Esempio n. 1
//when we insert "ttl expired" in the rbtree
//if A or CNAME or MX or TXT or ... 's ttl is small, then we don't need to insert
//NS's "ttl expired" element, we update the record at the same time when we
//update A or CNAME Or MX or TXT or....
//if NS's ttl is small than A or CNAME or MX or TXT or ...
//we update it when update A or CNAME or MX or TXT, or when some query some domain's NS
//in brief, we insert ANSWER section into ttl tree only.
uchar *
process_rdata(struct hlpp * hlp, uchar * label, int n)
    uchar *buffer = hlp->tmpbuf;
    ushort type = 0, classin, lth, tmptype = 0;
    uint ttl = 0, tmpttl = 0, tx;
    int i, dlen, ret, tmplen = 0;
    int *stype = hlp->stype;
    struct htable *ds = hlp->ds;
    struct rbtree *rbt = hlp->rbt;
    uchar *hdr = hlp->buf;
    int mlen = hlp->datalen;
    struct mvalue *mv = (struct mvalue *) buffer;
    uchar *tmpdomain = hlp->domainbuf, *dm, *itor = NULL;
    packet_type lowerdomain;
    dm = lowerdomain.domain;
    memset(mv, 0, sizeof(struct mvalue));
    itor = buffer + sizeof(struct mvalue);
    tx = global_now;            ///
    dm[0] = dm[1] = 0;
    //if(hlp->section != AN_SECTION) //see header comments.
//     rbt = NULL; 
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        dlen = get_domain_from_msg(label, hdr, tmpdomain, &tmplen);
        if (dm[0] == 0 && dm[1] == 0)   //first time
            check_dns_name(tmpdomain, &lowerdomain);
        if (dlen < 0)
            return NULL;
        label += dlen;
        if (get_dns_info(label, &tmptype, &classin, &ttl, &lth) < 0)
            return NULL;
        if (ttl < MIN_TTL)
            ttl = MIN_TTL;
        ttl = random_ttl(ttl + n);
        label += 10;            // 2type,2class,4ttl,2lth
        if ((tmptype == SOA || tmptype == CNAME) && i == (n - 1))
            *stype = tmptype;
        if (type == 0)          //first time
            type = tmptype;
        if (ttl > MAX_TTL)
            ttl = MAX_TTL;
        if (tmpttl == 0)        //first time
            tmpttl = ttl;
        if ((dict_comp_str_equ(tmpdomain, dm) != 0) || (type != tmptype)) {
            mv->ttl = random_ttl(tmpttl + i + (tx % 5)) + tx;
            if (dm[dm[0] + 2] != 0)     //not top level domain
                insert_kv_mem(rbt, ds, dm, lowerdomain.label_len[0], type, buffer,
                              mv->len + sizeof(struct mvalue), 0, &lowerdomain);
            type = tmptype;
            check_dns_name(tmpdomain, &lowerdomain);
            memset(mv, 0, sizeof(struct mvalue));
            itor = buffer + sizeof(struct mvalue);
        ret = fill_rrset_in_buffer(itor, label, hdr, lth, type, hlp);
        if (ret > 0) {
            itor += ret;        //in dns msg
            mv->len += ret;     //in memory
        tmpttl = ttl;
        label += lth;
        if ((label < hdr) || (label > (hdr + mlen)))
            return NULL;
    if (mv->num > 0) {
        mv->ttl = random_ttl(tmpttl + i + (tx % 5)) + tx;
        mv->hits = 0;
        mv->seg = 0;
        if (dm[dm[0] + 2] != 0) //not top level domain
            insert_kv_mem(rbt, ds, dm, lowerdomain.label_len[0], type, buffer,
                          mv->len + sizeof(struct mvalue), 0, &lowerdomain);
    return label;
Esempio n. 2
//when we insert "ttl expired" in the rbtree
//if A or CNAME or MX or TXT or ... 's ttl is small, then we don't need to insert
//NS's "ttl expired" element, we update the record at the same time when we
//update A or CNAME Or MX or TXT or....
//if NS's ttl is small than A or CNAME or MX or TXT or ...
//we update it when update A or CNAME or MX or TXT, or when some query some domain's NS
//in brief, we insert ANSWER section into ttl tree only.
uchar* process_rdata(struct hlpp *hlp,uchar *label,int n)
 uchar buffer[65535] = {0};
 ushort type = 0,class,lth,offset;
 uint ttl = 0,tmpttl,tx;
 int i,dlen,bidx = 0,ret;
 int *stype = hlp->stype;
 struct htable *ds = hlp->ds;
 struct rbtree *rbt = hlp->rbt;
 uchar *hdr = hlp->buf;
 int mlen = hlp->datalen;
 struct mvalue *mv = (struct mvalue*)buffer;
 uchar tmpdomain[512] = {0},dm[512] = {0},*itor = NULL;
 ushort tmptype = 0;
 int tag;
 itor = buffer + sizeof(struct mvalue);
 tx = global_now; ///
 //if(hlp->section != AN_SECTION) //see header comments.
	//rbt = NULL;
 for(i = 0;i < n;i ++)
	 dlen = get_domain_from_msg(label,hdr,tmpdomain);
	 if(dm[1] == 0 && dm[2] == 0) //first time
	 	 memcpy(dm + 1,tmpdomain,strlen(tmpdomain) + 1);
		 if(check_dms(dm + 1,hlp->dms,hlp->dmsidx) < 0)
			return NULL;
	 if(dlen < 0)
		 return NULL;
	 label += dlen;
	 if(get_dns_info(label,&tmptype,&class,&ttl,&lth) < 0)
		 return NULL;
	 if(ttl < MIN_TTL)
		ttl = MIN_TTL;
	 ttl = random_ttl(ttl + n);
	 label += 10; // 2type,2class,4ttl,2lth
	 if(tmptype == SOA || tmptype == CNAME)
		*stype = tmptype;
	 if(type == 0) //first time
		type = tmptype;
	 if(ttl > MAX_TTL)
		ttl = MAX_TTL;
	 if(tmpttl == 0) //first time
		tmpttl = ttl;
	 if((strcmp(tmpdomain,dm + 1) != 0) || (type != tmptype))
		 if(check_dms(dm,hlp->dms,hlp->dmsidx) < 0)
			return NULL;
		 dm[0] = type;
		 mv->ttl = random_ttl(tmpttl + i + (tx % 5)) + tx;
		 mv->hits = 0;
		 mv->seg = 0;
		 if(dm[dm[1] + 2] != 0) //not top level domain
			 insert_kv_mem(rbt,ds,dm,buffer,mv->len + sizeof(struct mvalue));
		 type = tmptype;
		 memcpy(dm + 1,tmpdomain,strlen(tmpdomain) + 1);
		 mv->len = mv->ttl = mv->num = mv->hits = 0;
		 itor = buffer + sizeof(struct mvalue);
	 ret = fill_rrset_in_buffer(itor,label,hdr,lth,type,hlp);
	 if(ret > 0)
		 itor += ret; //in dns msg
		 mv->len += ret; //in memory
		 mv->num ++;
	 tmpttl = ttl;
	 label += lth;
	 if((label < hdr) || (label > (hdr + mlen)))
		 return NULL;
 if(mv->num > 0)
	 dm[0] = type;
	 mv->ttl = random_ttl(tmpttl + i + (tx % 5)) + tx;
	 mv->hits = 0;
	 mv->seg = 0;
	 if(dm[dm[1] + 2] != 0) //not top level domain
		 insert_kv_mem(rbt,ds,dm,buffer,mv->len + sizeof(struct mvalue));
 return label;