Esempio n. 1
void SourceEditor::showLine(int line)
    if (!foldingEnabled())

    if (!static_cast<SourceFile &>(file()).structureUpdated())

    for (const SourceFile::StructureNode *node =
         static_cast<SourceFile &>(file()).structureNodeAt(line);
         node = node->parent())
        if (m_foldsData[node->beginLine()].collapsed &&
            line > node->beginLine() && line < node->endLine())
bool VoronoiExpansion::calculatePotentials(unsigned char *costs, double start_x, double start_y, double end_x,
                                           double end_y, int cycles, float *potential)
  if (!gotMap_)
    ROS_ERROR("Global Planner: no map received!!!");
    return false;

  float *distance_field = distance_field_.get();
  int8_t *voronoi_graph = voronoi_graph_.get();
  int8_t *global_map = global_map_.get();

  getMaps(distance_field, voronoi_graph, global_map);

  Index startPoint = Index(start_x, start_y, nx_, 0, 0, 0);
  Index endPoint = Index(end_x, end_y, nx_, 0, 0, 0);

  // EndPoint candidates //Dikjstra instead of going along the distance_field because sometimes the voronoi map is a
  // little bit of the distance field (if so gradient mehtod would fail)
  std::fill(potential, potential + ns_, POT_HIGH);
  Index endPointGraph =
      expandDijkstraToVoronoi(endPoint, startPoint, cycles, global_map, voronoi_graph, distance_field, potential);

  if (endPointGraph.i < 0)
    return false;

  int endPointImprovementSteps = (int)distance_field[endPointGraph.i];
  endpoints_ = findVoronoiCandidates(endPointGraph, global_map, voronoi_graph, distance_field, potential,

  // StartPoint candidates //Reset map for Start calculation (in case Start is next to end)
  std::fill(potential, potential + ns_, POT_HIGH);
  Index startPointGraph =
      expandDijkstraToVoronoi(startPoint, endPoint, cycles, global_map, voronoi_graph, distance_field, potential);

  if (startPointGraph.i < 0)
    return false;

  int startPointImprovementSteps = (int)distance_field[startPointGraph.i];
  std::list<Index> startpoints = findVoronoiCandidates(startPointGraph, global_map, voronoi_graph, distance_field,
                                                       potential, startPointImprovementSteps);

  // Start the Algorigthm by expanding on the Graph
  std::fill(potential, potential + ns_, POT_HIGH);  // For having a high startpotential
  potential[startPointGraph.i] = startPointGraph.potential;
  Index endPointGraphReal =
      expandVoronoi(startPointGraph, endPointGraph, cycles, global_map, voronoi_graph, distance_field, potential);

  if (endPointGraphReal.i < 0)
    return false;

  // Draw lines to all startpoints and the endpoint (there is allways a straight line between voronoi Graph and
  // endPoint)
  expandLine(endPointGraphReal, endPoint, endPointGraphReal.potential, -1, potential);

  for (std::list<Index>::iterator it = startpoints.begin(); it != startpoints.end(); ++it)
    expandLine(startPoint, *it, 0, startPointGraph.potential, potential);

  return true;