Esempio n. 1
void CollectNucleotideFrequences(const string& col, int base_count[], int numBases)
    // first, we record which bases occur and how often
    // this is computed in NCBI4na notation
    fill_n(base_count, numBases, 0);
    const char* i = col.c_str();
    unsigned char c;
    while ((c = *i++)) {
        switch(c) {
        case 'A':
        case 'C':
        case 'M':
        case 'G':
        case 'S':
        case 'V':
        case 'T':
        case 'W':
        case 'Y':
        case 'H':
        case 'K':
        case 'D':
        case 'B':
        case 'N':
void PSSinthesis::Sinthesis(double s)
	hops[Qcolumn-1] = round(hopa*(pow(2,(s/12))));
	//Some declaration
	int L;
	L = N;
	for (int i=0; i< Qcolumn-1; i++)
		L = L + hops[i];
	double r;
	int n1;
	int n2;
	double n3;
	//Some inicialization
	ysaida2 = &ysaida[L-N];

	// We can divide the code in two here

	Phi = PhiPrevious + (hops[Qcolumn-1])*omega_true_sobre_fs[0] ;
	for (int i=0; i<(N/2 + 1); i++)
		Xs(i) = ExponencialComplexa(Phi(i));
	Xs = Xa_abs[0] % Xs;
	PhiPrevious = Phi;
	for (int i=0; i<(N/2 + 1); i++)
	    fXs[i][0] = real(Xs(i));
	    fXs[i][1] = imag(Xs(i));
	if (p2) fftwf_execute(p2);
	double norm = N*sqrt( N/(2.0*hops[Qcolumn-1]) );

	for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
		q[i] = q[i]*w[0](i)/norm;
	if (first == true)
		first = false;
		for (int i=L-N; i<L; i++)
			ysaida[i] = q[i-(L-N)];
		for (int i=L-N; i<L; i++)
			ysaida[i] = ysaida[i] + q[i-(L-N)];
	//Linear interpolation
	r = hops[Qcolumn-1]/(1.0*hopa);

        for (int n=0; n < hopa; n++)
		n3 = n*r+1;
		n1 = floor(n3);
		n2 = ceil(n3);
		yshift[n] = ysaida2[n1] + (ysaida2[n2]-ysaida2[n1])*(n3 - n1);
	//Shift ysaida hops[0] left
	for (int i=0; i<L-hops[0]; i++)
		ysaida[i] = ysaida[i+hops[0]];
	for (int i=L-hops[0]; i<L; i++)
		ysaida[i] = 0;
Esempio n. 3
 void SymbolicMX::propagateSparsity(DMatrixPtrV& input, DMatrixPtrV& output, bool fwd) {
   bvec_t *outputd = get_bvec_t(output[0]->data());
   fill_n(outputd, output[0]->size(), 0);
Esempio n. 4
	this->leaf = false;
	this->idx = 0;
	fill_n(this->children, 26, nullptr);
Esempio n. 5
    ref_count_ = 1;
    initialized_ = false;
    fill_n( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &header_ ), sizeof( header_ ), '\0' );
Esempio n. 6
static void TestAlgorithms (void)
    static const int c_TestNumbers[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 };
    const int* first = c_TestNumbers;
    const int* last = first + VectorSize(c_TestNumbers);
    intvec_t v, buf;
    v.assign (first, last);
    PrintVector (v);

    cout << "swap(1,2)\n";
    swap (v[0], v[1]);
    PrintVector (v);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "copy(0,8,9)\n";
    copy (v.begin(), v.begin() + 8, v.begin() + 9);
    PrintVector (v);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "copy with back_inserter\n";
    copy (first, last, back_inserter(v));
    PrintVector (v);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "copy with inserter\n";
    copy (first, first + 5, inserter(v, v.begin()));
    copy (first, first + 5, inserter(v, v.begin() + 3));
    PrintVector (v);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "copy_n(0,8,9)\n";
    copy_n (v.begin(), 8, v.begin() + 9);
    PrintVector (v);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "copy_if(is_even)\n";
    intvec_t v_even;
    copy_if (v, back_inserter(v_even), &is_even);
    PrintVector (v_even);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "for_each(printint)\n{ ";
    for_each (v, &printint);
    cout << "}\n";

    cout << "for_each(reverse_iterator, printint)\n{ ";
    for_each (v.rbegin(), v.rend(), &printint);
    cout << "}\n";

    cout << "find(10)\n";
    cout.format ("10 found at offset %zd\n", abs_distance (v.begin(), find (v, 10)));

    cout << "count(13)\n";
    cout.format ("%zu values of 13, %zu values of 18\n", count(v,13), count(v,18));

    cout << "transform(sqr)\n";
    transform (v, &sqr);
    PrintVector (v);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "replace(13,666)\n";
    replace (v, 13, 666);
    PrintVector (v);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "fill(13)\n";
    fill (v, 13);
    PrintVector (v);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "fill_n(5, 13)\n";
    fill_n (v.begin(), 5, 13);
    PrintVector (v);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "fill 64083 uint8_t(0x41) ";
    TestBigFill<uint8_t> (64083, 0x41);
    cout << "fill 64083 uint16_t(0x4142) ";
    TestBigFill<uint16_t> (64083, 0x4142);
    cout << "fill 64083 uint32_t(0x41424344) ";
    TestBigFill<uint32_t> (64083, 0x41424344);
    cout << "fill 64083 float(0.4242) ";
    TestBigFill<float> (64083, 0x4242f);
#if HAVE_INT64_T
    cout << "fill 64083 uint64_t(0x4142434445464748) ";
    TestBigFill<uint64_t> (64083, UINT64_C(0x4142434445464748));
    cout << "No 64bit types available on this platform\n";

    cout << "copy 64083 uint8_t(0x41) ";
    TestBigCopy<uint8_t> (64083, 0x41);
    cout << "copy 64083 uint16_t(0x4142) ";
    TestBigCopy<uint16_t> (64083, 0x4142);
    cout << "copy 64083 uint32_t(0x41424344) ";
    TestBigCopy<uint32_t> (64083, 0x41424344);
    cout << "copy 64083 float(0.4242) ";
    TestBigCopy<float> (64083, 0.4242f);
#if HAVE_INT64_T
    cout << "copy 64083 uint64_t(0x4142434445464748) ";
    TestBigCopy<uint64_t> (64083, UINT64_C(0x4142434445464748));
    cout << "No 64bit types available on this platform\n";

    cout << "generate(genint)\n";
    generate (v, &genint);
    PrintVector (v);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "rotate(4)\n";
    rotate (v, 7);
    rotate (v, -3);
    PrintVector (v);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "merge with (3,5,10,11,11,14)\n";
    const int c_MergeWith[] = { 3,5,10,11,11,14 };
    intvec_t vmerged;
    merge (v.begin(), v.end(), VectorRange(c_MergeWith), back_inserter(vmerged));
    PrintVector (vmerged);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "inplace_merge with (3,5,10,11,11,14)\n";
    v.insert (v.end(), VectorRange(c_MergeWith));
    inplace_merge (v.begin(), v.end() - VectorSize(c_MergeWith), v.end());
    PrintVector (v);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "remove(13)\n";
    remove (v, 13);
    PrintVector (v);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "remove (elements 3, 4, 6, 15, and 45)\n";
    vector<uoff_t> toRemove;
    toRemove.push_back (3);
    toRemove.push_back (4);
    toRemove.push_back (6);
    toRemove.push_back (15);
    toRemove.push_back (45);
    typedef index_iterate<intvec_t::iterator, vector<uoff_t>::iterator> riiter_t;
    riiter_t rfirst = index_iterator (v.begin(), toRemove.begin());
    riiter_t rlast = index_iterator (v.begin(), toRemove.end());
    remove (v, rfirst, rlast);
    PrintVector (v);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "unique\n";
    unique (v);
    PrintVector (v);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "reverse\n";
    reverse (v);
    PrintVector (v);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "lower_bound(10)\n";
    PrintVector (v);
    cout.format ("10 begins at position %zd\n", abs_distance (v.begin(), lower_bound (v, 10)));
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "upper_bound(10)\n";
    PrintVector (v);
    cout.format ("10 ends at position %zd\n", abs_distance (v.begin(), upper_bound (v, 10)));
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "equal_range(10)\n";
    PrintVector (v);
    TestEqualRange (v);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "sort\n";
    reverse (v);
    PrintVector (v);
    random_shuffle (v);
    sort (v);
    PrintVector (v);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "stable_sort\n";
    reverse (v);
    PrintVector (v);
    random_shuffle (v);
    stable_sort (v);
    PrintVector (v);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "is_sorted\n";
    random_shuffle (v);
    const bool bNotSorted = is_sorted (v.begin(), v.end());
    sort (v);
    const bool bSorted = is_sorted (v.begin(), v.end());
    cout << "unsorted=" << bNotSorted << ", sorted=" << bSorted << endl;
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "find_first_of\n";
    static const int c_FFO[] = { 10000, -34, 14, 27 };
    cout.format ("found 14 at position %zd\n", abs_distance (v.begin(), find_first_of (v.begin(), v.end(), VectorRange(c_FFO))));
    v.assign (first, last);

    static const int LC1[] = { 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 3 };
    static const int LC2[] = { 3, 1, 4, 2, 8, 5, 7 };
    static const int LC3[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
    static const int LC4[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
    cout << "lexicographical_compare";
    cout << "\nLC1 < LC2 == " << lexicographical_compare (VectorRange(LC1), VectorRange(LC2));
    cout << "\nLC2 < LC2 == " << lexicographical_compare (VectorRange(LC2), VectorRange(LC2));
    cout << "\nLC3 < LC4 == " << lexicographical_compare (VectorRange(LC3), VectorRange(LC4));
    cout << "\nLC4 < LC1 == " << lexicographical_compare (VectorRange(LC4), VectorRange(LC1));
    cout << "\nLC1 < LC4 == " << lexicographical_compare (VectorRange(LC1), VectorRange(LC4));

    cout << "\nmax_element\n";
    cout.format ("max element is %d\n", *max_element (v.begin(), v.end()));
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "min_element\n";
    cout.format ("min element is %d\n", *min_element (v.begin(), v.end()));
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "partial_sort\n";
    reverse (v);
    partial_sort (v.begin(), v.iat(v.size() / 2), v.end());
    PrintVector (v);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "partial_sort_copy\n";
    reverse (v);
    buf.resize (v.size());
    partial_sort_copy (v.begin(), v.end(), buf.begin(), buf.end());
    PrintVector (buf);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "partition\n";
    partition (v.begin(), v.end(), &is_even);
    PrintVector (v);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "stable_partition\n";
    stable_partition (v.begin(), v.end(), &is_even);
    PrintVector (v);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "next_permutation\n";
    buf.resize (3);
    iota (buf.begin(), buf.end(), 1);
    PrintVector (buf);
    while (next_permutation (buf.begin(), buf.end()))
	PrintVector (buf);
    cout << "prev_permutation\n";
    reverse (buf);
    PrintVector (buf);
    while (prev_permutation (buf.begin(), buf.end()))
	PrintVector (buf);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "reverse_copy\n";
    buf.resize (v.size());
    reverse_copy (v.begin(), v.end(), buf.begin());
    PrintVector (buf);
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "rotate_copy\n";
    buf.resize (v.size());
    rotate_copy (v.begin(), v.iat (v.size() / 3), v.end(), buf.begin());
    PrintVector (buf);
    v.assign (first, last);

    static const int c_Search1[] = { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }, c_Search2[] = { 10, 10, 11, 14 };
    cout << "search\n";
    cout.format ("{5,6,7,8,9} at %zd\n", abs_distance (v.begin(), search (v.begin(), v.end(), VectorRange(c_Search1))));
    cout.format ("{10,10,11,14} at %zd\n", abs_distance (v.begin(), search (v.begin(), v.end(), VectorRange(c_Search2))));
    cout << "find_end\n";
    cout.format ("{5,6,7,8,9} at %zd\n", abs_distance (v.begin(), find_end (v.begin(), v.end(), VectorRange(c_Search1))));
    cout.format ("{10,10,11,14} at %zd\n", abs_distance (v.begin(), find_end (v.begin(), v.end(), VectorRange(c_Search2))));
    cout << "search_n\n";
    cout.format ("{14} at %zd\n", abs_distance (v.begin(), search_n (v.begin(), v.end(), 1, 14)));
    cout.format ("{13,13} at %zd\n", abs_distance (v.begin(), search_n (v.begin(), v.end(), 2, 13)));
    cout.format ("{10,10,10} at %zd\n", abs_distance (v.begin(), search_n (v.begin(), v.end(), 3, 10)));
    v.assign (first, last);

    cout << "includes\n";
    static const int c_Includes[] = { 5, 14, 15, 18, 20 };
    cout << "includes=" << includes (v.begin(), v.end(), VectorRange(c_Includes)-1);
    cout << ", not includes=" << includes (v.begin(), v.end(), VectorRange(c_Includes));
    cout << endl;

    static const int c_Set1[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }, c_Set2[] = { 4, 4, 6, 7, 8 };
    intvec_t::iterator setEnd;
    cout << "set_difference\n";
    v.resize (4);
    setEnd = set_difference (VectorRange(c_Set1), VectorRange(c_Set2), v.begin());
    PrintVector (v);
    assert (setEnd == v.end());
    cout << "set_symmetric_difference\n";
    v.resize (7);
    setEnd = set_symmetric_difference (VectorRange(c_Set1), VectorRange(c_Set2), v.begin());
    PrintVector (v);
    assert (setEnd == v.end());
    cout << "set_intersection\n";
    v.resize (2);
    setEnd = set_intersection (VectorRange(c_Set1), VectorRange(c_Set2), v.begin());
    PrintVector (v);
    assert (setEnd == v.end());
    cout << "set_union\n";
    v.resize (9);
    setEnd = set_union (VectorRange(c_Set1), VectorRange(c_Set2), v.begin());
    PrintVector (v);
    assert (setEnd == v.end());
    v.assign (first, last);
Esempio n. 7
Classificador* TreinadorAdaboost::executarTreinamento( Corpus &corpus, int atributo ){

    Classificador *cl;
    double beta, acertos, erros, sumdist;
    vector <double> alphas;
    vector<Classificador*> classificadores;

    unsigned i, atributoTemporario, c, e, nConjExemplos = corpus.pegarQtdTotalExemplos(), nExemplos;
    vector<double> dist(nConjExemplos, 1.0/nConjExemplos);
    vector<bool> errado(nConjExemplos);

    atributoTemporario = corpus.criarAtributo("adab");

    for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++){
        fill_n(errado.begin(), nConjExemplos, false);

        cl = base.executarTreinamento(corpus, atributo);
        cl->executarClassificacao(corpus, atributoTemporario);

        //calcula erro, generalizar para vários exemplos por conjunto de exemplo
        acertos = erros = 0;
        for (c=0;c<nConjExemplos;c++){
            nExemplos = corpus.pegarQtdExemplos(c);
            for (e=0; e<nExemplos; e++){
                if ((corpus.pegarValor(c,e,atributo)!=corpus.pegarValor(c,e,atributoTemporario))){
                    errado[c] = true;
            if (errado[c])
                erros += dist[c];
                acertos += dist[c];
        beta = acertos/erros;

        //cout << i << "-" << beta << endl;

        sumdist = 0.0;
        for (c=0;c<nConjExemplos;c++){
            if (errado[c])
                dist[c] *= beta;
            sumdist += dist[c];

        for (c=0;c<nConjExemplos;c++)
            dist[c] /= sumdist;


        if (alphas[i] < minalpha)


    return new ClassificadorAdaboost(classes,classificadores,alphas);
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {

	if (argc < 2) {
		cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " assembly_file_name.asm" << endl;
		return 0;
	SourceReader sourceReader(argv[1]);

	vector<Instruction> originalInstructionList = sourceReader.getInstructionList();
    vector<SimulatedInstruction> simulatedInstructionList = vector<SimulatedInstruction>();

	cout << "-------------Start Simulation-------------" << endl;
	cout << "Original number of instructions : " << originalInstructionList.size() << endl;
    cout << string(OUTPUT_WIDTH, '-') << endl;

    for (Instruction instruction: originalInstructionList) {

    // Inserts an end instruction followed by 3 'NOPs' to terminate the instruction list
    // An end NOP instruction is used to indicate the end of the instruction list
    SimulatedInstruction end = SimulatedInstruction();
    end.originalString = "end";
    end.opcodeString = "end";
    fill_n(back_inserter(simulatedInstructionList), 3, SimulatedInstruction());

	for (int i = 0; i < simulatedInstructionList.size(); i++) {
		simulatedInstructionList[i].instructionLocation = i;

	Simulator simulator(simulatedInstructionList);
    cout << "Press enter to run the entire simulation without pauses" << endl;
    cout << "Or press space to step through the simulation" << endl;
    BufferToggle bt;
    while (simulator.memoryStage.currentInstructionList.front().originalString != "end") {
        char input = getchar();

        if (input == ' ') {
            cout << endl;
        } else if (input == '\n' || input == '\r') {
	return 0;
Esempio n. 9
 void SymbolicMX::spAdj(const pv_bvec_t& arg,
                        const pv_bvec_t& res, int* itmp, bvec_t* rtmp) {
   fill_n(res[0], nnz(), 0);
 * returns the accuracy
float LacSupervised::predict(Trainning &trainning, char *ftest, AssociationRule*  associationRule){
	ui ntransactions = 0;
	ui nhits = 0;
	ui totalRules = 0;

	FILE* file=fopen(ftest,"r");
	if(file==NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Test set %s not found.\n\n", ftest);

	SymbolTable* featureTable = SymbolTable::FeaturesTable();
	SymbolTable* classesTable = SymbolTable::ClassesTable();

	vector<pair<string, ui> > classes;

	unordered_set<ui> featureIds;
	const ui bufferSize = 200*1024;
	char line[bufferSize];

	ui tid, classId;

	ui nclasses = trainning.getNumberOfClasses();
	vector<float> scores(nclasses);
	ui defaultClass = trainning.getMostFrequentClass();

	while(fgets(line, bufferSize, file)){
		classId = 10000000;
		processLineInput(line, featureTable, classesTable, tid, classId, featureIds);
		if(classId == 10000000){
			throw  string("Class Id not found: ") + line ;

		Projection* projection = trainning.geProjection(featureIds);
		fill_n(scores.begin(), scores.size(), 0.0f);
		float totalScore = 0.0f;
		ui nrules = 0;
		ui prediction = defaultClass;
		AssociationRule::RulesResult result =  associationRule->induceRules(projection, minSupport, iminSupport, nclasses);
		for(ui classId = 0; classId < nclasses; ++classId){
			nrules += result.classesNRules[classId];
			float score = result.score(classId);
			totalScore += score;
			scores[classId] = score;
			if(cmp(scores[prediction], score) < 0){
				prediction = classId;
		totalRules += nrules;
	    nhits += prediction == classId;;
		printStatistics(trainning, tid, classesTable, classes, classId, prediction, scores, totalScore, nrules);

		delete projection;


	//printf("%u\n", totalRules);

	return ntransactions == 0 ? 1.0 : static_cast<float>(nhits)/static_cast<float>(ntransactions);
Esempio n. 11
 void SymbolicMX::sp_rev(bvec_t** arg, bvec_t** res, int* iw, bvec_t* w, int mem) const {
   fill_n(res[0], nnz(), 0);
Esempio n. 12
  bool BonminInterface::
  intermediate_callback(BonminMemory* m, const double* x, const double* z_L, const double* z_U,
                        const double* g, const double* lambda, double obj_value, int iter,
                        double inf_pr, double inf_du, double mu, double d_norm,
                        double regularization_size, double alpha_du, double alpha_pr,
                        int ls_trials, bool full_callback) const {
    m->n_iter += 1;
    try {
      log("intermediate_callback started");
      if (!fcallback_.is_null()) {
        if (full_callback) {
          casadi_copy(x, nx_, m->xk);
          for (int i=0; i<nx_; ++i) {
            m->lam_xk[i] = z_U[i]-z_L[i];
          casadi_copy(lambda, ng_, m->lam_gk);
          casadi_copy(g, ng_, m->gk);
        } else {
          if (iter==0) {
            userOut<true, PL_WARN>()
              << "Warning: intermediate_callback is disfunctional in your installation. "
              "You will only be able to use stats(). "
              "See to enable it."
              << endl;

        // Inputs
        fill_n(m->arg, fcallback_.n_in(), nullptr);
        if (full_callback) {
          // The values used below are meaningless
          // when not doing a full_callback
          m->arg[NLPSOL_X] = x;
          m->arg[NLPSOL_F] = &obj_value;
          m->arg[NLPSOL_G] = g;
          m->arg[NLPSOL_LAM_P] = 0;
          m->arg[NLPSOL_LAM_X] = m->lam_xk;
          m->arg[NLPSOL_LAM_G] = m->lam_gk;

        // Outputs
        fill_n(m->res, fcallback_.n_out(), nullptr);
        double ret_double;
        m->res[0] = &ret_double;

        fcallback_(m->arg, m->res, m->iw, m->w, 0);
        int ret = static_cast<int>(ret_double);

        return  !ret;
      } else {
        return 1;
    } catch(exception& ex) {
      if (iteration_callback_ignore_errors_) {
        userOut<true, PL_WARN>() << "intermediate_callback: " << ex.what() << endl;
      } else {
        throw ex;
      return 1;
Esempio n. 13
 polynomial(const int n) : vals(std::make_shared<std::vector<T>>(n))
Esempio n. 14
 // 败者树建立函数
 void LoserTree(int exnode[], int leaf[], int k) {
     fill_n(exnode, k, -1);
     for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
         ajustLosers(exnode, leaf, k, i);
Esempio n. 15
 // Initialize your data structure here.
 TrieNode() {
     fill_n(next, 26, nullptr);
     isWord = false;