void speaker::run() { int heap_size = 2100000; // default scheme heap size int load_init_files = 1; // we want the festival init files loaded festival_initialize(load_init_files, heap_size); festival_say_text(_string); }
int main(void) { EST_Wave wave; int heap_size = 210000; // default scheme heap size int load_init_files = 1; // we want the festival init files loaded festival_initialize(load_init_files,heap_size); //festival_say_file("/etc/issue.text"); //festival_eval_command("(voice_msu_ru_nsh_clunits)"); //festival_say_text("а"); festival_eval_command("(voice_ked_diphone)"); festival_say_text("privet, suchka. blyahui"); festival_text_to_wave("hello world",wave); wave.save("/tmp/wave.wav","riff"); // festival_say_file puts the system in async mode so we better // wait for the spooler to reach the last waveform before exiting // This isn't necessary if only festival_say_text is being used (and // your own wave playing stuff) festival_wait_for_spooler(); return 0; }
/** Say a message * @param msg * the message to say * @return 0 */ int tts_say(const char *msg) { if (!voice_selected) { tts_select_voice("voice_kal_diphone"); } festival_say_text(msg); festival_wait_for_spooler(); return 0; }
/** Say a message * @param msg * the message to say * @return 0 */ int tts_say(const char *msg) { if (!voice_selected) { // tts_select_voice("voice_cmu_us_slt_arctic_hts"); tts_select_voice("voice_kal_diphone"); } festival_say_text(msg); festival_wait_for_spooler(); return 0; }
void QtSpeech_th::say(QString text) { try { if (!init) { int heap_size = FESTIVAL_HEAP_SIZE; festival_initialize(true,heap_size); init = true; } has_error = false; EST_String est_text(text.toUtf8()); SysCall(festival_say_text(est_text), QtSpeech::LogicError); } catch(QtSpeech::LogicError e) { has_error = true; err = e; } emit finished(); }
extern void voice_init() { int heap_size = 2100000; int load_init_files = 1; voice_volume_set(); festival_initialize(load_init_files, heap_size); // put system into async mode festival_eval_command("(audio_mode 'async)"); festival_say_text("Hello my name is ClaraBell"); // fprintf(stderr, "Voice subsystem initialized\n"); }
SpeechSynch::SpeechSynch() { festival_initialize(1,210000); // This must be called before any other festival functions may be called. It sets up the //synthesizer system. The first argument if true, causes the system set up files to be loaded //(which is normallly what is necessary), the second argument is the initial size of the Scheme heap, //this should normally be 210000 unless you envisage processing very large Lisp structures. festival_eval_command("(voice_el_diphone)"); festival_say_text("Welcome to Flying Object Madness"); // // festival_wait_for_spooler(); setTrigger(Message::MSG_COL_PLAYER_LETTER); // Say some text; // festival_say_text("hello world"); }
static void saytext(const char *text) { festival_say_text(text); }
extern void voice_say(char *buf, int len) { festival_say_text(buf); }
void SpeechSynch::trigger(Message msg){ festival_say_text(msg.menuPointWord.c_str()); }
bool TTSFestival::play(std::string message) { mIsPlaying = true; festival_say_text(message.c_str()); mIsPlaying = false; return true; }
// Sintetiza y reproduce en español el mensaje pasado como argumento // Entradas: // - text: texto a sintetizar void say_text(const char *text) { festival_eval_command("(voice_el_diphone)"); // voz en español festival_say_text(text); //festival_wait_for_spooler(); // bloquear ejecución hasta que acabe de decirlo }
int TTS::sayText(const char *text) { EST_String str(text); return festival_say_text(str); }