Esempio n. 1
string resource_img (void * webserver_request)
  Webserver_Request * request = (Webserver_Request *) webserver_request;
  Database_ImageResources database_imageresources;

  string page;
  Assets_Header header = Assets_Header (translate("Image resources"), request);
  page = ();
  Assets_View view;
  string error, success;
  int book1, chapter1, verse1, book2, chapter2, verse2;
  string name = request->query ["name"];
  view.set_variable ("name", name);

  string image = request->query ["image"];
  view.set_variable ("image", image);

  int userid = filter_string_user_identifier (webserver_request);

  if (request->post.count ("submit")) {
    vector <string> errors;
    string book = request->post ["book1"];
    book1 = filter_passage_interpret_book (book);
    if (book1 == 0) errors.push_back (translate ("Unknown starting book."));

    chapter1 = convert_to_int (request->post ["chapter1"]);
    if (chapter1 < 0) errors.push_back (translate ("Negative starting chapter."));
    if (chapter1 > 200) errors.push_back (translate ("High starting chapter."));
    verse1 = convert_to_int (request->post ["verse1"]);
    if (chapter1 < 0) errors.push_back (translate ("Negative starting verse."));
    if (chapter1 > 200) errors.push_back (translate ("High starting verse."));
    book = request->post ["book2"];
    book2 = filter_passage_interpret_book (book);
    if (book2 == 0) errors.push_back (translate ("Unknown ending book."));
    chapter2 = convert_to_int (request->post ["chapter2"]);
    if (chapter2 < 0) errors.push_back (translate ("Negative ending chapter."));
    if (chapter2 > 200) errors.push_back (translate ("High ending chapter."));
    verse2 = convert_to_int (request->post ["verse2"]);
    if (chapter2 < 0) errors.push_back (translate ("Negative ending verse."));
    if (chapter2 > 200) errors.push_back (translate ("High ending verse."));
    int start = filter_passage_to_integer (Passage ("", book1, chapter1, convert_to_string (verse1)));
    int end = filter_passage_to_integer (Passage ("", book2, chapter2, convert_to_string (verse2)));
    if (start > end) {
      errors.push_back (translate ("The starting passage is beyond the ending passage."));

    database_imageresources.assign (name, image, book1, chapter1, verse1, book2, chapter2, verse2);
    Database_Volatile::setValue (userid, "imageresources", convert_to_string (end));

    error = filter_string_implode (errors, " ");
    if (errors.empty ()) {
      redirect_browser (request, filter_url_build_http_query (resource_image_url (), "name", name));
      return "";
  // Retrieve passage range for this image.
  database_imageresources.get (name, image, book1, chapter1, verse1, book2, chapter2, verse2);
  if ((book1 == 0) || (book2 == 0)) {
    string end = Database_Volatile::getValue (userid, "imageresources");
    Passage passage = filter_integer_to_passage (convert_to_int (end));
    book1 = book2 =;
    chapter1 = chapter2 = passage.chapter;
    verse1 = verse2 = convert_to_int (passage.verse);
    if (book1 == 0) book1 = 1;
    if (book2 == 0) book2 = 1;
  view.set_variable ("book1", Database_Books::getEnglishFromId (book1));
  view.set_variable ("chapter1", convert_to_string (chapter1));
  view.set_variable ("verse1", convert_to_string (verse1));
  view.set_variable ("book2", Database_Books::getEnglishFromId (book2));
  view.set_variable ("chapter2", convert_to_string (chapter2));
  view.set_variable ("verse2", convert_to_string (verse2));

  view.set_variable ("success", success);
  view.set_variable ("error", error);
  page += view.render ("resource", "img");
  page += Assets_Page::footer ();
  return page;
Esempio n. 2
string search_similar (void * webserver_request)
  Webserver_Request * request = (Webserver_Request *) webserver_request;

  Database_Volatile database_volatile = Database_Volatile ();

  int myIdentifier = filter_string_user_identifier (request);
  string bible = request->database_config_user()->getBible ();
  if (request->query.count ("b")) {
    bible = request->query ["b"];

  if (request->query.count ("load")) {
    int book = Ipc_Focus::getBook (request);
    int chapter = Ipc_Focus::getChapter (request);
    int verse = Ipc_Focus::getVerse (request);
    // Text of the focused verse in the active Bible.
    // Remove all punctuation from it.
    string versetext = search_logic_get_bible_verse_text (bible, book, chapter, verse);
    vector <string> punctuation = filter_string_explode (Database_Config_Bible::getSentenceStructureEndPunctuation (bible), ' ');
    for (auto & sign : punctuation) {
      versetext = filter_string_str_replace (sign, "", versetext);
    punctuation = filter_string_explode (Database_Config_Bible::getSentenceStructureMiddlePunctuation (bible), ' ');
    for (auto & sign : punctuation) {
      versetext = filter_string_str_replace (sign, "", versetext);
    versetext = filter_string_trim (versetext);
    database_volatile.setValue (myIdentifier, "searchsimilar", versetext);
    return versetext;
  if (request->query.count ("words")) {
    string words = request->query ["words"];
    words = filter_string_trim (words);
    database_volatile.setValue (myIdentifier, "searchsimilar", words);
    vector <string> vwords = filter_string_explode (words, ' ');
    // Include items if there are no more search hits than 30% of the total number of verses in the Bible.
    size_t maxcount = round (0.3 * search_logic_get_verse_count (bible));
    // Store how often a verse occurs in an array.
    // The keys are the identifiers of the search results.
    // The values are how often the identifiers occur in the entire focused verse.
    map <int, int> identifiers;
    for (auto & word : vwords) {
      // Find out how often this word occurs in the Bible. Skip if too often.
      vector <Passage> passages = search_logic_search_bible_text (bible, word);
      if (passages.size () > maxcount) continue;
      // Store the identifiers and their count.
      for (auto & passage : passages) {
        int id = filter_passage_to_integer (passage);
        if (identifiers.count (id)) identifiers [id]++;
        else identifiers [id] = 1;
    // Sort on occurrence from high to low.
    // Skip identifiers that only occur once.
    vector <int> ids;
    vector <int> counts;
    for (auto & element : identifiers) {
      int id = element.first;
      int count = element.second;
      if (count <= 1) continue;
      ids.push_back (id);
      counts.push_back (count);
    quick_sort (counts, ids, 0, counts.size());
    reverse (ids.begin(), ids.end());

    // Output the passage identifiers to the browser.
    string output;
    for (auto & id : ids) {
      if (!output.empty ()) output.append ("\n");
      output.append (convert_to_string (id));
    return output;
  if (request->query.count ("id")) {
    int id = convert_to_int (request->query ["id"]);
    // Get the Bible and passage for this identifier.
    Passage passage = filter_integer_to_passage (id);
    string bible = request->database_config_user()->getBible ();
    // string bible =;
    int book =;
    int chapter = passage.chapter;
    string verse = passage.verse;
    // Get the plain text.
    string text = search_logic_get_bible_verse_text (bible, book, chapter, convert_to_int (verse));
    // Get search words.
    vector <string> words = filter_string_explode (database_volatile.getValue (myIdentifier, "searchsimilar"), ' ');
    // Format it.
    string link = filter_passage_link_for_opening_editor_at (book, chapter, verse);
    text = filter_string_markup_words (words, text);
    string output = "<div>" + link + " " + text + "</div>";
    // Output to browser.
    return output;

  string page;
  Assets_Header header = Assets_Header (translate("Search"), request);
  header.setNavigator ();
  header.addBreadCrumb (menu_logic_search_menu (), menu_logic_search_text ());
  page = ();
  Assets_View view;
  view.set_variable ("bible", bible);
  string script = "var searchBible = \"" + bible + "\";";
  view.set_variable ("script", script);

  page += view.render ("search", "similar");
  page += Assets_Page::footer ();
  return page;