Esempio n. 1
void CocoImage::getSector(uint8_t side, uint16_t track, uint16_t sector, char *data) {
  uint32_t pos = findSector(side, track, sector);;
  if (image.readBytes(data, sector_size) != sector_size) {
    Serial.println("Failed to read from image");
Esempio n. 2
void SkOpAngle::setSector() {
    SkPath::Verb verb = fSegment->verb();
    if (SkPath::kLine_Verb != verb && small()) {
        fSectorStart = fSectorEnd = -1;
        fSectorMask = 0;
        fComputeSector = true;  // can't determine sector until segment length can be found
    fSectorStart = findSector(verb, fSweep[0].fX, fSweep[0].fY);
    if (!fIsCurve) {  // if it's a line or line-like, note that both sectors are the same
        SkASSERT(fSectorStart >= 0);
        fSectorEnd = fSectorStart;
        fSectorMask = 1 << fSectorStart;
    SkASSERT(SkPath::kLine_Verb != verb);
    fSectorEnd = findSector(verb, fSweep[1].fX, fSweep[1].fY);
    if (fSectorEnd == fSectorStart) {
        SkASSERT((fSectorStart & 3) != 3);  // if the sector has no span, it can't be an exact angle
        fSectorMask = 1 << fSectorStart;
    bool crossesZero = checkCrossesZero();
    int start = SkTMin(fSectorStart, fSectorEnd);
    bool curveBendsCCW = (fSectorStart == start) ^ crossesZero;
    // bump the start and end of the sector span if they are on exact compass points
    if ((fSectorStart & 3) == 3) {
        fSectorStart = (fSectorStart + (curveBendsCCW ? 1 : 31)) & 0x1f;
    if ((fSectorEnd & 3) == 3) {
        fSectorEnd = (fSectorEnd + (curveBendsCCW ? 31 : 1)) & 0x1f;
    crossesZero = checkCrossesZero();
    start = SkTMin(fSectorStart, fSectorEnd);
    int end = SkTMax(fSectorStart, fSectorEnd);
    if (!crossesZero) {
        fSectorMask = (unsigned) -1 >> (31 - end + start) << start;
    } else {
Esempio n. 3
void AJettisonedGameMode::createSector(UWorld* world, FVector2D index){
	FRotator rotation = FRotator(0,0,0);
	FVector2D location = FVector2D(index.X * 30000, index.Y * 30000);
	TActorIterator<AGalaxySector> existingSector = findSector(index.X, index.Y);
	AGalaxySector* sector;
	//findSector(index.X, index.Y, sector);
	if (existingSector){
		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.0, FColor::Green, FString(TEXT("Found a sectorX: ")) + FString::SanitizeFloat(index.X) + FString(TEXT(" Y: ")) + FString::SanitizeFloat(index.Y));
	if (GetWorld() && !existingSector){
		sector = SpawnBP<AGalaxySector>(world, deepSpaceBP, location, rotation);
		if (!sector){
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.0, FColor::Green, FString(TEXT("Sector creation failed! X: ")) + FString::SanitizeFloat(index.X) + FString(TEXT(" Y: ")) + FString::SanitizeFloat(index.Y));
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.0, FColor::Green, FString(TEXT("Sector creation successful!! X: ")) + FString::SanitizeFloat(index.X) + FString(TEXT(" Y: ")) + FString::SanitizeFloat(index.Y));

Esempio n. 4
boolean CocoImage::putSector(uint8_t side, uint16_t track,
			     uint16_t sector, char *data) {, track, sector));
  image.write((uint8_t *)data, sector_size);
  return false;