void runTest()
     beginTest ("EncryptedString");
     // test with some known keys
     const String knownPublicKey ("11,7eb9c1c3bc8360d1f263f8ee45d98b01");
     const String knownPrivateKey ("2545b175ce0885e2fb72f1b59bbf8261,7eb9c1c3bc8360d1f263f8ee45d98b01");
     expectEquals (EncryptedString::encrypt ("hello world!", knownPublicKey),
                   String ("16.PcHEsm3XRKxv0V8hMeKv5A"));
     expectEquals (EncryptedString::decrypt ("16.PcHEsm3XRKxv0V8hMeKv5A", knownPrivateKey),
                   String ("hello world!"));
     expectEquals (EncryptedString::encrypt ("hello world!", knownPublicKey, true),
                   String ("508714ed8963d222c3b5d58bcdb7c07a"));
     expectEquals (EncryptedString::decrypt ("508714ed8963d222c3b5d58bcdb7c07a", knownPrivateKey, true),
                   String ("hello world!"));
     // test with some generated keys
     RSAKey publicKey, privateKey;
     RSAKey::createKeyPair (publicKey, privateKey, 128);
     String encryptedString (EncryptedString::encrypt ("hello world!", publicKey.toString()));
     String decryptedString (EncryptedString::decrypt (encryptedString, privateKey.toString()));
     expectEquals (decryptedString, String ("hello world!"));
Esempio n. 2
    void chunkedYieldingTest ()
        setup ("chunkedYieldingTest");
        std::string lastYield;

        auto yield = [&]() { lastYield = output_; };
        auto output = chunkedYieldingOutput (
            Json::stringOutput (output_), yield, 5);
        output ("hello");
        expectResult ("hello");
        expectEquals (lastYield, "");

        output (", th");  // Goes over the boundary.
        expectResult ("hello, th");
        expectEquals (lastYield, "");

        output ("ere!");  // Forces a yield.
        expectResult ("hello, there!");
        expectEquals (lastYield, "hello, th");

        output ("!!");
        expectResult ("hello, there!!!");
        expectEquals (lastYield, "hello, th");

        output ("");    // Forces a yield.
        expectResult ("hello, there!!!");
        expectEquals (lastYield, "hello, there!!!");
Esempio n. 3
static int memTest(void)
  unsigned char buffer1[10] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,}, buffer2[10] = {0,};
  unsigned char *src, *dst;
  unsigned int i;

  anmatMemcpy(buffer2, buffer1, 10);
  for (i = 0; i <= 9; i ++) { expectEquals(buffer2[i], buffer1[i]); }

  src = &buffer1[0];
  dst = &buffer1[2];
  anmatMemcpy(dst, src, 5);
  expectEquals(dst[0], 1);
  expectEquals(dst[1], 2);
  expectEquals(dst[2], 3);
  expectEquals(dst[3], 4);
  expectEquals(dst[4], 5);

  src = &buffer1[7];
  dst = &buffer1[6];
  anmatMemcpy(dst, src, 3);
  expectEquals(dst[0], 8);
  expectEquals(dst[1], 9);
  expectEquals(dst[2], 10);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 4
 void expectValuesConsistent (MPEValue value,
                              int expectedValueAs7BitInt,
                              int expectedValueAs14BitInt,
                              float expectedValueAsSignedFloat,
                              float expectedValueAsUnsignedFloat)
     expectEquals (value.as7BitInt(), expectedValueAs7BitInt);
     expectEquals (value.as14BitInt(), expectedValueAs14BitInt);
     expectFloatWithinRelativeError (value.asSignedFloat(), expectedValueAsSignedFloat, 0.0001f);
     expectFloatWithinRelativeError (value.asUnsignedFloat(), expectedValueAsUnsignedFloat, 0.0001f);
Esempio n. 5
    void testTruncateToFit (int masterChannelFirst, int numNoteChannelsFirst,
                            int masterChannelSecond, int numNoteChannelsSecond,
                            bool expectedRetVal,
                            int masterChannelFirstAfter, int numNoteChannelsFirstAfter)
        MPEZone first (masterChannelFirst, numNoteChannelsFirst);
        MPEZone second (masterChannelSecond, numNoteChannelsSecond);

        expect (first.truncateToFit (second) == expectedRetVal);
        expectEquals (first.getMasterChannel(), masterChannelFirstAfter);
        expectEquals (first.getNumNoteChannels(), numNoteChannelsFirstAfter);
    void compareEventQueues (const std::deque<AnalyticsDestination::AnalyticsEvent>& a,
                             const std::deque<AnalyticsDestination::AnalyticsEvent>& b)
        const auto numEntries = a.size();
        expectEquals ((int) b.size(), (int) numEntries);

        for (size_t i = 0; i < numEntries; ++i)
            expectEquals (a[i].name, b[i].name);
            expect (a[i].timestamp == b[i].timestamp);
Esempio n. 7
    void testMidiBuffer (MidiBuffer& buffer, const uint8* expectedBytes, int expectedBytesSize)
        uint8 actualBytes[128] = { 0 };
        extractRawBinaryData (buffer, actualBytes, sizeof (actualBytes));

        expectEquals (std::memcmp (actualBytes, expectedBytes, (std::size_t) expectedBytesSize), 0);
void MonitorTests::multiThreadedCallBackTest()
    beginTest("Concurrent CallBack Test");
    Monitor monitor;
    OwnedArray<SocketListener> listeners;
    for (int i = 0; i < 50 ; i++) {
        SocketListener* listener = new SocketListener();
        listener->initializeSockets((40780 + (5*i)), &monitor, String("quassel") + String(i*20));
    for (int i = 0; i < 50 ; i++) {
        pool->addJob(listeners[i], false);
    while(pool->getNumJobs() > 0 )
    for (int i = 0; i < 50 ; i++) {
        expectEquals(listeners[i]->was_informed , true);
Esempio n. 9
    void testThreads (int const threadCount)
        String s;
        s << "threadCount = " << String (threadCount);
        beginTestCase (s);

        TestCallback cb (threadCount);

        Workers w (cb, "Test", 0);
        expect (w.getNumberOfThreads () == 0);

        w.setNumberOfThreads (threadCount);
        expect (w.getNumberOfThreads () == threadCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; ++i)
            w.addTask ();

        // 10 seconds should be enough to finish on any system
        bool signaled = cb.finished.wait (10 * 1000);

        expect (signaled, "timed out");

        w.pauseAllThreadsAndWait ();

        int const count (cb.count.get ());

        expectEquals (count, 0);
Esempio n. 10
    void runTest() override
        beginTest ("Basics");
        Random r = getRandom();

        int randomInt = r.nextInt();
        int64 randomInt64 = r.nextInt64();
        double randomDouble = r.nextDouble();
        String randomString (createRandomWideCharString (r));

        MemoryOutputStream mo;
        mo.writeInt (randomInt);
        mo.writeIntBigEndian (randomInt);
        mo.writeCompressedInt (randomInt);
        mo.writeString (randomString);
        mo.writeInt64 (randomInt64);
        mo.writeInt64BigEndian (randomInt64);
        mo.writeDouble (randomDouble);
        mo.writeDoubleBigEndian (randomDouble);

        MemoryInputStream mi (mo.getData(), mo.getDataSize(), false);
        expect (mi.readInt() == randomInt);
        expect (mi.readIntBigEndian() == randomInt);
        expect (mi.readCompressedInt() == randomInt);
        expectEquals (mi.readString(), randomString);
        expect (mi.readInt64() == randomInt64);
        expect (mi.readInt64BigEndian() == randomInt64);
        expect (mi.readDouble() == randomDouble);
        expect (mi.readDoubleBigEndian() == randomDouble);
Esempio n. 11
    void runTest()
        beginTest ("construction and parsing");
            expectThrowsType (OSCAddress (""), OSCFormatError);
            expectThrowsType (OSCAddress ("noleadingslash"), OSCFormatError);
            expectThrowsType (OSCAddress ("/notallowedchar "), OSCFormatError);
            expectThrowsType (OSCAddress ("/notallowedchar#"), OSCFormatError);
            expectThrowsType (OSCAddress ("/notallowedchar*"), OSCFormatError);
            expectThrowsType (OSCAddress ("/notallowedchar,"), OSCFormatError);
            expectThrowsType (OSCAddress ("/notallowedchar?"), OSCFormatError);
            expectThrowsType (OSCAddress ("/notallowedchar["), OSCFormatError);
            expectThrowsType (OSCAddress ("/notallowedchar]"), OSCFormatError);
            expectThrowsType (OSCAddress ("/notallowedchar{"), OSCFormatError);
            expectThrowsType (OSCAddress ("/notallowedchar}andsomemorechars"), OSCFormatError);
            expectThrowsType (OSCAddress (String::fromUTF8 ("/nonasciicharacter\xc3\xbc""blabla")), OSCFormatError);
            expectThrowsType (OSCAddress ("/nonprintableasciicharacter\t"), OSCFormatError);

            expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddress ("/"));
            expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddress ("/a"));
            expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddress ("/a/"));
            expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddress ("/a/bcd/"));
            expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddress ("/abcd/efgh/ijkLMNOPq/666r/s"));
            expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddress ("/allowedprintablecharacters!$%&()+-.^_`|~"));
            expectDoesNotThrow (OSCAddress ("/additonalslashes//will///be////ignored"));

        beginTest ("conversion to/from String");
            OSCAddress address ("/this/is/a/very/long/address/");
            expectEquals (address.toString(), String ("/this/is/a/very/long/address"));
Esempio n. 12
 * Test to determine if a very large WEBVTT Cue Id allows a *very* large
 * character input.  This test floods the cue ID with characters, and should
 * fail with a LF mixed in with the random 5000+ character cue id.
 * From http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/#webvtt-cue-identifier (11/24/2012)
 * A WebVTT cue identifier is any sequence of one or more characters not
 * containing the substring "-->" (U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS,
 * U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN), nor containing any U+000A LINE FEED (LF)
 * characters or U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters.
 * Note: A WebVTT cue identifier can be used to reference a specific cue, for
 * example from script or CSS.
TEST_F(CueIdLineEndings, LongStringLF)
  loadVtt( "cue-ids/lineendings/long_string_lf.vtt", 1 );
  ASSERT_LE( 1, errorCount() );
  EXPECT_EQ( 1, errorCount() );

  expectEquals( getError( 0 ), WEBVTT_CUE_INCOMPLETE, 4, 1 );
Esempio n. 13
 * Test if parser fails if there are two line ending characters (LF or CRLF)
 * between cue id and cue timestamp
 * From http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/#webvtt-cue-identifier (11/24/2012)
 * A WebVTT cue identifier is any sequence of one or more characters not
 * containing the substring "-->" (U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS,
 * U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN), nor containing any U+000A LINE FEED (LF)
 * characters or U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters.
 * Note: A WebVTT cue identifier can be used to reference a specific cue, for
 * example from script or CSS.
TEST_F(CueIdLineEndings, TwoBetweenIdAndTimestamp)
  loadVtt( "cue-ids/lineendings/two_between_id_and_timestamp.vtt", 1 );
  ASSERT_LE( 1, errorCount() );
  EXPECT_EQ( 1, errorCount() );

  expectEquals( getError( 0 ), WEBVTT_CUE_INCOMPLETE, 4, 1 );
Esempio n. 14
 * Test if parser fails if there are no line endings (LF OR CRLF) between WEBVTT
 * signature and cue
 * From http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/#webvtt-cue-identifier (11/24/2012)
 * A WebVTT cue identifier is any sequence of one or more characters not
 * containing the substring "-->" (U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS,
 * U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN), nor containing any U+000A LINE FEED (LF)
 * characters or U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters.
 * Note: A WebVTT cue identifier can be used to reference a specific cue, for
 * example from script or CSS.
TEST_F(CueIdLineEndings, MissingBetweenSignatureAndId)
  loadVtt( "cue-ids/lineendings/missing_between_signature_and_id.vtt", 1 );
  ASSERT_LE( 1, errorCount() );
  EXPECT_EQ( 1, errorCount() );

  expectEquals( getError( 0 ), WEBVTT_EXPECTED_EOL, 2, 1 );
Esempio n. 15
 * Test that the parser does not require a spacing character between cue end
 * time timestamp and settings. There cannot be four digits in a row after the
 * cue end time timestamp decimal.
 * From http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/#collect-webvtt-cue-timings-and-settings
 * (11/21/2012):
 * 10. Collect a WebVTT timestamp.
 * 11. Let remainder be the trailing substring of input starting at position.
 * 12. Parse the WebVTT settings given by remainder for cue.
 * From http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/#collect-a-webvtt-timestamp (11/21/2012):
 * 14. Collect a sequence of characters that are ASCII digits, and let string be
 *     the collected substring.
 * 15. If string is not exactly three characters in length, return an error and
 *     abort these steps.
TEST_F(CueSetting, BadDelimiter2)
    loadVtt( "cue-settings/bad-delimiter2.vtt", 1 );
    ASSERT_LE( 2, errorCount() ) << "This file should contain at least 2 error";
    EXPECT_EQ( 2, errorCount() ) << "This file should contain 2 error";

     * We're expecting a WEBVTT_EXPECTED_WHITESPACE error on the 24th column of
     * the 3rd line
    expectEquals( getError( 0 ), WEBVTT_EXPECTED_WHITESPACE, 3, 24 );
     * Expecting WEBVTT_INVALID_CUESETTING on the 24th column of the 3rd line
     * (^line is not a valid keyword)
    expectEquals( getError( 1 ), WEBVTT_INVALID_CUESETTING, 3, 24 );
Esempio n. 16
 * Test that the parser does not require a spacing character between cue end
 * time timestamp and settings. There cannot be four digits in a row after the
 * cue end time timestamp decimal.
 * From http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/#collect-webvtt-cue-timings-and-settings
 * (11/21/2012):
 * 10. Collect a WebVTT timestamp.
 * 11. Let remainder be the trailing substring of input starting at position.
 * 12. Parse the WebVTT settings given by remainder for cue.
 * From http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/#collect-a-webvtt-timestamp (11/21/2012):
 * 14. Collect a sequence of characters that are ASCII digits, and let string be
 *     the collected substring.
 * 15. If string is not exactly three characters in length, return an error and
 *     abort these steps.
TEST_F(CueSetting, DigitDelimiter)
    loadVtt( "cue-settings/digit-delimiter.vtt", 1 );
    ASSERT_LE( 3, errorCount() ) << "This file should contain at least 3 error";
    EXPECT_EQ( 3, errorCount() ) << "This file should contain 3 error";

     * We're expecting a WEBVTT_MALFORMED_TIMESTAMP error on the 3rd line.
    expectEquals( getError( 0 ), WEBVTT_MALFORMED_TIMESTAMP, 3, 15 );
     * Expecting WEBVTT_EXPECTED_WHITESPACE at the 25th column of the 3rd line
    expectEquals( getError( 1 ), WEBVTT_EXPECTED_WHITESPACE, 3, 25 );
     * Expecting WEBVTT_INVALID_CUESETTING at the 25th column of the 3rd line
    expectEquals( getError( 2 ), WEBVTT_INVALID_CUESETTING, 3, 25 );
Esempio n. 17
 * Test that the parser does not require a spacing character between cue end
 * time timestamp and settings. There cannot be four digits in a row after the
 * cue end time timestamp decimal.
 * From http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/#collect-webvtt-cue-timings-and-settings
 * (11/21/2012):
 * 10. Collect a WebVTT timestamp.
 * 11. Let remainder be the trailing substring of input starting at position.
 * 12. Parse the WebVTT settings given by remainder for cue.
 * From http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/#collect-a-webvtt-timestamp (11/21/2012):
 * 14. Collect a sequence of characters that are ASCII digits, and let string be
 *     the collected substring.
 * 15. If string is not exactly three characters in length, return an error and
 *     abort these steps.
TEST_F(CueSetting, NoDelimiter)
    loadVtt( "cue-settings/no-delimiter.vtt", 1 );
    ASSERT_LE( 1, errorCount() ) << "This file should contain at least 1 error";
    EXPECT_EQ( 1, errorCount() ) << "This file should contain 1 error";

     * We're expecting a WEBVTT_EXPECTED_WHITESPACE error on the 24th column of
     * the 3rd line
    expectEquals( getError( 0 ), WEBVTT_EXPECTED_WHITESPACE, 3, 24 );
Esempio n. 18
static int utilTest(void)
  expectEquals(anmatUtilMax(5, 6), 6);
  expectEquals(anmatUtilMax(5.5, 5.6), 5.6);
  expectEquals(anmatUtilMax(5.0, 5.0 + .001), 5.0 + .001);
  expectEquals(anmatUtilMax(-1, 1), 1);

  expectEquals(anmatUtilAbs(5), 5);
  expectEquals(anmatUtilAbs(5.4321), 5.4321);
  expectEquals(anmatUtilAbs(-5.4321), 5.4321);
  expectEquals(anmatUtilAbs(0), 0);
  expectEquals(anmatUtilAbs(-0.1), 0.1);

  expect(anmatUtilNeighborhood(1, 1.5, .5));
  expect(anmatUtilNeighborhood(1, 1.5, .75));
  expect(anmatUtilNeighborhood(-1, 2, 3));
  expect(anmatUtilNeighborhood(-1, 2, 3.1));

  return 0;
Esempio n. 19
 * Test that the keyword is case-sensitive.
 * http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/#parse-the-webvtt-settings (11/27/2012):
 * 4. Run the appropriate substeps that apply for the value of name, as follows:
 * If name is a case-sensitive match for "vertical" ...
 * If name is a case-sensitive match for "line" ...
 * If name is a case-sensitive match for "position" ...
 * If name is a case-sensitive match for "size" ...
 * If name is a case-sensitive match for "align" ...
 * 5. Next setting: Continue to the next token, if any.
TEST_F(CueSettingAlign, UppercaseKeyword)
  loadVtt( "cue-settings/align/uppercase-keyword.vtt", 1 );
  const Error &err = getError( 0 );
   * Align should be "middle" because the malformed setting should be skipped
     * and "middle" is default.
  ASSERT_TRUE( getCue( 0 ).isAlignedToMiddle() );
   * We're expecting a WEBVTT_INVALID_CUESETTING error on the 25th column of the
   * 3rd line
  expectEquals( getError( 0 ), WEBVTT_INVALID_CUESETTING, 3, 25 );
Esempio n. 20
 * Test that the parser requires a colon.
 * http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/#parse-the-webvtt-settings (11/27/2012):
 * 1. If setting does not contain a U+003A COLON character (:), or if the first
 *    U+003A COLON character (:) in setting is either the first or last
 *    character of setting, then jump to the step labeled next setting.
 * 5. Next setting: Continue to the next token, if any.
TEST_F(CueSettingAlign, BadDelimiter)
  loadVtt( "cue-settings/align/bad-delimiter.vtt", 1 );
  ASSERT_EQ( 1, errorCount() );

   * Align should be "middle" because the malformed setting should be skipped
   * and "middle" is default.
  ASSERT_TRUE( getCue( 0 ).isAlignedToMiddle() );

   * We're expecting a WEBVTT_INVALID_CUESETTING error on the 25th column of the 3rd line
  expectEquals( getError( 0 ), WEBVTT_INVALID_CUESETTING, 3, 25 );
Esempio n. 21
static int rxOverflowTest(void)
  uint8_t i, packet[64], macQueueSize;
  uint32_t value = 0xFFFFFFFF;
  SdlPacket reallyPacket;

  // Destination address of SDL_MAC_ADDRESS_BROADCAST so we will
  // put it in our queue.
  packet[8] = 0xFF;
  packet[9] = 0xFF;
  packet[10] = 0xFF;
  packet[11] = 0xFF;

  // MAC RX Overflow should be 0 at this point.
  expect(sdlCounterValue(SDL_COUNTER_MAC_RX_OVERFLOW, &value));
  expectEquals(value, 0);

  // If we receive more than the mac queue can handle, then we should
  // get a SDL_COUNTER_MAC_RX_OVERFLOW counter increment.
  // Keep this macQueueSize value inline with the same one in mac.c!
  macQueueSize = 5;
  for (i = 0; i < macQueueSize; i ++) {
    expect(sdlCounterValue(SDL_COUNTER_MAC_RX_OVERFLOW, &value));
    expectEquals(value, 0);
    phyReceiveIsr(packet, SDL_MAC_PDU_LEN);
  for (i = 1; i < 5; i ++) {
    expect(sdlCounterValue(SDL_COUNTER_MAC_RX_OVERFLOW, &value));
    expectEquals(value, i);
    phyReceiveIsr(packet, SDL_MAC_PDU_LEN);

  // Clear the counter.
  expect(sdlCounterValue(SDL_COUNTER_MAC_RX_OVERFLOW, &value));
  expectEquals(value, 0);

  // If we take a packet off the queue...
  expectEquals(sdlMacReceive(&reallyPacket), SDL_SUCCESS);
  // ...then we should have room to add one...
  phyReceiveIsr(packet, SDL_MAC_PDU_LEN);
  expect(sdlCounterValue(SDL_COUNTER_MAC_RX_OVERFLOW, &value));
  expectEquals(value, 0);
  // ...but then go back to our overflow stuff...
  phyReceiveIsr(packet, SDL_MAC_PDU_LEN);
  expect(sdlCounterValue(SDL_COUNTER_MAC_RX_OVERFLOW, &value));
  expectEquals(value, 1);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 22
 * Test what happens when there isn't a matching value for the setting align.
 * http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/#parse-the-webvtt-settings (11/27/2012):
 * 4. Run the appropriate substeps that apply for the value of name, as follows:
 * If name is a case-sensitive match for "align"
 * 1. If value is a case-sensitive match for the string "start", ...
 * 2. If value is a case-sensitive match for the string "middle", ...
 * 3. If value is a case-sensitive match for the string "end", ...
 * 4. If value is a case-sensitive match for the string "left", ...
 * 5. If value is a case-sensitive match for the string "right", ...
 * 5. Next setting: Continue to the next token, if any.
TEST_F(CueSettingAlign, BadValue)
  loadVtt( "cue-settings/align/bad-value.vtt", 1 );
  ASSERT_LE( 1, errorCount() );
  EXPECT_EQ( 1, errorCount() );

   * Align should be "middle" because the malformed setting should be skipped
   * and "middle" is default.
  expectDefaultAlignSetting( getCue( 0 ) );

   * We're expecting a WEBVTT_ALIGN_BAD_VALUE error on the 25th column of the 3rd line
  expectEquals( getError( 0 ), WEBVTT_ALIGN_BAD_VALUE, 3, 25 );
Esempio n. 23
 * Verify the parser accepts duplicate settings.
 * From http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/#parse-the-webvtt-settings (11/27/2012):
 * 1. Let settings be the result of splitting input on spaces.
 * 2. For each token setting in the list settings...
TEST_F(CueSetting, SameCueSetting)
    loadVtt( "cue-settings/2-same-settings.vtt", 1 );
    ASSERT_LE( 1, errorCount() ) << "This file should contain at least 1 error";
    EXPECT_EQ( 1, errorCount() ) << "This file should contain 1 error";
     * Parser will successfully parse duplicate settings so there will be no
     * error.  The settings are parsed in order so that the right most (last in
     * the list) one is used.
    ASSERT_TRUE( getCue( 0 ).isVerticalRightToLeft() );
     * We're expecting a WEBVTT_VERTICAL_ALREADY_SET error on the 37th column of
     * the 3rd line We can probably make this smarter, like
    expectEquals( getError( 0 ), WEBVTT_VERTICAL_ALREADY_SET, 3, 37 );
Esempio n. 24
 * Test that the parser takes everything to the right of the first colon in a
 * setting.
 * From http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/#parse-the-webvtt-settings (11/27/2012):
 * 1. Let settings be the result of splitting input on spaces.
 * 2. For each token setting in the list settings...
 * 3. Let value be the trailing substring of setting starting from the
 *    character immediately after the first U+003A COLON character (:) in that
 *    string.
TEST_F(CueSetting, BadDelimiter)
    loadVtt( "cue-settings/bad-delimiter.vtt", 1 );
    ASSERT_LE( 1, errorCount() ) << "This file should contain at least 1 error";
    EXPECT_EQ( 1, errorCount() ) << "This file should contain 1 error";

     * The parser should try to use "vertical" as keyword and "lr;line:50%" as
     * value.  Writing direction should "horizontal" because the malformed setting
     * should be skipped and "horizontal" is default.
    expectDefaultVerticalSetting( getCue( 0 ) );

     * We're expecting a WEBVTT_VERTICAL_BAD_VALUE error on the 34th column of
     * the 3rd line (Beginning of value token)
    expectEquals( getError( 0 ), WEBVTT_VERTICAL_BAD_VALUE, 3, 25 );
Esempio n. 25
    void runTest() override
        beginTest ("comparison operator");
            MPEValue value1 = MPEValue::from7BitInt (7);
            MPEValue value2 = MPEValue::from7BitInt (7);
            MPEValue value3 = MPEValue::from7BitInt (8);

            expect (value1 == value1);
            expect (value1 == value2);
            expect (value1 != value3);

        beginTest ("special values");
            expectEquals (MPEValue::minValue().as7BitInt(), 0);
            expectEquals (MPEValue::minValue().as14BitInt(), 0);

            expectEquals (MPEValue::centreValue().as7BitInt(), 64);
            expectEquals (MPEValue::centreValue().as14BitInt(), 8192);

            expectEquals (MPEValue::maxValue().as7BitInt(), 127);
            expectEquals (MPEValue::maxValue().as14BitInt(), 16383);

        beginTest ("zero/minimum value");
            expectValuesConsistent (MPEValue::from7BitInt (0),  0, 0, -1.0f, 0.0f);
            expectValuesConsistent (MPEValue::from14BitInt (0), 0, 0, -1.0f, 0.0f);

        beginTest ("maximum value");
            expectValuesConsistent (MPEValue::from7BitInt (127),    127, 16383, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            expectValuesConsistent (MPEValue::from14BitInt (16383), 127, 16383, 1.0f, 1.0f);

        beginTest ("centre value");
            expectValuesConsistent (MPEValue::from7BitInt (64),    64, 8192, 0.0f, 0.5f);
            expectValuesConsistent (MPEValue::from14BitInt (8192), 64, 8192, 0.0f, 0.5f);

        beginTest ("value halfway between min and centre");
            expectValuesConsistent (MPEValue::from7BitInt (32),    32, 4096, -0.5f, 0.25f);
            expectValuesConsistent (MPEValue::from14BitInt (4096), 32, 4096, -0.5f, 0.25f);
void MonitorTests::callBackTest()
    beginTest("CallBack Test");
    Monitor monitor;
    ScopedPointer<SocketListener> listener = new SocketListener();
    listener->initializeSockets(40780, &monitor, "quark");
    pool->addJob(listener, false);
    while(pool->getNumJobs() > 0 )
    expectEquals(true, listener->was_informed);

Esempio n. 27
int loopbackTest(void)
  uint16_t first, second;

         == SDL_SUCCESS);

  // If we send something to ourself...
  expect(sdlMacTransmit(SDL_PACKET_TYPE_DATA, source, data, dataBufferLength)
         == SDL_SUCCESS);

  // ...then we should be able to receive it...right?
         == SDL_SUCCESS);
  expect(packet.type == SDL_PACKET_TYPE_DATA);
  expect(packet.source == source);
  expect(packet.destination == source);
  expect(!memcmp(packet.data, data, dataBufferLength));
  expect(packet.dataLength == dataBufferLength);
  first = packet.sequence;

  // TX + RX again.
  expectEquals(sdlMacTransmit(SDL_PACKET_TYPE_DATA, source, data, dataBufferLength),
  expectEquals(sdlMacReceive(&packet), SDL_SUCCESS);
  expectEquals(packet.type, SDL_PACKET_TYPE_DATA);
  expectEquals(packet.source, source);
  expectEquals(packet.destination, source);
  expect(!memcmp(packet.data, data, dataBufferLength));
  expectEquals(packet.dataLength, dataBufferLength);
  second = packet.sequence;

  // The sequence numbers should be different.
  expect(second > first);

  // After, the SDL should be empty.
         == SDL_MAC_EMPTY);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 28
 void testDiff (const String& a, const String& b)
     TextDiff diff (a, b);
     const String result (diff.appliedTo (a));
     expectEquals (result, b);
void MonitorTests::firstTest()
    beginTest("Testing The Tester");
    expectEquals(true, !false);
Esempio n. 30
    void runTest() override
        beginTest ("initialisation");
                MPEZone zone (1, 10);

                expectEquals (zone.getMasterChannel(), 1);
                expectEquals (zone.getNumNoteChannels(), 10);
                expectEquals (zone.getFirstNoteChannel(), 2);
                expectEquals (zone.getLastNoteChannel(), 11);
                expectEquals (zone.getPerNotePitchbendRange(), 48);
                expectEquals (zone.getMasterPitchbendRange(), 2);

                expect (zone.isUsingChannel (1));
                expect (zone.isUsingChannel (2));
                expect (zone.isUsingChannel (10));
                expect (zone.isUsingChannel (11));
                expect (! zone.isUsingChannel (12));
                expect (! zone.isUsingChannel (16));

                expect (! zone.isUsingChannelAsNoteChannel (1));
                expect (zone.isUsingChannelAsNoteChannel (2));
                expect (zone.isUsingChannelAsNoteChannel (10));
                expect (zone.isUsingChannelAsNoteChannel (11));
                expect (! zone.isUsingChannelAsNoteChannel (12));
                expect (! zone.isUsingChannelAsNoteChannel (16));
                MPEZone zone (5, 4);

                expectEquals (zone.getMasterChannel(), 5);
                expectEquals (zone.getNumNoteChannels(), 4);
                expectEquals (zone.getFirstNoteChannel(), 6);
                expectEquals (zone.getLastNoteChannel(), 9);
                expectEquals (zone.getPerNotePitchbendRange(), 48);
                expectEquals (zone.getMasterPitchbendRange(), 2);

                expect (! zone.isUsingChannel (1));
                expect (! zone.isUsingChannel (4));
                expect (zone.isUsingChannel (5));
                expect (zone.isUsingChannel (6));
                expect (zone.isUsingChannel (8));
                expect (zone.isUsingChannel (9));
                expect (! zone.isUsingChannel (10));
                expect (! zone.isUsingChannel (16));

                expect (! zone.isUsingChannelAsNoteChannel (5));
                expect (zone.isUsingChannelAsNoteChannel (6));
                expect (zone.isUsingChannelAsNoteChannel (8));
                expect (zone.isUsingChannelAsNoteChannel (9));
                expect (! zone.isUsingChannelAsNoteChannel (10));


        beginTest ("getNoteChannelRange");
            MPEZone zone (2, 10);

            Range<int> noteChannelRange = zone.getNoteChannelRange();
            expectEquals (noteChannelRange.getStart(), 3);
            expectEquals (noteChannelRange.getEnd(), 13);

        beginTest ("setting master pitchbend range");
            MPEZone zone (1, 10);

            zone.setMasterPitchbendRange (96);
            expectEquals (zone.getMasterPitchbendRange(), 96);
            zone.setMasterPitchbendRange (0);
            expectEquals (zone.getMasterPitchbendRange(), 0);

            expectEquals (zone.getPerNotePitchbendRange(), 48);

        beginTest ("setting per-note pitchbend range");
            MPEZone zone (1, 10);

            zone.setPerNotePitchbendRange (96);
            expectEquals (zone.getPerNotePitchbendRange(), 96);
            zone.setPerNotePitchbendRange (0);
            expectEquals (zone.getPerNotePitchbendRange(), 0);

            expectEquals (zone.getMasterPitchbendRange(), 2);

        beginTest ("checking overlap");
            testOverlapsWith (1, 10, 1, 10, true);
            testOverlapsWith (1, 4,  6, 3,  false);
            testOverlapsWith (1, 4,  8, 3,  false);
            testOverlapsWith (2, 10, 2, 8,  true);
            testOverlapsWith (1, 10, 3, 2,  true);
            testOverlapsWith (3, 10, 5, 9,  true);

        beginTest ("truncating");
            testTruncateToFit (1, 10, 3, 10, true,  1, 1);
            testTruncateToFit (3, 10, 1, 10, false, 3, 10);
            testTruncateToFit (1, 10, 5, 8,  true,  1, 3);
            testTruncateToFit (5, 8,  1, 10, false, 5, 8);
            testTruncateToFit (1, 10, 4, 3,  true,  1, 2);
            testTruncateToFit (4, 3,  1, 10, false, 4, 3);
            testTruncateToFit (1, 3,  5, 3,  true,  1, 3);
            testTruncateToFit (5, 3,  1, 3,  false, 5, 3);
            testTruncateToFit (1, 3,  7, 3,  true,  1, 3);
            testTruncateToFit (7, 3,  1, 3,  false, 7, 3);
            testTruncateToFit (1, 10, 2, 10, false, 1, 10);
            testTruncateToFit (2, 10, 1, 10, false, 2, 10);