Esempio n. 1
void KEquityPriceUpdateDlg::slotQuoteFailed(const QString& _id, const QString& _symbol)
  QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> foundItems = lvEquityList->findItems(_id, Qt::MatchExactly, ID_COL);
  QTreeWidgetItem* item = 0;

  if (! foundItems.empty())
    item =;

  // Give the user some options
  int result;
  if (_id.contains(" ")) {
    result = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("Failed to retrieve an exchange rate for %1 from %2. It will be skipped this time.", _symbol, item->text(SOURCE_COL)), i18n("Price Update Failed"));
  } else {
    result = KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel(this, QString("<qt>%1</qt>").arg(i18n("Failed to retrieve a quote for %1 from %2.  Press <b>No</b> to remove the online price source from this security permanently, <b>Yes</b> to continue updating this security during future price updates or <b>Cancel</b> to stop the current update operation.", _symbol, item->text(SOURCE_COL))), i18n("Price Update Failed"), KStandardGuiItem::yes(), KStandardGuiItem::no());

  if (result == KMessageBox::No) {
    // Disable price updates for this security

    MyMoneyFileTransaction ft;
    try {
      // Get this security (by ID)
      MyMoneySecurity security = MyMoneyFile::instance()->security(_id.toUtf8());

      // Set the quote source to blank
      security.setValue("kmm-online-source", QString());
      security.setValue("kmm-online-quote-system", QString());

      // Re-commit the security
    } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) {
      KMessageBox::error(this, QString("<qt>") + i18n("Cannot update security <b>%1</b>: %2", _symbol, e.what()) + QString("</qt>"), i18n("Price Update Failed"));

  // As long as the user doesn't want to cancel, move on!
  if (result != KMessageBox::Cancel) {
    QTreeWidgetItem* next = 0;
    prgOnlineProgress->setValue(prgOnlineProgress->value() + 1);

    // launch the NEXT one ... in case of m_fUpdateAll == false, we
    // need to parse the list to find the next selected one
    next = lvEquityList->invisibleRootItem()->child(lvEquityList->invisibleRootItem()->indexOfChild(item) + 1);
    if (!m_fUpdateAll) {
      while (next && !next->isSelected()) {
        prgOnlineProgress->setValue(prgOnlineProgress->value() + 1);
        next = lvEquityList->invisibleRootItem()->child(lvEquityList->invisibleRootItem()->indexOfChild(next) + 1);
    if (next) {
      m_webQuote.launch(next->text(SYMBOL_COL), next->text(ID_COL), next->text(SOURCE_COL));
    } else {
  } else {
Esempio n. 2
void FvUpdater::finishUpdate(QString pathToFinish)
	pathToFinish = pathToFinish.isEmpty() ? QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() : pathToFinish;
	QDir appDir(pathToFinish);
	appDir.setFilter( QDir::Files | QDir::Dirs );

	QFileInfoList dirEntries = appDir.entryInfoList();
	foreach (QFileInfo fi, dirEntries)
		if ( fi.isDir() )
            QString dirname = fi.fileName();
            if ((dirname==".") || (dirname == ".."))
			// recursive clean up subdirectory
				if( !appDir.remove( fi.absoluteFilePath() ) )
					qDebug()<<"Error: Unable to clean up file: "<<fi.absoluteFilePath();

	}	// For each dir entry END
Esempio n. 3
DCCollector::initiateTCPUpdate( int cmd, ClassAd* ad1, ClassAd* ad2, bool nonblocking )
	if( update_rsock ) {
		delete update_rsock;
		update_rsock = NULL;
	if(nonblocking) {
		UpdateData *ud = new UpdateData(cmd, Sock::reli_sock, ad1, ad2, this);
			// Note that UpdateData automatically adds itself to the pending_update_list.
		if (this->pending_update_list.size() == 1)
			startCommand_nonblocking(cmd, Sock::reli_sock, 20, NULL, UpdateData::startUpdateCallback, ud );
		return true;
	Sock *sock = startCommand(cmd, Sock::reli_sock, 20);
	if(!sock) {
				  "Failed to send TCP update command to collector" );
		dprintf(D_ALWAYS,"Failed to send update to %s.\n",idStr());
		return false;
	update_rsock = (ReliSock *)sock;
	return finishUpdate( this, update_rsock, ad1, ad2 );
Esempio n. 4
void DefinitionUpdater::checkReply() {
  // check for server side redirection
  QVariant redir = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute);
  if (!redir.isNull()) {
    // start update again with redirected URL
    url = redir.toUrl();
  // final URL found -> get data
  reply = qnam.get(QNetworkRequest(url));
  connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()),
          this, SLOT(finishUpdate()));
  connect(reply, SIGNAL(readyRead()),
          this, SLOT(checkVersion()));
Esempio n. 5
void Updater::requestNext()
    if( !canMakeUpdate() )


    if( m_currentAdIndex < cTotalNumberOfAds )
Esempio n. 6
DCCollector::sendTCPUpdate( int cmd, ClassAd* ad1, ClassAd* ad2, bool nonblocking )
	dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG,
			 "Attempting to send update via TCP to collector %s\n",
			 update_destination );

	if( ! update_rsock ) {
			// we don't have a TCP sock for sending an update.  we've
			// got to create one.  this is a somewhat complicated
			// process, since we've got to create a ReliSock, connect
			// to the collector, and start a security session.
			// unfortunately, the only way to start a security session
			// is to send an initial command, so we'll handle that
			// update at the same time.  if the security API changes
			// in the future, we'll be able to make this code a little
			// more straight-forward...
		return initiateTCPUpdate( cmd, ad1, ad2, nonblocking );

		// otherwise, we've already got our socket, it's connected,
		// the security session is going, etc.  so, all we have to do
		// is send the actual update to the existing socket.  the only
		// thing we have to watch out for is if the collector
		// invalidated our cached socket, and if so, we'll have to
		// start another connection.
		// since finishUpdate() assumes we've already sent the command
		// int, and since we do *NOT* want to use startCommand() again
		// on a cached TCP socket, just code the int ourselves...
	update_rsock->put( cmd );
	if( finishUpdate(this, update_rsock, ad1, ad2) ) {
		return true;
	dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, 
			 "Couldn't reuse TCP socket to update collector, "
			 "starting new connection\n" );
	delete update_rsock;
	update_rsock = NULL;
	return initiateTCPUpdate( cmd, ad1, ad2, nonblocking );
Esempio n. 7
DCCollector::sendUDPUpdate( int cmd, ClassAd* ad1, ClassAd* ad2, bool nonblocking )
		// with UDP it's pretty straight forward.  We always want to
		// use Daemon::startCommand() so we get all the security stuff
		// in every update.  In fact, we want to recreate the SafeSock
		// itself each time, since it doesn't seem to work if we reuse
		// the SafeSock object from one update to the next...

	dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG,
			 "Attempting to send update via UDP to collector %s\n",
			 update_destination );

	bool raw_protocol = false;
			// we *never* want to do security negotiation with the
			// developer collector.
		raw_protocol = true;

	if(nonblocking) {
		UpdateData *ud = new UpdateData(cmd, Sock::safe_sock, ad1, ad2, this);
		if (this->pending_update_list.size() == 1)
			startCommand_nonblocking(cmd, Sock::safe_sock, 20, NULL, UpdateData::startUpdateCallback, ud, NULL, raw_protocol );
		return true;

	Sock *ssock = startCommand(cmd, Sock::safe_sock, 20, NULL, NULL, raw_protocol);
	if(!ssock) {
				  "Failed to send UDP update command to collector" );
		return false;

	bool success = finishUpdate( this, ssock, ad1, ad2 );
	delete ssock;

	return success;
Esempio n. 8
void KEquityPriceUpdateDlg::slotReceivedQuote(const QString& _id, const QString& _symbol, const QDate& _date, const double& _price)
  QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> foundItems = lvEquityList->findItems(_id, Qt::MatchExactly, ID_COL);
  QTreeWidgetItem* item = 0;

  if (! foundItems.empty())
    item =;

  QTreeWidgetItem* next = 0;

  if (item) {
    if (_price > 0.0f && _date.isValid()) {
      QDate date = _date;
      if (date > QDate::currentDate())
        date = QDate::currentDate();

      double price = _price;
      QString id = _id.toUtf8();
      MyMoneySecurity sec;
      if (_id.contains(" ") == 0) {
        MyMoneySecurity security = MyMoneyFile::instance()->security(id);
        QString factor = security.value("kmm-online-factor");
        if (!factor.isEmpty()) {
          price *= MyMoneyMoney(factor).toDouble();
        try {
          sec = MyMoneyFile::instance()->security(id);
          sec = MyMoneyFile::instance()->security(sec.tradingCurrency());
        } catch (const MyMoneyException &) {
          sec = MyMoneySecurity();

      } else {
        QRegExp splitrx("([0-9a-z\\.]+)[^a-z0-9]+([0-9a-z\\.]+)", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
        if (splitrx.indexIn(_id) != -1) {
          try {
            sec = MyMoneyFile::instance()->security(splitrx.cap(2).toUtf8());
          } catch (const MyMoneyException &) {
            sec = MyMoneySecurity();
      item->setText(PRICE_COL, KGlobal::locale()->formatMoney(price, sec.tradingSymbol(), KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision()));
      item->setText(DATE_COL, date.toString(Qt::ISODate));
      logStatusMessage(i18n("Price for %1 updated (id %2)", _symbol, _id));
      // make sure to make OK button available
    } else {
      logErrorMessage(i18n("Received an invalid price for %1, unable to update.", _symbol));

    prgOnlineProgress->setValue(prgOnlineProgress->value() + 1);

    // launch the NEXT one ... in case of m_fUpdateAll == false, we
    // need to parse the list to find the next selected one
    next = lvEquityList->invisibleRootItem()->child(lvEquityList->invisibleRootItem()->indexOfChild(item) + 1);
    if (!m_fUpdateAll) {
      while (next && !next->isSelected()) {
        prgOnlineProgress->setValue(prgOnlineProgress->value() + 1);
        next = lvEquityList->invisibleRootItem()->child(lvEquityList->invisibleRootItem()->indexOfChild(next) + 1);
  } else {
    logErrorMessage(i18n("Received a price for %1 (id %2), but this symbol is not on the list. Aborting entire update.", _symbol, _id));

  if (next) {
    m_webQuote.launch(next->text(SYMBOL_COL), next->text(ID_COL), next->text(SOURCE_COL));
  } else {