Esempio n. 1
 *  handle_anchor
 *  handle tag <A>:
 *  - check for HREF set
 *  - update value for attribute HSC.ANCHOR
BOOL handle_anchor(HSCPRC * hp, HSCTAG * tag)
    HSCVAR *vhref = find_varname(tag->attr, "HREF");
    HSCVAR *vname = find_varname(tag->attr, "NAME");
    HSCVAR *vid   = find_varname(tag->attr, "ID");
    STRPTR href = NULL;
    STRPTR name = NULL;
    STRPTR id = NULL;

    /* set attribute values */
    if (vhref)
        href = vhref->text;
    if (vname)
        name = vname->text;
    if (vid)
        id = vid->text;

    /* tell parser that he is inside an anchor */
    if (href)
        HSCATTR *anchor_attr = find_varname(hp->defattr, ANCHOR_ATTR);

        if (anchor_attr)
            set_vartext(anchor_attr, href);
            panic("no anchor-attribute");

        hp->inside_anchor = TRUE;

    /* check for both HREF and NAME missing */
    if ((!href) && (!name) && (!id))
        hsc_message(hp, MSG_ANCH_NO_NMHR,
                    "%T without HREF, NAME or ID", tag);

    return (TRUE);
Esempio n. 2
** get_vartext_byname: get text value of a var
STRPTR get_vartext_byname( DLLIST *varlist, STRPTR name )
    HSCVAR *var     = find_varname( varlist, name );
    STRPTR  vartext = NULL;

    if ( var )
        vartext = var->text;

    return( vartext );
Esempio n. 3
** get_varbool: get value of a boolean var
BOOL get_varbool( DLLIST *varlist, STRPTR name )
    BOOL set = FALSE;
    HSCVAR *var  = find_varname( varlist, name );

    if ( var && var->text )
        set = TRUE;

    return( set );
Esempio n. 4
 * set_local_var
 * copies a local attribute to the global attribute list
 * NOTE: the VF_MACRO-flag of the set is enabled!
static HSCATTR *set_local_var(DLLIST * destlist, HSCATTR * locvar, ULONG mci)
    HSCATTR *var = find_varname(destlist, locvar->name);

    if (var) {
        var->macro_id = mci;
        var->vartype = locvar->vartype;
        set_vartext(var, locvar->text);
    } else
        panic("set_local_var to UNKNOWN ATTR");

    return (var);
Esempio n. 5
BOOL handle_hsc_content(HSCPRC * hp, HSCTAG * tag)
    HSCATTR *content_attr = find_varname(hp->defattr, CONTENT_ATTR);    /* attribute that contains content */
    HSCTAG *macro = find_end_container_macro(hp);

    /* use current fileposition as base for including content */
    INFILEPOS *fpos = new_infilepos(hp->inpf);

    if (!macro)
        DMC(fprintf(stderr, DHL "  no container macro on stack\n"));
    else if (content_attr)
        /* position where content text started */
        INFILEPOS *start_content_fpos = macro->end_fpos;

        /* first node on content stack contains current content text */
        DLNODE *first_content_text_node = dll_first(hp->content_stack);

        if (first_content_text_node)
            /* pull first entry from content stack */
            STRPTR content = (STRPTR) detach_dlnode(hp->content_stack,
            STRPTR old_content = strclone(get_vartext(content_attr));
            DLLIST *old_attribs = init_dllist(del_hscattr);
            ULONG scope_id = get_current_mci(hp);

            DMC(fprintf(stderr, DHL "  content=`%s'\n", content));

            /* update content attribute */
            set_vartext(content_attr, content);

            /* move local attributes from global list to buffer list */
            copy_local_varlist(old_attribs, hp->defattr, scope_id);
            remove_local_varlist(hp->defattr, scope_id);

            /* switch back to above scope */

            /* now include the macro content */
            hsc_base_include_string(hp, SPECIAL_FILE_ID "macro-content",
                                    IH_NO_STATUS | IH_PARSE_MACRO,
            /* TODO: why IH_PARSE_MACRO? */

            /* push entry pulled above back to content stack */
            add_dlnode(hp->content_stack, content);

            /* restore local attribs and scope from before */
            copy_local_varlist(hp->defattr, old_attribs, scope_id);
            /* restore content attribute */
            set_vartext(content_attr, old_content);

            /* free resources */
            DMC(fprintf(stderr, DHL "  no content\n"));
        panic("no content attribute");

    /* cleanup */

    return (FALSE);
Esempio n. 6
 * handle_content_macro
 * handle for content macros
 * (with /CLOSE set at declaration)
 * - scan macro content until corresponding end macro
 *   tag is found
 * - increase scope
 * - define local HSC.CONTENT
 * - include macro text (not content!)
 * - remove HSC.CONTENT
static BOOL handle_content_macro(HSCPRC * hp, HSCTAG * tag)
    EXPSTR *macro_content = init_estr(1024);    /* contains macro contents */
    HSCATTR *macro_content_attr = find_varname(hp->defattr, CONTENT_ATTR);      /* attribute that contains contents, too */
    HSCTAG *end_macro = NULL;
    STRPTR old_content = NULL;  /* to store old value of content attr */

    /* position where content starts */
    INFILEPOS *start_content_fpos = new_infilepos(hp->inpf);

    DMC(fprintf(stderr, DHL "--BEGIN content macro <%s>\n", tag->name));

    if (!macro_content_attr)
        panic("no content attribute")

    /* skip macro content until corresponding end macro is found; store
     * content in macro_content, but without the tag call for the end macro */
    skip_until_tag(hp, macro_content, NULL,
                   NULL, tag->name, SKUT_NO_CONTENT_TAGFOUND);

    /* store current value of content attribute */
        STRPTR old = get_vartext(macro_content_attr);
        if (old)
            old_content = strclone(old);

    /* set content attribute with current macro content */
    set_vartext(macro_content_attr, estr2str(macro_content));

    /* push content to content stack */
    add_strnode(hp->content_stack, estr2str(macro_content));

    /* some debuggin info */
    DMC(fprintf(stderr, DHL "  content=`%s'\n", estr2str(macro_content)));
    DMC(fprintf(stderr, DHL "  text   =`%s'\n", estr2str(tag->op_text)));

    /* push current tag on container stack; this is
     * only necessary for tag modifiers /MCI and
     * /NAW, which would not work otherwise */
    end_macro = append_end_tag(hp, tag);

    /* assign position of start of content to macro-tag */
    end_macro->end_fpos = start_content_fpos;

    /* now include the macro text */
    include_macro(hp, tag, estr2str(tag->op_text),
                  SPECIAL_FILE_ID "content-macro", tag->start_fpos);

    /* pull macro tag from container stack */
    end_macro->end_fpos = NULL;
    remove_end_tag(hp, tag);

    /* restore content attribute to previous value */
    set_vartext(macro_content_attr, old_content);

    /* remove content from stack */
    del_dlnode(hp->content_stack, dll_first(hp->content_stack));

    /* cleanup */

    DMC(fprintf(stderr, DHL "--END content macro <%s>\n", tag->name));

    return (FALSE);
Esempio n. 7
int add_model_variable (model *mod, dataset *ds, char *varname, int vartype) {

    int varidx, ividx;
    int i;
    int found = 0;
    char *intname;

    /* check for a recognized variable type */
    switch (vartype) {
        case DEPENDENT:
            printlog(VERBOSE, "%s%s\n", "Adding DEPENDENT variable: ", varname);
        case MAIN:
            printlog(VERBOSE, "%s%s\n", "Adding MAIN EFFECT variable: ", varname);
        case DIRECT:
            printlog(VERBOSE, "%s%s\n", "Adding DIRECT EFFECT variable: ", varname);
        case NEW_INTERACTION:
            printlog(VERBOSE, "%s%s\n", "Adding FIRST INTERACTION variable: ", varname);
        case INTERACTION:
            printlog(VERBOSE, "%s%s\n", "Adding INTERACTION variable: ", varname);
            printlog(INFO, "%s%d%s%s\n", "Error: unrecognized variable type: ", vartype, " for variable: ", varname);
            return 1;

    /* find the variable name and fail if not found */
    varidx = find_varname(ds, varname);
    if (varidx == -1) {
        return 1;

    /* add the DEPENDENT variable to the model */
    if (vartype == DEPENDENT) {
        mod->dv = varidx;
        mod->dvname = estrdup(varname);
        return 0;

    /* search the array of main effects */
    for (i = 0; i < mod->numiv; i++) {
        if (varidx == mod->iv[i]) {
            found = 1;
            ividx = i;

    /* warn and return success, if MAIN or DIRECT variable already exists */
    if (found && (vartype == MAIN || vartype == DIRECT)) {
        printlog(INFO, "%s%s\n", "Warning: variable already exists in model: ", varname);
        return 0;

    else if (!found) {

        /* warn if this is an interaction effect without a main effect */
        if (vartype == NEW_INTERACTION || vartype == INTERACTION) {
            printlog(INFO, "%s%s\n", "Warning: this interaction variable will also be added as a main effect: ", varname);

        /* space check */
        if (1 + mod->numiv > mod->maxiv) {
            mod->maxiv *= 2;
            mod->ivnames = (char **) erealloc(mod->ivnames, mod->maxiv * sizeof(char *));
            mod->iv = (int *) erealloc(mod->iv, mod->maxiv * sizeof(int));
            mod->direct = (int *) erealloc(mod->direct, mod->maxiv * sizeof(int));

        /* add this variable as a main effect */
        mod->iv[mod->numiv] = varidx;
        mod->ivnames[mod->numiv] = estrdup(varname);
        mod->direct[mod->numiv] = (vartype == DIRECT) ? 1 : 0;
        printlog(VERBOSE, "Setting direct array index %d to value %d\n", mod->numiv, mod->direct[mod->numiv]);


    /* add a new interaction */
    if (vartype == NEW_INTERACTION) {

        /* space check */
        if (1 + mod->numints > mod->maxints) {
            mod->maxints *= 2;
            mod->inttc = (int *) erealloc(mod->inttc, mod->maxints * sizeof(int));
            mod->ints = (int **) erealloc(mod->ints, mod->maxints * sizeof(int *));
            mod->intnames = (char **) erealloc(mod->intnames, mod->maxints * sizeof(char *));

        /* add this variable to the newly created interaction */
        mod->ints[mod->numints] = (int *) emalloc(1 * sizeof(int));

        /* set the index of the interaction variable in the iv array (not the dataset) */
        mod->ints[mod->numints][0] = ividx;

        mod->inttc[mod->numints] = 1;
        mod->intnames[mod->numints] = estrdup(varname);


    /* append to an existing interaction */
    if (vartype == INTERACTION) {

        /* search the terms in the latest interaction and warn if already found */
        for (i = 0, found = 0; i < mod->inttc[mod->numints-1]; i++) {
            if (ividx == mod->ints[mod->numints-1][i]) {
                found = 1;

        /* warn if found */
        if (found) {
            printlog(INFO, "%s%s\n", "Warning: interaction variable already exists: ", varname);
            return 0;

        /* add this variable to the latest interaction */
        mod->ints[mod->numints-1] = (int *) erealloc(mod->ints[mod->numints-1], (1 + mod->inttc[mod->numints-1]) * sizeof(int));
        mod->ints[mod->numints-1][mod->inttc[mod->numints-1]] = ividx;
        intname = (char *) emalloc( strlen(mod->intnames[mod->numints-1]) + strlen(varname) + 2 );
        strcpy(intname, mod->intnames[mod->numints-1]);
        strcat(intname, "*");
        strcat(intname, varname);
        mod->intnames[mod->numints-1] = estrdup(intname);
        mod->inttc[mod->numints-1] += 1;


    return 0;
Esempio n. 8
 * init_hsctags
 * define hsc tags & attributes; assign tagCBs for them
 * NOTE: this ones tricky, but a bit perverted somehow
BOOL hsc_init_tagsNattr(HSCPRC * hp)
#define INCLUDE_ATTR " PRE:bool SOURCE:bool TEMPORARY:bool" \
                     " INDENT:num TABSIZE:num=\"4\" "
    BYTE i = 0;
    BOOL ok = TRUE;
    BOOL open_tag;
    HSCTAG *tag;

    /* define hsc internal tags */
    STRPTR hsc_prefs[] =
        /* tags with special chars as name
         * IMPORTANT: When adding new tags with names not starting with
         *   HSC_TAGID, make sure to update `tag.c:is_hsc_tag()'
        /* tags starting with HSC_TAGID */
        HSC_DEFENT_STR " /SKIPLF NAME:string RPLC:string NUM:num PREFNUM:bool NONSTD:bool>",
        HSC_DEFSTYLE_STR " /SKIPLF NAME:string/r VAL:string>",
        HSC_DEFICON_STR " /SKIPLF NAME:string/r>",
        HSC_DEPEND_STR " /SKIPLF ON:string/r FILE:bool>",
        HSC_ELSE_STR " /SKIPLF /MBI=\"" HSC_IF_STR "\">",
        HSC_MESSAGE_STR " /SKIPLF TEXT:string/r CLASS:enum(\"note|warning|error|fatal\")='note'>",
        HSC_EXEC_STR " /SKIPLF COMMAND:string/r REMOVE:enum(\"on|off|auto\")=\"auto\" ATTRIBUTE:string INCLUDE:bool FILE:string " INCLUDE_ATTR ">",
        HSC_EXPORT_STR " /SKIPLF FILE:string/r DATA:string/r APPEND:bool>",
        HSC_INSERT_STR " /OBSOLETE TEXT:string TIME:bool FORMAT:string>",
        HSC_SOURCE_STR " /SKIPLF PRE:bool>",
        HSC_MATCH_STR "/SKIPLF NOCASE:bool RE:string/r S:string/r "
        "C0:string C1:string C2:string C3:string C4:string "
        "C5:string C6:string C7:string C8:string C9:string>",
        HSC_STRIPWS_STR " TYPE:enum(\"" STRIPWS_ENUM "\")=\"" STRIPWS_BOTH "\">",

    STRPTR hsc_attribs[] =
         * define hsc attributes
        /* name                 : type     : default value */
        SYSTEM_ATTR         ":string/c" , SYSTEM_ATTR_ID,
        ANCHOR_ATTR         ":string"   , "this is a feature, not a bug",
        CONTENT_ATTR        ":string/c" , NULL,
        RESULT_ATTR         ":num=\"0\"", NULL, /* a bit strange */
        FILESIZEFORMAT_ATTR ":string"   , "%a%u",
        TIMEFORMAT_ATTR     ":string"   , "%d-%b-%Y, %H:%M",
        LINEFEED_ATTR       ":string>"  , NULL,
        NULL, NULL

    /* temporarily disable debugging output */

    /* define hsc-tags */
    i = 0;
    while (!(hp->fatal) && hsc_prefs[i]) {
        STRARR infname[20];

        sprintf(infname, SPECIAL_FILE_ID "init%3d", i);
        hp->inpf = infopen_str(infname, hsc_prefs[i], 60);

        if (hp->inpf) {
            tag = def_tag_name(hp, &open_tag);
            ok = (tag && def_tag_args(hp, tag));

    /* init hsc-attributes */
    i = 0;
    while (!(hp->fatal) && hsc_attribs[i]) {
        define_attr_by_text(hp, hsc_attribs[i], hsc_attribs[i+1], 0);

    /* assign "\n" to linefeed-attribute */
    set_vartext(find_varname(hp->defattr, LINEFEED_ATTR), "\n");

    /* assign tag-callbacks to hsc-tags */
    if (ok) {
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_COMMENT_STR, handle_hsc_comment, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_CONTENT_STR, handle_hsc_content, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_DEFSTYLE_STR, handle_hsc_defstyle, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_DEFENT_STR, handle_hsc_defent, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_DEFICON_STR, handle_hsc_deficon, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_DEFINE_STR, handle_hsc_define, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_DEFTAG_STR, handle_hsc_deftag, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_DEPEND_STR, handle_hsc_depend, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_ELSE_STR, handle_hsc_else, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_ELSEIF_STR, handle_hsc_elseif, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_EXEC_STR, handle_hsc_exec, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_EXPORT_STR, handle_hsc_export, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_IF_STR, handle_hsc_if, handle_hsc_cif);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_INCLUDE_STR, handle_hsc_include, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_INSERT_STR, handle_hsc_insert, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_INSEXPR_STR, handle_hsc_insert_expression, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_COMMENT_STR, handle_hsc_comment, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_LAZY_STR, handle_hsc_lazy, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_LET_STR, handle_hsc_let, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_MACRO_STR, handle_hsc_macro, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_MESSAGE_STR, handle_hsc_message, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_VERBATIM_STR, handle_hsc_verbatim, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_SOURCE_STR, handle_hsc_source, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_MATCH_STR, handle_hsc_match, NULL);
        hsc_set_tagCB(hp, HSC_STRIPWS_STR, handle_hsc_stripws, NULL);

    /* restore debugging output */

    return (ok);
Esempio n. 9
 * hsc_parse_amp
 * parse ampersand ("&")
BOOL hsc_parse_amp(HSCPRC * hp)
    INFILE *inpf = hp->inpf;
    EXPSTR *amp_str = init_estr(0);

    if (!hp->fatal)
        BOOL rplc = hp->smart_ent;      /* TRUE, if "&" should be replaced */

        hp_enable_output(hp, "entity");

        if (rplc)
             * test if char before and
             * after ">" is white-space
            int ch = infgetc(inpf);

            inungetc(ch, inpf);

            if (!(hsc_whtspc(ch) && estrlen(hp->whtspc)))
                rplc = FALSE;
        if (rplc)
            /* replace ampersand */
            message_rplc(hp, "&", "&amp;");
            set_estr(amp_str, "&amp;");
             * get entity-id, test for unknown entity
            char *nxtwd;
            DLNODE *nd;
            BOOL app_entity = TRUE;

            /* remember "&" */
            set_estr(amp_str, infgetcw(inpf));

            /* get entity id */
            nxtwd = infgetw(inpf);

            /* TODO: check for white-space */

            if (!strcmp(nxtwd, "#"))
                 * process numeric entity

                /* append "#" */
                app_estr(amp_str, infgetcw(inpf));

                nxtwd = infgetw(inpf);
                errno = 0;
                strtoul(nxtwd, NULL, 0);
                if (errno || strlen(infgetcws(inpf)))
                    hsc_message(hp, MSG_ILLG_NUM,       /* illegal numeric entity */
                              "illegal numeric value %n for entity", nxtwd);
                /* append entity specifier */
                app_estr(amp_str, nxtwd);
                 * process text entity
                HSCVAR *attr = NULL;

                /* search for entity in list */
                nd = find_dlnode(hp->defent->first, (APTR) nxtwd, cmp_strent);

                if (hp->jens && (nd == NULL))
                    /* asume that entity is an attribute,
                     * try to find it and append it's value
                    attr = find_varname(hp->defattr, nxtwd);
                    if (attr)
                        set_estr(amp_str, get_vartext(attr));
                        app_entity = FALSE;

                if ((nd == NULL) && (attr == NULL))
                    hsc_message(hp, MSG_UNKN_ENTITY,
                                "unknown %e", nxtwd);
                    /* check for icon-entity and warn about */
                    /* portability peoblem */
                    HSCENT *entity = dln_data(nd);

                    if (entity->numeric == ICON_ENTITY)
                        if (estrlen(hp->iconbase))
                            replace_icon(hp, nxtwd);
                            set_estr(amp_str, "");
                            app_entity = FALSE;
                            hsc_message(hp, MSG_ICON_ENTITY,
                                        "icon %e found", nxtwd);

                if (app_entity)
                    /* append entity specifier */
                    app_estr(amp_str, nxtwd);

            /* TODO: check for whitespace before ";" */

            /* check for closing ';' */
            parse_wd(hp, ";");

            /* append ";" */
            if (app_entity)
                app_estr(amp_str, infgetcw(inpf));

        /* output whole entity */
        if (estrlen(amp_str))
            hsc_output_text(hp, "", estr2str(amp_str));


#if (defined MSDOS & (!defined HSC_BILL))
#define WASTE_SIZE (1024*1024)
        /* waste some time */
            STRPTR mem1 = (STRPTR) umalloc(WASTE_SIZE);
            STRPTR mem2 = (STRPTR) umalloc(WASTE_SIZE);
            size_t i = WASTE_SIZE;

            while (i)
                if (mem1[i] && mem2[i])
                    mem1[i] = mem2[i];
                    mem2[i] = mem1[i];


    return (BOOL) (!hp->fatal);
Esempio n. 10
 * define_var
 * define a new var with reading its def from input file
 * (starts parsing after ":", so ":" has to be read before)
 * params: of new var
*         varlist..list new var should be inserted at the beginning
*         inpf.....input file where to read def from
*         flag.....flags: VF_ONLYONCE to avoid re-definition of a var
 * result: ptr to new var
 * definition syntax in input file:
*   <vartype>[/flag]["="<deftext value>]
*   legal vartypes: see VT_STR_xx in "vars.h"
*   legal flags   : see VF_STR_xx in "vars.h"
HSCATTR *define_var(HSCPRC * hp, DLLIST * varlist, ULONG unmasked_flags)
    HSCATTR *var = NULL;        /* result */
    BOOL ok = FALSE;
    BYTE val_vartype = VT_NONE; /* var-type (numeric) */
    BOOL newattr = FALSE;       /* next word read from input */
    STRPTR nw = NULL;
    STRPTR varname = NULL;
    BOOL eof_called = FALSE;    /* used at end-of-func, if nw==NULL */
    INFILE *inpf = hp->inpf;

    /* read attribute name */
    nw = infget_attrid(hp);
    if (nw)
        varname = strclone(nw); /* remember attribute name */
        eof_called = TRUE;      /* err_eof() called already */

    /* read attribute type */
    if (nw) {
        if (parse_wd(hp, ":")) {
            nw = infgetw(inpf);
            if (nw)
                val_vartype = str2vartype(nw);
        } else

    if (nw) {
         * look if attr already exist;
         * if yes, clear old attribute
         * to redefine the new one
        var = find_varname(varlist, varname);
        if (var) {
            DLNODE *nd = find_attrnode(varlist, varname);

            /* remove old attribute */
            if (nd)
                del_dlnode(varlist, nd);
                panic("no node for redefined attribute");

            hsc_message(hp, MSG_ATTR_REDEFINED,
                        "redefined %a", varname);

         * create new attribute
        DDA(fprintf(stderr, DHL "new attr: %s\n", varname));
        var = app_var(varlist, varname);

        /* set type */
        var->vartype = val_vartype;
        if (var->vartype == VT_ENUM) {
            /* init enum-attribute */
            read_enum_str(hp, var);
        } else if (var->vartype == VT_BOOL) {
            /* init boolean attr with FALSE */
            set_varbool(var, FALSE);

        newattr = TRUE;

    /* disable "/STRIPEXT" and "/GETSIZE" for non-URI-attributes */
    if (nw) {
        if (var->vartype != VT_URI)
            unmasked_flags |= VF_GETSIZE | VF_STRIPEXT;

        nw = infgetw(inpf);     /* get net word */

     * handle attribute flags
    while (nw && !strcmp(nw, "/")) {
        nw = infgetw(inpf);     /* read flag identifier */
        if (nw) {
            BOOL ok = FALSE;

            ok |= check_attr_option(hp, nw, var,
                                    VF_CONST_STR, VF_CONST_SHT,
                                    VF_CONST, unmasked_flags);
            ok |= check_attr_option(hp, nw, var,
                                    VF_GLOBAL_STR, VF_GLOBAL_SHT,
                                    VF_GLOBAL, unmasked_flags);
            ok |= check_attr_option(hp, nw, var,
                                    VF_JERK_STR, VF_JERK_SHT,
                                    VF_JERK, unmasked_flags);
            ok |= check_attr_option(hp, nw, var,
                                    VF_ONLYONCE_STR, VF_ONLYONCE_SHT,
                                    VF_ONLYONCE, unmasked_flags);
            ok |= check_attr_option(hp, nw, var,
                                    VF_REQUIRED_STR, VF_REQUIRED_SHT,
                                    VF_REQUIRED, unmasked_flags);
            ok |= check_attr_option(hp, nw, var,
                                    VF_GETSIZE_STR, VF_GETSIZE_SHT,
                                    VF_GETSIZE, unmasked_flags);
            ok |= check_attr_option(hp, nw, var,
                                    VF_STRIPEXT_STR, VF_STRIPEXT_SHT,
                                    VF_STRIPEXT, unmasked_flags);
            ok |= check_attr_option(hp, nw, var,
                                    VF_OBSOLETE_STR, VF_OBSOLETE_SHT,
                                    VF_OBSOLETE, unmasked_flags);
            ok |= check_attr_option(hp, nw, var,
                                    VF_RECOMMENDED_STR, VF_RECOMMENDED_SHT,
                                    VF_RECOMMENDED, unmasked_flags);
            if (!ok) {
                hsc_message(hp, MSG_UNKN_ATTR_OPTION,
                            "unknown attribute flag %q", nw);

            /* read next word (should be "/", "=" or next attr / ">") */
            nw = infgetw(inpf);
        } else
            hsc_msg_eof(hp, "defining attribute");


     * handle default value
    if (nw && !strcmp(nw, "=")) {
        /* get new deftext value */
        STRPTR new_deftext = NULL;
        LONG old_attrflag = var->varflag;

        /* disable quotemode-checking */
        var->varflag |= VF_KEEP_QUOTES;

        if (!(var->deftext))
            new_deftext = eval_expression(hp, var, NULL);
        else {
            STRPTR dummy;

            hsc_message(hp, MSG_SYMB_2ND_DEFAULT,
                        "default value for %A already set", var);

            /* skip illegal default value */
            dummy = eval_expression(hp, var, NULL);

        /* restore quotemode-checking */
        var->varflag = old_attrflag;

        /* store default text value */
        if (new_deftext)
            var->deftext = strclone(new_deftext);

        /* read next word, only to be ungotten below */
        nw = infgetw(inpf);

    /* check for unexpected end of file */
    if (!nw) {
        if (!eof_called)
            hsc_msg_eof(hp, "defining attribute");
    } else {
        /* end of var definition reached */
        ok = TRUE;

    /* cleanup */
    if (!ok && var) {
        DLNODE *nd = find_attrnode(varlist, varname);
        if (nd)
            del_dlnode(varlist, (APTR) nd);
        var = NULL;

    return (var);
Esempio n. 11
** define_var
** define a new var with reading its def from input file
** (starts parsing after ":", so ":" has to be read before)
** params: of new var
**         varlist..list new var should be inserted at the beginning
**         inpf.....input file where to read def from
**         flag.....flags: VF_ONLYONCE to avoid re-definition of a var
** result: ptr to new var
** definition syntax in input file:
**   <vartype>[/flag]["="<deftext value>]
**   legal vartypes: see VT_STR_xx in "vars.h"
**   legal flags   : see VF_STR_xx in "vars.h"
HSCVAR *define_var( STRPTR varname, DLLIST *varlist, INFILE *inpf, UBYTE flag )
    HSCVAR *var        = NULL;                   /* result */
    BOOL    ok         = FALSE;
    BYTE   val_vartype = VT_NONE;                /* var-type (numeric) */
    BOOL   newattr     = FALSE;
    STRPTR nw          = infgetw( inpf );        /* next word read from input */

    /* read (optional) var type */
    if ( nw ) {
        if ( !strcmp( nw, ":" ) ) {

            nw = infgetw( inpf );
            if ( nw )
                val_vartype = str2vartype( nw );
                err_eof( inpf, "defining attribute" );

        } else
            inungetcw( inpf );
    } else
        err_eof( inpf, "defining attribute" );

    /* look if attr already exist, */
    var = find_varname( varlist, varname );
    if ( !var ) {

        /* create new attr */
        DDA( fprintf( stderr, "** new attr: %s\n", varname ) );
        var = app_var( varlist, varname );

        if ( val_vartype == VT_NONE ) {

            /* TODO: error message "attr type expected" */

            /* asume generic attribute type "STRING" */
            val_vartype = VT_STRING;


        /* set type */
        var->vartype = val_vartype;

        /* init enum-attribute */
        if ( var->vartype == VT_ENUM ) {

            var->varflag |= VF_NOQUOTE;
            read_enum_str( var, inpf );


        newattr = TRUE;

    } else {

        /* check for illegal redefinance */
        if ( !( flag & VF_UPDATE ) ) {

            message( MSG_ATTR_REDEFINED, inpf );
            errstr( "redefinance of" );
            errsym( varname );


        /* attr already exists: check for type consistence */
        if ( ( val_vartype != VT_NONE ) && ( val_vartype != var->vartype ) ) {

            /* TODO: error message attr type inconsistent */


    /* get next word */
    nw = infgetw( inpf );
    if ( !nw )
        err_eof( inpf, "defining attribute" );

    ** loop: handle flags and deftext value
    while ( nw ) {

        if ( !strcmp( nw, "=" ) ) {

            /* get new deftext value */
            STRPTR new_deftext;

            if ( !(var->deftext) )
                new_deftext = eval_expression( var, inpf, NULL );
            else {

                STRPTR dummy;

                message( MSG_SYMB_2ND_DEFAULT, inpf  );
                errstr( "default value for" );
                errsym( var->name );
                errstr( "already set\n" );

                /* skip illegal default value */
                dummy = eval_expression( var, inpf, NULL );


            /* store default text value */
            if ( new_deftext )
                var->deftext = strclone( new_deftext );

            /* check deftext value */
            if ( var->vartype == VT_BOOL ) {

                /* check boolean value */
                message( MSG_SYMB_BOOL_DEFAULT, inpf );
                errstr( "no default value for boolean" );
                errsym( var->name );
                errstr( "allowed\n" );

            } else if ( var->vartype == VT_NUM ) {

                /* TODO: test-set value with default value */
                /* check numeric value */
                LONG num;

                if ( sscanf( var->text, "%d", &num ) != strlen(var->text) ) {

                    ok = FALSE;
                    message( MSG_ILLEGAL_NUM, inpf );
                    errstr( "Illegal numeric value: " );
                    errstr( var->text );


            /* clear boolean var */
            /* TODO: why set new bool to ""? */
            if ( var->vartype == VT_BOOL ) {

                var->quote = VQ_NO_QUOTE;
                var->deftext = strclone( "" );


        } else if ( !strcmp( nw, "/" ) ) {

            /* set flag */
            nw = infgetw( inpf );
            if ( flag & VF_UPDATE ) {

                if ( nw ) {

                    BOOL ok = FALSE;

                    ok |= check_attr_option( nw, var,
                              VF_JERK_STR, VF_JERK_SHT, VF_JERK );
                    ok |= check_attr_option( nw, var,
                              VF_NOQUOTE_STR, VF_NOQUOTE_SHT, VF_NOQUOTE );
                    ok |= check_attr_option( nw, var,
                              VF_ONLYONCE_STR, VF_ONLYONCE_SHT, VF_ONLYONCE );
                    ok |= check_attr_option( nw, var,
                              VF_REQUIRED_STR, VF_REQUIRED_SHT, VF_REQUIRED );
                    if ( !ok ) {

                        message( MSG_UNKN_ATTR_OPTION, inpf );
                        errstr( "Unknown attribute option " );
                        errqstr( nw );


                } else
                    err_eof( inpf, "defining attribute" );

            } else {

                /* TODO: error message "no attr flags when updating" */

        } else {

            /* end of var definition reached */
            inungets( nw, inpf );
            nw = NULL;
            ok = TRUE;


        /* get next word */
        if ( nw )
            nw = infgetw( inpf );

    } /* while(nw) */

    if ( !ok && var ) {

        del_dlnode( varlist, (APTR) var );
        var = NULL;

    return (var);
Esempio n. 12
** get_varbool_byname: get value of a boolean var
BOOL get_varbool_byname( DLLIST *varlist, STRPTR name )
    HSCVAR *var  = find_varname( varlist, name );

    return( get_varbool( var ) );
Esempio n. 13
** set_tag_arg
** parse & set one single tag argument
static BOOL set_tag_arg( HSCPRC *hp, DLLIST *varlist, STRPTR varname )
    HSCATTR *var = find_varname( varlist, varname );
    INFILE *inpf = hp->inpf;
    STRPTR  arg = NULL;
    BOOL    ok  = FALSE;
    STRPTR  nw;
    HSCATTR  skipvar;                   /* dummy attribute to skip unkown */
    EXPSTR *attr_str = init_estr( 40 ); /* string for attribute name */
    EXPSTR *val_str  = init_estr( 40 ); /* string for "=" and value */

    DAV( fprintf( stderr, DHL "   set attr %s\n", varname ) );

    /* append attribute name to attr_str */
    app_estr( attr_str, infgetcws( inpf ) );
    app_estr( attr_str, infgetcw( inpf ) );

    if ( !var ) {                      /* attribute not found */

        /* assign to pseudo-attribute */
        var = &skipvar;
        var->name = varname;
        var->deftext = NULL;
        var->text    = NULL;
        var->enumstr = NULL;
        var->vartype = VT_STRING;
        var->varflag = 0;

        /* message: unknown attribute */
        hsc_msg_unkn_attr( hp, varname );


    /* get argument */
    nw  = infgetw( inpf );
    if ( nw )
        if ( !strcmp( nw, "=" ) ) {

            /* append "=" to log */
            app_estr( val_str, infgetcws( inpf ) );
            app_estr( val_str, infgetcw( inpf ) );

            /* parse expression */
            arg = eval_expression( hp, var, NULL );

            /* append value to log */
            if ( var->quote != VQ_NO_QUOTE )
                app_estrch( val_str, var->quote );
            if ( get_vartext( var ) )
                app_estr( val_str, get_vartext( var ) );
            if ( var->quote != VQ_NO_QUOTE )
                app_estrch( val_str, var->quote );

            if ( arg ) {

                DAV( fprintf( stderr, DHL "  `%s'\n", arg ) );
                ok = TRUE;


        } else {

            arg = NULL;
            inungetcwws( inpf );
            ok = TRUE;

        hsc_msg_eof( hp, "read attribute value" );

    if ( ok )
        if ( arg ) {

            if ( var->vartype == VT_BOOL ) {

                /* set boolean attribute depending on expression */
                set_vartext_bool( var, get_varbool( var ) );

                /* if the expression returned FALSE, remove
                ** the boolean  switch from the call
                if ( !get_varbool( var ) )
                    clr_estr( attr_str );

            } else
                /* append value to attribute string */
                app_estr( attr_str, estr2str( val_str ) );

        } else {

            /* no value has been passed to the attribute */
            if ( var->vartype == VT_BOOL ) {

                /* for boolean attributes, this is legal,
                ** and enables the attribute
                set_vartext_bool( var, TRUE );

            } else {

                /* for non-boolean attributes, display
                ** error message
                hsc_message( hp, MSG_NOARG_ATTR,
                             "missing value for %A", var );


#if 0
    if ( arg ) {

        if ( var->vartype == VT_BOOL ) {

            message( MSG_ARG_BOOL_ATTR, inpf );
            errstr( "value for boolean" );
            errsym( var->name );

    } else {

        if ( var->vartype == VT_BOOL ) {

            /* set boolean attribute */
            DAV( fprintf( stderr, " (bool)\n", var->name ) );
            set_vartext( var, var->name );
            var->quote = VQ_NO_QUOTE;

        } else {


    /* cleanup pseudo-attr */
    if ( var == &skipvar )
        clr_vartext( var );

    /* append & cleanup attribute and value string */
    app_estr( hp->tag_attr_str, estr2str( attr_str ) );
    del_estr( attr_str );
    del_estr( val_str );

    return( ok );
Esempio n. 14
** define_var
** define a new var with reading its def from input file
** (starts parsing after ":", so ":" has to be read before)
** params: of new var
**         varlist..list new var should be inserted at the beginning
**         inpf.....input file where to read def from
**         flag.....flags: VF_ONLYONCE to avoid re-definition of a var
** result: ptr to new var
** definition syntax in input file:
**   <vartype>[/flag]["="<deftext value>]
**   legal vartypes: see VT_STR_xx in "vars.h"
**   legal flags   : see VF_STR_xx in "vars.h"
HSCVAR *define_var( STRPTR varname, DLLIST *varlist, INFILE *inpf, UBYTE flag )
    HSCVAR *var        = NULL;                   /* result */
    BOOL    ok         = FALSE;
    STRPTR str_vartype = infgetw( inpf );        /* var-type (string) */
    BYTE   val_vartype = VT_NONE;                /* var-type (numeric) */

    /* evaluate var type */
    if ( str_vartype )
        val_vartype = str2vartype( str_vartype );
        err_eof( inpf, "defining attribute" );

    if ( val_vartype == VT_NONE ) {

        /* illegal var type */
        message( MSG_ILLEGAL_SYMB_TYPE, inpf );
        errstr( "Illegal variable type \"" );
        errstr( str_vartype );
        errstr( "\"\n" );

    } else {

        /* look if var already exist, */
        /* create new var if neccessary */
        var = find_varname( varlist, varname );
        if ( !var ) {

            DDA( fprintf( stderr, "** new var: %s\n", varname ) );
            var = app_var( varlist, varname );


        if ( !var )
            err_mem( inpf );
        else {

            STRPTR nw;                 /* next word from input file */

            /* set vartype */
            var->vartype = val_vartype;

            /* init enum-attribute */
            if ( var->vartype == VT_ENUM ) {

                var->varflag |= VF_NOQUOTE;
                read_enum_str( var, inpf );


            /* get next word */
            nw = infgetw( inpf );
            if ( !nw )
                err_eof( inpf, "defining attribute" );

            ** loop: handle flags and deftext value
            while ( nw ) {

                if ( !strcmp( nw, "=" ) ) {

                    /* get new deftext value */
                    STRPTR new_deftext;

                    if ( !(var->deftext) )
                        new_deftext = parse_vararg( var, inpf );
                    else {

                        message( MSG_SYMB_2ND_DEFAULT, inpf  );
                        errstr( "Default value for" );
                        errsym( var->name );
                        errstr( "already set\n" );


                    /* store default text value */
                    if ( new_deftext )
                        var->deftext = strclone( new_deftext );

                    /* check deftext value */
                    if ( var->deftext && clr_vartext( var ) ) {

                        if ( var->vartype == VT_BOOL ) {

                            /* check boolean value */
                            message( MSG_SYMB_BOOL_DEFAULT, inpf );
                            errstr( "No default value for boolean" );
                            errsym( var->name );
                            errstr( "allowed\n" );

                        } else if ( var->vartype == VT_NUM ) {

                            /* check numeric value */
                            LONG num;

                            if ( sscanf( var->text, "%d", &num ) != strlen(var->text) ) {

                                ok = FALSE;
                                message( MSG_ILLEGAL_NUM, inpf );
                                errstr( "Illegal numeric value: " );
                                errstr( var->text );

                    } else
                        err_mem( inpf );

                    /* clear boolean var */
                    if ( var->vartype == VT_BOOL ) {

                        var->quote = VQ_NO_QUOTE;
                        var->deftext = strclone( "" );
                        if ( !var->deftext )
                            err_mem( inpf );


                } else if ( !strcmp( nw, "/" ) ) {

                    /* set flag */
                    nw = infgetw( inpf );
                    if ( nw ) {

                        BOOL ok = FALSE;

                        ok |= check_attr_option( nw, var,
                                  VF_JERK_STR, VF_JERK_SHT, VF_JERK );
                        ok |= check_attr_option( nw, var,
                                  VF_NOQUOTE_STR, VF_NOQUOTE_SHT, VF_NOQUOTE );
                        ok |= check_attr_option( nw, var,
                                  VF_ONLYONCE_STR, VF_ONLYONCE_SHT, VF_ONLYONCE );
                        ok |= check_attr_option( nw, var,
                                  VF_REQUIRED_STR, VF_REQUIRED_SHT, VF_REQUIRED );
                        if ( !ok ) {

                            message( MSG_UNKN_ATTR_OPTION, inpf );
                            errstr( "Unknown attribute option " );
                            errqstr( nw );


                    } else
                        err_eof( inpf, "defining attribute" );

                } else {

                    /* end of var definition reached */
                    inungets( nw, inpf );
                    nw = NULL;
                    ok = TRUE;


                /* get next word */
                if ( nw )
                    nw = infgetw( inpf );

            } /* while(nw) */
        } /* if(!var) */
    } /* if(val_vartype..) */

    if ( !ok && var ) {

        del_dlnode( varlist, (APTR) var );
        var = NULL;

    return (var);
Esempio n. 15
** parse_vararg: read & check a attribute value
STRPTR parse_vararg( HSCVAR *var, INFILE *inpf )
    STRPTR str_vararg = NULL;          /* return value */
    int    ch;                         /* char read from input */

    /* TODO: handle "<>" (reset var->text to NULL) */

    infskip_ws( inpf );

    /* disable log */
    inflog_disable( inpf );

    /* read var->quote char */
    ch = infgetc( inpf );
    if ( !strchr( VQ_STR_QUOTE, ch ) )
        if ( ch != EOF )
            var->quote = VQ_NO_QUOTE;
            err_eof( inpf, "reading attribute" );
        var->quote = ch;

    /* warning if no quote */
    if ( ( var->quote == VQ_NO_QUOTE )
         && !( var->varflag & VF_NOQUOTE ) )

        message( MSG_ARG_NO_QUOTE, inpf );
        errstr( "Argument without quote\n" );


    /* read arg string */
    if ( var->quote == '<' ) {

        ** get arg from other var
        STRPTR nw = infgetw( inpf );

        if ( nw ) {

            HSCVAR *refvar = find_varname( vars, nw );

            if ( refvar ) {

                /* TODO: type checking */
                var->quote = refvar->quote;
                str_vararg = refvar->text;

                /* check empty/circular reference */
                if ( !str_vararg ) {

                    message( MSG_EMPTY_SYMB_REF, inpf );
                    errstr( "Empty reference to" );
                    errsym( var->name );


                /* debugging message */
                DDA( fprintf( stderr, "**    %s refers to <%s>\n",
                              var->name, refvar->name ) );

            } else {

                /* reference to unknown var */
                message( MSG_UNKN_SYMB_REF, inpf );
                errstr( "reference to unknown" );
                errsym( nw );


            if ( (!refvar) || (!str_vararg ) ) {

                /* return empty var */
                var->quote = '"';
                str_vararg = "";

            parse_gt( inpf );

        } else
            err_eof( inpf, "reading attribute" );

    } else if ( var->quote != EOF ) {

        ** get arg from input file
        BOOL   end = FALSE;

        /* clear vararg or set with first char read */
        if ( var->quote == VQ_NO_QUOTE )
            end = !set_estr( vararg, ch2str( ch ) );
            end = !clr_estr( vararg );
        if ( end )
            err_mem( inpf );

        ** read next char from input file until a
        ** closing quote if found.
        ** if the arg had no quote, a white space
        ** or a '>' is used to detect end of arg.
        ** if a LF is found, view error message
        while ( !end ) {

            ch = infgetc( inpf );

            end = TRUE;

            if ( ch == EOF )
                err_eof( inpf, "reading attribute" );
            else if ( (ch==var->quote)
                      || ( ch==CH_LF )
                      || ( (var->quote==VQ_NO_QUOTE)
                           && ( inf_isws(ch,inpf) || ( ch=='>' ) ) )

                /* end of arg reached */
                str_vararg = estr2str( vararg );
                if ( var->quote == VQ_NO_QUOTE ) {

                    if ( ch==CH_LF )
                        err_streol( inpf );
                    inungetc( ch, inpf );


            } else {

                /* append next char to vararg */
                if ( !app_estrch( vararg, ch ) )
                    err_mem( inpf );
                    end = FALSE; /* continue loop */


    if ( str_vararg && var )
        ** check enum type
        if (var->vartype == VT_ENUM)
            check_enumstr( var, str_vararg, inpf );
        ** parse uri (only if no macro-attr)
        ** (convert abs.uris, check existence)
        else if (var->vartype == VT_URI )

            if ( !(var->varflag & VF_MACRO) )
                str_vararg = parse_uri( str_vararg, inpf );
            else {

                DDA( fprintf( stderr, "**    didn't parse uri \"%s\"\n",
                              str_vararg ) );


    /* update and enable log */
    if ( !fatal_error ) {

        BOOL ok = TRUE;

        if ( var->quote != VQ_NO_QUOTE )                   
            ok &= inflog_app( inpf, ch2str( var->quote ) );/* append quote */
        inflog_app( inpf, str_vararg );                    /* append arg */
        if ( var->quote != VQ_NO_QUOTE )
            ok &= inflog_app( inpf, ch2str( var->quote ) );/* append quote */
        inflog_enable( inpf );                             /* enable log */

        if ( !ok )
            err_mem( NULL );

    return ( str_vararg );