void telnet_sddump( file_handle_t handle, char** argv, unsigned int argc )
	unsigned long sector = 0;
	char tmp[8];
	char* parseend;
	if( argc != 2)
		file_puts("sddump [sector]\r\n", telnet_handle);
	sector = strtoul( argv[1], &parseend, 0);
	unsigned char* data = malloc( SECTOR_SIZE );
	unsigned char result = DFS_ReadSector(0, data, sector, 1);
	if( result == 0 )
		memdump( handle, data, data + SECTOR_SIZE);
		file_puts("Error reading sector. Response code:", handle );
		sprintf(tmp,"%02hhx", result );
		file_puts(tmp, handle);
		file_puts(CRLF, handle);
void exec_line( char* line, char* end )
	int token_count = tokenise_line( line, end, NULL, 0 );
	if( token_count >  0 )
		char** argv = malloc( sizeof(char*) * token_count );
		tokenise_line( line, end, argv, token_count );
		//match command against cmd list
		unsigned short i = 0;
		for( ; i < CMDS_SIZE; i++ )
			if( strcmp( commands[i].command, argv[0] ) == 0)
				commands[i].exec( telnet_handle, argv, token_count);
		if(  i == CMDS_SIZE ) //fell out of loop without a match
			file_puts("Unknown command: ", telnet_handle);
			file_puts(argv[0], telnet_handle );
			file_puts(CRLF, telnet_handle );
		free( argv );
void memdump( file_handle_t handle, char* start, char* end )
	int i = 1;
	char* line = malloc(64);
	char *tmp;
	while( start < end )
		tmp = line;
		tmp += sprintf(tmp,"%p\t", start);
		for( i = 0 ; i < 8; i++ )
			unsigned char b = start[i];
			tmp+=sprintf(tmp, "%02hhx ", b);
		*tmp = '\t';
		for( i = 0 ; i < 8; i++ )
			if( *start >= ' ' && *start <= '~' ) *tmp++ = *start;
			else *tmp++ = '.';
		*tmp = '\0';	
		file_puts( line , telnet_handle);
		file_puts( CRLF , telnet_handle);
Esempio n. 4
static int modfile_fputs( INSTANCE * my, int * params )
    char * str = ( char * ) string_get( params[1] );
    int r = file_puts(( file * )params[0], str ) ;
    if ( str[strlen( str )-1] != '\n' ) file_puts(( file * )params[0], "\r\n" ) ;
    /*    int r = file_puts ((file *)params[0], string_get(params[1])) ; */
    string_discard( params[1] ) ;
    return r ;
void telnet_help( file_handle_t handle, char** argv, unsigned int argc )
	file_puts(  "Configured commands:\r\n" , handle);
	int i = 0;
	for( ; i < CMDS_SIZE ; i++ )
		file_puts(  commands[i].command , handle);
		file_puts( CRLF , handle );
void telnet_cat( file_handle_t handle, char** argv, unsigned int argc )
	if( argc != 2 )
		file_puts("cat [filename]\r\n", telnet_handle);
	u8_t* scratch = malloc(SECTOR_SIZE);
	VOLINFO* volinfo = malloc( sizeof(VOLINFO) );
	FILEINFO* file = malloc( sizeof(FILEINFO) );
	u8_t* read_buf = malloc( SEND_BUF_SIZE );

	//get partition start sector
	uint32_t startsector = DFS_GetPtnStart( 0, scratch, 0 , NULL, NULL, NULL );
	if( startsector == DFS_ERRMISC )
		file_puts("Error finding partition start\r\n", handle);
		goto exit;
	//get volume info
	if( DFS_GetVolInfo(0,scratch,startsector,volinfo) ) 
		file_puts("Error getting volume info\r\n", handle);
		goto exit;
	//open file
	if( DFS_OpenFile( volinfo, (u8_t*)argv[1], DFS_READ, scratch, file ) ) 
		file_puts("Error opening file ", handle);
		file_puts( argv[1], handle );
		file_puts( CRLF, handle );
		goto exit;
	//read it to the output handle
	uint32_t read = 0;
	//TODO - would like the use the send buffer as THE buffer
	while( read  < file->filelen ) 
		uint32_t did_read;
		DFS_ReadFile( file, scratch, read_buf, &did_read, SEND_BUF_SIZE );
		if( did_read == 0 )
			file_puts("Error reading file ", handle);
			file_puts( argv[1], handle );
			file_puts( CRLF, handle );
			goto exit;
		u16_t i = 0;
		for( ; i < did_read; i++ )
			file_putchar( read_buf[i], handle );
		read += did_read;
	free( read_buf );
	free( file );
	free( volinfo );
	free( scratch );
void telnet_echo( file_handle_t handle, char** argv, unsigned int argc )
	int i;
	for( i=1; i < argc; )
		file_puts(argv[i], handle);
		if( ++i < argc ) file_putchar(' ',handle);		
	file_puts(CRLF, handle);
void telnet_time( file_handle_t handle, char** argv, unsigned int argc )
	file_puts( "RTCC Date/Time: ", handle );
	struct tm time;
	rtcc_get_tm( &time );
	char* timestr = malloc( 32 );
	sprintf(timestr,"%u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u", time.tm_year+1900, time.tm_mon+1, time.tm_mday, time.tm_hour, time.tm_min, time.tm_sec );
	file_puts(timestr, handle);
	free( timestr );
	file_puts(CRLF, handle);
Esempio n. 9
static int file_puts_retry(const char *pathname, const char *value, int retry)
	while (retry-- && file_puts(pathname, value) < 0)

	return retry;
void telnet_memdump( file_handle_t handle, char** argv, unsigned int argc )
	char* memstart = NULL;
	char* parseend;
	unsigned int len = 0;
	if( argc != 3)
		file_puts("memdump [address] [count]\r\n", telnet_handle);
	memstart = (char*)(unsigned short) strtoul( argv[1], &parseend, 0);
	len = (unsigned int) strtoul( argv[2], &parseend, 0);
	memdump( handle, memstart, memstart + len);

//A pointer to this function is passed into the socket_listen call
//It will be called whenever an incoming connection is setup on the listening port
file_handle_t telnet_connect_accept(u16_t local_port, u16_t *remote_address, u16_t remote_port)
#ifdef __DEBUG
	unsigned char* raddr = (unsigned char*) remote_address;
	printf("\nTelnet: Connect from %hhd.%hhd.%hhd.%hhd port %d", raddr[1],raddr[0],raddr[3],raddr[2], remote_port  );
	if( telnet_handle != FILE_INVALID_HANDLE ) return FILE_INVALID_HANDLE;
	buffer_init( &telnet_send_buffer, send_buf, SEND_BUF_SIZE );
	buffer_init( &telnet_receive_buffer, receive_buf, REC_BUF_SIZE );
	telnet_handle = file_handle_create( &telnet_receive_buffer, &telnet_send_buffer );
	optneg_mode = 0;

	//we will do the echoing from this end. 
	//It's just easier than to try and do full option negotiation
	telnet_mode = 0 | MODE_ECHO;
	file_putchar(TELNET_IAC, telnet_handle);
	file_putchar(TELNET_WILL, telnet_handle);
	file_putchar(TELNET_ECHO, telnet_handle);
	file_putchar(TELNET_IAC, telnet_handle);
	file_putchar(TELNET_WILL, telnet_handle);
	file_putchar(TELNET_SUPPRESS_GO_AHEAD, telnet_handle);
	file_puts("\r\nWeb platform telnet. Enter help for commands.\r\n>", telnet_handle);
	return telnet_handle;
void telnet_rm( file_handle_t handle, char** argv, unsigned int argc )
	if( argc != 2 )
		file_puts("rm [filename]\r\n", telnet_handle);
	u8_t* scratch = malloc(SECTOR_SIZE);
	VOLINFO* volinfo = malloc( sizeof(VOLINFO) );

	//get partition start sector
	uint32_t startsector = DFS_GetPtnStart( 0, scratch, 0 , NULL, NULL, NULL );
	if( startsector == DFS_ERRMISC )
		file_puts("Error finding partition start\r\n", handle);
		goto exit;
	//get volume info
	if( DFS_GetVolInfo(0,scratch,startsector,volinfo) ) 
		file_puts("Error getting volume info\r\n", handle);
		goto exit;
	//unlink file
	uint32_t result = DFS_UnlinkFile( volinfo, (u8_t*)argv[1], scratch );
	if( result != DFS_OK ) 
		file_puts("Error unlinking file ", handle);
		file_puts( argv[1], handle );
		file_puts(". RC=", handle );
		file_putchar( (char)result + '0', handle);
		file_puts( CRLF, handle );
	free( volinfo );
	free( scratch );
Esempio n. 13
//! This function adds files in play list
//! @param sz_filterext add file only corresponding to the  extension filter
//! @param u8_mode      PL_ADD_FILE, PL_ADD_DIR, PL_ADD_SUBDIR
//! @return    false in case of error, see global value "fs_g_status" for more detail
//! @return    true otherwise
//! @verbatim
//! It is possible to select a file or all files in a directory
//! @endverbatim
bool   pl_add( const FS_STRING sz_filterext , uint8_t u8_mode )
   uint8_t nav_id_save;
   uint8_t u8_folder_level;

   if( !pl_main_modify() )
      return false;
   nav_id_save = nav_get();

   // Check last character of file
   nav_select( FS_NAV_ID_PLAYLIST );
   if( 0!=nav_file_lgt() )
#if( PL_UNICODE == true)
      file_seek( 2, FS_SEEK_END);
      if( '\n' != file_getc())
         file_seek( 2, FS_SEEK_END);
      file_seek( 1, FS_SEEK_END);
      if( '\n' != file_getc())
         file_seek( 1, FS_SEEK_END);
   nav_select( nav_id_save );

   // Get path of play list file and check with current to create a relative path

   if( PL_ADD_FILE == u8_mode )
      goto pl_add_file;

   // Add all files valid in current dir
   u8_folder_level = 0;
         if( nav_filelist_set( 0 , FS_FIND_NEXT ) )
            break;   // a next file and directory is found
         // No other dir or file in current dir then go to parent dir
         if( 0 == u8_folder_level )
            goto pl_add_end;  // end of ADD
         // Remark, nav_dir_gotoparent() routine go to in parent dir and select the children dir in list
         if( !nav_dir_gotoparent() )
            return false;

      if( nav_file_isdir())
         if( PL_ADD_SUBDIR == u8_mode )
         {  // Enter in sub dir
            if( !nav_dir_cd())
               return false;
         if( nav_file_checkext( sz_filterext ) )
            // It is a valid file
            // Get name of current file
#if( (FS_ASCII == true) && (FS_UNICODE == true) && (PL_UNICODE == false) )
            nav_getcwd( (FS_STRING)pl_cache_path, PL_CACHE_PATH_MAX_SIZE, true );
#if( (FS_ASCII == true) && (FS_UNICODE == true) && (PL_UNICODE == false) )
            // Write path in file list
            nav_select( FS_NAV_ID_PLAYLIST );
#if( PL_UNICODE == true)
            if( file_puts(pl_cache_path))
#if( PL_UNICODE == true)
            nav_select( nav_id_save );
         if( PL_ADD_FILE == u8_mode )
            goto pl_add_end;
      } // if dir OR file
   } // end of first while(1)

   // Go to beginning of file AND no file selected
   nav_select( FS_NAV_ID_PLAYLIST );
   file_seek( 0 , FS_SEEK_SET );
   pl_g_u16_list_sel = 0;
   nav_select( nav_id_save );
   return true;
//The main telnet task
void telnet_task_main(void)
	commands[0].exec = &telnet_help;

	commands[1].exec = &telnet_echo;

	commands[2].exec = &telnet_time;

	commands[3].exec = &telnet_quit;

	commands[4].exec = &telnet_memdump;
	connection_event.event_mask = ReadableOrException;
	telnet_handle = FILE_INVALID_HANDLE;
	socket_listen(HTONS(23), &telnet_connect_accept );

	unsigned short pos = 0;
		while( ! file_get_next_event( &telnet_handle, 1, &connection_event) )
		if( connection_event.event & Exception )
//#ifdef __DEBUG
			puts("\r\nTelnet: Closing connection");
			file_close( telnet_handle );
			telnet_handle = FILE_INVALID_HANDLE;
			pos = 0;
			optneg_mode = 0;
			goto restart;

		unsigned short avail = buffer_available(&telnet_receive_buffer);
		char* rd_buf = buffer_read_ptr(&telnet_receive_buffer);
		while( pos < avail)//if avail == 1, rd_buf[0] is the last char we can read
			unsigned char c = rd_buf[pos];
			if( pos == REC_BUF_SIZE-1 )
				//buffer is full, but no CR/LF seen yet... what to do?
				//either discard line, or pretend the last char was \r ??
				c = '\r';

				case TELNET_IAC:
					if( avail - pos > 2 )
						//buf[pos+1] = will/wont/do/dont
						//buf[pos+2] = option
						switch( (unsigned char) rd_buf[pos+2] )
							case TELNET_ECHO:
								switch( (unsigned char) rd_buf[pos+1] )
									case TELNET_DO:
										//other end wants us to echo
										telnet_mode |= MODE_ECHO;
									case TELNET_DONT:
										//other end demands we don't echo
										telnet_mode &= ~MODE_ECHO;
						//remove 3 chars from buffer
						buffer_unwrite(&telnet_receive_buffer, &rd_buf[pos], 3 );
						avail -= 3;
				case '\r': // could be \r\n , \r\0 or just \r on its own
					if( telnet_mode & MODE_ECHO)
						file_puts(CRLF, telnet_handle);
					//if there's a following character, and it's \n or \0, chomp it too.
					if( pos < avail && (rd_buf[pos+1] == '\n' || rd_buf[pos+1] == '\0')) pos++; 
					exec_line( rd_buf, rd_buf+pos ); //if read rd_buf[0], pos == 1 -> end = (rd_ptr + 1)

					buffer_seek( &telnet_receive_buffer, pos ); //free buffer
					rd_buf = buffer_read_ptr(&telnet_receive_buffer);

					pos = 0;
					avail = buffer_available(&telnet_receive_buffer);
					file_putchar('>', telnet_handle);
				case '\b':
				case 0x7f:
					if( pos > 0 ) //not the first character
						if( telnet_mode & MODE_ECHO)
							file_putchar('\b', telnet_handle);
							file_putchar(' ', telnet_handle);
							file_putchar('\b', telnet_handle);
						buffer_unwrite(&telnet_receive_buffer, &rd_buf[pos-1], 2 );
						buffer_unwrite(&telnet_receive_buffer, &rd_buf[pos], 1 );
					if( c >= ' ' && c <='~' )
						if( telnet_mode & MODE_ECHO)
							file_putchar(c, telnet_handle);
						buffer_unwrite(&telnet_receive_buffer, &rd_buf[pos], 1 );
			}//end switch
		}//end while loop

	}//end outer while
void telnet_ls( file_handle_t handle, char** argv, unsigned int argc )
	if( argc != 2 )
		file_puts("ls [path]\r\n", telnet_handle);
	u8_t* scratch = malloc(SECTOR_SIZE);
	VOLINFO* volinfo = malloc( sizeof(VOLINFO) );
	DIRINFO* dir = malloc( sizeof(DIRINFO) );
	DIRENT* dirent = malloc( sizeof(DIRENT) );

	//get partition start sector
	uint32_t startsector = DFS_GetPtnStart( 0, scratch, 0 , NULL, NULL, NULL );
	if( startsector == DFS_ERRMISC )
		file_puts("Error finding partition start\r\n", handle);
		goto exit;
	//get volume info
	if( DFS_GetVolInfo(0,scratch,startsector,volinfo) ) 
		file_puts("Error getting volume info\r\n", handle);
		goto exit;
	//open dir
	dir->scratch = scratch;
	if( DFS_OpenDir( volinfo, (u8_t*)argv[1], dir ) ) 
		file_puts("Error opening dir ", handle);
		file_puts( argv[1], handle );
		file_puts( CRLF, handle );
		goto exit;
	file_puts("Directory of ", handle );
	file_puts( argv[1] , handle );
	file_puts( CRLF, handle );
	char* tmp = malloc(64);
	while( DFS_GetNext(volinfo, dir, dirent) == DFS_OK )
		if( dirent->name[0] != '\0' )
			char* t= tmp;
			uint32_t file_size =dirent->filesize_3;
			file_size <<= 8;
			file_size <<= 8;
		 	file_size <<= 8;

			register uint16_t date = (dirent->wrtdate_h <<8) + dirent->wrtdate_l;
			register uint16_t time = (dirent->wrttime_h <<8) + dirent->wrttime_l;
			register uint8_t attr = dirent->attr;
			t+=sprintf(t,"%04hu-%02hu-%02hu %02hu:%02hu:%02hu  ",
				(date >> 9) + 1980,
				(date & 0x01e0) >> 5,
				(date & 0x1f),
				(time >> 11),
				(time & 0x07e0) >>5,
				(time & 0x1f) << 1);

			t+=sprintf(t,"%c%c%c%c%c  %10lu  ",
				(attr & ATTR_READ_ONLY ? 'r':'-'),
				(attr & ATTR_HIDDEN ? 'h':'-'),
				(attr & ATTR_SYSTEM ? 's':'-'),
				(attr & ATTR_DIRECTORY ? 'd':'-'),
				(attr & ATTR_ARCHIVE ? 'a':'-'),
			t[12] = '\0';
			t[11] = t[10];
			t[10] = t[9];
			t[9] = t[8];
			t[8] = (attr & ATTR_DIRECTORY ? ' ':'.');
			file_puts( tmp, handle );
			file_puts( CRLF, handle );
void telnet_touch( file_handle_t handle, char** argv, unsigned int argc )
	if( argc < 2 )
		file_puts("touch [filename] [data to write] [...]\r\n", telnet_handle);
	u8_t* scratch = malloc(SECTOR_SIZE);
	VOLINFO* volinfo = malloc( sizeof(VOLINFO) );
	FILEINFO* file = malloc( sizeof(FILEINFO) );

	//get partition start sector
	uint32_t startsector = DFS_GetPtnStart( 0, scratch, 0 , NULL, NULL, NULL );
	if( startsector == DFS_ERRMISC )
		file_puts("Error finding partition start\r\n", handle);
		goto exit;
	//get volume info
	if( DFS_GetVolInfo(0,scratch,startsector,volinfo) ) 
		file_puts("Error getting volume info\r\n", handle);
		goto exit;
	//open file
	uint32_t result =   DFS_OpenFile( volinfo, (u8_t*)argv[1], DFS_WRITE, scratch, file );
	if(!( result == DFS_OK || result == DFS_EOF)) 
		file_puts("Error opening file ", handle);
		file_puts( argv[1], handle );
		file_puts(". RC=", handle );
		file_putchar( (char)result + '0', handle);
		file_puts( CRLF, handle );
		goto exit;
	uint16_t i;
	for( i = 2; i < argc; i++ )
		uint32_t did_write;
		uint16_t len = strlen(argv[i]);
		DFS_WriteFile( file, scratch, argv[i], &did_write, len );
		if( did_write != len )
			file_puts("Error writing to file ", handle);
			file_puts( argv[1], handle );
			file_puts( CRLF, handle );
		if( i < (argc-1) )
			DFS_WriteFile( file, scratch, " ", &did_write, 1 );
			if( did_write != 1 )
				file_puts("Error writing to file ", handle);
				file_puts( argv[1], handle );
				file_puts( CRLF, handle );
	free( file );
	free( volinfo );
	free( scratch );