Esempio n. 1
File: gui.c Progetto: Gaku1503/ReGBA
s32 load_config_file()
  u8 config_path[512];
    sprintf(config_path, "%s/%s", main_path, GPSP_CONFIG_FILENAME);

  FILE_OPEN(config_file, config_path, read);

    u32 file_size = FILE_LENGTH(config_file);

    // Sanity check: File size must be the right size
    if(file_size == 92)
      u32 file_options[file_size / 4];
      u32 i;
      s32 menu_button = -1;
      file_read_array(config_file, file_options);

      screen_scale = file_options[0] % 2;
      screen_filter = file_options[1] % 2;
      global_enable_audio = file_options[2] % 2;
#ifdef ZAURUS
      audio_buffer_size_number = file_options[3] % 4;
      audio_buffer_size_number = file_options[3] % 11;
      global_enable_analog = file_options[5] % 2;
      analog_sensitivity_level = file_options[6] % 8;

      // Sanity check: Make sure there's a MENU or FRAMESKIP
      // key, if not assign to triangle

      for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        gamepad_config_map[i] = file_options[7 + i] %
         (BUTTON_ID_NONE + 1);

        if(gamepad_config_map[i] == BUTTON_ID_MENU)
          menu_button = i;

      if(menu_button == -1)
        gamepad_config_map[0] = BUTTON_ID_MENU;


    return 0;

  return -1;
Esempio n. 2
s32 load_game_config_file()
  u8 game_config_filename[512];
  u32 file_loaded = 0;
  u32 i;
  change_ext(gamepak_filename, game_config_filename, ".cfg");

  file_open(game_config_file, game_config_filename, read);

    u32 file_size = file_length(game_config_filename, game_config_file);

    // Sanity check: File size must be the right size
    if(file_size == 56)
      u32 file_options[file_size / 4];

      file_read_array(game_config_file, file_options);
      current_frameskip_type = file_options[0] % 3;
      frameskip_value = file_options[1];
      random_skip = file_options[2] & 1;
      clock_speed = global_cycles_per_instruction = file_options[3];

      if(frameskip_value < 0)
        frameskip_value = 0;

      if(frameskip_value > 99)
        frameskip_value = 99;

      file_loaded = 1;

    return 0;

  current_frameskip_type = auto_frameskip;
  frameskip_value = 0;
  random_skip = 0;
  clock_speed = 4;

  for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    cheats[i].cheat_active = 0;

  return -1;
Esempio n. 3
void get_savestate_snapshot(u8 *savestate_filename)
  u16 snapshot_buffer[240 * 160];
  u8 savestate_timestamp_string[80];

  file_open(savestate_file, savestate_filename, read);

    u8 weekday_strings[7][11] =
      "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
      "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"
    time_t savestate_time_flat;
    struct tm *current_time;
    file_read_array(savestate_file, snapshot_buffer);
    file_read_variable(savestate_file, savestate_time_flat);


    current_time = localtime(&savestate_time_flat);
     "%s  %02d/%02d/%04d  %02d:%02d:%02d                ",
     weekday_strings[current_time->tm_wday], current_time->tm_mon + 1,
     current_time->tm_mday, current_time->tm_year + 1900,
     current_time->tm_hour, current_time->tm_min, current_time->tm_sec);

    savestate_timestamp_string[40] = 0;
    print_string(savestate_timestamp_string, COLOR_HELP_TEXT, COLOR_BG,
     10, 40);
    memset(snapshot_buffer, 0, 240 * 160 * 2);
    print_string_ext("No savestate exists for this slot.",
     0xFFFF, 0x0000, 15, 75, snapshot_buffer, 240, 0);
    print_string("---------- --/--/---- --:--:--          ", COLOR_HELP_TEXT,
     COLOR_BG, 10, 40);

#ifndef GP2X_BUILD
  blit_to_screen(snapshot_buffer, 240, 160, 230, 40);
Esempio n. 4
File: gui.c Progetto: Gaku1503/ReGBA
void get_savestate_snapshot(u8 *savestate_filename)
	/* Unimplemented. Need to figure out a way to show this screenshot on a
	 * 320x240 screen first. - Neb, 2013-08-19 */
#if 0
  u16 snapshot_buffer[240 * 160];
  u8 savestate_timestamp_string[80];

  FILE_OPEN(savestate_file, savestate_filename, read);

    u8 weekday_strings[7][11] =
      "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
      "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"
    time_t savestate_time_flat;
    struct tm *current_time;
    file_read_array(savestate_file, snapshot_buffer);
    file_read_variable(savestate_file, savestate_time_flat);


    current_time = localtime(&savestate_time_flat);
     "%s  %02d/%02d/%04d  %02d:%02d:%02d                ",
     weekday_strings[current_time->tm_wday], current_time->tm_mon + 1,
     current_time->tm_mday, current_time->tm_year + 1900,
     current_time->tm_hour, current_time->tm_min, current_time->tm_sec);

    savestate_timestamp_string[40] = 0;
    print_string(savestate_timestamp_string, COLOR_HELP_TEXT, COLOR_BG,
     10, 40);
    memset(snapshot_buffer, 0, 240 * 160 * 2);
    print_string_ext("No savestate exists for this slot.",
     0xFFFF, 0x0000, 15, 75, snapshot_buffer, 240, 0);
    print_string("---------- --/--/---- --:--:--          ", COLOR_HELP_TEXT,
     COLOR_BG, 10, 40);
Esempio n. 5
s32 load_config_file()
  u8 config_path[512];
  #if defined(PSP_BUILD) || defined(ZAURUS)
    sprintf(config_path, "%s/%s", main_path, GPSP_CONFIG_FILENAME);
    sprintf(config_path, "%s\\%s", main_path, GPSP_CONFIG_FILENAME);

  file_open(config_file, config_path, read);

    u32 file_size = file_length(config_path, config_file);

    // Sanity check: File size must be the right size
    if(file_size == 92)
      u32 file_options[file_size / 4];
      u32 i;
      s32 menu_button = -1;
      file_read_array(config_file, file_options);

      screen_scale = file_options[0] % 3; // 2
      screen_filter = file_options[1] % 2;
      global_enable_audio = file_options[2] % 2;
#if defined(ZAURUS) || defined(DINGUX_ON_WIN32)
      audio_buffer_size_number = file_options[3] % 4;
      audio_buffer_size_number = file_options[3] % 11;
      update_backup_flag = file_options[4] % 2;
      global_enable_analog = file_options[5] % 2;
      analog_sensitivity_level = file_options[6] % 8;

#ifdef PSP_BUILD
    scePowerSetClockFrequency(clock_speed, clock_speed, clock_speed / 2);

      // Sanity check: Make sure there's a MENU or FRAMESKIP
      // key, if not assign to triangle

      for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        gamepad_config_map[i] = file_options[7 + i] %
         (BUTTON_ID_NONE + 1);

        if(gamepad_config_map[i] == BUTTON_ID_MENU)
          menu_button = i;

      if(menu_button == -1)
        gamepad_config_map[0] = BUTTON_ID_MENU;


    return 0;

  return -1;