Esempio n. 1
int main (int argc, char **argv)
    zio_t *zio;
    int init_fds;
    const char *name;
    struct counts c;
    int fd;
    flux_reactor_t *r;
    flux_watcher_t *w;

    memset (&c, 0, sizeof (c));

    plan (NO_PLAN);

    test_encode ();

    ok ((r = flux_reactor_create (0)) != NULL,
        "flux reactor created");

    init_fds = fdcount ();
    diag ("initial fd count: %d", init_fds);

    /* simple reader tests
    ok ((zio = zio_pipe_reader_create ("test1", &c)) != NULL,
        "reader: zio_pipe_reader_create works");
    ok ((name = zio_name (zio)) != NULL && !strcmp (name, "test1"),
        "reader: zio_name returns correct name");
    ok (zio_set_close_cb (zio, close_reader) == 0,
        "reader: zio_set_close_cb works");
    ok (zio_set_send_cb (zio, send_reader) == 0,
        "reader: zio_set_send_cb works");
    ok (zio_reactor_attach (zio, r) == 0,
        "reader: zio_reactor_attach works");
    ok ((fd = zio_dst_fd (zio)) >= 0,
        "reader: zio_dst_fd returned valid file descriptor");
    ok (write (fd, "narf!", 5) == 5,
        "reader: wrote narf! to reader pipe");
    ok (zio_close_dst_fd (zio) == 0,
        "reader: zio_close_dst_fd succeeded");
    ok (flux_reactor_run (r, 0) == 0,
        "reader: reactor completed successfully");
    ok (c.send_reader == 1,
        "reader: send function called once for EOF + incomplete line");
    errno = 0;
    zio_destroy (zio);
    ok (init_fds == fdcount (),
        "reader: zio_destroy leaks no file descriptors");

    /* simple writer tests
    ok ((zio = zio_pipe_writer_create ("test2", &c)) != NULL,
        "writer: zio_pipe_writer_create works");
    ok ((name = zio_name (zio)) != NULL && !strcmp (name, "test2"),
        "writer: zio_name returns correct name");
    ok (zio_set_close_cb (zio, close_writer) == 0,
        "writer: zio_set_close_cb works");
    ok ((fd = zio_src_fd (zio)) >= 0,
        "writer: zio_src_fd returned valid file descriptor");
    w = flux_fd_watcher_create (r, fd, FLUX_POLLIN, fd_read, &c);
    ok (w != NULL,
        "writer: created fd watcher");
    flux_watcher_start (w);
    ok (zio_write (zio, "narf!", 5) == 5,
        "writer: zio_write narf! works");
    ok (zio_write_eof (zio) == 0,
        "writer: zio_write_eof works");
    ok (flux_reactor_run (r, 0) == 0,
        "writer: reactor completed successfully");
    ok (c.fd_read_errors == 0 && c.fd_read_data == 5 && c.fd_read_eof == 1,
        "writer: read narf + EOF on read end of pipe");
    ok (c.close_writer == 1,
        "writer: close callback invoked");

    zio_destroy (zio);
    ok (init_fds == fdcount (),
        "writer: zio_destroy leaks no file descriptors");

    flux_watcher_destroy (w);
    flux_reactor_destroy (r);

    done_testing ();
Esempio n. 2
int main (int ac, char **av)
    int rc;
    struct subprocess_manager *sm;
    struct subprocess *p, *q;
    const char *s;
    char *buf;
    char *args[] = { "hello", NULL };
    char *args2[] = { "goodbye", NULL };
    char *args3[] = { "/bin/true", NULL };
    char *args4[] = { "/bin/sleep", "10", NULL };
    int start_fdcount, end_fdcount;

    start_fdcount = fdcount ();
    diag ("initial fd count %d", start_fdcount);

    plan (NO_PLAN);

    if (!(sm = subprocess_manager_create ()))
        BAIL_OUT ("Failed to create subprocess manager");
    ok (sm != NULL, "create subprocess manager");

    diag ("subprocess accessors tests");
    if (!(p = subprocess_create (sm)))
        BAIL_OUT ("Failed to create subprocess handle: %s", strerror (errno));
    ok (p != NULL, "create subprocess handle");

    rc = subprocess_set_args (p, 1, args);
    ok (rc >= 0, "subprocess_set_args: %s", strerror (errno));

    ok (subprocess_get_argc (p) == 1, "subprocess argc is 1");

    s = subprocess_get_arg (p, 0);
    is (s, "hello", "subprocess argv[0] is 'hello'");

    rc = subprocess_argv_append (p, "foo");
    ok (rc >= 0, "subprocess_arg_append");
    ok (subprocess_get_argc (p) == 2, "subprocess argc is now 2");

    s = subprocess_get_arg (p, 2);
    ok (s == NULL, "subprocess_get_arg() out of bounds returns NULL");

    rc = subprocess_set_args (p, 1, args2);
    ok (rc >= 0, "set_args replaces existing");

    s = subprocess_get_arg (p, 0);
    is (s, "goodbye", "subprocess argv[0] is 'goodbye'");

    rc = subprocess_setenv (p, "FOO", "bar", 1);
    ok (rc >= 0, "subprocess_setenv");

    s = subprocess_getenv (p, "FOO");
    is (s, "bar", "subprocess_getenv works");

    rc = subprocess_setenv (p, "FOO", "bar2", 0);
    ok (rc == -1, "subprocess_setenv without overwrite fails for existing var");
    ok (errno == EEXIST, "and with appropriate errno");

    s = subprocess_getenv (p, "FOO");
    is (s, "bar", "subproces_getenv still shows correct variable");

    subprocess_unsetenv (p, "FOO");
    s = subprocess_getenv (p, "FOO");
    ok (s == NULL, "subproces_getenv fails for unset variable");

    rc = subprocess_setenvf (p, "FOO", 1, "%d", 42);
    ok (rc >= 0, "subprocess_setenvf");

    s = subprocess_getenv (p, "FOO");
    is (s, "42", "subprocess_getenv works after setenvf");

    is (subprocess_state_string (p), "Pending",
        "Unstarted process has state 'Pending'");

    subprocess_destroy (p);
    diag ("fd count after subproc create/destroy %d", fdcount ());

    /* Test running an executable */
    diag ("test subprocess_manager_run");
    p = subprocess_manager_run (sm, 1, args3, NULL);
    ok (p != NULL, "subprocess_manager_run");
    ok (subprocess_pid (p) != (pid_t) -1, "process has valid pid");

    q = subprocess_manager_wait (sm);
    ok (p == q, "subprocess_manager_wait returns correct process");

    ok (subprocess_exited (p), "subprocess has exited after wait returns");
    is (subprocess_state_string (p), "Exited", "State is now 'Exited'");
    ok (subprocess_exit_code (p) == 0, "With expected exit code");
    subprocess_destroy (p);
    q = NULL;

    /*  Test failing program */
    diag ("test expected failure from subprocess_manager_run");
    args3[0] = "/bin/false";
    p = subprocess_manager_run (sm, 1, args3, NULL);
    if (p) {
        ok (p != NULL, "subprocess_manager_run");
        ok (subprocess_pid (p) != (pid_t) -1, "process has valid pid");
        q = subprocess_manager_wait (sm);
        ok (p == q, "subprocess_manager_wait returns correct process");
        is (subprocess_state_string (p), "Exited", "State is now 'Exited'");
        is (subprocess_exit_string (p), "Exited with non-zero status",
                "State is now 'Exited with non-zero status'");
        ok (subprocess_exit_code (p) == 1, "Exit code is 1.");
        subprocess_destroy (p);
        q = NULL;

    diag ("Test signaled program");

    /* Test signaled program */
    p = subprocess_manager_run (sm, 2, args4, NULL);
    ok (p != NULL, "subprocess_manager_run: %s", strerror (errno));
    if (p) {
        ok (subprocess_pid (p) != (pid_t) -1, "process has valid pid");

        ok (subprocess_kill (p, SIGKILL) >= 0, "subprocess_kill");

        q = subprocess_manager_wait (sm);
        ok (p == q, "subprocess_manager_wait returns correct process");
        is (subprocess_state_string (p), "Exited", "State is now 'Exited'");
        is (subprocess_exit_string (p), "Killed", "Exit string is 'Killed'");
        ok (subprocess_signaled (p) == 9, "Killed by signal 9.");
        ok (subprocess_exit_status (p) == 0x9, "Exit status is 0x9 (Killed)");
        ok (subprocess_exit_code (p) == 137, "Exit code is 137 (128+9)");
        subprocess_destroy (p);

    q = NULL;

    diag ("Test fork/exec interface");
    /* Test separate fork/exec interface */
    p = subprocess_create (sm);
    ok (p != NULL, "subprocess_create works");
    ok (subprocess_pid (p) == (pid_t) -1, "Initial pid value is -1");
    ok (subprocess_fork (p) == -1, "fork on unitialized subprocess should fail");
    ok (subprocess_kill (p, 1) == -1, "kill on unitialized subprocess should fail");
    is (subprocess_state_string (p), "Pending",
        "initial subprocess state is 'Pending'");

    ok (subprocess_argv_append (p, "true") >= 0, "set argv");
    ok (subprocess_setenv (p, "PATH", getenv ("PATH"), 1) >= 0, "set dnv");

    ok (subprocess_fork (p) == 0, "subprocess_fork");
    is (subprocess_state_string (p), "Waiting", "subprocess is Waiting");
    ok (subprocess_pid (p) > 0, "subprocess_pid() is valid");

    ok (subprocess_exec (p) == 0, "subprocess_run");
    is (subprocess_state_string (p), "Running", "subprocess is Running");
    q = subprocess_manager_wait (sm);
    ok (q != NULL, "subprocess_manager_wait");
    ok (q == p, "got correct child after wait");

    ok (subprocess_exit_code (p) == 0, "Child exited normally");

    subprocess_destroy (p);
    q = NULL;

    diag ("Test exec failure");
    /* Test exec failure */
    p = subprocess_create (sm);
    ok (p != NULL, "subprocess create");
    ok (subprocess_argv_append (p, "/unlikely/program") >= 0, "set argv");
    ok (subprocess_setenv (p, "PATH", getenv ("PATH"), 1) >= 0, "setnv");

    ok (subprocess_fork (p) == 0, "subprocess_fork");
    rc = subprocess_exec (p);
    ok (rc < 0, "subprocess_exec should fail");
    ok (errno == ENOENT, "errno should be ENOENT");
    is (subprocess_state_string (p), "Exec Failure", "State is Exec Failed");
    is (subprocess_exit_string (p), "Exec Failure", "Exit state is Exec Failed");
    subprocess_destroy (p);

    diag ("Test set working directory");
    /* Test set working directory */
    p = subprocess_create (sm);
    ok (p != NULL, "subprocess create");
    ok (subprocess_get_cwd (p) == NULL, "CWD is not set");
    ok (subprocess_set_cwd (p, "/tmp") >= 0, "Set CWD to /tmp");
    is (subprocess_get_cwd (p), "/tmp", "CWD is now /tmp");
    ok (subprocess_setenv (p, "PATH", getenv ("PATH"), 1) >= 0, "set PATH");
    ok (subprocess_set_command (p, "test `pwd` = '/tmp'" ) >= 0, "Set args");
    ok (subprocess_run (p) >= 0, "subprocess_run");
    is (subprocess_state_string (p), "Running", "subprocess now running");
    q = subprocess_manager_wait (sm);
    ok (q != NULL, "subprocess_manager_wait: %s", strerror (errno));
    ok (q == p, "subprocess_manager_wait() got expected subprocess");
    ok (subprocess_exited (p), "subprocess exited");
    ok (!subprocess_signaled (p), "subprocess didn't die from signal");
    ok (subprocess_exit_code (p) == 0, "subprocess successfully run in /tmp");
    subprocess_destroy (p);

    diag ("Test subprocess_reap interface");
    /* Test subprocess_reap */
    p = subprocess_create (sm);
    q = subprocess_create (sm);

    ok (subprocess_argv_append (p, "/bin/true") >= 0,
        "set argv for first subprocess");
    ok (subprocess_argv_append (q, "/bin/true") >= 0,
        "set argv for second subprocess");
    ok (subprocess_run (p) >= 0, "run process 1");
    ok (subprocess_run (q) >= 0, "run process 2");

    ok (subprocess_reap (q) >= 0, "reap process 2");
    ok (subprocess_exited (q), "process 2 is now exited");
    ok (subprocess_exit_code (q) == 0, "process 2 exited with code 0");

    ok (subprocess_reap (p) >= 0, "reap process 1");
    ok (subprocess_exited (p), "process 1 is now exited");
    ok (subprocess_exit_code (p) == 0, "process 1 exited with code 0");

    subprocess_destroy (p);
    subprocess_destroy (q);

    diag ("Test subprocess I/O");
    /* Test subprocess output */
    p = subprocess_create (sm);
    ok (p != NULL, "subprocess_create");
    ok (subprocess_argv_append (p, "/bin/echo") >= 0,  "subprocess_argv_append");
    ok (subprocess_argv_append (p, "Hello, 123") >= 0, "subprocess_argv_append");

    buf = NULL;
    subprocess_set_context (p, "io", (void *) &buf);
    ok (subprocess_get_context (p, "io") == (void *) &buf, "able to set subprocess context");

    ok (subprocess_set_io_callback (p, testio_cb) >= 0, "set io callback");

    ok (subprocess_run (p) >= 0, "run process with IO");

    ok (subprocess_reap (p) >= 0, "reap process");
    ok (subprocess_flush_io (p) >=0, "flush io");

    ok (subprocess_exited (p) >= 0, "process is now exited");
    ok (subprocess_exit_code (p) == 0, "process exited normally");

    ok (buf != NULL, "io buffer is allocated");
    if (buf) {
        ok (strcmp (buf, "Hello, 123\n") == 0, "io buffer is correct");
        free (buf);
    subprocess_destroy (p);

    /* Test subprocess input */
    diag ("test subprocess stdin");
    p = subprocess_create (sm);
    ok (p != NULL, "subprocess_create");
    ok (subprocess_argv_append (p, "/bin/cat") >= 0,  "subprocess_argv_append");

    buf = NULL;
    subprocess_set_context (p, "io", (void *) &buf);
    ok (subprocess_get_context (p, "io") == (void *) &buf, "able to set subprocess context");

    ok (subprocess_set_io_callback (p, testio_cb) >= 0, "set io callback");

    ok (subprocess_run (p) >= 0, "run process with IO");

    ok (subprocess_write (p, "Hello\n", 7, true) >= 0, "write to subprocess");
    ok (subprocess_reap (p) >= 0, "reap process");
    ok (subprocess_flush_io (p) >= 0, "manually flush io");
    ok (subprocess_io_complete (p) == 1, "io is now complete");

    ok (subprocess_exited (p) >= 0, "process is now exited");
    ok (subprocess_exit_code (p) == 0, "process exited normally");

    ok (buf != NULL, "io buffer is allocated");
    if (buf) {
        ok (strcmp (buf, "Hello\n") == 0, "io buffer is correct");
        free (buf);
    subprocess_destroy (p);
    subprocess_manager_destroy (sm);

    end_fdcount = fdcount ();
    diag ("final fd count %d", end_fdcount);
    ok (start_fdcount == end_fdcount,
        "no file descriptors were leaked");

    done_testing ();