Esempio n. 1
bool FileRepository::findFile(std::string &path, struct stat &s) {
  if (path.empty()) return false;
  if (path[0] != '/') {
    if (!g_context->getIncludePathArray().isNull()) {
      for (ArrayIter iter(g_context->getIncludePathArray()); iter; ++iter) {
        string ip = iter.second().toString().data();
        string p;
        if (!ip.empty() && ip[ip.length() - 1] == '/') {
          p = ip + path;
        } else {
          p = ip + "/" + path;
        if (fileStat(p, s) && !S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)) {
          path = p;
          return true;
    string cwd = g_context->getCwd().data();
    if (!cwd.empty() && cwd[cwd.length() - 1] == '/') {
      path = cwd + path;
    } else {
      path = cwd + "/" + path;
  return fileStat(path, s) && !S_ISDIR(s.st_mode);
Esempio n. 2
bool Misc::dir_Exists(const char* path){
	if ( !path || !*path )
		return false;
	struct cl_stat_t buf;
	int32_t ret = fileStat(path,&buf);
	return ( ret == 0);
Esempio n. 3
int64_t Misc::file_Size(const char* path){
	struct cl_stat_t buf;
	if ( fileStat(path,&buf) == 0 )
		return buf.st_size;
		return -1;
Esempio n. 4
bool FileRepository::findFile(std::string &path, struct stat &s,
                              const char *currentDir) {
  // Check working directory first since that's what php does
  if (fileStat(path, s)) {
    return true;
  for (vector<string>::const_iterator it =
       it != RuntimeOption::IncludeSearchPaths.end(); ++it) {
    string p;
    if ((*it)[0] == '.' && currentDir) {
      p = string(currentDir) + it->substr(1);
    } else {
      p = *it;
    p += path;
    if (fileStat(p, s)) {
      path = p;
      return true;
  return false;
Esempio n. 5
arma::mat readHDF5(const std::string& file_name)
   arma::mat HDF5;

   if (fileStat(file_name))
      HDF5.load(file_name, arma::hdf5_binary);
      throw std::runtime_error("Problem with loading MDS input file " + file_name);

   return HDF5;
Esempio n. 6
bool FileRepository::findFile(const StringData *path, struct stat *s) {
  if (isAuthoritativeRepo()) {
      UnitMd5Map::const_accessor acc;
      if (s_unitMd5Map.find(acc, path)) {
        return acc->second.m_present;
    MD5 md5;
    const StringData* spath = StringData::GetStaticString(path);
    UnitMd5Map::accessor acc;
    if (s_unitMd5Map.insert(acc, spath)) {
      bool present = VM::Repo::get().findFile(
        path->data(), SourceRootInfo::GetCurrentSourceRoot(), md5);
      acc->second.m_present = present;
      acc->second.m_unitMd5 = md5;
    return acc->second.m_present;
  return fileStat(path->data(), s) && !S_ISDIR(s->st_mode);
Esempio n. 7
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// local function to handle call to stat via resource plugin
int _rsFileStat(
    rsComm_t*      _comm,
    fileStatInp_t* _stat_inp,
    rodsStat_t**   _stat_out ) {
    struct stat myFileStat;
    memset( &myFileStat, 0, sizeof( myFileStat ) );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // make call to stat via resource plugin
    irods::file_object_ptr file_obj(
        new irods::file_object(
            0, 0, 0 ) );
    irods::error stat_err = fileStat( _comm, file_obj, &myFileStat );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // log error if necessary
    if ( !stat_err.ok() ) {
//        irods::log(LOG_ERROR, stat_err.result());
        return stat_err.code();

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // convert unix stat struct to an irods stat struct
    *_stat_out = ( rodsStat_t* )malloc( sizeof( rodsStat_t ) );
    int status = statToRodsStat( *_stat_out, &myFileStat );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // manage error if necessary
    if ( status < 0 ) {
        free( *_stat_out );
        *_stat_out = NULL;

    return status;

} // _rsFileStat
Esempio n. 8
bool Misc::listFiles(const char* directory, std::vector<std::string>& files, bool fullPath){
  //clear old files
  DIR* dir = opendir(directory);
  if ( dir == NULL ) return false;
  struct dirent* fl = readdir(dir);
  struct cl_stat_t buf;
	string path;
  while ( fl != NULL ){
  	path = string(directory) + "/" + fl->d_name;
		int32_t ret = fileStat(path.c_str(),&buf);
		if ( ret==0 && !(buf.st_mode & S_IFDIR) ) {
			if ( (strcmp(fl->d_name, ".")) && (strcmp(fl->d_name, "..")) ) {
				if ( fullPath ){
	  fl = readdir(dir);
  return true;
Esempio n. 9
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
int chkEmptyDir(
    rsComm_t*           rsComm,
    const std::string&  cacheDir,
    const std::string&  hier ) {
    int status = 0;
    char childPath[MAX_NAME_LEN];
    struct stat myFileStat;
    struct rodsDirent* myFileDirent = 0;

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // call opendir via resource plugin
    irods::collection_object_ptr cacheDir_obj(
        new irods::collection_object(
            0, 0 ) );
    irods::error opendir_err = fileOpendir( rsComm, cacheDir_obj );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // don't log an error as this is part
    // of the functionality of this code
    if ( !opendir_err.ok() ) {
        return 0;

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // make call to readdir via resource plugin
    irods::error readdir_err = fileReaddir( rsComm, cacheDir_obj, &myFileDirent );
    while ( readdir_err.ok() && 0 == readdir_err.code() ) {
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // handle relative paths
        if ( strcmp( myFileDirent->d_name, "." ) == 0 ||
                strcmp( myFileDirent->d_name, ".." ) == 0 ) {
            readdir_err = fileReaddir( rsComm, cacheDir_obj, &myFileDirent );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // get status of path
        snprintf( childPath, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s/%s", cacheDir.c_str(), myFileDirent->d_name );
        irods::collection_object_ptr tmp_coll_obj(
            new irods::collection_object(
                0, 0 ) );

        irods::error stat_err = fileStat( rsComm, tmp_coll_obj, &myFileStat );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // handle hard error
        if ( stat_err.code() < 0 ) {
            rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "chkEmptyDir: fileStat error for %s, status = %d",
                     childPath, stat_err.code() );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // path exists
        if ( myFileStat.st_mode & S_IFREG ) {
            status = SYS_DIR_IN_VAULT_NOT_EMPTY;
            rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "chkEmptyDir: file %s exists",
                     childPath, status );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // recurse for another directory
        if ( myFileStat.st_mode & S_IFDIR ) {
            status = chkEmptyDir( rsComm, childPath, hier );
            if ( status == SYS_DIR_IN_VAULT_NOT_EMPTY ) {
                rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "chkEmptyDir: dir %s is not empty", childPath );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // continue with child path
        readdir_err = fileReaddir( rsComm, cacheDir_obj, &myFileDirent );

    } // while

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // make call to closedir via resource plugin, log error if necessary
    irods::error closedir_err = fileClosedir( rsComm, cacheDir_obj );
    if ( !closedir_err.ok() ) {
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << "fileClosedir failed for [";
        msg << cacheDir;
        msg << "]";
        irods::error log_err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), closedir_err );
        irods::log( log_err );

    if ( status != SYS_DIR_IN_VAULT_NOT_EMPTY ) {
        irods::collection_object_ptr coll_obj(
            new irods::collection_object(
                hier, 0, 0 ) );
        irods::error rmdir_err = fileRmdir( rsComm, coll_obj );
        if ( !rmdir_err.ok() ) {
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "fileRmdir failed for [";
            msg << cacheDir;
            msg << "]";
            irods::error err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), rmdir_err );
            irods::log( err );
        status = 0;

    return status;

} // chkEmptyDir
Esempio n. 10
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// mk the directory recursively
int mkFileDirR(
    rsComm_t *          rsComm,
    size_t              startDirLen,
    const std::string&  destDir,
    const std::string&  hier,
    int                 mode ) {

    std::string physical_directory_prefix;
    if ( destDir.empty() ) {
        rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "mkFileDirR called with empty dest directory" );
        return SYS_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM ;
    if ( destDir.size() < startDirLen ) {
        rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "mkFileDirR called with a destDir: [%s]"
                 "shorter than its startDirLen: [%ju]",
                 destDir.c_str(), ( uintmax_t )startDirLen );
    if ( !rsComm ) {
        rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "mkFileDirR called with null rsComm" );
    if ( isValidFilePath( destDir ) ) {
        std::string vault_path;
        irods::error err = irods::get_vault_path_for_hier_string( hier, vault_path );
        if ( !err.ok() ) {
            rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, err.result().c_str() );
            return err.code();

        if ( 0, vault_path.size(), vault_path ) == 0 &&
                ( destDir[ vault_path.size() ] == '/' || destDir.size() == vault_path.size() ) ) {
            physical_directory_prefix = vault_path;

    std::vector< std::string > directories_to_create;

    std::string physical_directory = destDir;
    if ( physical_directory[ physical_directory.size() - 1 ] == '/' ) {
        physical_directory.erase( physical_directory.size() - 1 );
    while ( physical_directory.size() > startDirLen ) {
        irods::collection_object_ptr tmp_coll_obj(
            new irods::collection_object(
                0, 0 ) );
        struct stat statbuf;
        irods::error stat_err = fileStat(
                                    &statbuf );
        if ( stat_err.code() >= 0 ) {
            if ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR ) {
            else {
                rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE,
                         "mkFileDirR: A local non-directory %s already exists \n",
                         physical_directory.c_str() );
                return stat_err.code();
        else {
            directories_to_create.push_back( physical_directory.substr( physical_directory_prefix.size() ) );

        /* Go backward */
        size_t index_of_last_slash = physical_directory.rfind( '/', physical_directory.size() - 1 );
        if ( std::string::npos != index_of_last_slash ) {
            physical_directory = physical_directory.substr( 0, index_of_last_slash );
        else {

    } // while

    std::string irods_directory_prefix = "/";
    irods_directory_prefix += getLocalZoneName();

    /* Now we go forward and make the required dir */
    while ( !directories_to_create.empty() ) {

        physical_directory = physical_directory_prefix;
        physical_directory += directories_to_create.back();

        std::string irods_directory = irods_directory_prefix;
        irods_directory += directories_to_create.back();


        irods::collection_object_ptr tmp_coll_obj(
            new irods::collection_object(
                mode, 0 ) );

        irods::error mkdir_err = fileMkdir( rsComm, tmp_coll_obj );
        if ( !mkdir_err.ok() && ( getErrno( mkdir_err.code() ) != EEXIST ) ) { // JMC - backport 4834
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "fileMkdir for [";
            msg << physical_directory;
            msg << "]";
            irods::error ret_err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), mkdir_err );
            irods::log( ret_err );

            return  mkdir_err.code();
    return 0;
Esempio n. 11
struct dirent * readdir (DIR * dirp)
    errno = 0;

    /* Check for valid DIR struct. */
    if (!dirp)
        errno = EFAULT;
        return NULL;

    if (dirp->dd_dir.d_name != dirp->
        /* The structure does not seem to be set up correctly. */
        errno = EINVAL;
        return NULL;

    bool bCallFindNext = true;

    if (dirp->dd_stat < 0)
        /* We have already returned all files in the directory
        * (or the structure has an invalid dd_stat). */
        return NULL;
    else if (dirp->dd_stat == 0)
        /* We haven't started the search yet. */
        /* Start the search */
        dirp->dd_handle = _findfirst (dirp->dd_name, &(dirp->dd_dta));

        if (dirp->dd_handle == -1)
            /* Whoops! Seems there are no files in that
            * directory. */
            dirp->dd_stat = -1;
            dirp->dd_stat = 1;

        /* Dont call _findnext first time. */
        bCallFindNext = false;

    while (dirp->dd_stat > 0)
        if (bCallFindNext)
            /* Get the next search entry. */
            if (_findnext (dirp->dd_handle, &(dirp->dd_dta)))
                /* We are off the end or otherwise error. */
                _findclose (dirp->dd_handle);
                dirp->dd_handle = -1;
                dirp->dd_stat = -1;
                return NULL;
                /* Update the status to indicate the correct
                * number. */

        /* Successfully got an entry. Everything about the file is
        * already appropriately filled in except the length of the
        * file name. */
        dirp->dd_dir.d_namlen = strlen (dirp->dd_dir.d_name);

        bool bThisFolderOrUpFolder = dirp->dd_dir.d_name[0] == '.' &&
                                     (dirp->dd_dir.d_name[1] == 0 || (dirp->dd_dir.d_name[1] == '.' && dirp->dd_dir.d_name[2] == 0));

        if (!bThisFolderOrUpFolder)
            struct cl_stat_t buf;
            char buffer[CL_MAX_DIR];
            size_t bl = strlen(dirp->dd_name)-strlen(DIRENT_SEARCH_SUFFIX);
            strcat(buffer, dirp->dd_dir.d_name);
            if ( fileStat(buffer,&buf) == 0 )
                /* Finally we have a valid entry. */
                return &dirp->dd_dir;

        /* Allow to find next file. */
        bCallFindNext = true;

    return NULL;
Esempio n. 12
opendir (const char *szPath)
    DIR *nd;
    char szFullPath[CL_MAX_PATH];

    errno = 0;

    if (!szPath)
        errno = EFAULT;
        return NULL;

    if (szPath[0] == '\0')
        errno = ENOTDIR;
        return NULL;

    /* Attempt to determine if the given path really is a directory. */
    struct cl_stat_t rcs;
    if ( fileStat(szPath,&rcs) == -1)
        /* call GetLastError for more error info */
        errno = ENOENT;
        return NULL;
    if (!(rcs.st_mode & _S_IFDIR))
        /* Error, entry exists but not a directory. */
        errno = ENOTDIR;
        return NULL;

    /* Make an absolute pathname.  */

    /* Allocate enough space to store DIR structure and the complete
    * directory path given. */
    //nd = (DIR *) malloc (sizeof (DIR) + _tcslen (szFullPath) + _tcslen (DIRENT_SLASH) +
    //					_tcslen (DIRENT_SEARCH_SUFFIX)+1);
    nd = new DIR;

    if (!nd)
        /* Error, out of memory. */
        errno = ENOMEM;
        return NULL;

    /* Create the search expression. */
    strcpy (nd->dd_name, szFullPath);

    /* Add on a slash if the path does not end with one. */
    if (nd->dd_name[0] != '\0' &&
            nd->dd_name[strlen (nd->dd_name) - 1] != '/' &&
            nd->dd_name[strlen (nd->dd_name) - 1] != '\\')
        strcat (nd->dd_name, DIRENT_SLASH);

    /* Add on the search pattern */
    strcat (nd->dd_name, DIRENT_SEARCH_SUFFIX);

    /* Initialize handle to -1 so that a premature closedir doesn't try
    * to call _findclose on it. */
    nd->dd_handle = -1;

    /* Initialize the status. */
    nd->dd_stat = 0;

    /* Initialize the dirent structure. ino and reclen are invalid under
    * Win32, and name simply points at the appropriate part of the
    * findfirst_t structure. */
    //nd->dd_dir.d_ino = 0;
    //nd->dd_dir.d_reclen = 0;
    nd->dd_dir.d_namlen = 0;
    nd->dd_dir.d_name = nd->;

    return nd;
Esempio n. 13
// Use boost::program_options to parse command line input
// This does pretty much all the parameter checking needed
int parseCommandLine (int argc, char *argv[], po::variables_map& vm)
   int failed = 0;

   //Required options
   po::options_description required("Required options");
    ("kmers,k", po::value<std::string>(), "dsm kmer output file (not needed if using --mds_concat)")
    ("pheno,p", po::value<std::string>(), ".pheno metadata");

   po::options_description mds("MDS options");
    ("output,o", po::value<std::string>(), "output prefix for new dsm file")
    ("no_mds", "do not perform MDS; output subsampled matrix instead")
    ("write_distances",  "write csv of distance matrix")
    ("mds_concat", po::value<std::string>(), "list of subsampled matrices to use in MDS. Performs only MDS; implies --no_filtering")
    ("pc", po::value<int>()->default_value(pc_default), "number of principal coordinates to output")
    ("size", po::value<long int>()->default_value(size_default), "number of kmers to use in MDS")
    ("threads", po::value<int>()->default_value(1), ("number of threads. Suggested: " + std::to_string(std::thread::hardware_concurrency())).c_str());

   //Optional filtering parameters
   //NB pval cutoffs are strings for display, and are converted to floats later
   po::options_description filtering("Filtering options");
    ("no_filtering", "turn off all filtering and do not output new kmer file")
    ("max_length", po::value<long int>()->default_value(max_length_default), "maximum kmer length")
    ("maf", po::value<double>()->default_value(maf_default), "minimum kmer frequency")
    ("min_words", po::value<int>(), "minimum kmer occurences. Overrides --maf");

   po::options_description other("Other options");
    ("version", "prints version and exits")
    ("help,h", "full help message");

   po::options_description all;

      po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(all).run(), vm);

      if (vm.count("help"))
         failed = 1;
      else if (vm.count("version"))
         std::cout << VERSION << std::endl;
         failed = 1;
         failed = 0;

         // Check input files exist, and can stat
         if ((vm.count("kmers") && !fileStat(vm["kmers"].as<std::string>())) || (vm.count("pheno") && !fileStat(vm["pheno"].as<std::string>())))
            failed = 1;

   catch (po::error& e)
      // Report errors from boost library
      std::cerr << "Error in command line input: " << e.what() << "\n";
      std::cerr << "Run 'kmds --help' for full option listing\n\n";
      std::cerr << required << "\n" << other << "\n";

      failed = 1;

   return failed;
Esempio n. 14
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// local function which handles removing directories via the resource plugin
int _rsFileRmdir(
    rsComm_t*       _comm,
    fileRmdirInp_t* _rmdir_inp ) {

    irods::collection_object_ptr coll_obj(
        new irods::collection_object(
            0, 0 ) );

    if ( ( _rmdir_inp->flags & RMDIR_RECUR ) != 0 ) {
        // FIXME :: revisit this after moving to First class Objects
        // recursive. This is a very dangerous operation. curently
        // it is only used to remove cache directory of structured
        // files
        struct rodsDirent* myFileDirent = 0;

        // if it is not a cache dir, return an error as we only do this
        // for cache dirs at the moment.
        if ( strstr( _rmdir_inp->dirName, CACHE_DIR_STR ) == NULL ) {
            rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "_rsFileRmdir: recursive rm of non cachedir path %s",
                     _rmdir_inp->dirName );
            return SYS_INVALID_FILE_PATH;

        // call opendir via resource plugin
        irods::error opendir_err = fileOpendir( _comm, coll_obj );

        // log an error, if any
        if ( !opendir_err.ok() ) {
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "fileOpendir failed for [";
            msg << _rmdir_inp->dirName;
            msg << "]";
            irods::error err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), opendir_err );
            irods::log( err );
            return opendir_err.code();

        // read the directory via resource plugin and either handle files or recurse into another directory
        irods::error readdir_err = fileReaddir( _comm, coll_obj, &myFileDirent );
        while ( readdir_err.ok() && 0 == readdir_err.code() ) {
            struct stat statbuf;
            char myPath[MAX_NAME_LEN];

            // handle relative paths
            if ( strcmp( myFileDirent->d_name, "." ) == 0 ||
                    strcmp( myFileDirent->d_name, ".." ) == 0 ) {
                readdir_err = fileReaddir( _comm, coll_obj, &myFileDirent );

            // cache path name
            snprintf( myPath, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s/%s", &_rmdir_inp->dirName[0], &myFileDirent->d_name[0] );

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // call stat via resource plugin, handle errors
            irods::collection_object_ptr myPath_obj(
                new irods::collection_object(
                    0, 0 ) );
            irods::error stat_err = fileStat( _comm, myPath_obj, &statbuf );
            if ( !stat_err.ok() ) {
                std::stringstream msg;
                msg << "fileStat failed for [";
                msg << myPath;
                msg << "]";
                irods::error log_err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), stat_err );
                irods::log( log_err );

                // call closedir via resource plugin, handle errors
                irods::error closedir_err = fileClosedir( _comm, myPath_obj );
                if ( !closedir_err.ok() ) {
                    std::stringstream msg;
                    msg << "fileClosedir for [";
                    msg << myPath;
                    msg << "]";
                    irods::error log_err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), closedir_err );
                    irods::log( log_err );

                return stat_err.code();

            }  // if !stat_err.ok()

            // filter based on stat results: file, dir, or error
            int status = 0;
            if ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IFREG ) != 0 ) {
                // handle case where file is found
                irods::error unlink_err = fileUnlink( _comm, myPath_obj );
                status = unlink_err.code();
                if ( !unlink_err.ok() ) {
                    irods::error log_err = PASSMSG( "error during unlink.", unlink_err );
                    irods::log( log_err );
            else if ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR ) != 0 ) {
                // handle case where directory is found
                fileRmdirInp_t myRmdirInp;
                memset( &myRmdirInp, 0, sizeof( myRmdirInp ) );

                myRmdirInp.flags    = _rmdir_inp->flags;
                rstrcpy( myRmdirInp.dirName, myPath, MAX_NAME_LEN );
                rstrcpy( myRmdirInp.rescHier, _rmdir_inp->rescHier, MAX_NAME_LEN );

                // RECURSE - call _rsFileRmdir on this new found directory
                status = _rsFileRmdir( _comm, &myRmdirInp );

            else {
                status = SYS_INVALID_FILE_PATH;
                rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE, "_rsFileRmdir:  for %s, status = %d", myPath, status );

            // handle error condition on the above three cases
            if ( status < 0 ) {
                rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE, "_rsFileRmdir:  rm of %s failed, status = %d", myPath, status );

                // call closedir via resource plugin, handle errors
                irods::error closedir_err = fileClosedir( _comm, myPath_obj );
                if ( !closedir_err.ok() ) {
                    std::stringstream msg;
                    msg << "fileClosedir failed for [";
                    msg << myPath;
                    msg << "]";
                    irods::error log_err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), closedir_err );
                    irods::log( log_err );

                return status;

            } // if status < 0

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // continue readdir via resource plugin
            readdir_err = fileReaddir( _comm, coll_obj, &myFileDirent );

        } // while

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // call closedir via resource plugin, handle errors
        irods::error closedir_err = fileClosedir( _comm, coll_obj );
        if ( !closedir_err.ok() ) {
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "fileClosedir failed for [";
            msg << _rmdir_inp->dirName;
            msg << "]";
            irods::error log_err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), closedir_err );
            irods::log( log_err );

    } // if RMDIR_RECUR ( recursive delete )

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // make the call to rmdir via the resource plugin
    irods::error rmdir_err = fileRmdir( _comm, coll_obj );
    if ( !rmdir_err.ok() ) {
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << "fileRmdir failed for [";
        msg << _rmdir_inp->dirName;
        msg << "]";
        irods::error err = PASSMSG( msg.str(), rmdir_err );
        irods::log( err );

    return rmdir_err.code();

} // _rsFileRmdir
Esempio n. 15
chkEmptyDir (int fileType, rsComm_t *rsComm, char *cacheDir)
    void *dirPtr = NULL;
#if defined(solaris_platform)
    char fileDirent[sizeof (struct dirent) + MAX_NAME_LEN];
    struct dirent *myFileDirent = (struct dirent *) fileDirent;
    struct dirent fileDirent;
    struct dirent *myFileDirent = &fileDirent;
    int status;
    char childPath[MAX_NAME_LEN];
    struct stat myFileStat;

    status = fileOpendir ((fileDriverType_t)fileType, rsComm, cacheDir, &dirPtr);

    if (status < 0) {
        return (0);

    while ((status = fileReaddir ((fileDriverType_t)fileType, rsComm, dirPtr, myFileDirent))
      >= 0) {
        if (strcmp (myFileDirent->d_name, ".") == 0 ||
          strcmp (myFileDirent->d_name, "..") == 0) {
        snprintf (childPath, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s/%s", cacheDir, 

        status = fileStat ((fileDriverType_t)fileType, rsComm, childPath, &myFileStat);

        if (status < 0) {
            rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
              "chkEmptyDir: fileStat error for %s, status = %d",
              childPath, status);
	if (myFileStat.st_mode & S_IFREG) {
            rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
              "chkEmptyDir: file %s exists",
              childPath, status);

	if (myFileStat.st_mode & S_IFDIR) {
	    status = chkEmptyDir ((fileDriverType_t)fileType, rsComm, childPath);
	    if (status == SYS_DIR_IN_VAULT_NOT_EMPTY) {
                rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
                  "chkEmptyDir: dir %s is not empty", childPath);
    fileClosedir ((fileDriverType_t)fileType, rsComm, dirPtr);
    if (status != SYS_DIR_IN_VAULT_NOT_EMPTY) {
	fileRmdir ((fileDriverType_t)fileType, rsComm, cacheDir);
	status = 0;
    return status;
Esempio n. 16
mkFileDirR (int fileType, rsComm_t *rsComm, char *startDir, 
char *destDir, int mode)
    int status;
    int startLen;
    int pathLen, tmpLen;
    char tmpPath[MAX_NAME_LEN];
    struct stat statbuf;
    rodsHostAddr_t addr;
    rodsServerHost_t *rodsServerHost;
    char *zoneName;
    char *outVaultPath;
    int vp_len;
    char collName[MAX_NAME_LEN];
    keyValPair_t condInput;

    startLen = strlen (startDir);
    pathLen = strlen (destDir);

    rstrcpy (tmpPath, destDir, MAX_NAME_LEN);

    tmpLen = pathLen;

    while (tmpLen > startLen) {
        status = fileStat ( (fileDriverType_t)fileType, rsComm, tmpPath, &statbuf);
        if (status >= 0) {
            if (statbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR) {
            } else {
		 rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE,
                 "mkFileDirR: A local non-directory %s already exists \n",
                return (status);

        /* Go backward */

        while (tmpLen && tmpPath[tmpLen] != '/')
            tmpLen --;
        tmpPath[tmpLen] = '\0';

    if (fileType == DIRECT_ACCESS_FILE_TYPE) {
        zoneName = getLocalZoneName();
        addr.hostAddr[0] = '\0';
        resolveHost(&addr, &rodsServerHost);
        vp_len = matchVaultPath(rsComm, destDir, rodsServerHost, &outVaultPath);
        if (vp_len == 0) {
            outVaultPath = NULL;

    /* Now we go forward and make the required dir */
    while (tmpLen < pathLen) {
        /* Put back the '/' */
        tmpPath[tmpLen] = '/';
        memset(&condInput, 0, sizeof(condInput));
        if (fileType == DIRECT_ACCESS_FILE_TYPE) {
            snprintf(collName, MAX_NAME_LEN, "/%s%s", 
                     zoneName, tmpPath + vp_len);
            status = rsQueryDirectoryMeta(rsComm, collName, &condInput);
        status = fileMkdir ((fileDriverType_t)fileType, rsComm, tmpPath, mode, &condInput);
        status = fileMkdir ((fileDriverType_t)fileType, rsComm, tmpPath, mode, NULL);
        if (status < 0 && (getErrno (status) != EEXIST)) {
	    rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE,
             "mkFileDirR: mkdir failed for %s, status =%d",
              tmpPath, status);
            return status;
#if 0	/* a fix from AndyS */
        while (tmpLen && tmpPath[tmpLen] != '\0')
        while (tmpPath[tmpLen] != '\0')
            tmpLen ++;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 17
_rsChkNVPathPerm( rsComm_t *rsComm, fileOpenInp_t *chkNVPathPermInp ) {
    struct stat myFileStat;
    int sysUid;
    char  tmpPath[MAX_NAME_LEN];
    int len;
    char *tmpPtr;

    if ( chkNVPathPermInp->objPath[0] == '\0' ) {
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << __FUNCTION__;
        msg << " - Empty logical path.";
        irods::log( LOG_ERROR, msg.str() );
        return -1;

    /* Need to match path's owner uid with sysUid */
    sysUid = rsComm->clientUser.sysUid;
    if ( sysUid < 0 ) {
        /* have tried before */
        return SYS_NO_PATH_PERMISSION;
    else if ( sysUid == 0 ) {
        sysUid = rsComm->clientUser.sysUid =
                     getUnixUid( rsComm->clientUser.userName );

        if ( sysUid < 0 ) {
            rsComm->clientUser.sysUid = sysUid;
            return SYS_NO_PATH_PERMISSION;

    rstrcpy( tmpPath, chkNVPathPermInp->fileName, MAX_NAME_LEN );

    len = strlen( tmpPath );
    irods::error stat_err;
    while ( 1 ) {

        irods::file_object_ptr file_obj(
            new irods::file_object(
                0, 0, 0 ) );
        stat_err = fileStat( rsComm, file_obj, &myFileStat );
        if ( stat_err.code() >= 0 ) {
        else if ( errno == EEXIST || getErrno( stat_err.code() ) == EEXIST ) {

            /* go back */
            tmpPtr =  tmpPath + len;

            while ( len > 0 ) {
                len --;
                if ( *tmpPtr == '/' ) {
                    *tmpPtr = '\0';

            if ( len > 0 ) {
                /* give it more tries */
            else {
        else {

    if ( stat_err.code() < 0 ) {
        return SYS_NO_PATH_PERMISSION;

    if ( sysUid != ( int ) myFileStat.st_uid &&
            ( myFileStat.st_mode & S_IWOTH ) == 0 ) {
        return SYS_NO_PATH_PERMISSION;
    else {
        return 0;
bool FileRepository::findFile(const string &path, struct stat *s) {
  return fileStat(path.c_str(), s) && !S_ISDIR(s->st_mode);
Esempio n. 19
bool FileRepository::findFile(std::string &path, struct stat &s,
                              const char *currentDir) {
  return fileStat(path, s);