Esempio n. 1
void Bernsteins::find_bernstein_roots(Bezier bz,
                                      unsigned depth,
                                      double left_t,
                                      double right_t)
    debug(std::cout << left_t << ", " << right_t << std::endl);
    size_t n_crossings = 0;

    int old_sign = SGN(bz[0]);
    //std::cout << "w[0] = " << bz[0] << std::endl;
    int sign;
    for (size_t i = 1; i < bz.size(); i++)
        //std::cout << "w[" << i << "] = " << w[i] << std::endl;
        sign = SGN(bz[i]);
        if (sign != 0)
            if (sign != old_sign && old_sign != 0)
            old_sign = sign;
    //std::cout << "n_crossings = " << n_crossings << std::endl;
    if (n_crossings == 0)  return; // no solutions here

    if (n_crossings == 1) /* Unique solution  */
        //std::cout << "depth = " << depth << std::endl;
        /* Stop recursion when the tree is deep enough  */
        /* if deep enough, return 1 solution at midpoint  */
        if (depth > MAX_DEPTH)
            //printf("bottom out %d\n", depth);
            const double Ax = right_t - left_t;
            const double Ay = bz.at1() - bz.at0();

            solutions.push_back(left_t - Ax*bz.at0() / Ay);

        double r = secant(bz);
        solutions.push_back(r*right_t + (1-r)*left_t);
    /* Otherwise, solve recursively after subdividing control polygon  */
    Bezier::Order o(bz);
    Bezier Left(o), Right = bz;
    double split_t = (left_t + right_t) * 0.5;

    // If subdivision is working poorly, split around the leftmost root of the derivative
    if (depth > 2) {
        debug(std::cout << "derivative mode\n");
        Bezier dbz = derivative(bz);
        debug(std::cout << "initial = " << dbz << std::endl);
        std::vector<double> dsolutions = dbz.roots(Interval(left_t, right_t));
        debug(std::cout << "dsolutions = " << dsolutions << std::endl);
        double dsplit_t = 0.5;
        if(!dsolutions.empty()) {
            dsplit_t = dsolutions[0];
            split_t = left_t + (right_t - left_t)*dsplit_t;
            debug(std::cout << "split_value = " << bz(split_t) << std::endl);
            debug(std::cout << "spliting around " << dsplit_t << " = " 
                  << split_t << "\n");
        std::pair<Bezier, Bezier> LR = bz.subdivide(dsplit_t);
        Left = LR.first;
        Right = LR.second;
    } else {
        // split at midpoint, because it is cheap
        Left[0] = Right[0];
        for (size_t i = 1; i < bz.size(); ++i)
            for (size_t j = 0; j < bz.size()-i; ++j)
                Right[j] = (Right[j] + Right[j+1]) * 0.5;
            Left[i] = Right[0];
    debug(std::cout << "Solution is exactly on the subdivision point.\n");
    debug(std::cout << Left << " , " << Right << std::endl);
    Left = reverse(Left);
    while(Right.order() > 0 and fabs(Right[0]) <= 1e-10) {
        debug(std::cout << "deflate\n");
        Right = Right.deflate();
        Left = Left.deflate();
    Left = reverse(Left);
    if (Right.order() > 0) {
        debug(std::cout << Left << " , " << Right << std::endl);
        find_bernstein_roots(Left, depth+1, left_t, split_t);
        find_bernstein_roots(Right, depth+1, split_t, right_t);
Esempio n. 2
 *  find_bernstein_roots : Given an equation in Bernstein-Bernstein form, find all 
 *    of the roots in the open interval (0, 1).  Return the number of roots found.
find_bernstein_roots(double const *w, /* The control points  */
                     unsigned degree,	/* The degree of the polynomial */
                     std::vector<double> &solutions, /* RETURN candidate t-values */
                     unsigned depth,	/* The depth of the recursion */
                     double left_t, double right_t)
    unsigned 	n_crossings = 0;	/*  Number of zero-crossings */
    int old_sign = SGN(w[0]);
    for (unsigned i = 1; i <= degree; i++) {
        int sign = SGN(w[i]);
        if (sign) {
            if (sign != old_sign && old_sign) {
            old_sign = sign;
    switch (n_crossings) {
    case 0: 	/* No solutions here	*/
    case 1:
 	/* Unique solution	*/
        /* Stop recursion when the tree is deep enough	*/
        /* if deep enough, return 1 solution at midpoint  */
        if (depth >= MAXDEPTH) {
            solutions.push_back((left_t + right_t) / 2.0);
        // I thought secant method would be faster here, but it'aint. -- njh

        if (control_poly_flat_enough(w, degree, left_t, right_t)) {
            const double Ax = right_t - left_t;
            const double Ay = w[degree] - w[0];

            solutions.push_back(left_t - Ax*w[0] / Ay);

    /* Otherwise, solve recursively after subdividing control polygon  */
	std::vector<double> Left(degree+1);	/* New left and right  */
	std::vector<double> Right(degree+1);/* control polygons  */
    const double split = 0.5;
    Bernstein(w, degree, split, &Left[0], &Right[0]);
    double mid_t = left_t*(1-split) + right_t*split;
    find_bernstein_roots(&Left[0],  degree, solutions, depth+1, left_t, mid_t);
    /* Solution is exactly on the subdivision point. */
    if (Right[0] == 0)
    find_bernstein_roots(&Right[0], degree, solutions, depth+1, mid_t, right_t);