Esempio n. 1
/// Function name  : compareAVLTreeNodeWithValues
// Description     : Compares a node in an AVLTree against a specified set of values
///                           The number of values must match the number of tree sort keys
// CONST AVL_TREE*  pTree     : [in] AVLTree containing the nodes
// CONST LPARAM     pNodeData : [in] Data of the node to compare
// ...              ...       : [in] Value to compare node against
// Return Value   : CR_LESSER  : The value is less than the node
//                  CR_EQUAL   : The value is equal to the node
//                  CR_GREATER : The value is more than the node
COMPARISON_RESULT  compareAVLTreeNodeWithValues(CONST AVL_TREE*  pTree, CONST LPARAM  pNodeData, LPARAM  xValue1, LPARAM  xValue2, LPARAM  xValue3)
   COMPARISON_RESULT    eResult;         // Comparison result
   CONST AVL_TREE_KEY*  pCurrentKey;     // Convenience pointer
   LPARAM               xNodeProperty,   // Extracted property of the input node
                        xSearchValues[3] = {xValue1, xValue2, xValue3};    // Input values
   // Prepare
   eResult = CR_EQUAL;

   /// Iterate through sort keys
   for (UINT  iKey = 0; (eResult == CR_EQUAL) AND (iKey < pTree->iKeyCount); iKey++)
      // Prepare
      pCurrentKey = pTree->pSortKeys[iKey];

      // Extract appropriate property value from node
      xNodeProperty = extractObjectProperty(pTree, pNodeData, pCurrentKey->eSorting);

      /// [COMPARISON] Compare property against current search value
      switch (pCurrentKey->eType)
      case AP_STRING_CASE: eResult = (COMPARISON_RESULT)StrCmp((TCHAR*)xNodeProperty, (TCHAR*)xSearchValues[iKey]);        break;
      case AP_STRING:      eResult = (COMPARISON_RESULT)StrCmpI((TCHAR*)xNodeProperty, (TCHAR*)xSearchValues[iKey]);        break;
      case AP_INTEGER:     eResult = (COMPARISON_RESULT)utilCompareIntegers((INT)xSearchValues[iKey], (INT)xNodeProperty);  break;

      /// [DIRECTION] Flip the result for descending ordering
      if (pCurrentKey->eDirection == AO_DESCENDING)
         eResult = (COMPARISON_RESULT)(eResult * -1);

   // Return result
   return eResult;
Esempio n. 2
WCHAR* VConverter::extractObjectVersion(const WCHAR* buffer) {
    WCHAR* buffCopy = NULL;
    size_t buffCopyLen = 0;

    WCHAR* tmp = extractObjectProperty(buffer, TEXT("VERSION"),
                                 buffCopy, buffCopyLen);
    WCHAR* ret = wstrdup(tmp);
    if (buffCopy) { delete [] buffCopy; }
    buffCopyLen = 0;

    return ret;
Esempio n. 3
/// Function name  : insertObjectIntoAVLTree
// Description     : Inserts an object into an AVL tree at the appropriate position, given the tree's sort key(s).
///                    -> Rebalances the tree as necessary.
///                    -> Inserting a new node invalidates the indexing.
// AVL_TREE*        pTree        : [in]            Target tree
// LPARAM           pNewObject   : [in]            Object to be to inserted
// AVL_TREE_NODE*   pCurrentNode : [in] [optional] Node currently being processed
///                                                        Must be NULL on initial call
// Return Type : TRUE if inserted, FALSE if it was already present
BOOL   insertObjectIntoAVLTree(AVL_TREE*  pTree, LPARAM  pNewObject, AVL_TREE_NODE*  pCurrentNode)
   BOOL    bResult;            // Operation result, defaults to FALSE
   LPARAM  xSearchValues[3];

   // Prepare
   bResult = FALSE;

   /// [CHECK] Is Tree Empty?
   if (pTree->pRoot == NULL)
      // [SUCCESS] Insert node as new ROOT and return TRUE
      pTree->pRoot = createAVLTreeNode(pTree, NULL, pNewObject);
      return TRUE;
   // [CHECK] Is this the initial call?
   else if (pCurrentNode == NULL)
      // [SUCCESS] Start search at ROOT
      pCurrentNode = pTree->pRoot;

   // Extract search values from input object
   for (UINT  iKey = 0; iKey < pTree->iKeyCount; iKey++)
      xSearchValues[iKey] = extractObjectProperty(pTree, pNewObject, pTree->pSortKeys[iKey]->eSorting);

   /// [COMPARE] Compare current node with values
   switch (compareAVLTreeNodeWithValues(pTree, pCurrentNode->pData, xSearchValues[0], xSearchValues[1], xSearchValues[2]))
   /// [LESS THAN] - Insert/Recurse into left child
   case CR_LESSER:
      // [CHECK] Does LEFT CHILD already exist?
      if (pCurrentNode->pLeft)
         // [FAILURE] Attempt to insert into left child
         bResult = insertObjectIntoAVLTree(pTree, pNewObject, pCurrentNode->pLeft);
         // [SUCCESS] Insert object in a new tree node here
         pCurrentNode->pLeft = createAVLTreeNode(pTree, pCurrentNode, pNewObject);

         // Return TRUE
         bResult = TRUE;

   /// [GREATER THAN] - Insert/Recurse into right child
   case CR_GREATER:
      // Examine the right child
      if (pCurrentNode->pRight)
         // [EXISTS] Pass to right child
         bResult = insertObjectIntoAVLTree(pTree, pNewObject, pCurrentNode->pRight);
         // [EMPTY] Insert object into a new tree node here
         pCurrentNode->pRight = createAVLTreeNode(pTree, pCurrentNode, pNewObject);

         // Return TRUE
         bResult = TRUE;

   // [CHECK] Has tree been changed?
   if (bResult)
      // Remove the indexing flag
      pTree->bIndexed = FALSE;

      // Recalculate node height
      pCurrentNode->iHeight = calculateAVLTreeNodeHeight(pCurrentNode);

      // Ensure subtree is balanced
      ensureSubTreeIsBalanced(pTree, pCurrentNode, AC_INSERTION);

   // Return TRUE if object was inserted, FALSE otherwise
   return bResult;