Esempio n. 1
 * Compute the covvariance array for AR1 case
 * This is based on the parameter rho.
 * This is done in two steps:
 * 1) fist calculate the correlation matrix dCor given phi
 * 2) Get the mle estimate of m_sig2 given the correlation.
void logistic_normal::compute_covariance_matrix(const dvariable& phi)

	dvar3_array dCor(m_y1,m_y2,m_b1,m_nB2,m_b1,m_nB2);

	int i,j,k,nb;
	for( i = m_y1; i <= m_y2; i++ )
		nb = m_nB2(i);
		dCor(i) = identity_matrix(m_b1,nb);

		// 2). Compute the vector of coefficients.
		dvar_vector drho(m_b1,nb);
		for( j = m_b1; j <= nb; j++ )
			drho(j) = pow(phi,j-m_b1+1);
		// 3). Compute correlation matrix dCor
		for( j = m_b1; j <= nb; j++ )
			for( k = m_b1; k <= nb; k++ )
				if( j != k ) dCor(i)(j,k) = drho(m_b1+abs(j-k));
		m_V(i) = trans(trans(dCor(i).sub(m_b1,nb-1)).sub(m_b1,nb-1));
	// compute mle estimate of sigma
	// cout<<"Got to here sigma = "<<m_sig<<endl;

	for( i = m_y1; i <= m_y2; i++ )
		nb = m_nB2(i);
		for( j = m_b1; j <= nb; j++ )
			dCor(i).rowfill(j, extract_row(dCor(i),j)*m_sig );
		for( k = m_b1; k <= nb; k++ )
			dCor(i).colfill(k, extract_column(dCor(i),k)*m_sig );

		// Kmat
		dmatrix I = identity_matrix(m_b1,nb-1);
		dmatrix tKmat(m_b1,nb,m_b1,nb-1);
		tKmat.sub(m_b1,nb-1) = I;
		tKmat(nb) = -1;
		dmatrix Kmat = trans(tKmat);
		m_V(i) = Kmat * dCor(i) * tKmat;
Esempio n. 2
 * @brief Unary matrix multiplication operator
 * @param[in] matrix Matrix.
 * @exception GException::matrix_mismatch
 *            Incompatible matrix size.
 * This method performs a matrix multiplication. The operation can only
 * succeed when the dimensions of both matrices are compatible.
 * In case of rectangular matrices the result matrix does not change and
 * the operation is performed inplace. For the general case the result
 * matrix changes in size and for simplicity a new matrix is allocated to
 * hold the result.
GMatrix& GMatrix::operator*=(const GMatrix& matrix)
    // Raise an exception if the matrix dimensions are not compatible
    if (m_cols != matrix.m_rows) {
        throw GException::matrix_mismatch(G_OP_MAT_MUL,
                                          m_rows, m_cols,
                                          matrix.m_rows, matrix.m_cols);

    // Case A: Matrices are rectangular, so perform 'inplace' multiplication
    if (m_rows == m_cols) {
        for (int row = 0; row < m_rows; ++row) {
            GVector v_row = extract_row(row);
            for (int col = 0; col < m_cols; ++col) {
                double sum = 0.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < m_cols; ++i) {
                    sum += v_row[i] * matrix(i,col);
                (*this)(row,col) = sum;

    // Case B: Matrices are not rectangular, so we cannot work inplace
    else {

        // Allocate result matrix
        GMatrix result(m_rows, matrix.m_cols);

        // Loop over all elements of result matrix
        for (int row = 0; row < m_rows; ++row) {
            for (int col = 0; col < matrix.m_cols; ++col) {
                double sum = 0.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < m_cols; ++i) {
                    sum += (*this)(row,i) * matrix(i,col);
                result(row,col) = sum;

        // Assign result
        *this = result;

    } // endelse: matrices were not rectangular

    // Return result
    return *this;
Esempio n. 3
SEXP get_pi (SEXP Rpostmat,
	     SEXP Rfun,
	     SEXP Rr,
	     SEXP Rr_low,
	     SEXP Rinds,
	     SEXP Rxcol,
	     SEXP Rycol) {

  SEXP rc = R_NilValue;
  int i,j,k;
  double dist;
  int num_cnt, denom_cnt; /*counters for those filling conditions*/
  int f_ans; /*used to hold the result of the function*/

  /*turn all of the R stuff passed in to the type of stuff we can
   referene in C*/
  double *r = REAL(Rr);
  double *r_low = REAL(Rr_low);
  int *inds = INTEGER(Rinds);
  int xcol = INTEGER(Rxcol)[0]-1;
  int ycol = INTEGER(Rycol)[0]-1;

  SEXP postmat_dim = getAttrib(Rpostmat, R_DimSymbol);
  double *postmat = REAL(Rpostmat);
  int rows = INTEGER(postmat_dim)[0];

  /*some sanity checking*/
  if (!isFunction(Rfun)) error("Rfun must be a function");

  /*prepare the return information*/
  PROTECT(rc=allocVector(REALSXP, length(Rr)));

  /*repeat calculation for all r*/
  for (i=0;i<length(Rr);i++) {
    //Rprintf("%1.1f,%1.1f\n", r_low[i],r[i]); //DEBUG
    /*zero out counts*/
    num_cnt = 0;
    denom_cnt = 0;

    /*might be faster to have some scraning criteria, but
      we will loop throufh every pair...j is from */
    for (j=0;j<rows;j++) {

      /*k is to*/
      for (k=0; k<rows;k++) {
  	/*do not compare someone with themself*/
  	if (inds[k] == inds[j]) continue;

  	/*calculate the distance*/
  	dist = sqrt(pow(postmat[j+xcol*rows] - postmat[k+xcol*rows],2) +
  		    pow(postmat[j+ycol*rows] - postmat[k+ycol*rows],2));

  	if ((dist>r[i]) | (dist<r_low[i])) continue;

  	/*call the user supplied function*/
  	f_ans = (int)run_fun(Rfun,

  	/*update the counts appropriately*/
  	if (f_ans==1) {
  	} else if (f_ans==2) {
    //Rprintf("%d/%d\n",num_cnt,denom_cnt); // DEBUG
    REAL(rc)[i] = (double)num_cnt/denom_cnt;



Esempio n. 4
 * Compute the covvariance array for AR2 case
 * This is based on the parameters rho and psi.
 * Note that phi1 is bounded (-1,1)
 * Then set  phi2 = -1 + (1 + |phi1|)*psi
 * and psi is bounded (0,1)
 * This implies the upper bound for phi2 is 1.0 when |phi1|= 1 and psi = 1
void logistic_normal::compute_covariance_matrix(const dvariable& phi1, const dvariable& psi)

	dvar3_array dCor(m_y1,m_y2,m_b1,m_nB2,m_b1,m_nB2);

	int i,j,k,nb;
	for( i = m_y1; i <= m_y2; i++ )
		nb = m_nB2(i);
		// dmatrix I = identity_matrix(m_b1,nb-1);
		// m_V(i) = I;
		dCor(i) = identity_matrix(m_b1,nb);

		// 2). Compute the vector of coefficients.
		dvariable phi2 = -1. + (1. + sfabs(phi1)) * psi;
		dvar_vector drho(m_b1-1,nb-1);
		drho = 1.0;
		drho(m_b1) = phi1 / (1.0 - phi2);
		for( j = m_b1+1; j <= nb-1; j++ )
			drho(j) = phi1*drho(j-1) + phi2*drho(j-2);

		// 3). Compute correlation matrix m_V
		for( j = m_b1; j < nb; j++ )
			for( k = m_b1; k < nb; k++ )
				//if( j != k ) m_V(i)(j,k) = drho(m_b1+abs(j-k));
				if( j != k ) dCor(i)(j,k) = drho(m_b1+abs(j-k));
		m_V(i) = trans(trans(dCor(i).sub(m_b1,nb-1)).sub(m_b1,nb-1));

	// compute mle estimate of sigma

	for( i = m_y1; i <= m_y2; i++ )
		nb = m_nB2(i);
		for( j = m_b1; j < nb; j++ )
			m_V(i).rowfill(j, extract_row(m_V(i),j) * m_sig );

		for( k = m_b1; k < nb; k++ )
			m_V(i).colfill(k, extract_column( m_V(i),k ) * m_sig );

		// Kmat
		dmatrix I = identity_matrix(m_b1,nb-1);
		dmatrix tKmat(m_b1,nb,m_b1,nb-1);
		tKmat.sub(m_b1,nb-1) = I;
		tKmat(nb) = -1;
		dmatrix Kmat = trans(tKmat);
		m_V(i) = Kmat * dCor(i) * tKmat;