* @fn setparamsCallback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg)
* @brief callback for the reconfigure gui
* @pre has to have the setup for the reconfigure gui
* @post changes the parameters
void setparamsCallback(mst_homography::homography_ParamsConfig &config, uint32_t level)

  // set params
  params = config;
    _transform = find_perspective(params.theta_x, params.theta_y, params.theta_z, params.center_x, params.center_y);
 bool init_processing(cv::Mat* mat)
     auto found_pespective = find_perspective(mat);
     if (found_pespective)
         perspective = *found_pespective;
         birds_eye_transform(mat, perspective);
         if (Settings::normalizeLightning)
             normalizeLightning(mat, blur_i, intensity / 100.f);
         cv::Mat cannied_mat;
         cv::Canny(*mat, cannied_mat, thresh1, thresh2, 3);
         roadFollower = make_unique<roadfollower>(cannied_mat, mat->size().width / 2.f + centerDiff);
         return true;
     } else{
         cv::putText(*mat, "SEARCHING FOR STRAIGHT LANES...", POINT(50.f, mat->size().height / 3.f), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);
         return false;