std::string show(SrcKey sk) { auto func = sk.func(); auto unit = sk.unit(); const char *filepath = "*anonFile*"; if (unit->filepath()->data() && unit->filepath()->size()) { filepath = unit->filepath()->data(); } return folly::format("{}:{} in {}(id 0x{:#x})@{: >6}", filepath, unit->getLineNumber(sk.offset()), func->isPseudoMain() ? "pseudoMain" : func->fullName()->data(), (unsigned long long)sk.getFuncId(), sk.offset()).str(); }
void Plugin::handleStatus(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { // Checking status of changed file that is tracked by git-bin File f(Plugin::GIT_CONFIG); if (!f.exists()) { logger().error("Git bin has not been initialized"); return; } readIndex(); for (auto it = _index.begin(); it != _index.end(); it++) { std::cout << (*it).filepath.c_str(); std::string filepath(Plugin::GIT_CACHE_DIR); filepath.append("/wf/").append((*it).uuid); std::cout << (*it).md5.c_str() << std::endl; std::cout << getFileMd5(filepath) << std::endl; if ((*it).md5 != getFileMd5(filepath)) { std::cout << " > Modified" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << " > Not changed" << std::endl; } } }
void AegisubApp::MacOpenFile(const wxString &filename) { if (frame != NULL && !filename.empty()) { frame->LoadSubtitles(filename); wxFileName filepath(filename); Options.SetText(_T("Last open subtitles path"), filepath.GetPath()); } }
void MainWindow::saveFile() { QFileInfo filepath(path); if(filepath.exists()) { QFile file(path); if (! | QIODevice::Text)) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Write File"), tr("Cannot open file:\n%1").arg(path)); return; } QTextStream out(&file); out << ui->textEdit->toPlainText(); QTextStream in(&file);; QFileInfo fi(path); if (fi.suffix()=="asm"||fi.suffix()=="ASM"){ Mips mip(in); instrutions=mip; }else if (fi.suffix()=="coe"){ Mipscoe mipcoe(in); coeinst=mipcoe; }else { } file.close(); emit hasSaved(); }else saveasFile(); }
int HdfsFileSystem::listDirectory(const char* pathname, std::list<std::string>& contents) const { // clear the return list contents.erase( contents.begin(), contents.end() ); int numEntries; hdfsFileInfo* fileinfo; if( !exists( pathname ) ) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } // hdfs not happy if you call list directory on a path that does not exist fileinfo = hdfsListDirectory(m_fs,pathname, &numEntries); for( int i = 0; i < numEntries && fileinfo; ++i ) { // hdfs returns a fully specified path name but we want to // only return paths relative to the directory passed in. boost::filesystem::path filepath( fileinfo[i].mName ); contents.push_back( filepath.filename().c_str() ); } if( fileinfo ) hdfsFreeFileInfo(fileinfo, numEntries); return 0; }
ft_data load_ft_jzp(string fname) { fs::path filepath(fname); if (fs::exists(filepath)) { if (fs::is_directory(filepath)) { fs::path annotationfilePath(filepath / "annotations.yaml"); if (fs::exists(annotationfilePath)) { ft_data data = load_ft<ft_data>(annotationfilePath.string().c_str()); data.baseDir = filepath.string()+fs::path("/").make_preferred().native(); return data; } else { cout<<annotationfilePath<<" does NOT exists. Return default one."<<endl; return ft_data(); } } if (fs::is_regular_file(filepath) && boost::iequals(filepath.filename().string(), "annotations.yaml")) { ft_data data = load_ft<ft_data>(filepath.string().c_str()); data.baseDir = filepath.parent_path().string()+fs::path("/").make_preferred().native(); return data; } else { cout<<filepath<<" is not annotations.yaml. Return default one."<<endl; return ft_data(); } } return ft_data(); }
void FileEndpoint::deliver_impl(NMEAmsg_ptr msg){ if(recording && out_file_stream.is_open()){ if(min_available_mbs > 0){ boost::filesystem::path filepath(filename); boost::filesystem::space_info space = boost::filesystem::space(filepath); if(space.available != -1 && min_available_mbs != -1 && ((space.available/1024/1024)<=min_available_mbs)){ if(!wasFull){ std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Space available not sufficient:" << space.available/1024/1024; log(oss.str()); } wasFull=true; return; } else{ wasFull=false; } } { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(out_file_streamMutex); try{ boost::posix_time::time_facet *timefacet = new boost::posix_time::time_facet(timestamp_format.c_str()); out_file_stream.imbue(std::locale(out_file_stream.getloc(), timefacet)); out_file_stream << msg->getReceived() << msg->to_str(checksum);//msg->data(checksum); out_file_stream.flush(); }catch (std::ifstream::failure e){ std::ostringstream oss; oss << "FileEndpoint Exception of File " << filename; log(oss.str()); cancleReconnectTimer(); } } } }
std::string show(SrcKey sk) { auto func = sk.func(); auto unit = sk.unit(); const char *filepath = "*anonFile*"; if (unit->filepath()->data() && unit->filepath()->size()) { filepath = unit->filepath()->data(); } return folly::sformat("{}:{} in {}(id 0x{:#x})@{: >6}{}{}", filepath, unit->getLineNumber(sk.offset()), func->isPseudoMain() ? "pseudoMain" : func->fullName()->data(), (uint32_t)sk.funcID(), sk.offset(), sk.resumed() ? "r" : "", sk.hasThis() ? "t" : "", sk.prologue() ? "p" : ""); }
void MainMenu_OnFileOpen(HWND hwnd) { OPENFILENAME ofn; char filename[1024]; ZeroMemory(&ofn, sizeof(OPENFILENAME)); ZeroMemory(filename, sizeof(filename)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = hwnd; ofn.lpstrFilter = "Brightmoon Archive (*.dat)\0*.dat\0"; ofn.lpstrFile = filename; ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof filename; ofn.Flags = OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST; if(!GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) return; ListView_SetItemCountEx(g_hListWnd, 0, LVSICF_NOINVALIDATEALL); g_listItems.clear(); if(!TryToOpenArchive(hwnd, filename)) { MessageBox(hwnd, "failed to open archive.", "error", MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP); return; } do { MYLISTITEM item; PBGArchiveEntry *entry = g_archive.get()->GetEntry(); item.entry.reset(entry); std::string entryname(entry->GetEntryName()); std::vector<char> filename(entryname.begin(), entryname.end()); filename.push_back(0); PathStripPath(&filename[0]); item.column[0] = std::string(&filename[0]); std::vector<char> filepath(entryname.begin(), entryname.end()); filepath.push_back(0); PathRemoveFileSpecEx(&filepath[0]); item.column[1] = std::string(&filepath[0]); SHFILEINFO sfi; SHGetFileInfo(&filename[0], 0, &sfi, sizeof sfi, SHGFI_TYPENAME | SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES); item.column[2] = std::string(sfi.szTypeName); char buffer[64]; wsprintf(buffer, "%d", entry->GetOriginalSize()); item.column[3] = std::string(buffer); long comp_ratio = MulDiv(entry->GetCompressedSize(), 100, entry->GetOriginalSize()); wsprintf(buffer, "%d", comp_ratio); item.column[4] = std::string(buffer); g_listItems.push_back(item); } while(g_archive.get()->EnumNext()); ListView_SetItemCountEx(g_hListWnd, g_listItems.size(), LVSICF_NOINVALIDATEALL); EnableMenuItem(g_hMenu, ID_FILE_CLOSE , MF_ENABLED); EnableMenuItem(g_hMenu, ID_FILE_EXTRACT, MF_ENABLED); EnableMenuItem(g_hMenu, 1, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_ENABLED); DrawMenuBar(hwnd); }
QString FileSpecification::contents() const { Q_D(const FileSpecification); switch (format()) { default: case InvalidFileSpecification: Logger::logWarning(Logger::tr("Cannot read contents of invalid filespec:" "\n%1").arg(asJsonString())); return QString(); case PathFileSpecification: { QFile file(filepath()); if (! | QFile::Text)) { Logger::logError(Logger::tr("Error opening file for read: '%1'") .arg(file.fileName())); return QString(); } QString result = file.readAll(); file.close(); return result; } case ContentsFileSpecification: return QString(d->json["contents"].asCString()); } }
void fn_rmr (inode_state& state, const wordvec& words){ DEBUGF ('c', state); DEBUGF ('c', words); if(words.size() == 1){ complain() << "rmr: Specify file name" << endl; } else if(words.size() > 2){ complain() << "rmr: Too many arguments" << endl; } else if( == "." or == ".." or ( == '/' and == 1)){ complain() << "rmr: Cannot remove directory" << endl; } else { path_name_set(; const auto placeholder = state.get_cwd(); if( == '/') state.setCwd(state.get_root()); wordvec navpath = split(words[1], "/"); string ffname = navpath.back(); if(navpath.size() == 1){ state.function_rmr(state.get_cwd(), ffname); return; } wordvec filepath(&navpath[0], &navpath[navpath.size() - 1]); state.function_final_rmr(ffname, filepath); state.setCwd(placeholder); } }
void biv::Files::ListFiles(std::vector<std::string> *files,const std::string &filePath) { //std::cout<<"file path"<<filePath<<std::endl; namespace fs = boost::filesystem; fs::path filepath(filePath/*,fs::native*/); if(fs::exists(filepath)) { fs::recursive_directory_iterator end_iter; for(fs::recursive_directory_iterator iter(filepath);iter!=end_iter;++iter) { try { if(fs::is_directory(*iter)) { //std::cout<<*iter<<" is directory"<<std::endl; //ListFiles(files,iter->path().string()); } else { //std::cout<<*iter<<" is file"<<std::endl; files->push_back(iter->path().string()); } }catch(std::exception &ex) { std::cerr<<ex.what()<<std::endl; continue; } } } }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { if (argc == 1) { std::cerr << "Usage: read_tree <DATAFILE> [nexus|phylip|fasta]" << std::endl; exit(1); } if (argc > 3) { std::cerr << "Expecting at most two arguments" << std::endl; exit(1); } std::string format; if (argc == 3) { format = argv[2]; } else { format = "fasta"; } std::string filepath(argv[1]); // treeshrew::NucleotideSequences * dna = treeshrew::create_sequences_from_filepath<treeshrew::NucleotideSequences>(filepath, format); // dna->write_fasta(std::cout); treeshrew::NucleotideSequences dna; std::ifstream src(filepath); dna.read_fasta(src); // treeshrew::sequenceio::read_from_filepath(dna, filepath, format); for (auto & seq : dna) { std::cout << seq->get_label() << ":"; std::copy(seq->partials_cbegin(), seq->partials_cend(), std::ostream_iterator<double>(std::cout, ";")); std::cout << std::endl; } }
static void recordActRecPush(const SrcKey sk, const StringData* name, const StringData* clsName, bool staticCall) { auto unit = sk.unit(); FTRACE(2, "annotation: recordActRecPush: {}@{} {}{}{} ({}static)\n", unit->filepath()->data(), sk.offset(), clsName ? clsName->data() : "", clsName ? "::" : "", name, !staticCall ? "non" : ""); SrcKey next(sk); next.advance(unit); const FPIEnt *fpi = sk.func()->findFPI(next.offset()); assert(fpi); assert(name->isStatic()); assert(sk.offset() == fpi->m_fpushOff); auto const fcall = SrcKey { sk.func(), fpi->m_fcallOff, sk.resumed() }; assert(isFCallStar(*reinterpret_cast<const Op*>(unit->at(fcall.offset())))); auto const func = lookupDirectFunc(sk, name, clsName, staticCall); if (func) { recordFunc(fcall, func); } }
void file_writer::open( const char* file_name, bool append ) { if (file_stream_.is_open()) { file_stream_.close(); } std::ios_base::openmode open_mode_ = std::ios_base::out; if (!append) { open_mode_|=std::ios_base::trunc; } else { open_mode_|=std::ios_base::app; } boost::filesystem::path filepath(file_name); if ( ! filepath.branch_path().empty() ) { if ( ! boost::filesystem::exists(filepath.branch_path()) ) { boost::filesystem::create_directories(filepath.branch_path()); } },open_mode_); file_stream_ << std::left; }
void common::fill_graphicfiles_combobox(std::string directory, QComboBox *comboWidget) { comboWidget->clear(); // delete all previous entries std::string str_filepath(FILEPATH+directory); QString filepath(str_filepath.c_str()); QDir dir = QDir(filepath); if (!dir.exists()) { //std::cout << ">> MainWindow::fill_graphicfiles_listwidget ERROR: Directory '" << str_filepath << " does not exist. <<" << std::endl; exit(-1); } dir.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); dir.setSorting(QDir::Size | QDir::Reversed); QFileInfoList list = dir.entryInfoList(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { QFileInfo fileInfo =; if (fileInfo.fileName().length() > 30) { std::cout << "ERROR: file '" << fileInfo.fileName().toStdString() << "' surpasses the maximum number of file-characters (" << CHAR_FILENAME_SIZE << ")" << std::endl; } else { std::string filename = FILEPATH + directory + "/" + fileInfo.fileName().toStdString(); QIcon icon(filename.c_str()); comboWidget->addItem(icon, fileInfo.fileName()); } } comboWidget->repaint(); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::string filepath("CARTPOLENN"); unsigned int nbrepi = 100; float gamma_ = 0.5f; float EOE = 5.0f; //in seconds... SimulatorRKCARTPOLE env_(EOE); float lr_ = 5e-2f;//unused... if( argc>1) { lr_ = atof(argv[1]); } float eps_ = 0.1f; int dimActionSpace_ = 1; int dimStateSpace_ = 4; QFANN<float> fa_( lr_, eps_, gamma_, dimActionSpace_, filepath); QLEARNINGXPReplay instance(nbrepi, gamma_, (Environment<float>*)(&env_), (FA<float>*)&fa_);;; }
void edit(char *file, char *linenum) { char msg[MSGLEN + 1]; /* message */ char plusnum[NUMLEN + 20]; /* line number option: allow space for wordy line# flag */ char *s; char path[PATHLEN + 1]; file = filepath(file, path, PATHLEN + 1); (void) snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s +%s %s", mybasename(editor), linenum, file); postmsg(msg); (void) snprintf(plusnum, sizeof(plusnum), lineflag, linenum); /* if this is the more or page commands */ if (strcmp(s = mybasename(editor), "more") == 0 || strcmp(s, "page") == 0) { /* get it to pause after displaying a file smaller than the screen length */ (void) execute(editor, editor, plusnum, file, "/dev/null", NULL); } else if (lineflagafterfile) { (void) execute(editor, editor, file, plusnum, NULL); } else { (void) execute(editor, editor, plusnum, file, NULL); } clear(); /* redisplay screen */ }
void BodyInfo::loadSegmentsData(){ if (_sub_segments.size() == 0){ CSVParser parser; QString filepath("../assets/CSV/input/segments_subs.csv"); QString sub_segment_name; QString segment_name; float mass; parser.parseFile(filepath,";"); if (parser.size() > 1){ for (int i = 1; i < parser.size(); ++i) { sub_segment_name =" ",""); segment_name =" ",""); mass =; _sub_segments.insert(sub_segment_name,mass); _segments_parenting.insert(sub_segment_name,segment_name); if (qFind(_segments,segment_name)==_segments.end()){ _segments.append(segment_name); } } qDebug()<<"Loaded segment mass file "<<filepath; } else { qWarning()<<"Target file "<<filepath<<" not found"; } } }
AutoPtr<ArrayOf<Byte> > SystemProperties::GetFakeImage() { // try{ String filepath("/system/media/PDroid.jpeg"); AutoPtr<IFile> imagefile; AutoPtr<IFileInputStream> fis; AutoPtr<IBitmap> bm; AutoPtr<IByteArrayOutputStream> helper; AutoPtr<ArrayOf<Byte> > bytes; Boolean bval; AutoPtr<IBitmapFactory> fact; FAIL_GOTO(CFile::New(filepath, (IFile**)&imagefile), _EXIT_); FAIL_GOTO(CFileInputStream::New(imagefile, (IFileInputStream**)&fis), _EXIT_); CBitmapFactory::AcquireSingleton((IBitmapFactory**)&fact); FAIL_GOTO(fact->DecodeStream(fis, (IBitmap**)&bm), _EXIT_); FAIL_GOTO(CByteArrayOutputStream::New((IByteArrayOutputStream**)&helper), _EXIT_); FAIL_GOTO(bm->Compress(BitmapCompressFormat_JPEG, 100 , helper, &bval), _EXIT_); FAIL_GOTO(helper->ToByteArray((ArrayOf<Byte>**)&bytes), _EXIT_); _EXIT_: if (fis != NULL) { fis->Close(); } return bytes; // } // catch (Exception e){ // Log.e(PRIVACY_TAG,"something went wrong with getting the picture!"); // e.printStackTrace(); // return NULL; // } }
void FileEndpoint::space_left_cmd(Command_ptr command){ boost::filesystem::path filepath(filename); boost::filesystem::space_info space = boost::filesystem::space(filepath); std::ostringstream oss; oss << (space.available/1024/1024) << "MB left on device\n"; command->answer(oss.str(), this->shared_from_this()); }
boost::filesystem::path rolling_file_writer::file_name_by_date( const tm& file_tm, bool cur_file ) { char buffer[4096]; sprintf( buffer, "%s_%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d" , settinges_.file_path.c_str() , file_tm.tm_year + 1900 , file_tm.tm_mon + 1 , file_tm.tm_mday , file_tm.tm_hour , file_tm.tm_min , file_tm.tm_sec ); std::ostringstream out; out << buffer; if (cur_file) { out << ".tmp"; } if (!settinges_.extension_name.empty()) { out << '.' << settinges_.extension_name; } boost::filesystem::path filepath( out.str() ); return filepath; }
///////////// Multi 2D Histogram Agent ////////////// Multi2DHistogramAgent::Multi2DHistogramAgent ( const double minimum1, const double maximum1, const double resolution1, const double minimum2, const double maximum2, const double resolution2, const double minimum3, const double maximum3, const double resolution3, std::string prefix, std::string suffix) : min (minimum1), max(maximum1), res(resolution1) // extents of the analysis and thickness of the slices { // set up all the histograms histos.clear(); histos.resize ( int((max-min)/res), Histogram2DAgent (std::string (""), minimum2, maximum2, resolution2, minimum3, maximum3, resolution3)); // set the name for each of the histograms double pos; for (int i = 0; i < histos.size(); i++) { pos = res * i + min; std::stringstream sstr; sstr.clear(); std::string filenum; filenum.clear(); sstr << pos; filenum = sstr.str(); //std::string filepath (std::string("./alcohol-oxygen-water-hydrogen.distance-rdfs/rdf.") + filenum + ".dat"); std::string filepath (prefix + filenum + suffix); histos[i].SetOutputFilename (filepath); } }
/* numberセット表示/file存在確認表示 */ void cb_trace_files::cb_set_number( void ) { /* Traceの番号であることを表示して示す */ cl_gts_master.cl_number.set_type_to_trace(); /* 必要な情報に変える */ std::string filepath( this->get_open_path( 0 ) ); std::string dpath , head , num , ext; int number=-1; std::vector<int> nums; ids::path::level_from_files( filepath ,dpath ,head ,num ,number ,ext ,nums ); if (head.empty() || nums.empty() || nums.size() <= 0) { fl_alert( "Not exist file about \'%s\'" ,filepath.c_str() ); return; } /* Trace Filesウインドウ Number設定 */ cl_gts_gui.valout_trace_num_start->value( nums.front() ); cl_gts_gui.valout_trace_num_end->value( nums.back() ); /* Trace Filesウインドウ 即表示 */ cl_gts_gui.window_trace_files->flush(); /* Numberウインドウ Listを操作可能にする */ cl_gts_gui.selbro_number_list->activate(); /* Numberウインドウ再構築 */ cl_gts_master.cl_number.reset_by_number_list( nums ); }
void FileBrowser::onChangeCartridge(const string &path) { string filename; if(QDir(path).exists()) filename = resolveFilename(path); else filename = path; string info; string image = sprint(nall::basename(filename), ".png"); string patch = sprint(filepath(nall::basename(filename), config().path.patch), ".ups"); if(file::exists(filename)) { if(striend(filename, ".sfc")) { Cartridge::Information cartinfo; if(cartridge.information(filename, cartinfo)) { info << "<small><table>"; info << "<tr><td><b>Title: </b></td><td>" << << "</td></tr>"; info << "<tr><td><b>Region: </b></td><td>" << cartinfo.region << "</td></tr>"; info << "<tr><td><b>ROM: </b></td><td>" << cartinfo.romSize * 8 / 1024 / 1024 << "mbit</td></tr>"; info << "<tr><td><b>RAM: </b></td><td>"; cartinfo.ramSize ? info << cartinfo.ramSize * 8 / 1024 << "kbit</td></tr>" : info << "None</td></tr>"; info << "</table></small>"; } } else if(striend(filename, ".st")) { unsigned size = file::size(filename); info << "<small><table>"; info << "<tr><td><b>ROM: </b></td><td>" << size * 8 / 1024 / 1024 << "mbit</td></tr>"; info << "</table></small>"; } } if(info == "") info = "<small><font color='#808080'>No preview available</font></small>"; previewInfo->setText(info); previewImage->setStyleSheet(string() << "background: url('" << image << "') center left no-repeat;"); previewApplyPatch->setVisible(file::exists(patch)); }
void common::fill_files_combo(std::string directory, QComboBox* combo, bool show_none) { combo->clear(); // delete all previous entries combo->addItem(QString("")); // for "empty" std::string str_filepath(FILEPATH+directory); QString filepath(str_filepath.c_str()); QDir dir = QDir(filepath); if (!dir.exists()) { std::cout << ">> MainWindow::fill_files_combo ERROR: Directory '" << str_filepath << " does not exist. <<" << std::endl; exit(-1); } dir.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); dir.setSorting(QDir::Size | QDir::Reversed); if (show_none == true) { combo->addItem(QString("None")); } QFileInfoList list = dir.entryInfoList(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { QFileInfo fileInfo =; if (fileInfo.fileName().length() > 30) { std::cout << "ERROR: file '" << fileInfo.fileName().toStdString() << "' surpasses the maximum number of file-characters (" << CHAR_FILENAME_SIZE << ")" << std::endl; } else { combo->addItem(QString(fileInfo.fileName())); } } combo->repaint(); }
// write buffer to disk, replace existing file OsStatus OsConfigDb::storeBufferToFile(const char *filename, const char *buff, unsigned long buffLen) { OsStatus retval = OS_FAILED; if (buff != NULL && buffLen > 0) { UtlString filepath(filename); if (OsFileSystem::exists(filepath)) { OsFileSystem::remove(filepath); OsFile file(filepath);; unsigned long writtenLen; file.write(buff, buffLen, writtenLen); file.close(); if (writtenLen == buffLen) { retval = OS_SUCCESS; } } } return retval; }
void common::fill_graphicfiles_listwidget(std::string directory, QListWidget* listWidget) { listWidget->clear(); QListWidgetItem* item; std::string str_filepath(FILEPATH+directory); QString filepath(str_filepath.c_str()); QDir dir = QDir(filepath); if (!dir.exists()) { //std::cout << ">> MainWindow::fill_graphicfiles_listwidget ERROR: Directory '" << str_filepath << " does not exist. <<" << std::endl; exit(-1); } dir.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); dir.setSorting(QDir::Size | QDir::Reversed); QFileInfoList list = dir.entryInfoList(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { QFileInfo fileInfo =; if (fileInfo.fileName().length() > 30) { std::cout << "ERROR: file '" << fileInfo.fileName().toStdString() << "' surpasses the maximum number of file-characters (" << CHAR_FILENAME_SIZE << ")" << std::endl; } else { item = new QListWidgetItem; item->setText(fileInfo.fileName()); std::string filename = FILEPATH + directory + "/" + fileInfo.fileName().toStdString(); //std::cout << ">> MainWindow::fill_graphicfiles_listwidget DEBUG: filename: '" << filename << std::endl; QPixmap image(filename.c_str()); image = image.copy(0, 0, image.width(), image.height()); image = image.scaled(32, 32); item->setIcon(image); listWidget->addItem(item); } } listWidget->repaint(); }
void FileNode::share(bool recursive) { Q_UNUSED(recursive); if (m_active) return; m_active = true; if (has_metadata()) { try { m_session->addTransfer(*m_atp); } catch(...) { // catch dublicate errors } } else { m_session->makeTransferParamsters(filepath()); } m_parent->drop_transfer_by_file(); m_session->signal_changeNode(this); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Set the python interpreter. setup_python(argc, argv); std::string filepath(argv[0]); // Get the path to the helper script. std::string helper_path; size_t path_end = filepath.find_last_of('\\'); if (path_end != std::string::npos) helper_path = filepath.substr(0, path_end + 1); helper_path += ""; // Configures the execution of the script to take the same // parameters as this helper tool. Py_SetProgramName(argv[0]); PySys_SetArgv(argc, argv); // Executes the helper script. PyObject *pFileObject = PyFile_FromString(const_cast<char *>(helper_path.c_str()), "r"); PyRun_SimpleFileEx(PyFile_AsFile(pFileObject), "", 1); finalize_python(); return 0; }