Esempio n. 1
 * Read a pattern. Stash it in the external variable "pat". The "pat" is not
 * updated if the user types in an empty line. If the user typed an empty
 * line, and there is no old pattern, it is an error. Display the old pattern,
 * in the style of Jeff Lomicka. There is some do-it-yourself control
 * expansion. change to using <ESC> to delemit the end-of-pattern to allow
 * <NL>s in the search string
int readpattern (char *prompt)
  char tpat[NPAT + 20];
  int s;

  strncpy (tpat, prompt, NPAT-12); /* copy prompt to output string */
  strncat (tpat, " [", 3);	/* build new prompt string */
  expandp (&pat[0], &tpat[strlen (tpat)], NPAT / 2); /* add old pattern */
  strncat (tpat, "]<ESC>: ", 9);

  s = mlreplyt (tpat, tpat, NPAT, 27); /* Read pattern */

  if (s == TRUE)		/* Specified */
    strncpy (pat, tpat, NPAT);
  else if (s == FALSE && pat[0] != 0) /* CR, but old one */
    s = TRUE;

  return (s);
Esempio n. 2
 * replaces: search for a string and replace it with another string. query
 * might be enabled (according to kind)
int replaces (int kind, int f, int n)
  LINE *origline;		/* original "." position */
  char tmpc;			/* temporary character */
  char c;			/* input char for query */
  char tpat[NPAT];		/* temporary to hold search pattern */
  int i;			/* loop index */
  int s;			/* success flag on pattern inputs */
  int slength, rlength;		/* length of search and replace strings */
  int numsub;			/* number of substitutions */
  int nummatch;			/* number of found matches */
  int nlflag;			/* last char of search string a <NL>? */
  int nlrepl;			/* was a replace done on the last line? */
  int origoff;			/* and offset (for . query option) */

  /* check for negative repititions */
  if (f && n < 0)
    return (FALSE);

  /* ask the user for the text of a pattern */
  if ((s = readpattern ((kind == FALSE ? "Replace" : "Query replace"))) != TRUE)
    return (s);
  strncpy (&tpat[0], &pat[0], NPAT); /* salt it away */

  /* ask for the replacement string */
  strncpy (&pat[0], &rpat[0], NPAT); /* set up default string */
  if ((s = readpattern ("with")) == ABORT)
    return (s);

  /* move everything to the right place and length them */
  strncpy (&rpat[0], &pat[0], NPAT);
  strncpy (&pat[0], &tpat[0], NPAT);
  slength = strlen (&pat[0]);
  rlength = strlen (&rpat[0]);

  /* set up flags so we can make sure not to do a recursive replace on the
   * last line */
  nlflag = (pat[slength - 1] == '\n');
  nlrepl = FALSE;

  /* build query replace question string */
  strncpy (tpat, "Replace '", 10);
  expandp (&pat[0], &tpat[strlen (tpat)], NPAT / 3);
  strncat (tpat, "' with '", 9);
  expandp (&rpat[0], &tpat[strlen (tpat)], NPAT / 3);
  strncat (tpat, "'? ", 4);

  /* save original . position */
  origline = curwp->w_dotp;
  origoff = curwp->w_doto;

  /* scan through the file */
  numsub = 0;
  nummatch = 0;
  while ((f == FALSE || n > nummatch) &&
	 (nlflag == FALSE || nlrepl == FALSE))
      /* search for the pattern */
      if (forscan (&pat[0], PTBEG) != TRUE)
	break;			/* all done */
      ++nummatch;		/* increment # of matches */

      /* check if we are on the last line */
      nlrepl = (lforw (curwp->w_dotp) == curwp->w_bufp->b_linep);

      /* check for query */
      if (kind)
	  /* get the query */
	  mlwrite (&tpat[0], &pat[0], &rpat[0]);
	  update ();		/* show the proposed place to change */
	  c = (*term.t_getchar) (); /* and input */
	  mlwrite ("");		/* and clear it */

	  /* and respond appropriately */
	  switch (c)
	    case 'y':		/* yes, substitute */
	    case ' ':

	    case 'n':		/* no, onword */
	      forwchar (FALSE, 1);

	    case '!':		/* yes/stop asking */
	      kind = FALSE;

	    case '.':		/* abort! and return */
	      /* restore old position */
	      curwp->w_dotp = origline;
	      curwp->w_doto = origoff;
	      curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;

	    case BELL:		/* abort! and stay */
	      mlwrite ("Aborted!");
	      return (FALSE);

	    case 0x0d:		/* controlled exit */
	    case 'q':
	      return (TRUE);

	    default:		/* bitch and beep */
	      (*term.t_beep) ();

	    case '?':		/* help me */
	      mlwrite ("(Y)es, (N)o, (!)Do the rest, (^G,RET,q)Abort, (.)Abort back, (?)Help: ");
	      goto qprompt;
      /* delete the sucker */
      if (ldelete (slength, FALSE) != TRUE)
	  /* error while deleting */
	  mlwrite ("ERROR while deleteing");
	  return (FALSE);
      /* and insert its replacement */
      for (i = 0; i < rlength; i++)
	  tmpc = rpat[i];
	  s = (tmpc == '\n' ? lnewline () : linsert (1, tmpc));
	  if (s != TRUE)
	      /* error while inserting */
	      mlwrite ("Out of memory while inserting");
	      return (FALSE);

      numsub++;			/* increment # of substitutions */

  /* and report the results */
  mlwrite ("%d substitutions", numsub);
  return (TRUE);
Esempio n. 3
readpattern(char *utf8prompt, int text_mode)
	register int s;
	int	     i;
	UCS         *b;
	UCS	     tpat[NPAT+20];
	UCS         *tpatp;
	EXTRAKEYS    menu_pat[7];

	menu_pat[i = 0].name = "^Y";
	menu_pat[i].label    = N_("FirstLine");
	menu_pat[i].key	     = (CTRL|'Y');
	KS_OSDATASET(&menu_pat[i], KS_NONE);

	menu_pat[++i].name = "^V";
	menu_pat[i].label  = N_("LastLine");
	menu_pat[i].key	   = (CTRL|'V');
	KS_OSDATASET(&menu_pat[i], KS_NONE);

	    menu_pat[++i].name = "^T";
	    menu_pat[i].label  = N_("LineNumber");
	    menu_pat[i].key    = (CTRL|'T');
	    KS_OSDATASET(&menu_pat[i], KS_NONE);

	    menu_pat[++i].name = "^W";
	    menu_pat[i].label  = N_("Start of Para");
	    menu_pat[i].key    = (CTRL|'W');
	    KS_OSDATASET(&menu_pat[i], KS_NONE);

	    menu_pat[++i].name = "^O";
	    menu_pat[i].label  = N_("End of Para");
	    menu_pat[i].key    = (CTRL|'O');
	    KS_OSDATASET(&menu_pat[i], KS_NONE);

	    menu_pat[++i].name = "^U";
	    menu_pat[i].label  = N_("FullJustify");
	    menu_pat[i].key    = (CTRL|'U');
	    KS_OSDATASET(&menu_pat[i], KS_NONE);

	menu_pat[++i].name = NULL;

	b = utf8_to_ucs4_cpystr(utf8prompt);
	    ucs4_strncpy(tpat, b, NPAT+20);
	    tpat[NPAT+20-1] = '\0';
	    fs_give((void **) &b);

	tpatp = &tpat[ucs4_strlen(tpat)];

        if(pat[0] != '\0'){
	    if((tpatp-tpat) < NPAT+20-2){
		*tpatp++ = ' ';
		*tpatp++ = '[';
		*tpatp = '\0';

	    expandp(pat, tpatp, NPAT+20-(tpatp-tpat));
	    tpat[NPAT+20-1] = '\0';
	    tpatp += ucs4_strlen(tpatp);

	    if((tpatp-tpat) < NPAT+20-1){
		*tpatp++ = ']';
		*tpatp = '\0';

	if((tpatp-tpat) < NPAT+20-3){
	    *tpatp++ = ' ';
	    *tpatp++ = ':';
	    *tpatp++ = ' ';
	    *tpatp = '\0';

	tpat[NPAT+20-1] = '\0';

	s = mlreplyd(tpat, tpat, NPAT, QNORML, menu_pat);

	if ((s == TRUE) && ucs4_strcmp(pat,tpat)){			/* Specified */
	  ucs4_strncpy(pat, tpat, NPAT);
	  pat[NPAT-1] = '\0';
	  rpat[0] = '\0';
	else if (s == FALSE && pat[0] != '\0')	/* CR, but old one */
		s = TRUE;

Esempio n. 4
/* Read a replacement pattern.  Modeled after readpattern(). */
srpat(char *utf8prompt, UCS *defpat, size_t defpatlen, int repl_mode)
	register int s;
	int	     i = 0;
	UCS         *b;
	UCS	     prompt[NPMT];
	UCS         *promptp;
	EXTRAKEYS    menu_pat[8];

	menu_pat[i = 0].name = "^Y";
	menu_pat[i].label    = N_("FirstLine");
	menu_pat[i].key	     = (CTRL|'Y');
	KS_OSDATASET(&menu_pat[i], KS_NONE);

	menu_pat[++i].name = "^V";
	menu_pat[i].label  = N_("LastLine");
	menu_pat[i].key	   = (CTRL|'V');
	KS_OSDATASET(&menu_pat[i], KS_NONE);

	menu_pat[++i].name = "^R";
	menu_pat[i].label  = repl_mode ? N_("No Replace") : N_("Replace");
	menu_pat[i].key	   = (CTRL|'R');
	KS_OSDATASET(&menu_pat[i], KS_NONE);

	    menu_pat[++i].name = "^T";
	    menu_pat[i].label  = N_("LineNumber");
	    menu_pat[i].key    = (CTRL|'T');
	    KS_OSDATASET(&menu_pat[i], KS_NONE);

	    menu_pat[++i].name = "^W";
	    /* TRANSLATORS: Start of paragraph */
	    menu_pat[i].label  = N_("Start of Para");
	    menu_pat[i].key    = (CTRL|'W');
	    KS_OSDATASET(&menu_pat[i], KS_NONE);

	    menu_pat[++i].name = "^O";
	    menu_pat[i].label  = N_("End of Para");
	    menu_pat[i].key    = (CTRL|'O');
	    KS_OSDATASET(&menu_pat[i], KS_NONE);

	    menu_pat[++i].name = "^U";
	    /* TRANSLATORS: Instead of justifying (formatting) just a
	       single paragraph, Full Justify justifies the entire
	       message. */
	    menu_pat[i].label  = N_("FullJustify");
	    menu_pat[i].key    = (CTRL|'U');
	    KS_OSDATASET(&menu_pat[i], KS_NONE);

	menu_pat[++i].name = NULL;

	b = utf8_to_ucs4_cpystr(utf8prompt);
	    ucs4_strncpy(prompt, b, NPMT);
	    prompt[NPMT-1] = '\0';
	    fs_give((void **) &b);

	promptp = &prompt[ucs4_strlen(prompt)];

	    b = utf8_to_ucs4_cpystr(" (to replace)");
		ucs4_strncpy(promptp, b, NPMT-(promptp-prompt));
		promptp += ucs4_strlen(promptp);
		prompt[NPMT-1] = '\0';
		fs_give((void **) &b);

        if(pat[0] != '\0'){
	    if((promptp-prompt) < NPMT-2){
		*promptp++ = ' ';
		*promptp++ = '[';
		*promptp = '\0';

	    expandp(pat, promptp, NPMT-(promptp-prompt));
	    prompt[NPMT-1] = '\0';
	    promptp += ucs4_strlen(promptp);

	    if((promptp-prompt) < NPMT-1){
		*promptp++ = ']';
		*promptp = '\0';

	if((promptp-prompt) < NPMT-2){
	    *promptp++ = ':';
	    *promptp++ = ' ';
	    *promptp = '\0';

	prompt[NPMT-1] = '\0';

	s = mlreplyd(prompt, defpat, defpatlen, QDEFLT, menu_pat);

	if (s == TRUE || s == FALSE){	/* changed or not, they're done */
	    if(!defpat[0]){		/* use default */
		ucs4_strncpy(defpat, pat, defpatlen);
		defpat[defpatlen-1] = '\0';
	    else if(ucs4_strcmp(pat, defpat)){   	      /* Specified */
		ucs4_strncpy(pat, defpat, NPAT);
		pat[NPAT-1] = '\0';
		rpat[0] = '\0';

	    s = TRUE;			/* let caller know to proceed */

Esempio n. 5
/* Ask the user about every occurence of orig pattern and replace it with a 
   repl pattern if the response is affirmative. */   
replace_all(UCS *orig, UCS *repl)
  register         int status = 0;
  UCS             *b;
  UCS              realpat[NPAT];
  char             utf8tmp[NPMT];
  UCS             *promptp;
  UCS              prompt[NPMT];
  int              wrapt, n = 0;
  LINE		  *stop_line   = curwp->w_dotp;
  int		   stop_offset = curwp->w_doto;
  EML              eml;

  while (1)
    if (forscan(&wrapt, orig, stop_line, stop_offset, PTBEG)){
        curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;            /* put cursor back */

	get_pat_cases(realpat, orig);
	pputs(realpat, 1);                       /* highlight word */

	snprintf(utf8tmp, NPMT, "Replace \"");
	b = utf8_to_ucs4_cpystr(utf8tmp);
	    ucs4_strncpy(prompt, b, NPMT);
	    prompt[NPMT-1] = '\0';
	    fs_give((void **) &b);

	promptp = &prompt[ucs4_strlen(prompt)];

	expandp(orig, promptp, NPMT-(promptp-prompt));
	prompt[NPMT-1] = '\0';
	promptp += ucs4_strlen(promptp);

	b = utf8_to_ucs4_cpystr("\" with \"");
	    ucs4_strncpy(promptp, b, NPMT-(promptp-prompt));
	    promptp += ucs4_strlen(promptp);
	    prompt[NPMT-1] = '\0';
	    fs_give((void **) &b);

	expandp(repl, promptp, NPMT-(promptp-prompt));
	prompt[NPMT-1] = '\0';
	promptp += ucs4_strlen(promptp);

	if((promptp-prompt) < NPMT-1){
	    *promptp++ = '\"';
	    *promptp = '\0';

	prompt[NPMT-1] = '\0';

	status = mlyesno(prompt, TRUE);		/* ask user */

	if (status == TRUE){
	    chword(realpat, repl);		     /* replace word    */
	    chword(realpat, realpat);	       /* replace word by itself */
	    if(status == ABORT){		/* if cancelled return */
		eml.s = comatose(n);
		emlwrite("Replace All cancelled after %s changes", &eml);
		return (ABORT);			/* ... else keep looking */
	char *utf8;

	utf8 = ucs4_to_utf8_cpystr(orig);
	  eml.s = utf8;
	  emlwrite(_("No more matches for \"%s\""), &eml);
	  fs_give((void **) &utf8);
	  emlwrite(_("No more matches"), NULL);

	return (FALSE);
Esempio n. 6
/* Replace a pattern with the pattern the user types in one or more times. */
replace_pat(UCS *defpat, int *wrapt)
  register         int status;
  UCS              lpat[NPAT], origpat[NPAT];	/* case sensitive pattern */
  EXTRAKEYS        menu_pat[2];
  int              repl_all = FALSE;
  UCS             *b;
  char             utf8tmp[NPMT];
  UCS              prompt[NPMT];
  UCS             *promptp;

    forscan(wrapt, defpat, NULL, 0, PTBEG);    /* go to word to be replaced */

    lpat[0] = '\0';

    /* additional 'replace all' menu option */
    menu_pat[0].name  = "^X";
    menu_pat[0].key   = (CTRL|'X');
    menu_pat[0].label = N_("Repl All");
    KS_OSDATASET(&menu_pat[0], KS_NONE);
    menu_pat[1].name  = NULL;

    while(1) {

	get_pat_cases(origpat, defpat);
	pputs(origpat, 1);                       /* highlight word */

	snprintf(utf8tmp, NPMT, "Replace%s \"", repl_all ? " every" : "");
	b = utf8_to_ucs4_cpystr(utf8tmp);
	    ucs4_strncpy(prompt, b, NPMT);
	    prompt[NPMT-1] = '\0';
	    fs_give((void **) &b);

	promptp = &prompt[ucs4_strlen(prompt)];

	expandp(defpat, promptp, NPMT-(promptp-prompt));
	prompt[NPMT-1] = '\0';
	promptp += ucs4_strlen(promptp);

	b = utf8_to_ucs4_cpystr("\" with");
	    ucs4_strncpy(promptp, b, NPMT-(promptp-prompt));
	    promptp += ucs4_strlen(promptp);
	    prompt[NPMT-1] = '\0';
	    fs_give((void **) &b);

	if(rpat[0] != '\0'){
	    if((promptp-prompt) < NPMT-2){
		*promptp++ = ' ';
		*promptp++ = '[';
		*promptp = '\0';

	    expandp(rpat, promptp, NPMT-(promptp-prompt));
	    prompt[NPMT-1] = '\0';
	    promptp += ucs4_strlen(promptp);

	    if((promptp-prompt) < NPMT-1){
		*promptp++ = ']';
		*promptp = '\0';

	if((promptp-prompt) < NPMT-3){
	    *promptp++ = ' ';
	    *promptp++ = ':';
	    *promptp++ = ' ';
	    *promptp = '\0';

	prompt[NPMT-1] = '\0';

	status = mlreplyd(prompt, lpat, NPAT, QDEFLT, menu_pat);

	curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;


	  case TRUE :
	  case FALSE :
	      ucs4_strncpy(rpat, lpat, NPAT); /* remember default */
	      rpat[NPAT-1] = '\0';
	      ucs4_strncpy(lpat, rpat, NPAT); /* use default */
	      lpat[NPAT-1] = '\0';

	    if (repl_all){
		status = replace_all(defpat, lpat);
		chword(defpat, lpat);	/* replace word    */
		status = TRUE;

	    if(status == TRUE)
	      emlwrite("", NULL);


	  case HELPCH:                      /* help requested */
		VARS_TO_SAVE *saved_state;

		saved_state = save_pico_state();
				   _("Help for Searching"), 1);
	      pico_help(SearchHelpText, _("Help for Searching"), 1);

	  case (CTRL|'L'):			/* redraw requested */
	    pico_refresh(FALSE, 1);

	  case (CTRL|'X'):        /* toggle replace all option */
	    if (repl_all){
		repl_all = FALSE;
		/* TRANSLATORS: abbreviation for Replace All occurences */
		menu_pat[0].label = N_("Repl All");
		repl_all = TRUE;
		/* TRANSLATORS: Replace just one occurence */
		menu_pat[0].label = N_("Repl One");


	    if(status == ABORT){
	      emlwrite(_("Replacement Cancelled"), NULL);
	      pico_refresh(FALSE, 1);
		chword(defpat, origpat);
