Esempio n. 1
static PyObject *
make_fielditem (struct type *type, int i, enum gdbpy_iter_kind kind)
  switch (kind)
    case iter_items:
	gdbpy_ref<> key (field_name (type, i));
	if (key == NULL)
	  return NULL;
	gdbpy_ref<> value (convert_field (type, i));
	if (value == NULL)
	  return NULL;
	gdbpy_ref<> item (PyTuple_New (2));
	if (item == NULL)
	  return NULL;
	PyTuple_SET_ITEM (item.get (), 0, key.release ());
	PyTuple_SET_ITEM (item.get (), 1, value.release ());
	return item.release ();
    case iter_keys:
      return field_name (type, i);
    case iter_values:
      return convert_field (type, i);
  gdb_assert_not_reached ("invalid gdbpy_iter_kind");
Esempio n. 2
// saving data to DS
bool Fl_Combo_Box::save_data(Fl_Data_Source *ds)
    if (field_name().empty())
        return false;

    Fl_Variant  fld_value;
    return ds->write_field(field_name().c_str(), fld_value);
Esempio n. 3
// Data source support
// loading data from DS
bool Fl_Combo_Box::load_data(Fl_Data_Source *ds)
    if (field_name().empty())
        return false;

    Fl_Variant fld_value;
    if (ds->read_field(field_name().c_str(), fld_value)) {
        return true;
    return false;
Esempio n. 4
int tLuaObject::generic_index(lua_State *L)
  tLuaObject* lua_obj = tLuaObject::getObject(L, index_table_param);

  // gets the field name
  tStringBuffer field_name(lua_tostring(L, index_index_param));

  // finds in the method table
  tMethodType method_type;
  tLuaObjectMethod method;

  bool found = lua_obj->method_table.FindMethod(field_name, &method, &method_type);
    return lua_obj->index(L);

  // calls method
  case FUNC:
    lua_pushlightuserdata(L, (void *) method);
    lua_pushcclosure(L, closure, 1);
    return 1;

    return method(lua_obj, L);
Esempio n. 5
main (int argc, char ** argv)
  if (pcl::console::find_argument (argc, argv, "-h") != -1)
    usage (argv);

  float min_v = 0.0f, max_v = 5.0f;
  pcl::console::parse_2x_arguments (argc, argv, "-minmax", min_v, max_v);
  std::string field_name ("z");
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-field", field_name);
  PCL_INFO ("Filtering data on %s between %f -> %f.\n", field_name.c_str (), min_v, max_v);
  float leaf_x = 0.01f, leaf_y = 0.01f, leaf_z = 0.01f;
  pcl::console::parse_3x_arguments (argc, argv, "-leaf", leaf_x, leaf_y, leaf_z);
  PCL_INFO ("Using %f, %f, %f as a leaf size for VoxelGrid.\n", leaf_x, leaf_y, leaf_z);

  pcl::OpenNIGrabber grabber ("");
  if (grabber.providesCallback<pcl::OpenNIGrabber::sig_cb_openni_point_cloud_rgba> ())
    OpenNIVoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> v ("", field_name, min_v, max_v, leaf_x, leaf_y, leaf_z); ();
    OpenNIVoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZ> v ("", field_name, min_v, max_v, leaf_x, leaf_y, leaf_z); ();

  return (0);
Esempio n. 6
        BOOST_FOREACH(const CMap::value_type &vt, keep_columns) {
            string field_name(vt.first.substr(2));
            string output_field_xml;

            if (prefixequal(vt.first, "a.") && a_name_to_val_pos.exists(field_name)) { // case 1
                output_field_xml = renameField(a_series.getTypePtr(), field_name, vt.second);
                        (ExtractorValue::make(vt.second, a_name_to_val_pos[field_name]));
            } else if (prefixequal(vt.first, "a.") 
                       && eq_columns.find(field_name) != eq_columns.end()) { // case 2a
                const string b_field_name(eq_columns.find(field_name)->second);
                output_field_xml = renameField(a_series.getTypePtr(), field_name, vt.second);
                GeneralField::Ptr b_field(GeneralField::make(b_series, b_field_name));
                extractors.push_back(ExtractorField::make(vt.second, b_field));
            } else if (prefixequal(vt.first, "b.")
                       && b_series.getTypePtr()->hasColumn(field_name)) { // case 2b
                output_field_xml = renameField(b_series.getTypePtr(), field_name, vt.second);
                GeneralField::Ptr b_field(GeneralField::make(b_series, field_name));
                extractors.push_back(ExtractorField::make(vt.second, b_field));
            } else {
                requestError("invalid extraction");
Esempio n. 7
Handle<Value> FieldDefn::New(const Arguments& args)
	HandleScope scope;

	if (!args.IsConstructCall()) {
		return NODE_THROW("Cannot call constructor as function, you need to use 'new' keyword");

	if (args[0]->IsExternal()) {
		Local<External> ext = Local<External>::Cast(args[0]);
		void* ptr = ext->Value();
		FieldDefn *f = static_cast<FieldDefn *>(ptr);
		return args.This();
	} else {
		std::string field_name("");
		std::string type_name("string");

		NODE_ARG_STR(0, "field name", field_name);
		NODE_ARG_STR(1, "field type", type_name);

		int field_type = getFieldTypeByName(type_name);
		if (field_type < 0) {
			return NODE_THROW("Unrecognized field type");

		FieldDefn* def = new FieldDefn(new OGRFieldDefn(field_name.c_str(), static_cast<OGRFieldType>(field_type)));
		def->owned_ = true;

	return args.This();
Esempio n. 8
/* Return field string */
static inline const char *field_str(unsigned int index)
    /* count(id) for special COUNT attribute */
    if (index == ATTR_INDEX_FLG_COUNT)
        return "id";
        return field_name(index);
Esempio n. 9
 BOOST_FOREACH(const CMap::value_type &vt, keep_columns) {
     if (prefixequal(vt.first, "a.")) {
         string field_name(vt.first.substr(2));
         if (!known_a_eq_fields.exists(field_name)) { // don't store eq fields we will
             // access from the b eq fields
             a_name_to_val_pos[field_name] = a_val_fields.size();
             a_val_fields.push_back(GeneralField::make(a_series, field_name));
Esempio n. 10
 virtual void firstExtent(const Extent &e) {
     const ExtentType::Ptr extent_type(e.getTypePtr());
     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < extent_type->getNFields(); ++i) {
         string field_name(extent_type->getFieldName(i));
         fields.push_back(GeneralField::make(series, field_name));
     into.__isset.columns = true;
Esempio n. 11
static PyObject *
make_fielditem (struct type *type, int i, enum gdbpy_iter_kind kind)
    PyObject *item = NULL, *key = NULL, *value = NULL;

    switch (kind)
    case iter_items:
        key = field_name (type, i);
        if (key == NULL)
            goto fail;
        value = convert_field (type, i);
        if (value == NULL)
            goto fail;
        item = PyTuple_New (2);
        if (item == NULL)
            goto fail;
        PyTuple_SET_ITEM (item, 0, key);
        PyTuple_SET_ITEM (item, 1, value);
    case iter_keys:
        item = field_name (type, i);
    case iter_values:
        item =  convert_field (type, i);
        gdb_assert_not_reached ("invalid gdbpy_iter_kind");
    return item;

    Py_XDECREF (key);
    Py_XDECREF (value);
    Py_XDECREF (item);
    return NULL;
Datum bson_get(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
    bytea* arg = GETARG_BSON(0);
    mongo::BSONObj object(VARDATA_ANY(arg));

    text* arg2 = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1);
    std::string field_name(VARDATA(arg2),  VARSIZE(arg2)-VARHDRSZ);

    PGBSON_LOG << "bson_get: field: " << field_name << PGBSON_ENDL;
    mongo::BSONElement e = object.getFieldDotted(field_name);
    if (e.eoo())
        PGBSON_LOG << "bson_get: no such field" << PGBSON_ENDL;
        // no such element
            return convert_element<FieldType>(fcinfo, e);
        catch(const convertion_error& ex)
                    errmsg("Field %s is of type %s and can not be converted to %s",
                        field_name.c_str(), bson_type_name(e), ex.target_type)
        catch(const std::exception& ex)
                    errmsg("Error converting filed %s of type %s: %s",
                        field_name.c_str(), bson_type_name(e), ex.what())
Esempio n. 13
bool cProject::load_infoFile()
    QFile infoFile(m_infoFile);
    if(! return false;
    QFileInfo finfo(infoFile);
    m_rootDir = finfo.absoluteDir();
    QString raw_data(infoFile.readAll());
    QStringList data_lines(raw_data.split("\n"));
    if(data_lines.count() < 3) return false;
    QStringList field_id(data_lines[0].split(":"));
    QStringList field_name(data_lines[1].split(":"));
    QStringList field_maintainer(data_lines[2].split(":"));
    if((field_id.count()  != 2) ||
       (field_name.count()!= 2) ||
       (field_maintainer.count() != 2) ) return false;
    if(field_id[0]!="PROJECT-ID") return false;
    m_id = field_id[1];
    m_name = field_name[1];
    m_maintainer = field_maintainer[1];
    return true;
Esempio n. 14
    static rapidjson::Value* parse_msg(const Message *msg, rapidjson::Value::AllocatorType& allocator)
        const Descriptor *d = msg->GetDescriptor();
        if (!d)
            return NULL;
        size_t count = d->field_count();
        rapidjson::Value* root = new rapidjson::Value(rapidjson::kObjectType);
        if (!root)
            return NULL;
        for (size_t i = 0; i != count; ++i)
            const FieldDescriptor *field = d->field(i);
            if (!field){
                delete root;
                return NULL;

            const Reflection *ref = msg->GetReflection();
            if (!ref)
                delete root;
                return NULL;
            if (field->is_optional() && !ref->HasField(*msg, field))
                //do nothing
                rapidjson::Value* field_json = field2json(msg, field, allocator);
                rapidjson::Value field_name(field->name().c_str(), field->name().size());
                root->AddMember(field_name, *field_json, allocator);
                delete field_json;
        return root;
Esempio n. 15
scalar_derefs1 ( FILE * fp , node_t * node, int direction )
    node_t * p ;
    int tag ;
    char fname[NAMELEN] ;

    if ( node == NULL ) return(1) ;
    for ( p = node->fields ; p != NULL ; p = p->next )
        if ( p->node_kind & I1 ) continue ;              /* short circuit any field that is not state */
        /* short circuit DERIVED types */
        if ( p->type->type_type == DERIVED ) continue ;
        /* short circuit non-scalars */
        if ( p->ndims > 0 ) continue ;

        if (                 (
                                 (p->node_kind & FIELD )
                                 /* it is not a derived type -ajb */
                                 || (p->node_kind & FIELD && (p->type->type_type != DERIVED) )
            for ( tag = 1 ; tag <= p->ntl ; tag++ )
                strcpy(fname,field_name(t4,p,(p->ntl>1)?tag:0)) ;
                /* generate deref */
                if ( direction == DIR_COPY_OUT ) {
                    fprintf(fp, " grid%%%s    = %s\n",fname,fname ) ;
                } else {
                    fprintf(fp, " %s = grid%%%s\n",fname,fname ) ;
    return(0) ;
Esempio n. 16
		/// <summary>	Gets a tag field using a delimited block.field path. </summary>
		/// <param name="source_definition">	[in] The tag definition to search in. </param>
		/// <param name="field_type">			Type of the field to get. </param>
		/// <param name="field_path">			Full path of the field. </param>
		/// <returns>	The found tag field. </returns>
		static tag_field& GetTagField(tag_block_definition& source_definition, Enums::field_type field_type, const std::string& field_path)
			// Split the field path into block names
			// The last name is the field name so is not added to the list
			std::vector<std::string> block_names;
			std::string field_name(field_path);

			int seperator_index = 0;
			while(field_name.length() != 0)
				int seperator_index = field_name.find(":");
				if(seperator_index == std::string::npos)

				block_names.push_back(field_name.substr(0, seperator_index));
				field_name.replace(0, seperator_index + 1, "");

			// Navigate through the block definitions
			auto* current_block = &source_definition;
			for(auto& block_field_name : block_names)
				int found_block_field = current_block->FindFieldIndex(Enums::_field_block, block_field_name.c_str());
				assert(found_block_field != NONE);

				current_block = current_block->fields[found_block_field].Definition<tag_block_definition>();

			// Get the targeted field
			int found_field_index = current_block->FindFieldIndex(field_type, field_name.c_str());
			assert(found_field_index != NONE);

			return current_block->fields[found_field_index];
Esempio n. 17
SuifPrinterModule::parse_and_print(ostream& output, const ObjectWrapper &obj,
				   const LString &name, const String &str, 
				   int _indent, int deref = 0)
  const Address what = obj.get_address();
  const MetaClass *type = obj.get_meta_class();
  //  ObjectWrapper obj(what, type);
  //output << "str:deref = " << deref << endl;
  int l_sep = list_separator;
  if (str.length() == 0) {
    return false;
  if (deref)
    _indent -= istep;
  int str_length = str.length();
  bool need_indent = false;
  bool first_field = true;
  for (int i = 0; i < str_length; ++i) {
    if (str[i] != '%') {
      // If there are less than 2 extra stars don't print anything but the
      // fields.
      if (deref < 2) {
	// Need to check for \n and take care of indentation here
	switch(str[i]) {
	case '\n':
	  output << str[i];
	  if (str[i+1]) {
	    need_indent = true;
	    indent(output, _indent);
	case '\t': indent(output, istep); break;
	case '\b': _indent -= istep; break;
	default: output << str[i];
    else {
      if (str[i] == '%') {
	// Double % means print out a '%'
	output << '%';
      else {
	// This has to be cleaned up a bit ...
	//int field_deref = deref?deref-1:0;
	int field_deref = 0;
	char buff[256];
	int j = 0;
	char c = str[i++];
	if (c == '*') {
	  while ((c = str[i++]) == '*')
	    ++ field_deref;
	while (isalnum(c) || c == '_') {
	  buff[j++] = c;
	  c = str[i++];
	i -= 2;
	buff[j] = 0;
	// Now retrieve the particular field and print it.
	if (!strcmp(buff, "Cl")) {
	  output << type->get_instance_name() << '('
		 << type->get_meta_class_id() << ") ";
	else if (!strcmp(buff, "ii")) { // Deal with printing IInteger
	  IInteger *ii = (IInteger *)what;
	  output << ii->to_String().c_str();
	else if (!strcmp(buff, "i")) { // Deal with printing int
	  output << *(int*)what;
	else if (!strcmp(buff, "f")) { // float
	  output << *(float*)what;
	else if (!strcmp(buff, "d")) { // double
	  output << *(double*)what;
	else if (!strcmp(buff, "c")) { // char
	  output << *(char*)what;
	else if (!strcmp(buff, "b")) { // byte
	  output << (int)*(char*)what;
	else if (!strcmp(buff, "B")) { // bool
	  output << *(bool*)what;
	else if (!strcmp(buff, "ls")) { // Deal with printing LStrings
	  LString str = *(LString*) what;
	  output << str;
	else if (!strcmp(buff, "s")) { // Deal with printing Strings
	  String str = *(String*) what;
	  output << str;
	else if (!strcmp(buff, "n")) { // Deal with name of field
	  if (!deref)
	    output << name;
	else if (!strcmp(buff, "P")) {
	  if (obj.is_null())
	    output << "NULL";
	  else {
	    PointerWrapper ptr_obj(obj);
	    ObjectWrapper base_obj = ptr_obj.dereference();
	    if (ptr_obj.get_meta_class()->is_owning_pointer()) {
	      size_t ref = retrieve_tag(obj.get_object());
	      output << "t" << ref<< ": ";
	      print2(output, base_obj, emptyLString, 
		     _indent+istep, field_deref);
	    else {
	      print_pointer(output, ptr_obj, emptyLString, _indent, deref);
	else if (!strcmp(buff, "R")) { // print the ref #
	  if (!what)
	    output << "NULL";
	  else {
	    //  PointerMetaClass *p = (PointerMetaClass*) type;
	    //  const Address baseAddr = *(Address*) type;
	    //ObjectWrapper obj(what, type);
	    size_t ref = retrieve_tag(obj);
	    output << "t" << ref<< ": ";
	else if (!strcmp(buff, "LS")) {
	  list_separator = ' ';
	else if (!strcmp(buff, "LN")) {
	  list_separator = '\n';
	else if (!strcmp(buff, "LC")) {
	  list_separator = ',';
	else if (!strcmp(buff, "ANNOTES")) {
	  // Special CASE for handling ANNOTATIONS
	  AggregateWrapper agg(obj);
	  LString field_name("_annotes");
	  FieldDescription *f = agg.get_field_description(field_name);
	  if (!f)
	    cerr << type->get_meta_class(what)->get_class_name()
		 << ":No field '" << field_name << "' found to print!!!\n";
	  else {
	    // Now we need to get the field offset and increment 'what'
	    if (field_deref != 0)
	      cerr << "Extra '*' for %ANNOTES\n";
	    FieldWrapper field = agg.get_field(field_name);
	    if (need_indent) {
	      indent(output, istep);
	      need_indent = false;
	    char old_sep = list_separator;
	    list_separator = '\n';
		   field_name, _indent+istep,
	    list_separator = old_sep;
	else if (j) {
	  // Retrieve the field mentioned
	  // The following cast works as we should reach here only if it
	  // is not an elementary or pointer type.
	  AggregateWrapper agg(obj);
	  char *bf = buff;
	  LString field_name(bf);
	  FieldDescription *f = agg.get_field_description(field_name);
	  if (!f)
	    cerr << type->get_meta_class(what)->get_class_name()
		 << ":No field '" << field_name << "' found to print!!!\n";
	  else {
	    // Now we need to get the field offset and increment 'what'
	    if (deref)
	      if (!first_field) output << ' ';
	      else first_field = false;
	    FieldWrapper field = agg.get_field(field_name);
	    //char *f_add = (char*)what + f->get_offset();
	    //indent(output, _indent+istep);
	    if (need_indent) {
	      indent(output, istep);
	      need_indent = false;
	    if (deref && !field_deref)
	      field_deref = deref - 1;
	    //output << "\tstr:field_deref = " << field_deref << endl;
		   field_name, _indent+istep,
  list_separator = l_sep;
  return true;
Esempio n. 18
gen_args1 ( FILE * fp , char * outstr , char * structname , 
            node_t * node , int *linelen , int sw , int deep )
  node_t * p ;
  int tag ;
  char post[NAMELEN] ;
  char fname[NAMELEN] ;
  char x[NAMELEN], y[NAMELEN] ;
  char indices[NAMELEN] ;
  int lenarg ; 
  int only4d = 0 ;

  if ( sw == ACTUAL_NEW ) { sw = ACTUAL ; only4d = 1 ; }
  if ( sw == DUMMY_NEW )  { sw = DUMMY  ; only4d = 1 ; }

  if ( node == NULL ) return(1) ;
  for ( p = node->fields ; p != NULL ; p = p->next )
    if ( p->node_kind & I1 ) continue ;              /* short circuit any field that is not state */
                                                     /* short circuit scalars; shortening argument lists */
    if ( p->ndims == 0 && p->type->type_type != DERIVED && sw_limit_args ) continue ; 

    if (                 (
          (p->node_kind & FOURD)                   /* scalar arrays or */
                                                   /* it is not a derived type -ajb */
       || (p->node_kind & FIELD && (p->type->type_type != DERIVED) ) 
      if (!only4d || (p->node_kind & FOURD) || associated_with_4d_array(p) ) {
        if      ( p->node_kind & FOURD ) { sprintf(post,",1)") ; }
        else if ( p->boundary_array )     { sprintf(post,")") ; }
        else                              { sprintf(post,")") ; }
        for ( tag = 1 ; tag <= p->ntl ; tag++ )
          /* if this is a core-specific variable, prepend the name of the core to */
          /* the variable at the driver level */
          if ( p->boundary_array && sw_new_bdys ) {
            int bdy ;
            for ( bdy = 1 ; bdy <= 4 ; bdy++ ) {
              strcpy(fname,field_name_bdy(t4,p,(p->ntl>1)?tag:0,bdy)) ;
	      strcpy(indices,"") ;
              if ( sw_deref_kludge && sw==ACTUAL ) 
	        sprintf(indices, "%s",index_with_firstelem("(","",bdy,t2,p,post)) ;
              /* generate argument */
	      strcpy(y,structname) ; strcat(y,fname) ; strcat(y,indices) ; strcat(y,",") ;
	      lenarg = strlen(y) ;
	      if ( lenarg+*linelen > MAX_ARGLINE ) { strcat(outstr," &\n") ; *linelen = 0 ; }
	      strcat(outstr,y) ;
	      *linelen += lenarg ;
          } else {
            strcpy(fname,field_name(t4,p,(p->ntl>1)?tag:0)) ;
            strcpy(indices,"") ;
            if ( sw_deref_kludge && sw==ACTUAL )
              sprintf(indices, "%s",index_with_firstelem("(","",-1,t2,p,post)) ;
            /* generate argument */
            strcpy(y,structname) ; strcat(y,fname) ; strcat(y,indices) ; strcat(y,",") ;
            lenarg = strlen(y) ;
            if ( lenarg+*linelen > MAX_ARGLINE ) { strcat(outstr," &\n") ; *linelen = 0 ; }
            strcat(outstr,y) ;
            *linelen += lenarg ;
    if ( p->type != NULL )
      if ( p->type->type_type == DERIVED && !only4d )
        if ( deep )
          sprintf(x,"%s%s%%",structname,p->name ) ;
          gen_args1(fp, outstr, (sw==ACTUAL)?x:"", p->type,linelen,sw,deep) ;
          /* generate argument */
	  strcpy(y,structname) ; strcat(y,p->name) ; strcat(y,",") ;
	  lenarg = strlen(y) ;
	  if ( lenarg+*linelen > MAX_ARGLINE ) { strcat(outstr," &\n") ; *linelen = 0 ; }
	  strcat(outstr,y) ;
	  *linelen += lenarg ;
          p->mark = 1 ;
  return(0) ;
Esempio n. 19
//! ofObject = true   => returns list of objects this object depends on
//! ofObject = false  => returns list of objects that depend on this object
void MetadataItem::getDependencies(std::vector<Dependency>& list,
    bool ofObject)
    DatabasePtr d = getDatabase();

    int mytype = -1;            // map DBH type to RDB$DEPENDENT TYPE
    NodeType dep_types[] = {    ntTable,    ntView,     ntTrigger,  ntUnknown,  ntUnknown,
                                ntProcedure,ntUnknown,  ntException,ntUnknown,  ntUnknown,
                                ntUnknown,  ntUnknown,  ntUnknown,  ntUnknown,  ntGenerator,
    int type_count = sizeof(dep_types)/sizeof(NodeType);
    for (int i = 0; i < type_count; i++)
        if (typeM == dep_types[i])
            mytype = i;
    // system tables should be treated as tables
    if (typeM == ntSysTable)
        mytype = 0;

    int mytype2 = mytype;
    // views count as relations(tables) when other object refer to them
    if (mytype == 1 && !ofObject)
        mytype2 = 0;

    if (typeM == ntUnknown || mytype == -1)
        throw FRError(_("Unsupported type"));
    IBPP::Database& db = d->getIBPPDatabase();
    IBPP::Transaction tr1 = IBPP::TransactionFactory(db, IBPP::amRead);
    IBPP::Statement st1 = IBPP::StatementFactory(db, tr1);

    wxString o1 = (ofObject ? "DEPENDENT" : "DEPENDED_ON");
    wxString o2 = (ofObject ? "DEPENDED_ON" : "DEPENDENT");
    wxString sql =
        "select RDB$" + o2 + "_TYPE, RDB$" + o2 + "_NAME, RDB$FIELD_NAME \n "
        " from RDB$DEPENDENCIES \n "
        " where RDB$" + o1 + "_TYPE in (?,?) and RDB$" + o1 + "_NAME = ? \n ";
    int params = 1;
    if ((typeM == ntTable || typeM == ntSysTable || typeM == ntView) && ofObject)  // get deps for computed columns
    {                                                       // view needed to bind with generators
        sql += " union  \n"
            " SELECT DISTINCT d.rdb$depended_on_type, d.rdb$depended_on_name, d.rdb$field_name \n"
            " FROM rdb$relation_fields f \n"
            " LEFT JOIN rdb$dependencies d ON d.rdb$dependent_name = f.rdb$field_source \n"
            " WHERE d.rdb$dependent_type = 3 AND f.rdb$relation_name = ? \n";
    if (!ofObject) // find tables that have calculated columns based on "this" object
        sql += "union  \n"
            " SELECT distinct cast(0 as smallint), f.rdb$relation_name, f.rdb$field_name \n"
            " from rdb$relation_fields f \n"
            " left join rdb$dependencies d on d.rdb$dependent_name = f.rdb$field_source \n"
            " where d.rdb$dependent_type = 3 and d.rdb$depended_on_name = ? ";
    // get the exact table and fields for views
    // rdb$dependencies covers deps. for WHERE clauses in SELECTs in VIEW body
    // but we also need mapping for column list in SELECT. These 2 queries cover it:
    if (ofObject && typeM == ntView)
        sql += " union \n"
            " select distinct cast(0 as smallint), vr.RDB$RELATION_NAME, f.RDB$BASE_FIELD \n"
            " from RDB$RELATION_FIELDS f \n"
            " join RDB$VIEW_RELATIONS vr on f.RDB$VIEW_CONTEXT = vr.RDB$VIEW_CONTEXT \n"
            "   and f.RDB$RELATION_NAME = vr.RDB$VIEW_NAME \n"
            " where f.rdb$relation_name = ? \n";
    // views can depend on other views as well
    // we might need to add procedures here one day when Firebird gains support for it
    if (!ofObject && (typeM == ntView || typeM == ntTable || typeM == ntSysTable))
        sql += " union \n"
            " select distinct cast(0 as smallint), f.RDB$RELATION_NAME, f.RDB$BASE_FIELD \n"
            " from RDB$RELATION_FIELDS f \n"
            " join RDB$VIEW_RELATIONS vr on f.RDB$VIEW_CONTEXT = vr.RDB$VIEW_CONTEXT \n"
            "   and f.RDB$RELATION_NAME = vr.RDB$VIEW_NAME \n"
            " where vr.rdb$relation_name = ? \n";

    sql += " order by 1, 2, 3";
    st1->Prepare(wx2std(sql, d->getCharsetConverter()));
    st1->Set(1, mytype);
    st1->Set(2, mytype2);
    for (int i = 0; i < params; i++)
        st1->Set(3 + i, wx2std(getName_(), d->getCharsetConverter()));
    MetadataItem* last = 0;
    Dependency* dep = 0;
    while (st1->Fetch())
        int object_type;
        st1->Get(1, &object_type);
        if (object_type > type_count)   // some system object, not interesting for us
        NodeType t = dep_types[object_type];
        if (t == ntUnknown)             // ditto

        std::string objname_std;
        st1->Get(2, objname_std);
        wxString objname(std2wxIdentifier(objname_std,

        MetadataItem* current = d->findByNameAndType(t, objname);
        if (!current)
            if (t == ntTable) {
                // maybe it's a view masked as table
                current = d->findByNameAndType(ntView, objname);
                // or possibly a system table
                if (!current)
                    current = d->findByNameAndType(ntSysTable, objname);
            if (!ofObject && t == ntTrigger)
                // system trigger dependent of this object indicates possible check constraint on a table
                // that references this object. So, let's check if this trigger is used for check constraint
                // and get that table's name
                IBPP::Statement st2 = IBPP::StatementFactory(db, tr1);
                    "select r.rdb$relation_name from rdb$relation_constraints r "
                    " join rdb$check_constraints c on r.rdb$constraint_name=c.rdb$constraint_name "
                    " and r.rdb$constraint_type = 'CHECK' where c.rdb$trigger_name = ? "
                st2->Set(1, objname_std);
                if (st2->Fetch()) // table using that trigger found
                    std::string s;
                    st2->Get(1, s);
                    wxString tablecheck(std2wxIdentifier(s, d->getCharsetConverter()));
                    if (getName_() != tablecheck)    // avoid self-reference
                        current = d->findByNameAndType(ntTable, tablecheck);
            if (!current)
        if (current != last)            // new object
            Dependency de(current);
            dep = &list.back();
            last = current;
        if (!st1->IsNull(3))
            std::string s;
            st1->Get(3, s);
            dep->addField(std2wxIdentifier(s, d->getCharsetConverter()));

    // TODO: perhaps this could be moved to Table?
    //       call MetadataItem::getDependencies() and then add this
    if ((typeM == ntTable || typeM == ntSysTable) && ofObject)   // foreign keys of this table + computed columns
        Table *t = dynamic_cast<Table *>(this);
        std::vector<ForeignKey> *f = t->getForeignKeys();
        for (std::vector<ForeignKey>::const_iterator it = f->begin();
            it != f->end(); ++it)
            MetadataItem *table = d->findByNameAndType(ntTable,
            if (!table)
                throw FRError(wxString::Format(_("Table %s not found."),
            Dependency de(table);

        // Add check constraints here (CHECKS are checked via system triggers), example:
        // table1::check( table1.field1 > select max(field2) from table2 )
        // So, table vs any object from this ^^^ select
        // Algorithm: 1.find all system triggers bound to that CHECK constraint
        //            2.find dependencies for those system triggers
        //            3.display those dependencies as deps. of this table
        st1->Prepare("select distinct c.rdb$trigger_name from rdb$relation_constraints r "
            " join rdb$check_constraints c on r.rdb$constraint_name=c.rdb$constraint_name "
            " and r.rdb$constraint_type = 'CHECK' where r.rdb$relation_name= ? "
        st1->Set(1, wx2std(getName_(), d->getCharsetConverter()));
        std::vector<Dependency> tempdep;
        while (st1->Fetch())
            std::string s;
            st1->Get(1, s);
            Trigger t(d->shared_from_this(),
                std2wxIdentifier(s, d->getCharsetConverter()));
            t.getDependencies(tempdep, true);
        // remove duplicates, and self-references from "tempdep"
        while (true)
            std::vector<Dependency>::iterator to_remove = tempdep.end();
            for (std::vector<Dependency>::iterator it = tempdep.begin();
                it != tempdep.end(); ++it)
                if ((*it).getDependentObject() == this)
                    to_remove = it;
                to_remove = std::find(it + 1, tempdep.end(), (*it));
                if (to_remove != tempdep.end())
            if (to_remove == tempdep.end())
        list.insert(list.end(), tempdep.begin(), tempdep.end());

    // TODO: perhaps this could be moved to Table?
    if ((typeM == ntTable || typeM == ntSysTable) && !ofObject)  // foreign keys of other tables
            "select r1.rdb$relation_name, i.rdb$field_name "
            " from rdb$relation_constraints r1 "
            " join rdb$ref_constraints c on r1.rdb$constraint_name = c.rdb$constraint_name "
            " join rdb$relation_constraints r2 on c.RDB$CONST_NAME_UQ = r2.rdb$constraint_name "
            " join rdb$index_segments i on r1.rdb$index_name=i.rdb$index_name "
            " where r2.rdb$relation_name=? "
            " and r1.rdb$constraint_type='FOREIGN KEY' "
        st1->Set(1, wx2std(getName_(), d->getCharsetConverter()));
        wxString lasttable;
        Dependency* dep = 0;
        while (st1->Fetch())
            std::string s;
            st1->Get(1, s);
            wxString table_name(std2wxIdentifier(s, d->getCharsetConverter()));
            st1->Get(2, s);
            wxString field_name(std2wxIdentifier(s, d->getCharsetConverter()));

            if (table_name != lasttable)    // new
                MetadataItem* table = d->findByNameAndType(ntTable, table_name);
                if (!table)
                    continue;           // dummy check
                Dependency de(table);
                dep = &list.back();
                lasttable = table_name;

Esempio n. 20
 * Builds a report from database.
struct lmgr_report_t *ListMgr_Report(lmgr_t *p_mgr,
                                     const report_field_descr_t *
                                     unsigned int report_descr_count,
                                     const profile_field_descr_t *
                                     const lmgr_filter_t *p_filter,
                                     const lmgr_iter_opt_t *p_opt)
    unsigned int i;
    char attrname[128];
    lmgr_report_t *p_report;
    int rc;
    table_enum query_tab;
    /* supported report fields: ENTRIES, ANNEX_INFO or ACCT */
    bool use_acct_table = false;
    lmgr_iter_opt_t opt = { 0 };
    unsigned int profile_len = 0;
    unsigned int ratio = 0;
    struct field_count fcnt = { 0 };
    GString *req = NULL;
    GString *fields = NULL;
    GString *where = NULL;
    GString *having = NULL;
    GString *group_by = NULL;
    GString *order_by = NULL;
    GString *filter_name = NULL;

    /* check profile argument and increase output array if needed */
    if (profile_descr != NULL) {
        if (profile_descr->attr_index != ATTR_INDEX_size) {
            DisplayLog(LVL_CRIT, LISTMGR_TAG,
                       "Profile on attribute '%s' (index=%u) is not supported",
            return NULL;
        profile_len = SZ_PROFIL_COUNT;
        if (profile_descr->range_ratio_len > 0)
            ratio = 1;

    /* allocate a new report structure */
    p_report = (lmgr_report_t *) MemAlloc(sizeof(lmgr_report_t));
    if (!p_report)
        return NULL;

    p_report->p_mgr = p_mgr;

    p_report->result = (struct result *)MemCalloc(report_descr_count
                                                  + profile_len + ratio,
                                                  sizeof(struct result));
    if (!p_report->result)
        goto free_report;

    p_report->result_count = report_descr_count + profile_len + ratio;
    p_report->profile_count = profile_len;
    p_report->ratio_count = ratio;
    if (profile_descr != NULL)
        p_report->profile_attr = ATTR_INDEX_size;

    /* initially, no char * tab allocated */
    p_report->str_tab = NULL;

    if (p_opt)
        opt = *p_opt;

    fields = g_string_new(NULL);
    group_by = g_string_new(NULL);
    order_by = g_string_new(NULL);
    having = g_string_new(NULL);
    where = g_string_new(NULL);

    if (full_acct(report_desc_array, report_descr_count, p_filter)
        && !opt.force_no_acct) {
        listmgr_optimizedstat(p_report, p_mgr, report_descr_count,
                              report_desc_array, profile_descr, fields,
                              group_by, order_by, having, where);
        use_acct_table = true;
    } else {    /* not only ACCT table */

        /* sorting by ratio first */
        if (profile_descr && profile_descr->range_ratio_len > 0) {
            if (profile_descr->attr_index == ATTR_INDEX_size) {
                if (profile_descr->range_ratio_sort == SORT_ASC)
                    g_string_append(order_by, "sizeratio ASC");
                    g_string_append(order_by, "sizeratio DESC");

        for (i = 0; i < report_descr_count; i++) {
            /* no field for count or distinct count */
            if (report_desc_array[i].report_type != REPORT_COUNT &&
                report_desc_array[i].report_type != REPORT_COUNT_DISTINCT) {
                /* in what table is this field ? */
                if (is_main_field(report_desc_array[i].attr_index))
                else if (is_annex_field(report_desc_array[i].attr_index))
                else {
                    /* Not supported yet */
                    DisplayLog(LVL_CRIT, LISTMGR_TAG,
                               "Error: report on attribute '%s' (index=%u) is not supported (report item #%u).",
                               report_desc_array[i].attr_index, i);
                    rc = DB_NOT_SUPPORTED;
                    goto free_str;

            sprintf(attrname, "attr%u", i);

            /* what kind of stat on this field ? */
            switch (report_desc_array[i].report_type) {
            case REPORT_MIN:
                g_string_append_printf(fields, "MIN(%s) as %s",
                                                 attr_index), attrname);
                p_report->result[i].type =

            case REPORT_MAX:
                g_string_append_printf(fields, "MAX(%s) as %s",
                                                 attr_index), attrname);
                p_report->result[i].type =

            case REPORT_AVG:
                g_string_append_printf(fields, "ROUND(AVG(%s)) as %s",
                                                 attr_index), attrname);
                p_report->result[i].type =

            case REPORT_SUM:
                g_string_append_printf(fields, "SUM(%s) as %s",
                                                 attr_index), attrname);
                p_report->result[i].type =

            case REPORT_COUNT:
                g_string_append_printf(fields, "COUNT(*) as %s", attrname);
                p_report->result[i].type = DB_BIGUINT;

            case REPORT_COUNT_DISTINCT:
                g_string_append_printf(fields, "COUNT(DISTINCT(%s)) as %s",
                                                 attr_index), attrname);
                p_report->result[i].type = DB_BIGUINT;

            case REPORT_GROUP_BY:
                g_string_append_printf(fields, "%s as %s",
                                                 attr_index), attrname);
                g_string_append(group_by, attrname);
                p_report->result[i].type =

            /* is this field sorted ? */
            append_sort_order(order_by, attrname,

            /* is this field filtered ? */
            listmgr_fieldfilter(p_report, p_mgr, report_desc_array, attrname,
                                having, where, i);

            p_report->result[i].flags =

        /* generate size profile */
        if (profile_descr != NULL) {
            if (profile_descr->attr_index == ATTR_INDEX_size) {
                g_string_append(fields, "SUM(size=0)");

                for (i = 1; i < SZ_PROFIL_COUNT - 1; i++)
                                           ",SUM(" SZRANGE_FUNC "(size)=%u)",
                                           i - 1);

                                       ",SUM(" SZRANGE_FUNC "(size)>=%u)",
                                       SZ_PROFIL_COUNT - 1);

                for (i = 0; i < SZ_PROFIL_COUNT; i++)
                    p_report->result[i + report_descr_count].type = DB_BIGUINT;

                if (profile_descr->range_ratio_len > 0) {
                    /* add ratio field and sort it */
                    g_string_append_printf(fields, "SUM(size>=%llu",

                    /* is the last range = 1T->inf ? */
                    if (profile_descr->range_ratio_start +
                        profile_descr->range_ratio_len >= SZ_PROFIL_COUNT)
                        g_string_append(fields, ")");
                        g_string_append_printf(fields, " and size<%llu)",
                                            + profile_descr->range_ratio_len));

                    g_string_append(fields, "/COUNT(*) as sizeratio");

    /* process filter */
    if (!(no_filter(p_filter))) {
        if (full_acct(report_desc_array, report_descr_count, p_filter)
            && !opt.force_no_acct) {
            int filter_acct;

            /* filter on acct fields only */
            filter_acct = filter2str(p_mgr, where, p_filter, T_ACCT,
                               (!GSTRING_EMPTY(where) ? AOF_LEADING_SEP : 0)
                               | AOF_PREFIX);
            if (filter_acct > 0)
                use_acct_table = true;
        } else {
            /* process NAMES filters apart, as with must then join with
             * DISTINCT(id) */
            filter_where(p_mgr, p_filter, &fcnt, where,
                         (!GSTRING_EMPTY(where) ? AOF_LEADING_SEP : 0)
                         | AOF_SKIP_NAME);

            filter_name = g_string_new(NULL);
            fcnt.nb_names =
                filter2str(p_mgr, filter_name, p_filter, T_DNAMES, 0);

    /* start building the whole request */
    req = g_string_new("SELECT ");
    g_string_append_printf(req, "%s FROM ", fields->str);

    /* FROM clause */
    if (use_acct_table) {
        g_string_append(req, ACCT_TABLE);
        query_tab = T_ACCT;
    } else {
        bool distinct;

        filter_from(p_mgr, &fcnt, req, &query_tab, &distinct, AOF_SKIP_NAME);

        if (filter_name != NULL && !GSTRING_EMPTY(filter_name)) {
            g_string_append_printf(req, " INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT(id)"
                                   " FROM " DNAMES_TABLE " WHERE %s) N"
                                   " ON", filter_name->str,
            /* FIXME: what if NAMES is the query tab? */
        /* FIXME: do the same for stripe items */

    /* Build the request */
    if (!GSTRING_EMPTY(where))
        g_string_append_printf(req, " WHERE %s", where->str);

    if (!GSTRING_EMPTY(group_by))
        g_string_append_printf(req, " GROUP BY %s", group_by->str);

    if (!GSTRING_EMPTY(having))
        g_string_append_printf(req, " HAVING %s", having->str);

    if (!GSTRING_EMPTY(order_by))
        g_string_append_printf(req, " ORDER BY %s", order_by->str);

    /* iterator opt */
    if (opt.list_count_max > 0)
        g_string_append_printf(req, " LIMIT %u", opt.list_count_max);

    /* execute request (expect that ACCT table does not exists) */
    if (use_acct_table)
        rc = db_exec_sql_quiet(&p_mgr->conn, req->str,
        rc = db_exec_sql(&p_mgr->conn, req->str, &p_report->select_result);

    if (lmgr_delayed_retry(p_mgr, rc))
        goto retry;

    /* if the ACCT table does exist, switch to standard mode */
    if (use_acct_table && (rc == DB_NOT_EXISTS)) {
        lmgr_iter_opt_t new_opt;

        if (p_opt != NULL)
            new_opt = *p_opt;
            new_opt.list_count_max = 0;

        new_opt.force_no_acct = true;

        DisplayLog(LVL_EVENT, LISTMGR_TAG,
                   "No accounting info: switching to standard query mode");

        g_string_free(req, TRUE);
        g_string_free(fields, TRUE);
        g_string_free(group_by, TRUE);
        g_string_free(order_by, TRUE);
        g_string_free(having, TRUE);
        g_string_free(where, TRUE);
        if (filter_name != NULL)
            g_string_free(filter_name, TRUE);

        return ListMgr_Report(p_mgr, report_desc_array, report_descr_count,
                              profile_descr, p_filter, &new_opt);

    /* these are always allocated */
    g_string_free(fields, TRUE);
    g_string_free(group_by, TRUE);
    g_string_free(order_by, TRUE);
    g_string_free(having, TRUE);
    g_string_free(where, TRUE);
    /* these may not be allocated */
    if (req != NULL)
        g_string_free(req, TRUE);
    if (filter_name != NULL)
        g_string_free(filter_name, TRUE);

    if (rc == DB_SUCCESS)
        return p_report;

/* error */

    return NULL;
}   /* ListMgr_Report */
Esempio n. 21
gen_scalar_indices1 ( FILE * fp, FILE ** fp2 )
  node_t * p, * memb , * pkg, * rconfig, * fourd, *x ; 
  char * c , *pos1, *pos2 ;
  char assoc_namelist_var[NAMELEN], assoc_namelist_choice[NAMELEN], assoc_4d[NAMELEN_LONG], fname[NAMELEN_LONG] ;
  char scalars_str[NAMELEN_LONG] ;
  char * scalars ;
  int i ;

  for ( p = FourD ; p != NULL ; p = p->next )
   { for ( memb = p->members ; memb != NULL ; memb = memb->next )
      { if ( strcmp(memb->name,"-") ) fprintf(fp,"  P_%s = 1 ; F_%s = .FALSE. \n", memb->name, memb->name ) ; } }

  for ( pkg = Packages ; pkg != NULL ; pkg = pkg->next )
    strcpy( assoc_namelist_var , pkg->pkg_assoc ) ;

    if ((c = index( assoc_namelist_var , '=' ))==NULL) continue ;
    *c = '\0' ; c += 2 ;
    strcpy( assoc_namelist_choice , c ) ;
    if ((rconfig=get_rconfig_entry ( assoc_namelist_var )) == NULL )
     { fprintf(stderr,
       "WARNING: There is no associated namelist variable %s\n",
        assoc_namelist_var) ; continue ; }
    fprintf(fp,"  IF (model_config_rec%%%s%s==%s)THEN\n",
		 (atoi(rconfig->nentries)!=1)?"(idomain)":"",  /* a little tricky; atoi of nentries will be '0' for a string like max_domains */
		 assoc_namelist_choice) ;
    strcpy(scalars_str,pkg->pkg_4dscalars) ;

    if ((scalars = strtok_rentr(scalars_str,";", &pos1)) != NULL)
      while ( scalars != NULL ) {

        if ((c = strtok_rentr(scalars,":",&pos2)) != NULL) strcpy(assoc_4d,c) ; /* get name of associated 4d array */
        if (strcmp(c,"-")) {
          if ( (fourd=get_4d_entry( assoc_4d )) != NULL || !strcmp( assoc_4d, "state" ) ) {
            for ( c = strtok_rentr(NULL,",",&pos2) ; c != NULL ; c = strtok_rentr(NULL,",",&pos2) )
              if ( fourd != NULL && ( ( x = get_entry( c , fourd->members )) != NULL ) ) {
                fprintf(fp,"   IF ( %s_index_table( PARAM_%s , idomain ) .lt. 1 ) THEN\n",assoc_4d,c) ;
                fprintf(fp,"     %s_num_table(idomain) = %s_num_table(idomain) + 1\n",assoc_4d,assoc_4d) ;
                fprintf(fp,"     P_%s = %s_num_table(idomain)\n",c,assoc_4d) ;
                fprintf(fp,"     %s_index_table( PARAM_%s , idomain ) = P_%s\n",assoc_4d,c,c) ;
                fprintf(fp,"   ELSE\n") ;
                fprintf(fp,"     P_%s = %s_index_table( PARAM_%s , idomain )\n",c,assoc_4d,c)  ;
                fprintf(fp,"   END IF\n") ;
                  char fourd_bnd[NAMELEN] ;
                  /* check for the existence of a fourd boundary array associated with this 4D array */
                  /* set io_mask accordingly for gen_wrf_io to know that it should generate i/o for _b and _bt */
                  /* arrays */
                  sprintf(fourd_bnd,"%s_b",assoc_4d) ;
                  if ( get_entry( fourd_bnd  ,Domain.fields) != NULL ) {
                     x->boundary = 1 ;
                fprintf(fp,"   %s_boundary_table( idomain, P_%s ) = %s\n",assoc_4d,c, (x->boundary==1)?".TRUE.":".FALSE." ) ;
                fprintf(fp,"   %s_dname_table( idomain, P_%s ) = '%s'\n",assoc_4d,c,x->dname) ;
                fprintf(fp,"   %s_desc_table( idomain, P_%s ) = '%s'\n",assoc_4d,c,x->descrip) ;
                fprintf(fp,"   %s_units_table( idomain, P_%s ) = '%s'\n",assoc_4d,c,x->units) ;

                for ( i = 0 ; i < IO_MASK_SIZE ; i++ ) {
                  fprintf(fp,"   %s_streams_table( idomain, P_%s )%%stream(%d) = %d ! %08x \n",assoc_4d,c,
                                                                          i+1,x->io_mask[i],x->io_mask[i] ) ;

                fprintf(fp,"   F_%s = .TRUE.\n",c) ;
              } else if ((p = get_entry( c , Domain.fields )) != NULL ) {
                int tag, fo  ;
                for ( tag = 1 ; tag <= p->ntl ; tag++ )
                  if ( !strcmp ( p->use , "_4d_bdy_array_") ) {
                    strcpy(fname,p->name) ;
                  } else {
                    strcpy(fname,field_name(t4,p,(p->ntl>1)?tag:0)) ;
                  make_lower_case(fname)  ;

                  fo = 0 ;
                  if      ( 'x' <= fname[0] ) { fo = 6 ; }
                  else if ( 't' <= fname[0] ) { fo = 5 ; }
                  else if ( 'o' <= fname[0] ) { fo = 4 ; }
                  else if ( 'l' <= fname[0] ) { fo = 3 ; }
                  else if ( 'g' <= fname[0] ) { fo = 2 ; }
                  else if ( 'd' <= fname[0] ) { fo = 1 ; }
                  else                        { fo = 0 ; }

                  fprintf(fp2[fo],"IF(TRIM(vname).EQ.'%s')THEN\n",fname) ;
                  fprintf(fp2[fo],"  IF(uses.EQ.0)THEN\n");
                  fprintf(fp2[fo],"    in_use = model_config_rec%%%s%s.EQ.%s\n",assoc_namelist_var,(atoi(rconfig->nentries)!=1)?"(id)":"",assoc_namelist_choice) ;
                  fprintf(fp2[fo],"    uses = 1\n") ;
                  fprintf(fp2[fo],"  ELSE\n") ;
                  fprintf(fp2[fo],"    in_use = in_use.OR.model_config_rec%%%s%s.EQ.%s\n",assoc_namelist_var,(atoi(rconfig->nentries)!=1)?"(id)":"",assoc_namelist_choice) ;
                  fprintf(fp2[fo],"  ENDIF\n") ;
                  fprintf(fp2[fo],"ENDIF\n") ;

              } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %s is not a member of 4D array %s\n",c,assoc_4d);continue;
          } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: There is no 4D array named %s\n",assoc_4d);continue ;

        scalars = strtok_rentr(NULL,";", &pos1) ;


    fprintf(fp,"  END IF\n") ;

  return(0) ;
Esempio n. 22
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
	if (argc < 4 || argc > 6) {
		std::cout << "Usage: embedfile [-wx] [-text] <inout> <output> <fieldname>" << std::endl;

		return error_invalidargs;

	bool wxWidgets_image = false;
	bool text_content = false;

	int argc_offset = 1;

	if (casecmp(argv[argc_offset], "-wx")) {
		wxWidgets_image = true;


	if (casecmp(argv[argc_offset], "-text")) {
		text_content = true;


	std::string input_file(argv[argc_offset]);
	std::string output_basename(argv[argc_offset + 1]);
	std::string field_name(argv[argc_offset + 2]);

	std::ios::openmode mode = std::ios::in;
	if (!text_content) {
		mode |= std::ios::binary;

	std::ifstream file_in(input_file.c_str(), mode);
	if (file_in.bad()) {
		std::cout << "ERROR: Error opening input file: " << input_file << std::endl;
		return error_cantopenfile;

	// Get the size of the input stream
	size_t input_size;
	file_in.seekg(0, std::ios::end);

	if ((int) file_in.tellg() != -1) {
		input_size = (size_t) file_in.tellg();
	else {
		std::cout << "ERROR: Failed to get size of input file: " << input_file << std::endl;
		return error_ioerror;

	file_in.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);

	// Generates two files, one header and one source file
	std::string headerName = output_basename + ".h";
	std::string sourceName = output_basename + ".cpp";

	std::ofstream source_out(sourceName.c_str());
	if (source_out.bad()) {
		std::cout << "ERROR: Error opening output file: " << sourceName << std::endl;
		return error_cantoutputfile;

	std::ofstream header_out(headerName.c_str());
	if (header_out.bad()) {
		std::cout << "ERROR: Error opening output file: " << headerName << std::endl;
		return error_cantoutputfile;

	if (text_content) {
		do_text_content(file_in, source_out, field_name, input_size);
	else {
		do_binary_content(file_in, source_out, field_name, input_size, wxWidgets_image);

	write_header(header_out, field_name, text_content, wxWidgets_image);



	return error_none;