Esempio n. 1
int search(void){
	state curr, next;
	curr.y = starty;
	curr.idx = findSegment(startx, starty);
	curr.steps = 0;

	while (queueIsNotEmpty){
		curr = pop();

		if (allowed[curr.idx].r == endx && curr.y == endy)
			return curr.steps;

		int i;
		next.steps = curr.steps + 1;
		for (i = 0; i < DIR; i++){
			int x = allowed[curr.idx].r + diffx[i], y = curr.y + diffy[i];
			int idx = findSegment(x, y);
			if (idx != -1 && !visited[allowed[idx].vis + y - allowed[idx].a]){
				visited[allowed[idx].vis + y - allowed[idx].a] = true;
				next.y = y;
				next.idx = idx;

	return -1;
Esempio n. 2
void ImageBlocker::findSegmentRange(size_t startRow,
                                    size_t numRows,
                                    size_t& firstSegIdx,
                                    size_t& startBlockWithinFirstSeg,
                                    size_t& lastSegIdx,
                                    size_t& lastBlockWithinLastSeg) const
    if (numRows == 0)
        firstSegIdx = startBlockWithinFirstSeg =
                lastSegIdx = lastBlockWithinLastSeg =
        // Figure out which segment we're starting in
        size_t startRowWithinFirstSeg;
        findSegment(startRow, firstSegIdx, startRowWithinFirstSeg,

        if (!isFirstRowInBlock(startRowWithinFirstSeg))
            std::ostringstream ostr;
            ostr << "Start row " << startRow << " is local row "
                 << startRowWithinFirstSeg << " within segment " << firstSegIdx
                 << ".  The local row must be a multiple of "
                 << mNumRowsPerBlock << ".";
            throw except::Exception(Ctxt(ostr.str()));

        // Figure out which segment we're ending in
        const size_t lastRow = startRow + numRows - 1;

        size_t lastRowWithinLastSeg;
        findSegment(lastRow, lastSegIdx, lastRowWithinLastSeg,
        const size_t endRowWithinLastSeg = lastRowWithinLastSeg + 1;

        // Make sure we're ending on a full block
        if (!(endRowWithinLastSeg == mNumRows[lastSegIdx] ||
            std::ostringstream ostr;
            ostr << "Last row " << lastRow << " is local row "
                 << lastRowWithinLastSeg << " within segment " << lastSegIdx
                 << ".  This must land on a full block.";
            throw except::Exception(Ctxt(ostr.str()));
	virtual void putAttribute(
			const SegmenterPosition& segpos,
			std::size_t ofs,
			const std::string& name,
			const std::string& value)
			typename SegmentMap::const_iterator segitr = findSegment( segpos);
			if (segitr == m_segmentmap.end())
				throw std::runtime_error( _TXT("segment with this position not defined or it cannot be used for markup because it is not of type content"));
			std::size_t origpos = getOrigPosition( segpos, ofs);
			if (m_markups.size() && m_markups.back().origpos == origpos && (m_markups.back().type == MarkupElement::OpenTag || m_markups.back().type == MarkupElement::AttributeValue))
				m_markups.push_back( MarkupElement( MarkupElement::AttributeName, origpos, m_markups.size(), name));
				m_markups.push_back( MarkupElement( MarkupElement::AttributeValue, origpos, m_markups.size(), value));
				m_markups.push_back( MarkupElement( MarkupElement::AttributeName, segitr->second.origpos, m_markups.size(), name));
				m_markups.push_back( MarkupElement( MarkupElement::AttributeValue, segitr->second.origpos, m_markups.size(), value));
		CATCH_ERROR_ARG1_MAP( _TXT("error in put attribute of '%s' segmenter markup context: %s"), "textwolf", *m_errorhnd);
Esempio n. 4
void InspectorReplayAgent::insertSessionSegment(ErrorString& errorString, Inspector::Protocol::Replay::SessionIdentifier sessionIdentifier, SegmentIdentifier segmentIdentifier, int segmentIndex)
    ASSERT_ARG(sessionIdentifier, sessionIdentifier > 0);
    ASSERT_ARG(segmentIdentifier, segmentIdentifier > 0);
    ASSERT_ARG(segmentIndex, segmentIndex >= 0);

    RefPtr<ReplaySession> session = findSession(errorString, sessionIdentifier);
    RefPtr<ReplaySessionSegment> segment = findSegment(errorString, segmentIdentifier);

    if (!session || !segment)

    if (static_cast<size_t>(segmentIndex) > session->size()) {
        errorString = ASCIILiteral("Invalid segment index.");

    if (session == m_page.replayController().loadedSession() && sessionState() != WebCore::SessionState::Inactive) {
        errorString = ASCIILiteral("Can't modify a loaded session unless the session is inactive.");

    session->insertSegment(segmentIndex, WTF::move(segment));
Esempio n. 5
void hdPolyLineFigure::splitSegment(int posIdx, int x, int y)
	int index = findSegment(posIdx, x, y);

	if(index != -1)
		insertPointAt(posIdx, index, x, y);
Esempio n. 6
void InspectorReplayAgent::getSegmentData(ErrorString& errorString, Inspector::Protocol::Replay::SegmentIdentifier identifier, RefPtr<Inspector::Protocol::Replay::SessionSegment>& serializedObject)
    RefPtr<ReplaySessionSegment> segment = findSegment(errorString, identifier);
    if (!segment) {
        errorString = ASCIILiteral("Couldn't find the specified segment.");

    serializedObject = buildInspectorObjectForSegment(WTF::move(segment));
SPixelPosition CRecognition::findSegment(Mat *image)
    SPixelPosition pos;

    CRawImage   img(image->cols, image->rows);

    pos = findSegment(&img);

    return pos;
Esempio n. 8
	VML::Vector3 Vec3Linear::Interpolate(float t) const

		size_t segm = findSegment(t); 

		const SKeyframeVec3& p0 = mKeyframes[segm];
		const SKeyframeVec3& p1 = mKeyframes[segm + 1];
		float u = (t - p0.time) / (p1.time - p0.time);
		return ( - * u +;
	virtual int tagLevel( const SegmenterPosition& segpos) const
			typename SegmentMap::const_iterator segitr = findSegment( segpos);
			if (segitr == m_segmentmap.end())
				throw std::runtime_error( _TXT("segment with this position not defined"));
				return segitr->second.taglevel;
		CATCH_ERROR_ARG1_MAP_RETURN( _TXT("error in get tag hierarchy level of '%s' segmenter markup context: %s"), "textwolf", *m_errorhnd, 0);
 * Controls the scheduling of the IDs in the filter.
 * *********************************************************************************************************/
int16 getNextSequenceIndex(Uint16 mailbox_num){
	int16 sequenceIndex_next = -1;
	boolean_t searchResult = FALSE;
	Uint16 segment;

	segment =  findSegment(mailbox_num);

	if(updateSequenceRequired_G != RUN){
		/* Reset sequencePointer to continue sequence after loading mailbox */
		segments[segment].sequenceIndex = (segments[segment].sequenceEnd-1);
		sequenceIndex_next = segments[segment].sequenceIndex;
		/* Find next required CAN ID in sequence */
		sequenceIndex_next = segments[segment].sequenceIndex;
			/* Wrap search */
			if(sequenceIndex_next < segments[segment].sequenceEnd){
				sequenceIndex_next = segments[segment].sequenceStart;

			/* ID not already in mailbox, decrement 'schedule' timer (timer sits between -DUPLICATES ALLOWED and 0 while ID is in one or more mailboxes) */
			if(CAN_RxMessages_G[sequenceIndex_next].timer > (0-DUPLICATES_LIMIT)){

				/* ID ready to be inserted */
				if(CAN_RxMessages_G[sequenceIndex_next].timer <= 0){
					searchResult = TRUE;
					searchResult = FALSE;	/* ET balancing */
				searchResult = FALSE;		/* ET balancing */
		}	/* Search will abort if all messages have been checked */
		while((searchResult == FALSE)&&(sequenceIndex_next != segments[segment].sequenceIndex));

		segments[segment].sequenceIndex = sequenceIndex_next;

	return sequenceIndex_next;
Esempio n. 11
HATDefaultBase<ALLOC>::mapPage(uval physAddr, uval virtAddr, uval len,
			       AccessMode::pageFaultInfo pfinfo,
			       AccessMode::mode access, VPNum vp,
			       uval wasMapped,
			       uval createIfNoSeg)
    uval pte_index, page_index;
    SegmentHATRef segmentHATRef;
    SegmentHAT * segmentHAT;
    SysStatus rc = 0;
    SegmentTable* segp;			// Segment table for this vp
    AutoLock<LockType> al(&(byVP[vp].lock));

    // record current pp on every call - may change on migration
    byVP[vp].pp = Scheduler::GetVP();

    if ((rc = getSegmentTable(vp, segp))) return rc;

    pte_index = virtAddr >> LOG_SEGMENT_SIZE;
    page_index = (virtAddr & (SEGMENT_SIZE-1))>>LOG_PAGE_SIZE;

    if ((rc=findSegment(virtAddr, segmentHATRef, vp, createIfNoSeg))) {
	return rc;
    segmentHAT = DREF(segmentHATRef);

     * It is possible for the segment to be UNMAPPED even though
     * we don't have a segmentFault indication - in which case
     * there will ultimately be another fault with the indication on
     * We test the indicator to optimize the normal case - the segment
     * is mapped and we don't need to map it again
    if (AccessMode::isSegmentFault(pfinfo)) {
	rc = segmentHAT->mapSegment(segp, virtAddr, len, vp);
	tassertWrn(!rc,"mapSegment failed in HATDefault\n");
	if (rc)
	    return rc;

    rc = segmentHAT -> mapPage(physAddr, virtAddr, len, pfinfo, access,
			       vp, wasMapped);

    return rc;

	virtual std::string tagName( const SegmenterPosition& segpos) const
			typename SegmentMap::const_iterator segitr = findSegment( segpos);
			if (segitr == m_segmentmap.end())
				throw std::runtime_error( _TXT("segment with this position not defined"));
				std::size_t tagidx = segitr->second.tagidx;
				return std::string( m_strings.c_str()+tagidx);
		CATCH_ERROR_ARG1_MAP_RETURN( _TXT("error in get tag name of '%s' segmenter markup context: %s"), "textwolf", *m_errorhnd, std::string());
Esempio n. 13
	VML::Vector3 Vec3CubicSpline::Interpolate(float t) const

		size_t segm = findSegment(t); 
		size_t n_ctrl = mKeyframes.size();

		const SKeyframeVec3& p0 = mKeyframes[segm];
		const SKeyframeVec3& p1 = mKeyframes[segm + 1];
		const VML::Vector3& t0 = mTangents[segm];
		const VML::Vector3& t1 = mTangents[segm+1];

		float u = (t - p0.time) / (p1.time - p0.time), u2 = u*u, u3 = u2*u;
		VML::Vector3 pos =*(2.0f*u3 - 3.0f*u2 + 1.0f) +*(-2.0f*u3 + 3.0f*u2) + t0*(u3 - 2.0f*u2 + u) + t1*(u3 - u2);

		return pos;
Esempio n. 14
	VML::Vector3 Vec3CatmullRom::Interpolate(float t) const

		size_t segm = findSegment(t); 
		size_t n_ctrl = mKeyframes.size();

		const VML::Vector3& p0 = mKeyframes[segm].data;
		const VML::Vector3& p1 = mKeyframes[segm + 1].data;
		float time0 = mKeyframes[segm].time;
		float time1 = mKeyframes[segm + 1].time;

		VML::Vector3 t0(0);
		VML::Vector3 t1(0);

		if(segm > 0 && segm < n_ctrl - 2)
			t0 = (p1 - mKeyframes[segm - 1].data) * 0.5f;
			t1 = (mKeyframes[segm + 2].data - p0) * 0.5f;
		else if(segm == 0 && n_ctrl > 2)
			t0 = (p1 + p1 - mKeyframes[segm + 2].data - p0) * 0.5f;
			t1 = (mKeyframes[segm + 2].data - p0) * 0.5f;
		else if (segm == n_ctrl - 2 && n_ctrl > 2)
			t0 = (p1 - mKeyframes[segm - 1].data) * 0.5f;
			t1 = - (p0 + p0 - mKeyframes[segm - 1].data - p1) * 0.5f;

		float u = (t - time0) / (time1 - time0), u2 = u*u, u3 = u2*u;
		VML::Vector3 pos = p0*(2.0f*u3 - 3.0f*u2 + 1.0f) + p1*(-2.0f*u3 + 3.0f*u2) + t0*(u3 - 2.0f*u2 + u) + t1*(u3 - u2);
		return pos;
Esempio n. 15
  MString segExist, segNew;

  int rExist = getFirstSegment(mMsgExist, segExist);
  if (!rExist)
    cout << "Cannot access the first segment of the existing message" << endl;

  int rNew = getFirstSegment(mMsgNew, segNew);
  if (!rNew)
    cout << "MHL7Compare: Cannot access the first segment of the new message" << endl;

  if (mSegInfo.empty())
    // no initialize file was provided.
    // Compare all the fields of all the segments
      if (segExist != segNew)
        cout << "MHL7Compare: segments not in proper order" << endl;
        DIFF diff;
        diff.fldNum = 0;
        diff.existValue = segExist;
        diff.newValue = segNew;
        diff.comment = "Segment order does not match";
        mDiff.insert (MDiff::value_type (segExist, diff) );
      } // endif

      //cout << "Comparing segments: " << segExist << " " << segNew << endl;
      char *name = segNew.strData();

      if (!strcmp(name, "MSH"))
      else if (!strcmp(name, "EVN"))
        compareFields(segExist);  // applies to any segment

      rExist = getNextSegment(mMsgExist, segExist);
      rNew = getNextSegment(mMsgNew, segNew);
      if (rExist != rNew)
        cout << "MHL7Compare: One message is shorter than the other" << endl;
        DIFF diff;
        diff.fldNum = 0;
        diff.existValue = segExist;
        diff.newValue = segNew;
        diff.comment = "One message is shorter than the other";
        mDiff.insert (MDiff::value_type (segExist, diff) );
    while (rExist && rNew);
  } // endif mSegInfo.empty()
    for (MSegmentInfo::iterator i = mSegInfo.begin(); i != mSegInfo.end(); i++)
      segExist = (*i).first;

      // Go to beginning of message, and restart search.
      rNew = getFirstSegment(mMsgNew, segNew);
      rExist = getFirstSegment(mMsgExist, segNew);
      if (segNew != segExist) {
	segNew = segExist;
	rExist = findSegment(mMsgExist, segExist);
	rNew = findSegment(mMsgNew, segNew);

      // Check all instances of segExist in mMsgExist and mMsgNew
      // Note: if a segment mentioned in the .ini file does not
      // exist in the existing file, there is no error. 
      while(rExist || rNew)
	// If a segment is not found in the new message, that exists in the
        // existing file, generate a difference.
        if (rExist && !rNew)
          DIFF diff;
          diff.fldNum = 0;
          diff.existValue = segExist;
          diff.newValue = segNew;
          diff.comment = "New message is missing this segment";
          mDiff.insert (MDiff::value_type (segExist, diff) );
	  rNew = rExist = false;

	// If a segment exists in the new message, but not in the existing,
	// then generate an appropriate difference.
	if (!rExist && rNew)
	  DIFF diff;
	  diff.fldNum = 0;
	  diff.existValue = segExist;
	  diff.newValue = segNew;
	  diff.comment = "New message has too many segments of this type";
	  mDiff.insert (MDiff::value_type (segExist, diff) );
	  rNew = rExist = false;
        // Find the difference(s) within existing segments

	rExist = findSegment(mMsgExist, segExist);
	rNew = findSegment(mMsgNew, segExist);

      } // endwhile

    } // endfor
  } // endelse mSegInfo.empty()
Esempio n. 16
static orl_return       applyBakpats( omf_file_handle ofh )
    omf_sec_handle      sh;
    orl_return          err = ORL_OKAY;
    omf_tmp_bkfix       tbf;
    uint_8              *pfix8;
    uint_16             *pfix16;
    uint_32             *pfix32;

    assert( ofh );
    assert( ofh->bakpat );

    ofh->bakpat->last_fixup = NULL;

    /* Go through all the backpatches and update the segment data. The BAKPATs
     * aren't normal fixups and may modify all sorts of instructions.
    while( ofh->bakpat->first_fixup ) {
        tbf = ofh->bakpat->first_fixup;
        ofh->bakpat->first_fixup = tbf->next;

        assert( tbf->segidx || tbf->symidx );
        if( tbf->segidx )
            sh = findSegment( ofh, tbf->segidx );
            sh = findComDatByName( ofh, tbf->symidx );
        if( !sh ) {
            err = ORL_ERROR;
        switch( tbf->reltype ) {
        case ORL_RELOC_TYPE_WORD_8:
            pfix8 = sh->contents + tbf->offset;
            *pfix8 += tbf->disp;
        case ORL_RELOC_TYPE_WORD_16:
            pfix16 = (uint_16 *)(sh->contents + tbf->offset);
            *pfix16 += tbf->disp;
        case ORL_RELOC_TYPE_WORD_32:
            pfix32 = (uint_32 *)(sh->contents + tbf->offset);
            *pfix32 += tbf->disp;
            assert( 0 );
            err = ORL_ERROR;
        if( err != ORL_OKAY )

        _ClientFree( ofh, tbf );

    assert( !(ofh->status & OMF_STATUS_ADD_BAKPAT) );
    /* Free the entire bakpat structure as well. */
    _ClientFree( ofh, ofh->bakpat );
    ofh->bakpat = NULL;

    return( err );
Esempio n. 17
void fill(const TRaster32P &ras, const TRaster32P &ref,
          const FillParameters &params, TTileSaverFullColor *saver) {
  TPixel32 *pix, *limit, *pix0, *oldpix;
  int oldy, xa, xb, xc, xd, dy;
  int oldxc, oldxd;
  int matte, oldMatte;
  int x = params.m_p.x, y = params.m_p.y;
  TRaster32P workRas = ref ? ref : ras;

  TRect bbbox = workRas->getBounds();

  if (!bbbox.contains(params.m_p)) return;

  TPaletteP plt  = params.m_palette;
  TPixel32 color = plt->getStyle(params.m_styleId)->getMainColor();
  int fillDepth =
      params.m_shiftFill ? params.m_maxFillDepth : params.m_minFillDepth;

  assert(fillDepth >= 0 && fillDepth < 16);
  fillDepth = ((15 - fillDepth) << 4) | (15 - fillDepth);

  // looking for any  pure transparent pixel along the border; if after filling
  // that pixel will be changed,
  // it means that I filled the bg and the savebox needs to be recomputed!
  TPixel32 borderIndex;
  TPixel32 *borderPix = 0;
  pix                 = workRas->pixels(0);
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < workRas->getLx(); i++, pix++)  // border down
    if (pix->m == 0) {
      borderIndex = *pix;
      borderPix   = pix;
  if (borderPix == 0)  // not found in border down...try border up (avoid left
                       // and right unlikely)
    pix = workRas->pixels(workRas->getLy() - 1);
    for (i = 0; i < workRas->getLx(); i++, pix++)  // border up
      if (pix->m == 0) {
        borderIndex = *pix;
        borderPix   = pix;

  std::stack<FillSeed> seeds;
  std::map<int, std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>> segments;

  // fillRow(r, params.m_p, xa, xb, color ,saver);
  findSegment(workRas, params.m_p, xa, xb, color);
  segments[y].push_back(std::pair<int, int>(xa, xb));
  seeds.push(FillSeed(xa, xb, y, 1));
  seeds.push(FillSeed(xa, xb, y, -1));

  while (!seeds.empty()) {
    FillSeed fs =;

    xa   = fs.m_xa;
    xb   = fs.m_xb;
    oldy = fs.m_y;
    dy   = fs.m_dy;
    y    = oldy + dy;
    if (y > bbbox.y1 || y < bbbox.y0) continue;
    pix = pix0 = workRas->pixels(y) + xa;
    limit      = workRas->pixels(y) + xb;
    oldpix     = workRas->pixels(oldy) + xa;
    x          = xa;
    oldxd      = (std::numeric_limits<int>::min)();
    oldxc      = (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)();
    while (pix <= limit) {
      oldMatte  = threshMatte(oldpix->m, fillDepth);
      matte     = threshMatte(pix->m, fillDepth);
      bool test = false;
      if (segments.find(y) != segments.end())
        test = isPixelInSegment(segments[y], x);
      if (*pix != color && !test && matte >= oldMatte && matte != 255) {
        findSegment(workRas, TPoint(x, y), xc, xd, color);
        // segments[y].push_back(std::pair<int,int>(xc, xd));
        insertSegment(segments[y], std::pair<int, int>(xc, xd));
        if (xc < xa) seeds.push(FillSeed(xc, xa - 1, y, -dy));
        if (xd > xb) seeds.push(FillSeed(xb + 1, xd, y, -dy));
        if (oldxd >= xc - 1)
          oldxd = xd;
        else {
          if (oldxd >= 0) seeds.push(FillSeed(oldxc, oldxd, y, dy));
          oldxc = xc;
          oldxd = xd;
        pix += xd - x + 1;
        oldpix += xd - x + 1;
        x += xd - x + 1;
      } else {
        oldpix++, x++;
    if (oldxd > 0) seeds.push(FillSeed(oldxc, oldxd, y, dy));

  std::map<int, std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>>::iterator it;
  for (it = segments.begin(); it != segments.end(); it++) {
    TPixel32 *line    = ras->pixels(it->first);
    TPixel32 *refLine = 0;
    TPixel32 *refPix;
    if (ref) refLine = ref->pixels(it->first);
    std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> segmentVector = it->second;
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)segmentVector.size(); i++) {
      std::pair<int, int> segment = segmentVector[i];
      if (segment.second >= segment.first) {
        pix             = line + segment.first;
        if (ref) refPix = refLine + segment.first;
        int n;
        for (n = 0; n < segment.second - segment.first + 1; n++, pix++) {
          if (ref) {
            *pix = *refPix;
          } else
            *pix = pix->m == 0 ? color : overPix(color, *pix);