// something has gone wrong :( void network_tyrian_halt( unsigned int err, bool attempt_sync ) { #ifdef __BLACKBERRY__ quit = true; #else const char *err_msg[] = { "Quitting...", "Other player quit the game.", "Network connection was lost.", "Network connection failed.", "Network version mismatch.", "Network delay mismatch.", "Network player number conflict.", }; quit = true; if (err >= COUNTOF(err_msg)) err = 0; fade_black(10); VGAScreen = VGAScreenSeg; JE_loadPic(VGAScreen, 2, false); JE_dString(VGAScreen, JE_fontCenter(err_msg[err], SMALL_FONT_SHAPES), 140, err_msg[err], SMALL_FONT_SHAPES); JE_showVGA(); fade_palette(colors, 10, 0, 255); if (attempt_sync) { while (!network_is_sync() && network_is_alive()) { service_SDL_events(false); network_check(); SDL_Delay(16); } } if (err) { while (!JE_anyButton()) SDL_Delay(16); } fade_black(10); SDLNet_Quit(); JE_tyrianHalt(5); #endif }
/* Text is an array of strings terminated by a NULL */ void scroller_sine( const struct about_text_type text[] ) { bool ale = mt_rand() % 2; int visible_lines = vga_height / LINE_HEIGHT + 1; int current_line = -visible_lines; int y = 0; bool fade_in = true; struct coin_type { int x, y, vel, type, cur_frame; bool backwards; } coins[MAX_COINS]; struct { int x, y, ay, vx, vy; } beer[MAX_BEER]; if (ale) { memset(beer, 0, sizeof(beer)); } else { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_COINS; i++) { coins[i].x = mt_rand() % (vga_width - 12); coins[i].y = mt_rand() % (vga_height - 20 - 14); coins[i].vel = (mt_rand() % 4) + 1; coins[i].type = mt_rand() % COUNTOF(coin_defs); coins[i].cur_frame = mt_rand() % coin_defs[coins[i].type].frame_count; coins[i].backwards = false; } } fade_black(10); wait_noinput(true, true, true); play_song(40); // BEER while (!JE_anyButton()) { setdelay(3); JE_clr256(VGAScreen); if (!ale) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_COINS/2; i++) { struct coin_type *coin = &coins[i]; blit_sprite2(VGAScreen, coin->x, coin->y, eShapes5, coin_defs[coin->type].shape_num + coin->cur_frame); } } for (int i = 0; i < visible_lines; i++) { if (current_line + i >= 0) { if (text[current_line + i].text == NULL) { break; } int line_x = VGAScreen->w / 2; int line_y = i * LINE_HEIGHT - y; // smooths edges on sine-wave text if (text[i + current_line].effect & 0x20) { draw_font_hv(VGAScreen, line_x + 1, line_y, text[i + current_line].text, normal_font, centered, text[i + current_line].effect & 0x0f, -10); draw_font_hv(VGAScreen, line_x - 1, line_y, text[i + current_line].text, normal_font, centered, text[i + current_line].effect & 0x0f, -10); } draw_font_hv(VGAScreen, line_x, line_y, text[i + current_line].text, normal_font, centered, text[i + current_line].effect & 0x0f, -4); if (text[i + current_line].effect & 0x10) { for (int j = 0; j < LINE_HEIGHT; j++) { if (line_y + j >= 10 && line_y + j <= vga_height - 10) { int waver = sinf((((line_y + j) / 2) % 10) / 5.0f * M_PI) * 3; memmove(&((Uint8 *)VGAScreen->pixels)[VGAScreen->pitch * (line_y + j) + waver], &((Uint8 *)VGAScreen->pixels)[VGAScreen->pitch * (line_y + j)], VGAScreen->pitch); } } } } } if (++y == LINE_HEIGHT) { y = 0; if (current_line < 0 || text[current_line].text != NULL) ++current_line; else current_line = -visible_lines; } if (!ale) { for (int i = MAX_COINS/2; i < MAX_COINS; i++) { struct coin_type *coin = &coins[i]; blit_sprite2(VGAScreen, coin->x, coin->y, eShapes5, coin_defs[coin->type].shape_num + coin->cur_frame); } } fill_rectangle_xy(VGAScreen, 0, 0, vga_width - 1, 14, 0); fill_rectangle_xy(VGAScreen, 0, vga_height - 14, vga_width - 1, vga_height - 1, 0); if (!ale) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_COINS; i++) { struct coin_type *coin = &coins[i]; if (coin->backwards) { coin->cur_frame--; } else { coin->cur_frame++; } if (coin->cur_frame == coin_defs[coin->type].frame_count) { if (coin_defs[coin->type].reverse_anim) { coin->backwards = true; coin->cur_frame -= 2; } else { coin->cur_frame = 0; } } if (coin->cur_frame == -1) { coin->cur_frame = 1; coin->backwards = false; } coin->y += coin->vel; if (coin->y > vga_height - 14) { coin->x = mt_rand() % (vga_width - 12); coin->y = 0; coin->vel = (mt_rand() % 4) + 1; coin->type = mt_rand() % COUNTOF(coin_defs); coin->cur_frame = mt_rand() % coin_defs[coin->type].frame_count; } } } else { for (uint i = 0; i < COUNTOF(beer); i++) { while (beer[i].vx == 0) { beer[i].x = mt_rand() % (vga_width - 24); beer[i].y = mt_rand() % (vga_height - 28 - 50); beer[i].vx = (mt_rand() % 5) - 2; } beer[i].vy++; if (beer[i].x + beer[i].vx > vga_width - 24 || beer[i].x + beer[i].vx < 0) // check if the beer hit the sides { beer[i].vx = -beer[i].vx; } beer[i].x += beer[i].vx; if (beer[i].y + beer[i].vy > vga_height - 28) // check if the beer hit the bottom { if ((beer[i].vy) < 8) // make sure the beer bounces! { beer[i].vy += mt_rand() % 2; } else if (beer[i].vy > 16) { // make sure the beer doesn't bounce too high beer[i].vy = 16; } beer[i].vy = -beer[i].vy + (mt_rand() % 3 - 1); beer[i].x += (beer[i].vx > 0 ? 1 : -1) * (i % 2 ? 1 : -1); } beer[i].y += beer[i].vy; blit_sprite2x2(VGAScreen, beer[i].x, beer[i].y, eShapes5, BEER_SHAPE); } } JE_showVGA(); if (fade_in) { fade_in = false; fade_palette(colors, 10, 0, 255); SDL_Color white = { 255, 255, 255 }; set_colors(white, 254, 254); } wait_delay(); } fade_black(10); }
void opentyrian_menu( void ) { static const char *menu_items[] = { "About OpenTyrian", "Toggle Fullscreen", "Scaler: None", // "Play Destruct", "Jukebox", "Return to Main Menu", }; bool menu_items_disabled[] = { false, !can_init_any_scaler(false) || !can_init_any_scaler(true), false, // false, false, false, }; fade_black(10); JE_loadPic(VGAScreen, 13, false); draw_font_hv(VGAScreen, VGAScreen->w / 2, 5, opentyrian_str, large_font, centered, 15, -3); memcpy(VGAScreen2->pixels, VGAScreen->pixels, VGAScreen2->pitch * VGAScreen2->h); JE_showVGA(); play_song(36); // A Field for Mag int sel = 0; const int maxSel = COUNTOF(menu_items) - 1; uint32_t temp_scaler = scaler; bool fade_in = true, quit = false; do { memcpy(VGAScreen->pixels, VGAScreen2->pixels, VGAScreen->pitch * VGAScreen->h); for (int i = 0; i <= maxSel; i++) { const char *text = menu_items[i]; char buffer[100]; if (i == 2) /* Scaler */ { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Scaler: %s", scalers[temp_scaler].name); text = buffer; } int y = i != maxSel ? i * 16 + 32 : 118; draw_font_hv(VGAScreen, VGAScreen->w / 2, y, text, normal_font, centered, 15, menu_items_disabled[i] ? -8 : i != sel ? -4 : -2); } JE_showVGA(); if (fade_in) { fade_in = false; fade_palette(colors, 20, 0, 255); wait_noinput(true, false, false); } tempW = 0; JE_textMenuWait(&tempW, false); if (newkey) { switch (lastkey_sym) { case SDLK_UP: do { if (--sel < 0) sel = maxSel; } while (menu_items_disabled[sel]); JE_playSampleNum(S_CURSOR); break; case SDLK_DOWN: do { if (++sel > maxSel) sel = 0; } while (menu_items_disabled[sel]); JE_playSampleNum(S_CURSOR); break; case SDLK_LEFT: if (sel == 2) { do { if (temp_scaler == 0) temp_scaler = scalers_count; temp_scaler--; } while (!can_init_scaler(temp_scaler, fullscreen_enabled)); JE_playSampleNum(S_CURSOR); } break; case SDLK_RIGHT: if (sel == 2) { do { temp_scaler++; if (temp_scaler == scalers_count) temp_scaler = 0; } while (!can_init_scaler(temp_scaler, fullscreen_enabled)); JE_playSampleNum(S_CURSOR); } break; case SDLK_RETURN: switch (sel) { case 0: /* About */ JE_playSampleNum(S_SELECT); scroller_sine(about_text); memcpy(VGAScreen->pixels, VGAScreen2->pixels, VGAScreen->pitch * VGAScreen->h); JE_showVGA(); fade_in = true; break; case 1: /* Fullscreen */ JE_playSampleNum(S_SELECT); if (!init_scaler(scaler, !fullscreen_enabled) && // try new fullscreen state !init_any_scaler(!fullscreen_enabled) && // try any scaler in new fullscreen state !init_scaler(scaler, fullscreen_enabled)) // revert on fail { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } set_palette(colors, 0, 255); // for switching between 8 bpp scalers break; case 2: /* Scaler */ JE_playSampleNum(S_SELECT); if (scaler != temp_scaler) { if (!init_scaler(temp_scaler, fullscreen_enabled) && // try new scaler !init_scaler(temp_scaler, !fullscreen_enabled) && // try other fullscreen state !init_scaler(scaler, fullscreen_enabled)) // revert on fail { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } set_palette(colors, 0, 255); // for switching between 8 bpp scalers } break; case 3: /* Jukebox */ JE_playSampleNum(S_SELECT); fade_black(10); jukebox(); memcpy(VGAScreen->pixels, VGAScreen2->pixels, VGAScreen->pitch * VGAScreen->h); JE_showVGA(); fade_in = true; break; case 4: /* Return to main menu */ quit = true; JE_playSampleNum(S_SPRING); break; } break; case SDLK_ESCAPE: quit = true; JE_playSampleNum(S_SPRING); break; default: break; } } } while (!quit); }
void opentyrian_menu( void ) { typedef enum { MENU_ABOUT = 0, MENU_FULLSCREEN, MENU_SCALER, // MENU_DESTRUCT, MENU_JUKEBOX, MENU_RETURN, MenuOptions_MAX } MenuOptions; static const char *menu_items[] = { "About OpenTyrian", "Toggle Fullscreen", "Scaler: None", // "Play Destruct", "Jukebox", "Return to Main Menu", }; bool menu_items_disabled[] = { false, !can_init_any_scaler(false) || !can_init_any_scaler(true), false, // false, false, false, }; assert(COUNTOF(menu_items) == MenuOptions_MAX); assert(COUNTOF(menu_items_disabled) == MenuOptions_MAX); fade_black(10); JE_loadPic(VGAScreen, 13, false); draw_font_hv(VGAScreen, VGAScreen->surf->w / 2, 5, opentyrian_str, large_font, centered, 15, -3); memcpy(VGAScreen2->surf->pixels, VGAScreen->surf->pixels, VGAScreen2->surf->pitch * VGAScreen2->surf->h); JE_showVGA(); play_song(36); // A Field for Mag MenuOptions sel = 0; uint temp_scaler = scaler; bool fade_in = true, quit = false; do { memcpy(VGAScreen->surf->pixels, VGAScreen2->surf->pixels, VGAScreen->surf->pitch * VGAScreen->surf->h); for (MenuOptions i = 0; i < MenuOptions_MAX; i++) { const char *text = menu_items[i]; char buffer[100]; if (i == MENU_SCALER) { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Scaler: %s", scalers[temp_scaler].name); text = buffer; } int y = i != MENU_RETURN ? i * 16 + 32 : 118; draw_font_hv(VGAScreen, VGAScreen->surf->w / 2, y, text, normal_font, centered, 15, menu_items_disabled[i] ? -8 : i != sel ? -4 : -2); } JE_showVGA(); if (fade_in) { fade_in = false; fade_palette(colors, 20, 0, 255); wait_noinput(true, false, false); } tempW = 0; JE_textMenuWait(&tempW, false); if (newkey) { switch (lastkey_sym) { case SDLK_UP: do { if (sel-- == 0) sel = MenuOptions_MAX - 1; } while (menu_items_disabled[sel]); JE_playSampleNum(S_CURSOR); break; case SDLK_DOWN: do { if (++sel >= MenuOptions_MAX) sel = 0; } while (menu_items_disabled[sel]); JE_playSampleNum(S_CURSOR); break; case SDLK_LEFT: if (sel == MENU_SCALER) { do { if (temp_scaler == 0) temp_scaler = scalers_count; temp_scaler--; } while (!can_init_scaler(temp_scaler, fullscreen_enabled)); JE_playSampleNum(S_CURSOR); } break; case SDLK_RIGHT: if (sel == MENU_SCALER) { do { temp_scaler++; if (temp_scaler == scalers_count) temp_scaler = 0; } while (!can_init_scaler(temp_scaler, fullscreen_enabled)); JE_playSampleNum(S_CURSOR); } break; case SDLK_RETURN: switch (sel) { case MENU_ABOUT: JE_playSampleNum(S_SELECT); scroller_sine(about_text); memcpy(VGAScreen->surf->pixels, VGAScreen2->surf->pixels, VGAScreen->surf->pitch * VGAScreen->surf->h); JE_showVGA(); fade_in = true; break; case MENU_FULLSCREEN: JE_playSampleNum(S_SELECT); if (!init_scaler(scaler, !fullscreen_enabled) && // try new fullscreen state !init_any_scaler(!fullscreen_enabled) && // try any scaler in new fullscreen state !init_scaler(scaler, fullscreen_enabled)) // revert on fail { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case MENU_SCALER: JE_playSampleNum(S_SELECT); if (scaler != temp_scaler) { if (!init_scaler(temp_scaler, fullscreen_enabled) && // try new scaler !init_scaler(temp_scaler, !fullscreen_enabled) && // try other fullscreen state !init_scaler(scaler, fullscreen_enabled)) // revert on fail { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } break; case MENU_JUKEBOX: JE_playSampleNum(S_SELECT); fade_black(10); jukebox(); memcpy(VGAScreen->surf->pixels, VGAScreen2->surf->pixels, VGAScreen->surf->pitch * VGAScreen->surf->h); JE_showVGA(); fade_in = true; break; case MENU_RETURN: quit = true; JE_playSampleNum(S_SPRING); break; case MenuOptions_MAX: assert(false); break; } break; case SDLK_ESCAPE: quit = true; JE_playSampleNum(S_SPRING); break; default: break; } } } while (!quit); }
bool select_gameplay( void ) { JE_loadPic(VGAScreen, 2, false); JE_dString(VGAScreen, JE_fontCenter(gameplay_name[0], FONT_SHAPES), 20, gameplay_name[0], FONT_SHAPES); int gameplay = 1, gameplay_max = GAMEPLAY_NAME_COUNT - 1; bool fade_in = true; for (; ; ) { for (int i = 1; i <= gameplay_max; i++) { JE_outTextAdjust(VGAScreen, JE_fontCenter(gameplay_name[i], SMALL_FONT_SHAPES), i * 24 + 30, gameplay_name[i], 15, -4 + (i == gameplay ? 2 : 0) - (i == (GAMEPLAY_NAME_COUNT - 1) ? 4 : 0), SMALL_FONT_SHAPES, true); } JE_showVGA(); if (fade_in) { fade_palette(colors, 10, 0, 255); fade_in = false; } JE_word temp = 0; JE_textMenuWait(&temp, false); if (newkey) { switch (lastkey_sym) { case SDLK_UP: if (--gameplay < 1) gameplay = gameplay_max; JE_playSampleNum(S_CURSOR); break; case SDLK_DOWN: if (++gameplay > gameplay_max) gameplay = 1; JE_playSampleNum(S_CURSOR); break; case SDLK_RETURN: if (gameplay == GAMEPLAY_NAME_COUNT - 1) { JE_playSampleNum(S_SPRING); /* TODO: NETWORK */ fprintf(stderr, "error: networking via menu not implemented\n"); break; } JE_playSampleNum(S_SELECT); fade_black(10); onePlayerAction = (gameplay == 2); twoPlayerMode = (gameplay == GAMEPLAY_NAME_COUNT - 2); return true; case SDLK_ESCAPE: JE_playSampleNum(S_SPRING); /* fading handled elsewhere fade_black(10); */ return false; default: break; } } } }
bool select_difficulty( void ) { JE_loadPic(VGAScreen, 2, false); JE_dString(VGAScreen, JE_fontCenter(difficulty_name[0], FONT_SHAPES), 20, difficulty_name[0], FONT_SHAPES); difficultyLevel = 2; int difficulty_max = 3; bool fade_in = true; for (; ; ) { for (int i = 1; i <= difficulty_max; i++) { JE_outTextAdjust(VGAScreen, JE_fontCenter(difficulty_name[i], SMALL_FONT_SHAPES), i * 24 + 30, difficulty_name[i], 15, -4 + (i == difficultyLevel ? 2 : 0), SMALL_FONT_SHAPES, true); } JE_showVGA(); if (fade_in) { fade_palette(colors, 10, 0, 255); fade_in = false; } JE_word temp = 0; JE_textMenuWait(&temp, false); if (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_SHIFT) { if ((difficulty_max < 4 && keysactive[SDLK_g]) || (difficulty_max == 4 && keysactive[SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET])) { difficulty_max++; } } else if (difficulty_max == 5 && keysactive[SDLK_l] && keysactive[SDLK_o] && keysactive[SDLK_r] && keysactive[SDLK_d]) { difficulty_max++; } if (newkey) { switch (lastkey_sym) { case SDLK_UP: difficultyLevel--; if (difficultyLevel < 1) { difficultyLevel = difficulty_max; } JE_playSampleNum(S_CURSOR); break; case SDLK_DOWN: difficultyLevel++; if (difficultyLevel > difficulty_max) { difficultyLevel = 1; } JE_playSampleNum(S_CURSOR); break; case SDLK_RETURN: JE_playSampleNum(S_SELECT); /* fading handled elsewhere fade_black(10); */ if (difficultyLevel == 6) { difficultyLevel = 8; } else if (difficultyLevel == 5) { difficultyLevel = 6; } return true; case SDLK_ESCAPE: JE_playSampleNum(S_SPRING); /* fading handled elsewhere fade_black(10); */ return false; default: break; } } } }
bool select_episode( void ) { JE_loadPic(VGAScreen, 2, false); JE_dString(VGAScreen, JE_fontCenter(episode_name[0], FONT_SHAPES), 20, episode_name[0], FONT_SHAPES); int episode = 1, episode_max = EPISODE_AVAILABLE; bool fade_in = true; for (; ; ) { for (int i = 1; i <= episode_max; i++) { JE_outTextAdjust(VGAScreen, 20, i * 30 + 20, episode_name[i], 15, -4 + (i == episode ? 2 : 0) - (!episodeAvail[i - 1] ? 4 : 0), SMALL_FONT_SHAPES, true); } JE_showVGA(); if (fade_in) { fade_palette(colors, 10, 0, 255); fade_in = false; } JE_word temp = 0; JE_textMenuWait(&temp, false); if (newkey) { switch (lastkey_sym) { case SDLK_UP: episode--; if (episode < 1) { episode = episode_max; } JE_playSampleNum(S_CURSOR); break; case SDLK_DOWN: episode++; if (episode > episode_max) { episode = 1; } JE_playSampleNum(S_CURSOR); break; case SDLK_RETURN: if (!episodeAvail[episode - 1]) { JE_playSampleNum(S_SPRING); break; } JE_playSampleNum(S_SELECT); fade_black(10); JE_initEpisode(episode); initial_episode_num = episodeNum; return true; case SDLK_ESCAPE: JE_playSampleNum(S_SPRING); /* fading handled elsewhere fade_black(10); */ return false; default: break; } } } }