,skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%lf %s\n",&boxl,skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%d %s\n",&flag_res,skip); fscanf(fp_input2,"%d %s\n",&num_cores_child,skip); int ii=0; for (ii=0;ii<3;ii++){ fscanf(fp_input2,"%lf %lf %lf\n", cell+ii*3+0,cell+ii*3+1,cell+ii*3+2); //**************************************************************************************// // Above are the information that all processors need to know // //**************************************************************************************// if(rank==0){ } printf("********************JOB started*****************************\n"); printf("********************JOB started*****************************\n"); printf("********************JOB started*****************************\n\n\n"); printf("Attention!! The dftb excutable file must be in ~/bin and must be named 'dftb+' !!\n"); printf("Attention!! The dftb excutable file must be in ~/bin and must be named 'dftb+' !!\n"); printf("Attention!! The dftb excutable file must be in ~/bin and must be named 'dftb+' !!\n"); printf("Attention!! The dftb excutable file must be in ~/bin and must be named 'dftb+' !!\n"); printf("Attention!! The dftb excutable file must be in ~/bin and must be named 'dftb+' !!\n"); printf("Number of atoms %d %d %d\n", ptnatm,runatm,cnatm); if(ptnatm+runatm>=Max_Atom || cnatm>=CMax_Atom) exitp("Number of atoms exceed allowed Max!"); printf("POPSIZE %d\n",POPSIZE); printf("NSTEP %d\n",NSTEP); printf("globconvg %d\n",globconvg); printf("ELITRATE %lf\n",ELITRATE); printf("delte %lf\n",delte); printf("Temprature %d\n",Temp); printf("minimiz step %d\n",min_step); printf("ee_mate %lf\n",ee_mate); printf("dptc %lf\n",dptc); printf("intial boxl %lf\n",boxl); printf("reading from pt_coord? %d\n",flag_res); printf("Total number of processsors required %d\n",num_processors); printf("Number of processors for each child %d\n",num_cores_child); printf("\n\n\n******** end reading input information ***********************\n\n\n"); } if(POPSIZE!=num_processors/num_cores_child){ printf("Error!,POPSZIE=%d num_processrs=%d num_cores_child=%d num_processrs/num_cores_child=%d",\ POPSIZE,num_processors,num_cores_child,num_processors/num_cores_child); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,0); } ga_struct *population = malloc(sizeof(ga_struct)*POPSIZE); ga_struct *beta_population = malloc(sizeof(ga_struct)*POPSIZE); //****************************************************************************************// //define new mpi structure for data transfer between processors // //****************************************************************************************// int count=4; int length[4]={1,3*Max_Atom,3*CMax_Atom,1}; MPI_Aint offset[4]={offsetof(ga_struct,fitness),offsetof(ga_struct,gen),offsetof(ga_struct,cgen),offsetof(ga_struct,ep)} ; MPI_Datatype type[4]={MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_DOUBLE}; MPI_Datatype popDatatype; MPI_Type_struct(count,length,offset,type,&popDatatype); MPI_Type_commit(&popDatatype); //****************************************************************************************// //****************************************************************************************// //Initialization the population for all processors // //****************************************************************************************// if(rank==0){ printf("Total number of processors is %d\n",num_processors); printf("Total number of population is %d\n",POPSIZE); printf ("For each candidate, there are %d processors to be used\n",num_processors/POPSIZE); init_population(ptnatm+runatm,cnatm,POPSIZE,population,beta_population,boxl,flag_res); printf("argc=%d\n",argc); // int i=0,j=0; // int esize=POPSIZE*ELITRATE; cal_pop_energy(POPSIZE,population,ptnatm,runatm,cnatm,cell,argc, argv); /// for (i=0;i<POPSIZE;i++){ //////// center(ptnatm+runatm,population[i].gen); /// write_coord(fpoptim,ptnatm,runatm,cnatm,population[i].gen,population[i].cgen,population[i].ep); // shift(ptnatm+runatm, population[i].gen,dptc); /// } // for (i=0;i<POPSIZE;i++) // write_coord(fpoptim,ptnatm,runatm,cnatm,population[i].gen,population[i].cgen,population[i].ep); fflush(fpoptim); } char command[30]; char filename[30]; sprintf(command,"mkdir core%d",rank); system(command); sprintf(command,"cp dftb_in.hsd *.coord *.skf core%d",rank); system(command); sprintf(filename,"core%d",rank); chdir(filename); system("pwd"); //****************************************************************************************// // Loop started // //****************************************************************************************// for (step=0;step<NSTEP;step++){ //*********************************************************************************// // master core preparation // //*********************************************************************************// if(rank==0){ cal_pop_energy(POPSIZE,population,ptnatm,runatm,cnatm,cell, argc, argv); printf("\n\n\n\n***********************************************\n"); printf( "***********************************************\n"); printf( "***********************************************\n"); printf("Gen= %d starting optimization..................\n\n",step); qsort (population, POPSIZE, sizeof(ga_struct),sort_func); normal_fitness(POPSIZE,population); for(i=0;i<POPSIZE;i++){ fprintf(fpenergy,"%d num %d %lf\n",step, i,population[i].ep); fflush(fpenergy); } printf("fabs %lf\n",fabs(population[0].ep-population[POPSIZE-1].ep)); if(fabs(population[0].ep-population[POPSIZE-1].ep)<delte){ fprintf(fpenergy,"%d %lf %lf global minimum \n",step,population[0].ep,population[0].fitness); globe[glob]=population[POPSIZE-1].ep; glob=glob+1; } if(glob>20){ if(fabs(globe[glob]-globe[glob-20])<delte){ fprintf(fpenergy,"%d %lf %lf final global minimum \n",step,population[0].ep,population[0].fitness); flag_converge=1; } } ///// PPreserve the first esize parentes from the previous generation. copy from population to beta_population esize=POPSIZE*ELITRATE; if (esize<1){esize=1;} elitism(esize,ptnatm+runatm, cnatm,population,beta_population); for (i=1;i<num_processors;i++) MPI_Send(population,POPSIZE,popDatatype,i,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); //send coordinates and energy information to other ith processors }else MPI_Recv(population,POPSIZE,popDatatype,0,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); //*********************************************************************************// // master core preparation ended // //*********************************************************************************// //*********************************************************************************// // other cores mating start // //*********************************************************************************// //receive coordinates and energy information from 0(master) core MPI_Bcast(&flag_converge, 1, MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); // printf("rank=%d,xyz=%lf\n",rank,population[0].gen[0][0]); if(flag_converge ==1) {MPI_Finalize(); exit(0);} // for (i=0;i<POPSIZE;i++) // write_coord(fpoptim,ptnatm,runatm,cnatm,population[i].gen,population[i].cgen,population[i].ep); fflush(fpoptim); // printf("rank=%d,xyz=%lf\n",rank,population[0].gen[0][0]); // Generate the rest part of beta_generation by mating process if(rank!=0&&rank<POPSIZE) mate(ptnatm,runatm,cnatm,cell,esize,POPSIZE,population,beta_population,Temp,ee_mate,dptc,min_step,argc, argv); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); if(rank!=0&&rank<POPSIZE) MPI_Send(&beta_population[0],1,popDatatype,0,1,MPI_COMM_WORLD); //send the information of first children(optimized) from other processors to master core //*********************************************************************************// // other cores mating ended // //*********************************************************************************// if(rank==0){ for (i=1;i<POPSIZE;i++) MPI_Recv(&population[i],1,popDatatype,i,1,MPI_COMM_WORLD,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); //recieve coordinates and energy information to other ith processors if (ptnatm!=0&&runatm!=0) mutate_perm (ptnatm,runatm, Mu, POPSIZE, beta_population); fprestart=fopen("./restart","w"); for (i=0;i<POPSIZE;i++){ write_coord(fpoptim,ptnatm,runatm,cnatm,population[i].gen,population[i].cgen,population[i].ep); write_coord(fprestart,ptnatm,runatm,cnatm,population[i].gen,population[i].cgen,population[i].ep); fflush(fpoptim); fflush(fprestart); } fclose(fprestart); clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); seconds_new = (double)((now.tv_sec+now.tv_nsec*1e-9)); seconds=seconds_new-seconds_old; seconds_total = (double)((now.tv_sec+now.tv_nsec*1e-9) - (double)(tmstart.tv_sec+tmstart.tv_nsec*1e-9)); printf("\nWall time for this generation is %lf s\n",seconds); printf("\nWall time totally %lf s\n",seconds_total); seconds_old=seconds_new; } } //********************************************************************************* //************************************loop ended*********************************** //********************************************************************************* if(rank==0){ printf("\n********************JOB FINISHED*****************************\n"); fclose(fpenergy); fclose(fpoptim); ///////// time information current_time = time(NULL); c_time_string = ctime(¤t_time); printf("Current time is %s\n", c_time_string); // measure elapsed wall time clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); seconds = (double)((now.tv_sec+now.tv_nsec*1e-9) - (double)(tmstart.tv_sec+tmstart.tv_nsec*1e-9)); printf("wall time %fs\n", seconds); // measure CPU time end = (double)clock() / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("cpu time %fs\n", end - start); printf("\n********************JOB FINISHED*****************************\n"); free(population); free(beta_population); } }