Esempio n. 1
bool CSourceSaver::IsExpired(CString expirationdate)
	int year = _tstoi(expirationdate.Mid(0, 2)) + 2000;
	int month = _tstoi(expirationdate.Mid(2, 2));
	int day = _tstoi(expirationdate.Mid(4, 2));
	//MORPH - Added by SiRoB, SLS keep only for rare files, reduce Saved Source and life time
	int hour = _tstoi(expirationdate.Mid(6, 2));
	int minute = _tstoi(expirationdate.Mid(8, 2));
	//MORPH - Changed by SiRoB, SLS keep only for rare files, reduce Saved Source and life time
	//CTime expiration(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0);
	CTime expiration(year, month, day, hour, minute, 0);
	return (expiration < CTime::GetCurrentTime());
void Chrome_Extractor::extract_cookies() {

		QSqlQuery	query(db);
		QString		insert_query;

        QSqlField   name("name", QVariant::String);
        QSqlField   value("value", QVariant::String);
        QSqlField   host("host", QVariant::String);
        QSqlField   path("path", QVariant::String);
        QSqlField   expiration("expiration", QVariant::String);
        QSqlField   secured("secured", QVariant::String);
        QSqlField   http("http", QVariant::String);
        QSqlField   last_accessed("last_accessed", QVariant::String);

		query.exec("SELECT name, value, host_key, path, has_expires, secure, httponly, last_access_utc FROM cookies ORDER BY last_access_utc;");

		while ( {

			insert_query = "INSERT INTO cookie (name, value, host, path, expiration, secured, http, last_accessed) VALUES (";
            insert_query += "'" % db.driver()->formatValue(name) % "',";
            insert_query += "'" % db.driver()->formatValue(value) % "',";
            insert_query += "'" % db.driver()->formatValue(host) % "',";
            insert_query += "'" % db.driver()->formatValue(path) % "',";
            insert_query += "'" % db.driver()->formatValue(expiration) % "',";
            insert_query += "'" % db.driver()->formatValue(secured) % "',";
            insert_query += "'" % db.driver()->formatValue(http) % "',";
            insert_query += "'" % db.driver()->formatValue(last_accessed);
			insert_query += "');";


Esempio n. 3
    TER doApply () override
        assert (mTxnAccount);

        // A ticket counts against the reserve of the issuing account, but we check
        // the starting balance because we want to allow dipping into the reserve to
        // pay fees.
        auto const accountReserve (mEngine->getLedger ()->getReserve (
            mTxnAccount->getFieldU32 (sfOwnerCount) + 1));

        if (mPriorBalance.getNValue () < accountReserve)
            return tecINSUFFICIENT_RESERVE;

        std::uint32_t expiration (0);

        if (mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfExpiration))
            expiration = mTxn.getFieldU32 (sfExpiration);

            if (!expiration)
                m_journal.warning <<
                    "Malformed ticket requestion: bad expiration";

                return temBAD_EXPIRATION;

            if (mEngine->getLedger ()->getParentCloseTimeNC () >= expiration)
                return tesSUCCESS;

        SLE::pointer sleTicket = mEngine->entryCreate (ltTICKET,
            Ledger::getTicketIndex (mTxnAccountID, mTxn.getSequence ()));

        sleTicket->setFieldAccount (sfAccount, mTxnAccountID);
        sleTicket->setFieldU32 (sfSequence, mTxn.getSequence ());

        if (expiration != 0)
            sleTicket->setFieldU32 (sfExpiration, expiration);

        if (mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfTarget))
            Account const target_account (mTxn.getFieldAccount160 (sfTarget));

            SLE::pointer sleTarget = mEngine->entryCache (ltACCOUNT_ROOT,
                Ledger::getAccountRootIndex (target_account));

            // Destination account does not exist.
            if (!sleTarget)
                return tecNO_TARGET;

            // The issuing account is the default account to which the ticket
            // applies so don't bother saving it if that's what's specified.
            if (target_account != mTxnAccountID)
                sleTicket->setFieldAccount (sfTarget, target_account);

        std::uint64_t hint;

        auto describer = [&](SLE::pointer p, bool b)
            Ledger::ownerDirDescriber(p, b, mTxnAccountID);
        TER result = mEngine->view ().dirAdd (
            Ledger::getOwnerDirIndex (mTxnAccountID),
            sleTicket->getIndex (),

        m_journal.trace <<
            "Creating ticket " << to_string (sleTicket->getIndex ()) <<
            ": " << transHuman (result);

        if (result != tesSUCCESS)
            return result;

        sleTicket->setFieldU64(sfOwnerNode, hint);

        // If we succeeded, the new entry counts agains the creator's reserve.
        mEngine->view ().incrementOwnerCount (mTxnAccount);

        return result;
Esempio n. 4
void TimerfdHandler::resetTimerfd(uint64_t next_expire_us, int interval_us/* = 0*/)
    Timestamp expiration(Timestamp::now().microSeconds() + next_expire_us);
    resetTimerfd(expiration, interval_us);
Esempio n. 5
double bsmodel::time_to_expiration() const {
	double left = ((expiration() - _quote_time) / (365.25*86400.0));
    ter doapply () override
        assert (mtxnaccount);

        // a ticket counts against the reserve of the issuing account, but we check
        // the starting balance because we want to allow dipping into the reserve to
        // pay fees.
        auto const accountreserve (mengine->getledger ()->getreserve (
            mtxnaccount->getfieldu32 (sfownercount) + 1));

        if (mpriorbalance.getnvalue () < accountreserve)
            return tecinsufficient_reserve;

        std::uint32_t expiration (0);

        if (mtxn.isfieldpresent (sfexpiration))
            expiration = mtxn.getfieldu32 (sfexpiration);

            if (!expiration)
                m_journal.warning <<
                    "malformed ticket requestion: bad expiration";

                return tembad_expiration;

            if (mengine->getledger ()->getparentclosetimenc () >= expiration)
                return tessuccess;

        sle::pointer sleticket = mengine->entrycreate (ltticket,
            getticketindex (mtxnaccountid, mtxn.getsequence ()));

        sleticket->setfieldaccount (sfaccount, mtxnaccountid);
        sleticket->setfieldu32 (sfsequence, mtxn.getsequence ());

        if (expiration != 0)
            sleticket->setfieldu32 (sfexpiration, expiration);

        if (mtxn.isfieldpresent (sftarget))
            account const target_account (mtxn.getfieldaccount160 (sftarget));

            sle::pointer sletarget = mengine->entrycache (ltaccount_root,
                getaccountrootindex (target_account));

            // destination account does not exist.
            if (!sletarget)
                return tecno_target;

            // the issuing account is the default account to which the ticket
            // applies so don't bother saving it if that's what's specified.
            if (target_account != mtxnaccountid)
                sleticket->setfieldaccount (sftarget, target_account);

        std::uint64_t hint;

        auto describer = [&](sle::pointer p, bool b)
            ledger::ownerdirdescriber(p, b, mtxnaccountid);
        ter result = mengine->view ().diradd (
            getownerdirindex (mtxnaccountid),
            sleticket->getindex (),

        m_journal.trace <<
            "creating ticket " << to_string (sleticket->getindex ()) <<
            ": " << transhuman (result);

        if (result != tessuccess)
            return result;

        sleticket->setfieldu64(sfownernode, hint);

        // if we succeeded, the new entry counts agains the creator's reserve.
        mengine->view ().incrementownercount (mtxnaccount);

        return result;