Esempio n. 1
static void proc_frame(indexer_dv_context *This,
                       unsigned char *UNUSED(framebuffer), int isPAL)
	struct tm recDate;
	time_t t;

	if (!This->got_record_date || !This->got_record_time) {

	recDate.tm_sec = This->rec_curr_second;
	recDate.tm_min = This->rec_curr_minute;
	recDate.tm_hour = This->rec_curr_hour;
	recDate.tm_mday = This->rec_curr_day;
	recDate.tm_mon = This->rec_curr_month - 1;
	recDate.tm_year = This->rec_curr_year - 1900;
	recDate.tm_wday = -1;
	recDate.tm_yday = -1;
	recDate.tm_isdst = -1;
	t = mktime(&recDate);
	if (t == -1) {

	This->ref_time_read_new = t;

	if (This->ref_time_read < 0) {
		This->ref_time_read = This->ref_time_read_new;
		This->curr_frame = 0;
	else {
		if (This->ref_time_read_new - This->ref_time_read == 1) {
			This->curr_frame = 0;
			This->ref_time_read = This->ref_time_read_new;
			if (This->gap_frame >= 0) {
				fill_gap(This, isPAL);
				This->gap_frame = -1;
		else if (This->ref_time_read_new == This->ref_time_read) {
			/* do nothing */
		else {
			This->gap_start = This->ref_time_read;
			This->gap_frame = This->curr_frame;
			This->ref_time_read = This->ref_time_read_new;
			This->curr_frame = -1;
Esempio n. 2
File: Tinfo.c Progetto: AZed/cdo
void *Tinfo(void *argument)
  int vdate_first = 0, vtime_first = 0;
  int vdate0 = 0, vtime0 = 0;
  int vdate = 0, vtime = 0;
  int fdate = 0, ftime = 0;
  int nrecs, ntsteps;
  int tsID = 0, ntimeout;
  int taxisID;
  int streamID;
  int vlistID;
  int year0, month0, day0;
  int year, month, day;
  int calendar, unit;
  int lforecast = FALSE;
  int incperiod0 = 0, incunit0 = 0;
  int incperiod = 0, incunit = 0;
  int its = 0, igap;
  int ngaps = 0;
  int ntsm[MAX_GAPS];
  int rangetsm[MAX_GAPS][2];
  int vdatem[MAX_GAPS][MAX_NTSM];
  int vtimem[MAX_GAPS][MAX_NTSM];
  juldate_t juldate, juldate0;
  double jdelta = 0, jdelta0 = 0;
  int arrow = 0;
  int i, len;
  char vdatestr[32], vtimestr[32];	  


  streamID = streamOpenRead(cdoStreamName(0));

  vlistID = streamInqVlist(streamID);

  fprintf(stdout, "\n");

  taxisID = vlistInqTaxis(vlistID);
  ntsteps = vlistNtsteps(vlistID);

  if ( ntsteps != 0 )
      if ( ntsteps == CDI_UNDEFID )
	fprintf(stdout, "   Time axis :  unlimited steps\n");
	fprintf(stdout, "   Time axis :  %d step%s\n", ntsteps, ntsteps == 1 ? "" : "s");

      if ( taxisID != CDI_UNDEFID )
	  if ( taxisInqType(taxisID) != TAXIS_ABSOLUTE )
	      vdate = taxisInqRdate(taxisID);
	      vtime = taxisInqRtime(taxisID);
	      date2str(vdate, vdatestr, sizeof(vdatestr));
	      time2str(vtime, vtimestr, sizeof(vtimestr));

	      fprintf(stdout, "     RefTime = %s %s", vdatestr, vtimestr);
	      unit = taxisInqTunit(taxisID);
	      if ( unit != CDI_UNDEFID )  fprintf(stdout, "  Units = %s", tunit2str(unit));
	      calendar = taxisInqCalendar(taxisID);
	      if ( calendar != CDI_UNDEFID )  fprintf(stdout, "  Calendar = %s", calendar2str(calendar));

	      if ( taxisHasBounds(taxisID) )
		fprintf(stdout, "  Bounds = true");

	      fprintf(stdout, "\n");

	      if ( taxisInqType(taxisID) == TAXIS_FORECAST )
		  fdate = taxisInqFdate(taxisID);
		  ftime = taxisInqFtime(taxisID);
		  date2str(fdate, vdatestr, sizeof(vdatestr));
		  time2str(ftime, vtimestr, sizeof(vtimestr));

		  fprintf(stdout, "     Forecast RefTime = %s %s", vdatestr, vtimestr);
		  unit = taxisInqForecastTunit(taxisID);
		  if ( unit != CDI_UNDEFID )  fprintf(stdout, "  Units = %s", tunit2str(unit));

		  fprintf(stdout, "\n");

		  lforecast = TRUE;

      calendar = taxisInqCalendar(taxisID);

      fprintf(stdout, "\n");
      fprintf(stdout, "         Verification Time              ");
      if ( lforecast ) fprintf(stdout, " Forecast Reference Time     ");
      if ( taxisHasBounds(taxisID) )
	fprintf(stdout, " lower bound          upper bound");
      fprintf(stdout, "\n");

      fprintf(stdout, "Timestep YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss   Increment");
      if ( lforecast ) fprintf(stdout, " YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss   Period");
      if ( taxisHasBounds(taxisID) )
	fprintf(stdout, " YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss  YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss  Difference");
      fprintf(stdout, "\n");

      tsID = 0;
      while ( (nrecs = streamInqTimestep(streamID, tsID)) )
	  vdate = taxisInqVdate(taxisID);
	  vtime = taxisInqVtime(taxisID);
	  cdiDecodeDate(vdate, &year, &month, &day);
	  date2str(vdate, vdatestr, sizeof(vdatestr));
	  time2str(vtime, vtimestr, sizeof(vtimestr));

	  fprintf(stdout, "%6d  %s %s", tsID+1, vdatestr, vtimestr);

	  if ( tsID )
	      cdiDecodeDate(vdate0, &year0, &month0, &day0);

	      juldate0  = juldate_encode(calendar, vdate0, vtime0);
	      juldate   = juldate_encode(calendar, vdate, vtime);
	      jdelta    = juldate_to_seconds(juldate_sub(juldate, juldate0));

	      getTimeInc(jdelta, vdate0, vdate, &incperiod, &incunit);

	      /* fprintf(stdout, "  %g  %g  %g  %d", jdelta, jdelta/3600, fmod(jdelta,3600), incperiod%3600);*/
	      len = fprintf(stdout, " %3d %s%s", incperiod, tunits[incunit], abs(incperiod)>1?"s":"");
	      for ( i = 0; i < 11-len; ++i ) fprintf(stdout, " ");
	      vdate_first = vdate;
	      vtime_first = vtime;
	      fprintf(stdout, "   --------");

	  if ( lforecast )
	      fdate = taxisInqFdate(taxisID);
	      ftime = taxisInqFtime(taxisID);
	      date2str(fdate, vdatestr, sizeof(vdatestr));
	      time2str(ftime, vtimestr, sizeof(vtimestr));

	      fprintf(stdout, " %s %s", vdatestr, vtimestr);

	      double fc_period = taxisInqForecastPeriod(taxisID);
	      fprintf(stdout, " %7g", fc_period);

	  if ( taxisHasBounds(taxisID) ) printBounds(taxisID, calendar);

	  if (  tsID > 1 && (incperiod != incperiod0 || incunit != incunit0) )
	      if ( tsID == 2 && (jdelta0 > jdelta) )
		  jdelta0    = jdelta;
		  incperiod0 = incperiod;
		  incunit0   = incunit;

		  its = fill_gap(ngaps, ntsm, rangetsm, vdatem, vtimem,
				 1, incperiod0, incunit0, vdate_first, vdate, vtime,
				 calendar, day, juldate0, 
				 juldate_encode(calendar, vdate_first, vtime_first));

		  arrow = '^';
		  its = fill_gap(ngaps, ntsm, rangetsm, vdatem, vtimem,
				 tsID, incperiod0, incunit0, vdate, vdate0, vtime0,
				 calendar, day0, juldate, juldate0);

		  arrow = '<';

		  if (  its == 0 && incperiod < 0 )
		      its = -1;
		      vdate = vdate0;
		      vtime = vtime0;

	      if ( its > 0 )
		  if ( cdoVerbose )
		    fprintf(stdout, "  %c--- Gap %d, missing %s%d timestep%s",
			    arrow, ngaps, its>=LIM_NTSM?"more than ":"", its, its>1?"s":"");
	      else if ( its < 0 )
		  if ( cdoVerbose )
		    fprintf(stdout, "  %c--- Wrong date/time information, negative increment!", arrow);

	  if ( tsID == 1 )
	      jdelta0    = jdelta;
	      incperiod0 = incperiod;
	      incunit0   = incunit;

	  fprintf(stdout, "\n");

	  vdate0 = vdate;
	  vtime0 = vtime;



  fprintf(stdout, "\n");

  date2str(vdate_first, vdatestr, sizeof(vdatestr));
  time2str(vtime_first, vtimestr, sizeof(vtimestr));
  fprintf(stdout, " Start date          : %s %s\n", vdatestr, vtimestr);

  date2str(vdate, vdatestr, sizeof(vdatestr));
  time2str(vtime, vtimestr, sizeof(vtimestr));
  fprintf(stdout, " End date            : %s %s\n", vdatestr, vtimestr);

  fprintf(stdout, " Increment           : %3d %s%s\n", 
	  incperiod0, tunits[incunit0], incperiod0>1?"s":"");
  fprintf(stdout, " Number of timesteps : %d\n", tsID);
  fprintf(stdout, " Gaps identified     : %d\n", ngaps);

  if ( cdoVerbose && ngaps )
      fprintf(stdout, "\nFound potentially %d gap%s in the time series", ngaps, ngaps>1?"s":"");
      if ( ngaps >= MAX_GAPS )
	  ngaps = MAX_GAPS;
	  fprintf(stdout, ", here are the first %d", ngaps);
      fprintf(stdout, ":\n");
      for ( igap = 0; igap < ngaps; ++igap )
	  fprintf(stdout, "  Gap %d between timestep %d and %d, missing %d timestep%s",
		  igap+1, rangetsm[igap][0], rangetsm[igap][1], ntsm[igap], ntsm[igap]>1?"s":"");
	  if ( ntsm[igap] >= MAX_NTSM )
	      ntsm[igap] = MAX_NTSM;
	      fprintf(stdout, ", here are the first %d", ntsm[igap]);
	  fprintf(stdout, ":\n");
	  ntimeout = 0;
	  for ( its = 0; its < ntsm[igap]; ++its )
	      if ( ntimeout == 4 )
		  ntimeout = 0;
		  fprintf(stdout, "\n");

	      vdate = vdatem[igap][its];
	      vtime = vtimem[igap][its];

	      date2str(vdate, vdatestr, sizeof(vdatestr));
	      time2str(vtime, vtimestr, sizeof(vtimestr));
	      fprintf(stdout, "  %s %s", vdatestr, vtimestr);

	  fprintf(stdout, "\n");


  return (0);
Esempio n. 3
pariplot(GEN a, GEN b, GEN code, GEN ysmlu,GEN ybigu, long prec)
  const char BLANK = ' ', YY = '|', XX_UPPER = '\'', XX_LOWER = '.';
  long jz, j, i, sig;
  pari_sp av = avma;
  int jnew, jpre = 0; /* for lint */
  GEN x, dx;
  double diff, dyj, ysml, ybig, y[ISCR+1];
  screen scr;
  char buf[80], z;

  sig=gcmp(b,a); if (!sig) return;
  if (sig<0) { x=a; a=b; b=x; }
  x = gtofp(a, prec); push_lex(x, code);
  dx = divru(gtofp(gsub(b,a),prec), ISCR-1);
  for (j=1; j<=JSCR; j++) scr[1][j]=scr[ISCR][j]=YY;
  for (i=2; i<ISCR; i++)
    scr[i][1]   = XX_LOWER;
    scr[i][JSCR]= XX_UPPER;
    for (j=2; j<JSCR; j++) scr[i][j] = BLANK;
  ysml = ybig = 0.; /* -Wall */
  for (i=1; i<=ISCR; i++)
    pari_sp av2 = avma;
    y[i] = gtodouble( READ_EXPR(code,x) );
    avma = av2;
    if (i == 1)
      ysml = ybig = y[1];
      if (y[i] < ysml) ysml = y[i];
      if (y[i] > ybig) ybig = y[i];
    x = addrr(x,dx);
  avma = av;
  if (ysmlu) ysml = gtodouble(ysmlu);
  if (ybigu) ybig = gtodouble(ybigu);
  diff = ybig - ysml;
  if (!diff) { ybig += 1; diff= 1.; }
  dyj = ((JSCR-1)*3+2) / diff;
  /* work around bug in gcc-4.8 (32bit): plot(x=-5,5,sin(x)))) */
  jz = 3 - (long)(ysml*dyj + 0.5); /* 3 - DTOL(ysml*dyj) */
  z = PICTZERO(jz); jz /= 3;
  for (i=1; i<=ISCR; i++)
    if (0<=jz && jz<=JSCR) scr[i][jz]=z;
    j = 3 + DTOL((y[i]-ysml)*dyj);
    jnew = j/3;
    if (i > 1) fill_gap(scr, i, jnew, jpre);
    if (0<=jnew && jnew<=JSCR) scr[i][jnew] = PICT(j);
    jpre = jnew;
  pari_printf("%s ", dsprintf9(ybig, buf));
  for (i=1; i<=ISCR; i++) pari_putc(scr[i][JSCR]);
  for (j=(JSCR-1); j>=2; j--)
    pari_puts("          ");
    for (i=1; i<=ISCR; i++) pari_putc(scr[i][j]);
  pari_printf("%s ", dsprintf9(ysml, buf));
  for (i=1; i<=ISCR; i++)  pari_putc(scr[i][1]);
    char line[10 + 32 + 32 + ISCR - 9];
    sprintf(line, "%10s%-9.7g%*.7g\n"," ",todbl(a),ISCR-9,todbl(b));