Esempio n. 1
FBCALL int fb_InputString( void *dst, ssize_t strlen, int fillrem )
    char buffer[FB_INPUT_MAXSTRINGLEN+1];
	int isfp;

	fb_FileInputNextToken( buffer, FB_INPUT_MAXSTRINGLEN, TRUE, &isfp );

	fb_StrAssign( dst, strlen, buffer, 0, fillrem );

	return fb_ErrorSetNum( FB_RTERROR_OK );
Esempio n. 2
int fb_ConsoleLineInput( FBSTRING *text, void *dst, int dst_len, int fillrem,
						 int addquestion, int addnewline )
    FBSTRING *tmp_result;


    fb_PrintBufferEx( NULL, 0, FB_PRINT_FORCE_ADJUST );

    if( text != NULL )
        if( text->data != NULL )
            fb_PrintString( 0, text, 0 );
    	/* del if temp */
    		fb_hStrDelTemp( text );

        if( addquestion != FB_FALSE )
            fb_PrintFixString( 0, pszDefaultQuestion, 0 );


    tmp_result = fb_ConReadLine( FALSE );

    if( addnewline ) {
				fb_PrintVoid( 0, FB_PRINT_NEWLINE );

    if( tmp_result!=NULL ) {
        fb_StrAssign( dst, dst_len, tmp_result, -1, fillrem );
        return fb_ErrorSetNum( FB_RTERROR_OK );

    return fb_ErrorSetNum( FB_RTERROR_OUTOFMEM );
Esempio n. 3
FBCALL void fb_StrSwap( void *str1, int size1, int fillrem1,
                        void *str2, int size2, int fillrem2 )
	char *p1, *p2;
	int len1, len2;

	if( (str1 == NULL) || (str2 == NULL) )

	/* both var-len? */
	if( (size1 == -1) && (size2 == -1) )

		/* just swap the descriptors */ = ((FBSTRING *)str1)->data;
		td.len  = ((FBSTRING *)str1)->len;
		td.size  = ((FBSTRING *)str1)->size;

		((FBSTRING *)str1)->data = ((FBSTRING *)str2)->data;
		((FBSTRING *)str1)->len = ((FBSTRING *)str2)->len;
		((FBSTRING *)str1)->size = ((FBSTRING *)str2)->size;

		((FBSTRING *)str2)->data =;
		((FBSTRING *)str2)->len = td.len;
		((FBSTRING *)str2)->size = td.size;


	FB_STRSETUP_FIX( str1, size1, p1, len1 );
	FB_STRSETUP_FIX( str2, size2, p2, len2 );

	/* Same length? Only need to do an fb_MemSwap() */
	if( len1 == len2 ) {
		if( len1 > 0 ) {
			fb_MemSwap( (unsigned char *)p1,
			            (unsigned char *)p2,
			            len1 );
			/* null terminators don't need to change */

	/* Note: user-allocated zstrings are assumed to be large enough */

	/* Is one of them a var-len string? Might need to be (re)allocated */
	if( (size1 == -1) || (size2 == -1) )
		FBSTRING td = { 0 };
		fb_StrAssign( &td, -1, str1, size1, FALSE );
		fb_StrAssign( str1, size1, str2, size2, fillrem1 );
		fb_StrAssign( str2, size2, &td, -1, fillrem2 );
		fb_StrDelete( &td );

	/* Both are fixed-size/user-allocated [z]strings */

	/* Make str1/str2 be the smaller/larger string respectively */
	if( len1 > len2 ) {
			char* p = p1;
			p1 = p2;
			p2 = p;

			int len = len1;
			len1 = len2;
			len2 = len;

			int size = size1;
			size1 = size2;
			size2 = size;

			int fillrem = fillrem1;
			fillrem1 = fillrem2;
			fillrem2 = fillrem;

	/* MemSwap as much as possible (i.e. the smaller length) */
	if( len1 > 0 ) {
		fb_MemSwap( (unsigned char *)p1,
			    (unsigned char *)p2,
			    len1 );

	/* and copy over the remainder from larger to smaller, unless it's
	   a fixed-size [z]string that doesn't have enough room left (not even
	   for the null terminator) */
	if( (size1 > 0) && (len2 >= size1) ) {
		len2 = len1;
	} else if( len2 > len1 ) {
		FB_MEMCPYX( (unsigned char *)(p1 + len1),
		            (unsigned char *)(p2 + len1),
		            len2 - len1 );

	/* set null terminators */
	p1[len2] = '\0';
	p2[len1] = '\0';

	/* Clear remainder of the larger (now smaller) string with nulls if
	   requested (see also fb_StrAssign()). We can assume that the strings
	   were originally cleared properly, because uninitialized strings
	   mustn't be used in rvalues, FB_STRSETUP_FIX() doesn't handle that.
	   The smaller (now larger) string doesn't need to be touched, as it's
	   remainder didn't increase */
	if( fillrem2 ) {
		int used2 = len1 + 1;
		if( size2 > used2 ) {
			memset( p2 + used2, 0, size2 - used2 );
Esempio n. 4
static int fb_hFileLineInputEx
		FB_FILE *handle,
		void *dst,
		ssize_t dst_len,
		int fillrem
	ssize_t len, readlen;
	char		buffer[BUFFER_LEN];
    eInputMode  mode = eIM_Invalid;

    if( !FB_HANDLE_USED(handle) )


    if( handle->hooks->pfnReadLine != NULL ) {
        mode = eIM_ReadLine;
    } else if( handle->hooks->pfnRead != NULL &&
               handle->hooks->pfnEof != NULL )
        mode = eIM_Read;

    if( mode==eIM_Invalid ) {
        return fb_ErrorSetNum( FB_RTERROR_ILLEGALFUNCTIONCALL );

    switch( mode ) {
    case eIM_Read:
        /* This is the VFS-compatible way to read a line ... but it's slow */
        len = readlen = 0;
        while (!handle->hooks->pfnEof(handle)) {
            int do_add = FALSE, do_break = FALSE;
            size_t read_len;
            int res = fb_FileGetDataEx( handle, 0, buffer+len, 1, &read_len, FALSE, FALSE );
            if( res==FB_RTERROR_OK && read_len==1) {
                char ch = buffer[len];
                if( ch==13 ) {
                    res = fb_FileGetDataEx( handle, 0, &ch, 1, &read_len, FALSE, FALSE );
                    if( res==FB_RTERROR_OK && ch!=10 && read_len==1) {
                        fb_FilePutBackEx( handle, &ch, 1 );
                    ch = 10;
                if( ch==10 ) {
                    do_add = do_break = TRUE;
                } else {
                    do_add = len==(sizeof(buffer)-1);
            } else {
                do_add = len!=0;
            if( do_add || handle->hooks->pfnEof( handle ) ) {
                /* create temporary string to ensure that NUL's are preserved ...
                 * this function wants the length WITH the NUL character!!! */
                buffer[len] = 0;
                FBSTRING *src = fb_StrAllocTempDescF( buffer, len + 1);
                if( readlen==0 ) {
                    fb_StrAssign( dst, dst_len, src, -1, fillrem );
                } else {
                    fb_StrConcatAssign ( dst, dst_len, src, -1, fillrem );
                readlen += len;
                len = 0;
            } else {
            if( res!=FB_RTERROR_OK || do_break )
        if( readlen == 0 ) {
            /* del destine string */
            if( dst_len == -1 )
                fb_StrDelete( (FBSTRING *)dst );
                *(char *)dst = '\0';
    case eIM_ReadLine:
        /* The read line mode is the most comfortable ... but IMHO it's
         * only useful for special devices (like SCRN:) */
            /* destine is a var-len string? read directly */
            if( dst_len == -1 )
            	handle->hooks->pfnReadLine( handle, dst );
            /* fixed-len or unknown size (ie: pointers)? use a temp var-len */
			FBSTRING str_result = { 0, 0, 0 };

            	/* read complete line (may include NULs) */
            	handle->hooks->pfnReadLine( handle, &str_result );

            	/* add contents of tempporary string to result buffer */
            	fb_StrAssign( dst, dst_len, (void *)&str_result, -1, fillrem );

            	/* delete result */
            	fb_StrDelete( &str_result );

    case eIM_Invalid:
        /* the "invalid" mode was already handled above ... so we don't
         * need to do anything here ... */


	return fb_ErrorSetNum( FB_RTERROR_OK );
Esempio n. 5
FBCALL FBSTRING *fb_ConReadLine( int soft_cursor )
	FBSTRING result = { 0 };

    int current_x, current_y;
    int cols, rows;
    size_t pos, len, tmp_buffer_len = 0;
    int cursor_visible;
    int k;
    char ch, tmp_buffer[12];

    fb_GetSize(&cols, &rows);

    cursor_visible = (fb_Locate( 0, 0, -1, 0, 0 ) & 0x10000) != 0;
    fb_Locate( 0, 0, FALSE, 0, 0 );

    pos = len = 0;
    fb_PrintBufferEx( NULL, 0, 0 );

    /* Ensure that the cursor is visible during INPUT */
    fb_Locate( 0, 0, (soft_cursor == FALSE), 0, 0 );

    do {
        size_t delete_char_count = 0, add_char = FALSE;
        FBSTRING *sTmp;

        fb_GetXY(&current_x, &current_y);

		if( soft_cursor )
			fb_PrintFixString( 0, "\377", 0 );
			fb_Locate( current_y, current_x, FALSE, 0, 0 );

        while( fb_KeyHit( ) == 0 )
          	fb_Delay( 25 );				/* release time slice */

        sTmp = fb_Inkey( );
        if( sTmp->data != NULL )
        	if( FB_STRSIZE(sTmp) == 2 )
            	k = FB_MAKE_EXT_KEY(sTmp->data[1]);
            	ch = 0;
            	k = FB_MAKE_KEY(ch = sTmp->data[0]);

        	fb_hStrDelTemp( sTmp );
        	k = 0;

		if( soft_cursor )
			char mask[2] = { (( != NULL) && (pos < len)?[pos]: ' '), '\0' };
			fb_PrintFixString( 0, mask, 0 );
			fb_Locate( current_y, current_x, FALSE, 0, 0 );

        switch (k) {
        case 8:
            /* DEL */
			if (pos!=0) {
                DoMove( &current_x, &current_y, -1, 0, cols, rows );
                delete_char_count = 1;
        case 9:
            /* TAB */
            tmp_buffer_len = ((pos + 8) / 8 * 8) - pos;
            memset(tmp_buffer, 32, tmp_buffer_len);
            add_char = TRUE;
        case 27:
            /* ESC */
            DoMove( &current_x, &current_y, -pos, 0, cols, rows );
            pos = 0;
            delete_char_count = len;
        case FB_MAKE_EXT_KEY(0x53):
            /* CLeaR */
            if( len!=pos ) {
                delete_char_count = 1;
            } else {
        case FB_MAKE_EXT_KEY(0x4B):
            /* Cursor LEFT */
            if( pos != 0 ) {
                DoMove( &current_x, &current_y, -1, 0, cols, rows );
        case FB_MAKE_EXT_KEY(0x4D):
            /* Cursor RIGHT */
            if( pos != len ) {
                DoMove( &current_x, &current_y, 1, 0, cols, rows );
        case FB_MAKE_EXT_KEY(0x47):
            /* HOME */
            DoMove( &current_x, &current_y, -pos, 0, cols, rows );
            pos = 0;
        case FB_MAKE_EXT_KEY(0x4F):
            /* END */
            DoMove( &current_x, &current_y, len-pos, 0, cols, rows );
            pos = len;
        case FB_MAKE_EXT_KEY(0x48):
            /* Cursor UP */
            if( pos >= cols) {
                DoMove( &current_x, &current_y, -cols, 0, cols, rows );
                pos -= cols;
        case FB_MAKE_EXT_KEY(0x50):
            /* Cursor DOWN */
            if( ( pos + cols ) <= len ) {
                DoMove( &current_x, &current_y, cols, 0, cols, rows );
                pos += cols;
            if( k>=32 && k<=255 ) {
                tmp_buffer[0] = (char) k;
                tmp_buffer_len = 1;
                add_char = TRUE;
                /* DoMove( &current_x, &current_y, 1, 0, cols ); */

        if( delete_char_count!=0 || add_char ) {
			/* Turn off the cursor during output (speed-up) */
            fb_Locate( 0, 0, FALSE, 0, 0 );

        if( delete_char_count ) {
            FBSTRING *str_fill;
            FBSTRING *str_left = fb_StrMid( &result, 1, pos );
            FBSTRING *str_right = fb_StrMid( &result,
                                             pos + 1 + delete_char_count,
                                             len - pos - delete_char_count);
            fb_StrAssign( &result, -1, str_left, -1, FALSE );
            fb_StrConcatAssign( &result, -1, str_right, -1, FALSE );
            len -= delete_char_count;


            fb_PrintBufferEx( + pos, len - pos, 0 );

            /* Overwrite all deleted characters with SPC's */
            str_fill = fb_StrFill1 ( delete_char_count, ' ' );
            fb_PrintBufferEx( str_fill->data, delete_char_count, 0 );
            fb_hStrDelTemp( str_fill );

            fb_Locate( current_y, current_x, -1, 0, 0 );


        if( add_char ) {
            tmp_buffer[tmp_buffer_len] = 0;

        if( add_char ) {
            int old_x = current_x, old_y = current_y;
            FBSTRING *str_add = fb_StrAllocTempDescF( tmp_buffer, tmp_buffer_len + 1 );
            FBSTRING *str_left = fb_StrMid( &result, 1, pos );
            FBSTRING *str_right = fb_StrMid( &result, pos + 1, len - pos);
            fb_StrAssign( &result, -1, str_left, -1, FALSE );
            fb_StrConcatAssign( &result, -1, str_add, -1, FALSE );
            fb_StrConcatAssign( &result, -1, str_right, -1, FALSE );
            len += tmp_buffer_len;


            fb_PrintBufferEx( + pos, len - pos, 0 );

            fb_GetXY(&current_x, &current_y);

            if( pos==(len-tmp_buffer_len) ) {
                current_x = old_x; current_y = old_y;
                DoMove( &current_x, &current_y, tmp_buffer_len, 0, cols, rows );
            } else {
                int tmp_x_2 = old_x, tmp_y_2 = old_y;
                DoAdjust( &tmp_x_2, &tmp_y_2, len - pos, 0, cols, rows );
                if( tmp_y_2 > (rows+1) || (tmp_y_2==(rows+1) && tmp_x_2>1) ) {
                    DoMove( &current_x, &current_y, -(len - pos - tmp_buffer_len), 0, cols, rows );
                } else {
                    current_x = old_x; current_y = old_y;
                    DoMove( &current_x, &current_y, tmp_buffer_len, 0, cols, rows );
            pos += tmp_buffer_len;


        fb_Locate( 0, 0, (soft_cursor == FALSE), 0, 0 );

	} while (k!='\r' && k!='\n');


    /* set cursor to end of line */
    fb_GetXY(&current_x, &current_y);
    DoMove( &current_x, &current_y, len - pos, 0, cols, rows );

    /* Restore old cursor visibility */
    fb_Locate( 0, 0, cursor_visible, 0, 0 );


	return fb_StrAllocTempResult( &result );
Esempio n. 6
int fb_DevFileReadLineDumb
		FILE *fp, 
		FBSTRING *dst, 
		fb_FnDevReadString pfnReadString 
    int res = fb_ErrorSetNum( FB_RTERROR_OK );
    size_t buffer_len;
    int found, first_run;
    char buffer[512];
    FBSTRING src = { &buffer[0], 0, 0 };

    DBG_ASSERT( dst!=NULL );

    buffer_len = sizeof(buffer);
    first_run = TRUE;


	if( pfnReadString == NULL )
		pfnReadString = hWrapper;
    found = FALSE;
    while (!found)
        memset( buffer, 0, buffer_len );

        if( pfnReadString( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), fp ) == NULL )
            /* EOF reached ... this is not an error !!! */
            res = FB_RTERROR_ENDOFFILE; /* but we have to notify the caller */

            if( first_run )
            	fb_StrDelete( dst );


        /* the last character always is NUL */
        buffer_len = sizeof(buffer) - 1;

        /* now let's find the end of the buffer */
        while (buffer_len--)
            char ch = buffer[buffer_len];
            if (ch==13 || ch==10)
                /* accept both CR and LF */
                found = TRUE;
            else if( ch!=0 )
                /* a character other than CR/LF found ... i.e. buffer full */

        int tmp_buf_len;
        if( !found )
            /* remember the real length */
            tmp_buf_len = buffer_len += 1;

            /* not found ... so simply add this to the result string */
            /* remember the real length */
            tmp_buf_len = buffer_len + 1;

            /* filter a (possibly valid) CR/LF sequence */
            if( buffer[buffer_len]==10 && buffer_len!=0 )
                if( buffer[buffer_len-1]==13 )

            /* set the CR or LF to NUL */
            buffer[buffer_len] = 0;

        src.size = src.len = buffer_len;

        /* assign or concatenate */
        if( first_run )
        	fb_StrAssign( dst, -1, &src, -1, FALSE );
        	fb_StrConcatAssign( dst, -1, &src, -1, FALSE );

        first_run = FALSE;

        buffer_len = tmp_buf_len;


	return res;

Esempio n. 7
int fb_ConsoleLineInput( FBSTRING *text, void *dst, int dst_len, int fillrem,
						 int addquestion, int addnewline )
	int res;
    size_t len;
    int old_x, old_y;

    fb_PrintBufferEx( NULL, 0, FB_PRINT_FORCE_ADJUST );
    fb_GetXY( &old_x, &old_y );


    if( text != NULL )
        if( text->data != NULL )
            fb_PrintString( 0, text, 0 );
    	/* del if temp */
    		fb_hStrDelTemp( text );

        if( addquestion != FB_FALSE )
            fb_PrintFixString( 0, pszDefaultQuestion, 0 );

        /* create temporary string */
        FBSTRING str_result = { 0 };

        res = fb_DevFileReadLineDumb( stdin, &str_result, hWrapper );

        len = FB_STRSIZE(&str_result);

        /* We have to handle the NEWLINE stuff here because we *REQUIRE*
         * the *COMPLETE* temporary input string for the correct position
         * adjustment. */
        if( !addnewline ) {
            /* This is the easy and dumb method to do the position adjustment.
             * The problem is that it doesn't take TAB's into account. */
            int cols, rows;
            int old_y;

            fb_GetSize( &cols, &rows );
            fb_GetXY( NULL, &old_y );

            old_x += len - 1;
            old_x %= cols;
            old_x += 1;
            old_y -= 1;

            fb_Locate( old_y, old_x, -1, 0, 0 );

        /* add contents of tempporary string to result buffer */
        fb_StrAssign( dst, dst_len, (void *)&str_result, -1, fillrem );

        fb_StrDelete( &str_result );



    return res;