Esempio n. 1
void neuralNet::activationPrime_sse(const float* neuronOutput, float* result)
	static const __m128 ones = _mm_set1_ps(1.0f);
	static const __m128 sigCoefficients = _mm_set1_ps(SIGMOIDCOEFFICIENT);

	__m128 temp;
	const __m128* vOutput = (__m128*)neuronOutput;

	// 1 - ans
	temp = _mm_sub_ps(ones, *vOutput);
	// (1-ans) * ans
	temp = _mm_mul_ps(temp, *vOutput);
	// ans * coefficient
	temp = _mm_mul_ps(temp, sigCoefficients);

#ifndef NDEBUG
	const float* _temp = (float*)&temp;
	assert(fastabs(_temp[0] - activationPrime(neuronOutput[0])) < 0.05f);
	assert(fastabs(_temp[1] - activationPrime(neuronOutput[1])) < 0.05f);
	assert(fastabs(_temp[2] - activationPrime(neuronOutput[2])) < 0.05f);
	assert(fastabs(_temp[3] - activationPrime(neuronOutput[3])) < 0.05f);

	// return ans
	_mm_store_ps(result, temp);
Esempio n. 2
void experienceNet::normalPDF_sse(float* result, const float* _partitions, float _mean, float _stdDev)
	CODE ADAPTED FROM boost/math/normal.hpp 

	RealType exponent = x - mean;
	exponent *= -exponent;
	exponent /= 2 * sd * sd;

	result = exp(exponent);
	result /= sd * sqrt(2 * constants::pi<RealType>());

	return result;
	const __m128& partitions = *(__m128*)_partitions;
	__m128 exponent, tmp, mean, sd;

	static const __m128 signmask = _mm_castsi128_ps(_mm_set1_epi32(0x80000000));

	static const __m128 twos = _mm_set_ps1(2.0f);
	static const __m128 sqrt_pi_2_s = _mm_set_ps1(sqrt(2.0 * M_PI));

	// store mean and sd:
	mean = _mm_load_ps1(&_mean);
	sd = _mm_load_ps1(&_stdDev);

	// exponent = x - mean
	exponent = _mm_sub_ps(partitions, mean);
	// exponent *= -exponent;
	tmp = _mm_xor_ps(exponent, signmask);
	exponent = _mm_mul_ps(exponent, tmp);
	// exponent /= 2 * sd * sd;
	tmp = _mm_mul_ps(sd, sd);
	tmp = _mm_mul_ps(tmp, twos);
	exponent = _mm_div_ps(exponent, tmp);
	// exponent = exp(exponent);
	exponent = _mm_exp_ps(exponent);
	// exponent /= sd * sqrt(2 * pi)
	tmp = _mm_mul_ps(sd, sqrt_pi_2_s);
	tmp = _mm_div_ps(exponent, tmp);

#ifndef NDEBUG
	const float* _result = (float*)&tmp;
	boost::math::normal_distribution<float> cNormal(_mean, _stdDev);
	assert(fastabs(_result[0] - boost::math::pdf(cNormal, _partitions[0])) < 0.001f);
	assert(fastabs(_result[1] - boost::math::pdf(cNormal, _partitions[1])) < 0.001f);
	assert(fastabs(_result[2] - boost::math::pdf(cNormal, _partitions[2])) < 0.001f);
	assert(fastabs(_result[3] - boost::math::pdf(cNormal, _partitions[3])) < 0.001f);

	// return result:
	_mm_store_ps(result, tmp);
Esempio n. 3
int  IntersectPlanes( TSRPlane* pPlaneA, TSRPlane* pPlaneB, TSRPlane* pPlaneC, TSRVector3& result )
    TSRVector3 m1( pPlaneA->n.x, pPlaneB->n.x, pPlaneC->n.x );
    TSRVector3 m2( pPlaneA->n.y, pPlaneB->n.y, pPlaneC->n.y );
    TSRVector3 m3( pPlaneA->n.z, pPlaneB->n.z, pPlaneC->n.z );

    TSRVector3 u;
    u.Cross( m2, m3 );

    float denom = m1.Dot( u );
    if ( fastabs( denom ) < 0.001f ) return 0;

    TSRVector3 d( pPlaneA->d, pPlaneB->d, pPlaneC->d );

    TSRVector3 v;
    v.Cross( m1, d );

    float ood = 1.0f / denom;

    result.x = d.Dot( u ) * ood;
    result.y = m3.Dot( v )*ood;
    result.z = -m2.Dot( v )*ood;
    return 1;

Esempio n. 4
static inline void sliceplay_compensationfactor(t_sliceplay *x) // amplitude compensation
	t_float speed = fastabs(x->speed);
	t_float compensationfactor;
	compensationfactor = x->compensationsetting * (1. - speed) + 1.;
	if(compensationfactor < 0.7) compensationfactor = 0.7;
	x->compensationfactor = compensationfactor;
Esempio n. 5
static void sliceplay_cuepoints(t_sliceplay *x, t_floatarg startindex, t_floatarg stopindex)
	if((startindex < 0.) || (stopindex < 0.)) return;			// negative cuepoints are ignored
    startindex -= 3.;   // start earlier for interpolation
    stopindex -= 3.;    
	t_int samples, start, stop;
	t_int accept = 0;												
	t_int interrupt = x->interrupt;                                 // x->interrupt can be -1, 0 or 1
	if(interrupt == 1) accept = 1;                                  // interrupt = 1: always interrupt
	else if(!x->playtimer) accept = 1;                              // if not playing, always accept new cuepoints
	else if((interrupt == -1) && (x->slicespeed < 0)) accept = 1;   // interrupt = -1: only interrupt reversed playback
	if(accept)                                                      // accept new cuepoints conditionally
		if(x->playtimer)                                            // if interrupted, fade out previous slice
			if(x->playtimer < COSTABSIZE>>1)
				x->fadeouttimer = x->playtimer;
			else x->fadeouttimer = COSTABSIZE>>1;
			x->fadeoutcounter = 0.;
			x->fadeoutpoint = x->currentindex + x->loopsize;	// hand over previous settings
			x->fadeoutspeed = x->slicespeed;
			x->fadeoutcompensation = x->compensationfactor;
		if(x->speed > 0.) x->startindex = (t_int)startindex + x->loopsize;		// forward 
		if(x->speed < 0.) x->startindex = (t_int)stopindex + x->loopsize - 1.;	// reverse
		x->counter = 0.;
		start = (t_int)startindex;
		stop = (t_int)stopindex;
		samples = ((stop - start + x->loopsize) & (x->loopmask)) - 1;
		x->playtimer = (t_int)(samples / x->speed);				// compute playback time in number of samples
		x->playtimer = fastabs(x->playtimer);
		x->slicespeed = x->speed;
		sliceplay_tick(x, fastabs(x->playtimer));               // report slice length in nr of samples
Esempio n. 6
void neuralNet::activation_approx_sse(const float* _neuronOutput, float* result)
	// code adapted from
	// approximates sigmoid function with coefficient 4.0f
	static const __m128 ones = _mm_set1_ps(1.0f);
	static const __m128 oneFourths = _mm_set1_ps(0.25f);
	static const __m128 fours = _mm_set1_ps(4.0f);

	__m128 temp;
	const __m128* vOutput = (__m128*)_neuronOutput;

	// min (output, 4.0)
	temp = _mm_min_ps(*vOutput, fours);
	// multiply by 0.25
	temp = _mm_mul_ps(temp, oneFourths);
	// 1 - ans
	temp = _mm_sub_ps(ones, temp);
	// ans^16
	temp = _mm_mul_ps(temp, temp);
	temp = _mm_mul_ps(temp, temp);
	temp = _mm_mul_ps(temp, temp);
	temp = _mm_mul_ps(temp, temp);
	// 1 + ans
	temp = _mm_add_ps(ones, temp);
	// 1 / ans
	temp = _mm_rcp_ps(temp);

#ifndef NDEBUG
	const float* _temp = (float*)&temp;
	assert(fastabs(_temp[0] - activation(_neuronOutput[0])) < 0.05f);
	assert(fastabs(_temp[1] - activation(_neuronOutput[1])) < 0.05f);
	assert(fastabs(_temp[2] - activation(_neuronOutput[2])) < 0.05f);
	assert(fastabs(_temp[3] - activation(_neuronOutput[3])) < 0.05f);

	// return ans
	_mm_store_ps(result, temp);
Esempio n. 7
void neuralNet::activation_approx(const float* _neuronOutput, float* result)
	// code from
	// approximates sigmoid function with coefficient 4.0f
	float tmp = std::min(*_neuronOutput, 4.0f);
	tmp = 1.0f - 0.25f * tmp;
	tmp *= tmp;
	tmp *= tmp;
	tmp *= tmp;
	tmp *= tmp;
	tmp = 1.0f / (1.0f + tmp);

	assert(fastabs(tmp - activation(*_neuronOutput)) < 0.05f);

	// return ans
	*result = tmp;
Esempio n. 8
void cBSPDemoCallbacks::OnEvent( TSREvent& _event )
	switch ( _event.type )
        case TWISTER_KEYDOWN:
            if ( KEYDOWN( TWISTER_KEY_p ) )
                Painting* pNewPainting = new Painting();
                char paintingName[ 128 ];
                sprintf( paintingName, "database//objects//painting%d.txt", g_pPaintings->m_Paintings.size() );
                pNewPainting->SetName( paintingName );
                FormulateViewMatrix( g_pCamera, pNewPainting->m_Transform );
            if ( KEYDOWN( TWISTER_KEY_1 ) )
                if ( g_pCurrentPainting )
                    TSRMatrix4& transform = g_pCurrentPainting->m_Transform;
                    TSRMatrix4 rot;
                    rot.IsAxisRotation( TSRVector3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), PI / 2.0f );
                    transform = rot * transform ;
            if ( KEYDOWN( TWISTER_KEY_2 ) )
                if ( g_pCurrentPainting )
                    TSRMatrix4& transform = g_pCurrentPainting->m_Transform;
                    TSRMatrix4 rot;
                    rot.IsAxisRotation( TSRVector3( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ), PI / 2.0f );
                    transform = rot * transform ;
            if ( KEYDOWN( TWISTER_KEY_3 ) )
                if ( g_pCurrentPainting )
                    TSRMatrix4& transform = g_pCurrentPainting->m_Transform;
                    TSRMatrix4 rot;
                    rot.IsAxisRotation( TSRVector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ), PI / 2.0f );
                    transform = rot * transform ;
            if ( KEYDOWN( TWISTER_KEY_n ) )
                if ( g_PaintingsIndex == g_pPaintings->m_Paintings.size() )
                    g_PaintingsIndex = 0;
                g_pCurrentPainting = g_pPaintings->m_Paintings[g_PaintingsIndex];
            if ( KEYDOWN( TWISTER_KEY_v ) )
                g_bDebugRenderLights = !g_bDebugRenderLights;
            if ( KEYDOWN( TWISTER_KEY_l ) )
                TSRColor4 LightColor;
                LightColor.r = fastabs( m_pWorld->m_Camera.m_Fwd.x );
                LightColor.g = fastabs( m_pWorld->m_Camera.m_Fwd.y );
                LightColor.b = fastabs( m_pWorld->m_Camera.m_Fwd.z );
                LightColor.a = 4.0f;
                LightsManager()->AddPointLight( m_pWorld->m_Camera.m_Loc, LightColor, 100.0f );
            if ( KEYDOWN( TWISTER_KEY_k ) )
                if ( LightsManager()->m_SceneLightsContext.GetPointLightsCount() > 0 )
                    SAFE_DELETE( LightsManager()->m_SceneLightsContext.m_PointLights.back() );
Esempio n. 9
static void sliceplay_minspeed(t_sliceplay *x, t_floatarg minspeed)	// minimum playback speed
	x->minspeed = fastabs(minspeed);