void StandardField::createLongAlarm() { size_t numFields = 10; FieldConstPtrArray fields(numFields); StringArray names(numFields); names[0] = "active"; names[1] = "lowAlarmLimit"; names[2] = "lowWarningLimit"; names[3] = "highWarningLimit"; names[4] = "highAlarmLimit"; names[5] = "lowAlarmSeverity"; names[6] = "lowWarningSeverity"; names[7] = "highWarningSeverity"; names[8] = "highAlarmSeverity"; names[9] = "hystersis"; fields[0] = fieldCreate->createScalar(pvBoolean); fields[1] = fieldCreate->createScalar(pvLong); fields[2] = fieldCreate->createScalar(pvLong); fields[3] = fieldCreate->createScalar(pvLong); fields[4] = fieldCreate->createScalar(pvLong); fields[5] = fieldCreate->createScalar(pvInt); fields[6] = fieldCreate->createScalar(pvInt); fields[7] = fieldCreate->createScalar(pvInt); fields[8] = fieldCreate->createScalar(pvInt); fields[9] = fieldCreate->createScalar(pvLong); longAlarmField = fieldCreate->createStructure("valueAlarm_t",names,fields); }
SUPPRESS_OFFSET_WARNING_BEGIN int ThickeningParameters::staticInit() { ReflectionNaming &nameing = naming(); nameing = ReflectionNaming( "Thickening Parameters", "Thickening Parameters", "" ); fields().push_back( new IntField ( ThickeningParameters::POWER_ID, offsetof(ThickeningParameters, mPower), 5000, "Power", "Power", "Power" ) ); return 0; }
static bool getYesterdayTodayAndTomorrow(JNIEnv* env, jobject localeData, const char* locale_name) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; ScopedResourceBundle root(ures_open(NULL, locale_name, &status)); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return false; } ScopedResourceBundle calendar(ures_getByKey(root.get(), "calendar", NULL, &status)); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return false; } ScopedResourceBundle gregorian(ures_getByKey(calendar.get(), "gregorian", NULL, &status)); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return false; } ScopedResourceBundle fields(ures_getByKey(gregorian.get(), "fields", NULL, &status)); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return false; } ScopedResourceBundle day(ures_getByKey(fields.get(), "day", NULL, &status)); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return false; } ScopedResourceBundle relative(ures_getByKey(day.get(), "relative", NULL, &status)); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return false; } // bn_BD only has a "-2" entry. if (relative.hasKey("-1") && relative.hasKey("0") && relative.hasKey("1")) { setStringField(env, localeData, "yesterday", relative.get(), "-1"); setStringField(env, localeData, "today", relative.get(), "0"); setStringField(env, localeData, "tomorrow", relative.get(), "1"); return true; } return false; }
bool SlimServerInfo::ProcessServerInfo(QByteArray response) { DEBUGF(""); QList<QByteArray> aList = response.split( ' ' ); // split response into various pairs QListIterator<QByteArray> fields(aList); while(fields.hasNext()){ QString line = QString(fields.next()); if(line.section("%3A",0,0)=="lastscan") lastServerRefresh = line.section("%3A",1,1).toAscii().toInt(); else if(line.section("%3A",0,0)=="version") serverVersion=line.section("%3A",1,1).toAscii(); else if(line.section("%3A",0,0)=="info%20total%20albums") totalAlbums=line.section("%3A",1,1).toAscii().toInt(); else if(line.section("%3A",0,0)=="info%20total%20artists") totalArtists=line.section("%3A",1,1).toAscii().toInt(); else if(line.section("%3A",0,0)=="info%20total%20genres") totalGenres=line.section("%3A",1,1).toAscii().toInt(); else if(line.section("%3A",0,0)=="info%20total%20songs") totalSongs=line.section("%3A",1,1).toAscii().toInt(); else if(line.section("%3A",0,0)=="player%20count") playerCount=line.section("%3A",1,1).toAscii().toInt(); } return true; }
boost::optional<Document> DocumentSourceRedact::redactObject(const Variables& in) { const Value expressionResult = _expression->evaluate(in); if (expressionResult == keepVal) { return in.current.getDocument(); } else if (expressionResult == pruneVal) { return boost::optional<Document>(); } else if (expressionResult == descendVal) { MutableDocument out; FieldIterator fields(in.current.getDocument()); while (fields.more()) { const Document::FieldPair field(fields.next()); const Value val = redactValue(in, field.second); if (!val.missing()) { out.addField(field.first, val); } } return out.freeze(); } else { uasserted(17053, str::stream() << "$redact's expression should not return anything " << "aside from the variables $$KEEP, $$DESCEND, and " << "$$PRUNE, but returned " << expressionResult.toString()); } }
SUPPRESS_OFFSET_WARNING_BEGIN int InputFilterParameters::staticInit() { ReflectionNaming &nameing = naming(); nameing = ReflectionNaming( "Input Filter Parameters", "Input Filter Parameters", "" ); fields().push_back( new EnumField ( InputFilterParameters::INPUT_TYPE_ID, offsetof(InputFilterParameters, mInputType), 0, "Input Type", "Input Type", "Input Type", NULL ) ); return 0; }
QgsFieldConstraints::Constraints QgsVectorDataProvider::fieldConstraints( int fieldIndex ) const { QgsFields f = fields(); if ( fieldIndex < 0 || fieldIndex >= f.count() ) return nullptr; return f.at( fieldIndex ).constraints().constraints(); }
string Table::toString() { string s; for (int index = 0; index < fields()->count(); index++) { if (Field* f = fields()->getByIndex(index)) { s += intToStr(index + 1) + ". " + f->getDefinition(); if (index < (fields()->count() - 1)) s +="\r\n"; } } return s; }
std::string Parser::arg1() const { assert(fields(current_line_) >= 1); // Expected behaviour according to the spec. if (this->commandType() == C_ARITHMETIC) return field(current_line_, 0); else return field(current_line_, 1); }
static void handle_pvs_mod(unsigned char *buffer) { /* buffer contains "dir&file&place&filename" */ if (fields(buffer)==4) { fprintf(stderr, PVSMESSAGE "Modifing commands not supported\n" PVSMESSAGE "%s&%s&%s&%s\n", field[0],field[1],field[2],field[3]); } }
static void handle_pvs_dis(unsigned char *buffer) { /* buffer contains "proof&instance&type&value" */ if (fields(buffer)==4) { fprintf(stderr, PVSMESSAGE "Display commands not supported\n" PVSMESSAGE "%s&%s&%s&%s\n", field[0],field[1],field[2],field[3]); } }
/** * Load and initialize cluster definition and GeoIP data if any * * @param myAddress My ZeroTier address * @param pathToClusterFile Path to cluster definition file * @throws std::runtime_error Invalid cluster definition or unable to load data */ ClusterDefinition(uint64_t myAddress,const char *pathToClusterFile) { std::string cf; if (!OSUtils::readFile(pathToClusterFile,cf)) return; char myAddressStr[64]; Utils::snprintf(myAddressStr,sizeof(myAddressStr),"%.10llx",myAddress); std::vector<std::string> lines(OSUtils::split(cf.c_str(),"\r\n","","")); for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator l(lines.begin());l!=lines.end();++l) { std::vector<std::string> fields(OSUtils::split(l->c_str()," \t","","")); if ((fields.size() < 5)||(fields[0][0] == '#')||(fields[0] != myAddressStr)) continue; // <address> geo <CSV path> <ip start column> <ip end column> <latitutde column> <longitude column> if (fields[1] == "geo") { if ((fields.size() >= 7)&&(OSUtils::fileExists(fields[2].c_str()))) { int ipStartColumn = Utils::strToInt(fields[3].c_str()); int ipEndColumn = Utils::strToInt(fields[4].c_str()); int latitudeColumn = Utils::strToInt(fields[5].c_str()); int longitudeColumn = Utils::strToInt(fields[6].c_str()); if (_geo.load(fields[2].c_str(),ipStartColumn,ipEndColumn,latitudeColumn,longitudeColumn) <= 0) throw std::runtime_error(std::string("failed to load geo-ip data from ")+fields[2]); } continue; } // <address> <ID> <name> <backplane IP/port(s)> <ZT frontplane IP/port(s)> <x,y,z> int id = Utils::strToUInt(fields[1].c_str()); if ((id < 0)||(id > ZT_CLUSTER_MAX_MEMBERS)) throw std::runtime_error(std::string("invalid cluster member ID: ")+fields[1]); MemberDefinition &md = _md[id]; md.id = (unsigned int)id; if (fields.size() >= 6) { std::vector<std::string> xyz(OSUtils::split(fields[5].c_str(),",","","")); md.x = (xyz.size() > 0) ? Utils::strToInt(xyz[0].c_str()) : 0; md.y = (xyz.size() > 1) ? Utils::strToInt(xyz[1].c_str()) : 0; md.z = (xyz.size() > 2) ? Utils::strToInt(xyz[2].c_str()) : 0; } Utils::scopy(md.name,sizeof(md.name),fields[2].c_str()); md.clusterEndpoint.fromString(fields[3]); if (!md.clusterEndpoint) continue; std::vector<std::string> zips(OSUtils::split(fields[4].c_str(),",","","")); for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator zip(zips.begin());zip!=zips.end();++zip) { InetAddress i; i.fromString(*zip); if (i) md.zeroTierEndpoints.push_back(i); } _ids.push_back((unsigned int)id); } std::sort(_ids.begin(),_ids.end()); }
TEST_F( FieldsTest, FieldsMethodInAssignment ) { Fields abc = fields ( "a", ActiveRecord::integer ) ( "b", ActiveRecord::text ) ( "c", ActiveRecord::floating_point ) ( "d", ActiveRecord::date ); ASSERT_EQ( 4, abc.size() ); }
void VolumePropertiesDialog::AppendToList (const string &name, const wxString &value) { vector <wstring> fields (PropertiesListCtrl->GetColumnCount()); fields[0] = LangString[name]; fields[1] = value; Gui->AppendToListCtrl (PropertiesListCtrl, fields); }
void __fastcall TfrmRetrieveMain::AddClick( TObject *Sender ) { if( !OpenDialog1->Execute( ) ) { return; } Screen->Cursor = crSQLWait; progress->Position = 0; std::unique_ptr < TStrings > lines( new TStringList ); lines->LoadFromFile( OpenDialog1->FileName ); progress->Max = lines->Count; std::unique_ptr < TStrings > fields( new TStringList ); bool expectPos = (rgDestOrder->ItemIndex == FROM_FILE); bool finished = false; for( int line = 0; line < lines->Count; ) { fields->CommaText = lines->Strings[ line ++ ]; int pos; String warning; switch( fields->Count ) { case 0: continue; case 1: if( expectPos ) { warning = "No position"; } else { pos = rows.size() + 1; } break; case 2: if( expectPos ) { pos = fields->Strings[ 1 ].ToIntDef( -1 ); if( pos < 1 ) { warning = "Invalid position"; } break; } default: warning = "Extra characters"; } if( warning.IsEmpty() ) { warning = addCryovials( fields->Strings[ 0 ], pos ); } if( !warning.IsEmpty() ) { warning = warning + " on line " + String( line ); if( Application->MessageBox( warning.c_str(), L"Warning", MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONWARNING) != IDOK ) { rows.clear( ); break; } } progress->StepIt( ); fillGrid( ); Application->ProcessMessages( ); } Screen->Cursor = crDefault; sortList.clear( ); updateDisplay(); }
int header_table_tests (void) { int re; re = blocks(); re += fields(); return re; }
static void fields(FIELD *start,int group) { FIELD *walk; TAG *scan; VALUE_LIST *tag; for (walk = start; walk; walk = walk->next) { if (walk->structure) { fields(walk->my_block,group); continue; } if (*walk->id != '_') { if (walk->value && walk->value->type == vt_case) to_c(" { %d, %d, %d, values_%d, %d }, /* %s */\n",group, walk->pos,walk->size,walk->field,walk->var_len,walk->id); else to_c(" { %d, %d, %d, NULL, %d }, /* %s */\n",group, walk->pos,walk->size,walk->var_len,walk->id); } if (walk->value) switch (walk->value->type) { case vt_id: break; case vt_case: case vt_multi: for (scan = walk->value->tags; scan; scan = scan->next) fields(scan->block,scan->group); to_test("static int unique_%d[] = { /* %s */\n",unique++, walk->id); for (scan = walk->value->tags; scan; scan = scan->next) { to_test(" %s,\n",scan->value); for (tag = scan->more; tag; tag = tag->next) to_test(" %s,\n",tag->value); } to_test(" -1\n};\n\n"); break; case vt_length: fields(walk->value->block,group); break; default: abort(); } } }
PVStructurePtr PVDataCreate::createPVStructure( StringArray const & fieldNames,PVFieldPtrArray const & pvFields) { size_t num = fieldNames.size(); FieldConstPtrArray fields(num); for (size_t i=0;i<num;i++) fields[i] = pvFields[i]->getField(); StructureConstPtr structure = fieldCreate->createStructure(fieldNames,fields); PVStructurePtr pvStructure(new PVStructure(structure,pvFields)); return pvStructure; }
IdfExtensibleGroup IdfExtensibleGroup::pushClone() const { if (empty()) { detail::IdfObject_ImplPtr p; return IdfExtensibleGroup(p,0); } StringVector values = fields(); OS_ASSERT(values.size() == numFields()); return m_impl->pushExtensibleGroup(values); }
IdfExtensibleGroup IdfExtensibleGroup::insertClone(unsigned groupIndex) const { if (empty()) { detail::IdfObject_ImplPtr p; return IdfExtensibleGroup(p,0); } StringVector values = fields(); OS_ASSERT(values.size() == numFields()); return m_impl->insertExtensibleGroup(groupIndex,values); }
void VarManager::search() { setEnabled(false); QMultiMap<int, QString> vars = fieldArchive->searchAllVars(); quint32 key; qint32 param; QTreeWidgetItem *item; QMap<int, bool> count; int lastVar=-1; QMapIterator<int, QString> i(vars); while(i.hasNext()) { i.next(); if(lastVar == i.key()) continue; lastVar = i.key(); JsmOpcode op(lastVar); key = op.key(); param = op.param(); count.insert(param, true); item = list->topLevelItem(param); item->setBackground(0, QColor(0xff,0xe5,0x99)); if(key == 10 || key == 11 || key == 16) { item->setText(1, QString("%1Byte").arg(key == 16 ? "Signed " : "")); } else if(key == 12 || key == 13 || key == 17) { item->setText(1, QString("%1Word").arg(key == 17 ? "Signed " : "")); count.insert(param+1, true); list->topLevelItem(param+1)->setBackground(0, QColor(0xff,0xe5,0x99)); } else if(key == 14 || key == 15 || key == 18) { item->setText(1, QString("%1Long").arg(key == 18 ? "Signed " : "")); count.insert(param+1, true); list->topLevelItem(param+1)->setBackground(0, QColor(0xff,0xe5,0x99)); count.insert(param+2, true); list->topLevelItem(param+2)->setBackground(0, QColor(0xff,0xe5,0x99)); count.insert(param+3, true); list->topLevelItem(param+3)->setBackground(0, QColor(0xff,0xe5,0x99)); } QStringList fields(vars.values(lastVar)); fields.append(item->text(3).split(", ", QString::SkipEmptyParts)); fields.removeDuplicates(); item->setText(3, fields.join(", ")); } list->resizeColumnToContents(0); list->resizeColumnToContents(1); setEnabled(true); countLabel->setText(tr("Vars utilisés : %1/1536").arg(count.size())); }
bool LinkLayerTest::OnFrame(LinkFunction func, bool isMaster, bool fcb, bool fcvdfc, uint16_t dest, uint16_t source, const openpal::RSlice& userdata) { LinkHeaderFields fields(func, isMaster, fcb, fcvdfc, dest, source); return link.OnFrame(fields, userdata); }
void update_values() { std::vector<const mesh::FieldBase *> fields(m_values_field.begin(), m_values_field.end()); if (m_mesh_modified) { // Copy coordinates to the newly ghosted nodes m_mesh_modified = false; fields.push_back(&m_coordinates_field); } mesh::communicate_field_data( *m_transfer_entity_ghosting , fields); mesh::copy_owned_to_shared ( m_bulk_data, fields ); }
void FieldInfos::add(DocumentPtr doc) { SyncLock syncLock(this); Collection<FieldablePtr> fields(doc->getFields()); for (Collection<FieldablePtr>::iterator field = fields.begin(); field != fields.end(); ++field) { add((*field)->name(), (*field)->isIndexed(), (*field)->isTermVectorStored(), (*field)->isStorePositionWithTermVector(), (*field)->isStoreOffsetWithTermVector(), (*field)->getOmitNorms(), false, (*field)->getOmitTermFreqAndPositions()); } }
QMap<QString, int> QgsVectorDataProvider::fieldNameMap() const { QMap<QString, int> resultMap; const QgsFields& theFields = fields(); for ( int i = 0; i < theFields.count(); ++i ) { resultMap.insert( theFields[i].name(), i ); } return resultMap; }
static void handle_pvs_buf(unsigned char *buffer) { /* buffer contains "bufname&file&display&read_only" */ int nf = fields(buffer); /* PVS version 2.1 used 4 fields, PVS version 2.2 uses 5 fields */ if ((nf==4 || nf==5) && field[1]!=NILstr) { if (pvs_open_pvs_files) { open_temporary_file(field[0], field[1], field[2]!=NILstr,0); } unlink(field[1]); } }
void response(DynamicBuffer& db) { write(db, "HTTP/1."); write(db, rand(2) ? "0" : "1"); write(db, " ", 100 + rand(401), " "); write(db, token()); write(db, "\r\n"); fields(db); body(db); write(db, "\r\n"); }
QList<Model::Node*> Class::findSymbols(const QRegExp& symbolExp,Model::Node* source, FindSymbolMode mode, bool exhaustAllScopes) { QList<Model::Node*> symbols; symbols << methods()->findAllSymbolDefinitions(symbolExp); symbols << fields()->findAllSymbolDefinitions(symbolExp); if (exhaustAllScopes || symbols.isEmpty()) symbols << Node::findSymbols(symbolExp, source, mode, exhaustAllScopes); return symbols; }
std::string Parser::field(const std::string& s, unsigned int f) const { // PRE: f is a valid field number for s. assert(f >= 0 && f < fields(s)); std::stringstream line(s); std::string temp; int i = f; // It can become negative (!). while (i >= 0) { line >> temp; i--; } return temp; }
QMap<QString, int> QgsVectorDataProvider::fieldNameMap() const { QMap<QString, int> resultMap; QgsFields fieldsCopy = fields(); for ( int i = 0; i < fieldsCopy.count(); ++i ) { resultMap.insert( fieldsCopy.at( i ).name(), i ); } return resultMap; }