Esempio n. 1
Vector rayColour(Scene *s, Ray *r) {
  Vector ret;
  if ((*r).recursionDepth++ < RECURSELIMIT) {
    //printf("\nrecurse %d",(*r).recursionDepth);
    Intersection intersections[(*s).objectsSize];
    Intersection first;
    int i;
    Vector pntTime, nat;
    for (i=0; i<(*s).objectsSize; i++){
      ObjectRel objectrel = (*s).objects[i];
      (intersections[i]) = initIntersection(objectrel.sphere,

    first = firstIntersection(intersections, (*s).objectsSize);
    if (first.t == 9999999) {
      ret.x = 0;
      ret.y = 0;
      ret.z = 0;
    } else {
      pntTime = pointAtTime((*r), first.t);
      nat = normalAt(first.o, pntTime);
      //printf("lambert: %f\n", first.s.lambertCoefficient);
      ret = colorAt(&first.s, s, (*r), &pntTime, nat );
  } else {
    ret.x = 0;
    ret.y = 0;
    ret.z = 0;
  return ret;
Esempio n. 2
    QueryResult Query::raycast_faces(Ray ray, QueryType queryType) {
        if (!boundary_faces){
        FaceKey firstIntersection((unsigned int) -1);
        double dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

        for (auto faceIter : *boundary_faces){
            Face & face = mesh->get(faceIter);
            auto nodePos = mesh->get_pos(face.node_keys());
            double newDist;
            if (ray.intersect_triangle(nodePos[0], nodePos[1], nodePos[2], newDist)){
                bool isFirstFoundTriangle = dist == std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
                if (isFirstFoundTriangle){
                    firstIntersection = faceIter;
                    dist = newDist;
                } else {
                    if (newDist < dist){
                        firstIntersection = faceIter;
                        dist = newDist;
        if ((unsigned int)firstIntersection == (unsigned int)-1){
            return QueryResult();

        return QueryResult(firstIntersection, dist, ray, queryType, mesh);
Esempio n. 3
/// Find the intersection between the cell and the ray. The point closest to the ray origin is returned
/// if no intersection is found, the intersection point is untouched.
bool RigCell::firstIntersectionPoint(const cvf::Ray& ray, cvf::Vec3d* intersectionPoint) const
    CVF_ASSERT(intersectionPoint != NULL);

    cvf::ubyte faceVertexIndices[4];
    int face;
    const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& nodes = m_hostGrid->mainGrid()->nodes();

    cvf::Vec3d firstIntersection(cvf::Vec3d::ZERO);
    double minLsq = HUGE_VAL;

    for (face = 0; face < 6 ; ++face)
        cvf::StructGridInterface::cellFaceVertexIndices(static_cast<cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType>(face), faceVertexIndices);
        cvf::Vec3d intersection;
        cvf::Vec3d faceCenter = this->faceCenter(static_cast<cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType>(face));

            nodes[m_cornerIndices[faceVertexIndices[1]]], faceCenter, &intersection);

        for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
            size_t next = i < 3 ? i+1 : 0;
            if ( ray.triangleIntersect( nodes[m_cornerIndices[faceVertexIndices[i]]], 
                double lsq = (intersection - ray.origin() ).lengthSquared();
                if (lsq < minLsq)
                    firstIntersection = intersection;
                    minLsq = lsq;

    if (minLsq != HUGE_VAL)
        *intersectionPoint = firstIntersection;
        return true;

    return false;
Esempio n. 4
void iluminatePixel(VECTOR *anchor, VECTOR *rayFromEyeDirection, RGB *color, INTERSECTION *intersection) {

    int sumDiffuse = 0, sumEspecular = 0;
    LIST_NODE_PTR lights = lightsList;
    LIST_NODE_PTR obstacle = NULL;
    long double i = 0.0; //Light Intensity for diffuse illumination
    long double e = 0.0; //Intensity of specular reflexion
    long double productPointResult;
    long double productPointN_L;
    long double lightIntensityThrowObject = 1.0; //Controls the intensity of the light when it pass throw an object, if no object is on the way of the light the intensity is 1

    long double distanceToLight;
    VECTOR vectorToLight_l, vectorToEye_v, vectorReflexionOfL_r;

    //Test that the normal is the correct one
    if (dotProduct(rayFromEyeDirection, &intersection->object.normal) > EPSILON) {
        VECTOR newN;
        newN.x = -1 * intersection->object.normal.x;
        newN.y = -1 * intersection->object.normal.y;
        newN.z = -1 * intersection->object.normal.z;
        intersection->object.dependedNormal = newN;

    while (lights != NULL) {
        LIGHT_POINT currentLight = lights->data.light;
        vectorToLight_l = calculateVectorToLight_L(intersection->intersection, currentLight.position, &distanceToLight);

        //Calculate Vector V, which is a vector to points back to the light, it is the same vector D but with the inverse direction
        vectorToEye_v.x = rayFromEyeDirection->x * -1; //With this is inverse the direction
        vectorToEye_v.y = rayFromEyeDirection->y * -1;
        vectorToEye_v.z = rayFromEyeDirection->z * -1;

        //Calculate Vector R, which is a vector ho is a Reflexion of the vector L taken the VEctor N as reference
        productPointN_L = dotProduct(&intersection->object.dependedNormal, &vectorToLight_l);
        vectorReflexionOfL_r.x = (2 * intersection->object.dependedNormal.x * productPointN_L) - vectorToLight_l.x;
        vectorReflexionOfL_r.y = (2 * intersection->object.dependedNormal.y * productPointN_L) - vectorToLight_l.y;
        vectorReflexionOfL_r.z = (2 * intersection->object.dependedNormal.z * productPointN_L) - vectorToLight_l.z;

        long double fAtt = attenuationFactor(intersection->intersection, currentLight);
        productPointResult = dotProduct(&vectorToLight_l, &intersection->object.dependedNormal);

        if (productPointResult > EPSILON) {

            if (APPLY_SHADOWS) {

                firstIntersection(&intersection->intersection, &vectorToLight_l, &obstacle);

                if (obstacle == NULL) {
                    sumDiffuse = 1;

                    if (APPLY_SPECULAR_REFLEXION) {
                        sumEspecular = 1;
                } else {
                    lightIntensityThrowObject = obstacle->data.intersection.object.translucencyCoefficient_kt;
                    sumDiffuse = 1;

                    if (APPLY_SPECULAR_REFLEXION) {
                        sumEspecular = 1;

                //I have to clean the obstacle intersections list, because it depends on the light
                obstacle = NULL;
            } else {
                sumDiffuse = 1;

                if (APPLY_SPECULAR_REFLEXION) {
                    sumEspecular = 1;


        if (sumDiffuse == 1) {
            i += productPointResult * intersection->object.diffusionCoefficient_Kd * fAtt * (currentLight.intensity_Ip * lightIntensityThrowObject);

        if (sumEspecular == 1) {
            long double dotProductResultRV = dotProduct(&vectorReflexionOfL_r, &vectorToEye_v);
            if (productPointN_L > EPSILON && dotProductResultRV > EPSILON) {
                e += pow(dotProductResultRV, intersection->object.specularReflexionRefinement_Kn) * intersection->object.specularReflexionCoeffient_Ks * (currentLight.intensity_Ip * lightIntensityThrowObject) * fAtt;
        sumDiffuse = 0;
        sumEspecular = 0;
        lights = lights->nextPtr;
        lightIntensityThrowObject = 1.0;

    i += (intersection->object.ambientLightingCoefficient_Ka * ambientLighting_IA);

    if (i > 1.0) {
        i = 1.0;

    color->r = intersection->object.color.r * i;
    color->g = intersection->object.color.g * i;
    color->b = intersection->object.color.b * i;

        color->r = color->r + e * (1.0 - color->r);
        color->g = color->g + e * (1.0 - color->g);
        color->b = color->b + e * (1.0 - color->b);

Esempio n. 5
RGB whichColor(VECTOR *anchor, VECTOR *rayFromEyeDirection, int reflexionLevel, int *setBackground) {
    *setBackground = 0;
    RGB color, reflexionColor, transparencyColor;
    LIST_NODE_PTR intersection = NULL;
    VECTOR vectorToEye_v, vectorReflexionOfV_R;
    long double productPointN_V;

    firstIntersection(anchor, rayFromEyeDirection, &intersection);

    if (intersection == NULL) { //If intersection is equals to NULL
        *setBackground = 1;
        color = backgroundColor;
    } else {

        //Calculate Vector V, which is a vector to points back to the light, it is the same vector D but with the inverse direction
        vectorToEye_v.x = rayFromEyeDirection->x * -1; //With this is inverse the direction
        vectorToEye_v.y = rayFromEyeDirection->y * -1;
        vectorToEye_v.z = rayFromEyeDirection->z * -1;

        iluminatePixel(anchor, rayFromEyeDirection, &color, &intersection->data.intersection);
        if (APPLY_MIRRORS) {
            if (intersection->data.intersection.object.O2 > 0.0 && reflexionLevel > 0) {

                int isReflexionBackground = 0;
                productPointN_V = dotProduct(&intersection->data.intersection.object.dependedNormal, &vectorToEye_v);
                vectorReflexionOfV_R.x = 2 * productPointN_V * intersection->data.intersection.object.dependedNormal.x - vectorToEye_v.x;
                vectorReflexionOfV_R.y = 2 * productPointN_V * intersection->data.intersection.object.dependedNormal.y - vectorToEye_v.y;
                vectorReflexionOfV_R.z = 2 * productPointN_V * intersection->data.intersection.object.dependedNormal.z - vectorToEye_v.z;
                reflexionColor = whichColor(&intersection->data.intersection.intersection, &vectorReflexionOfV_R, reflexionLevel - 1, &isReflexionBackground);

                if (isReflexionBackground == 0) {
                    color.r = intersection->data.intersection.object.O1 * color.r + intersection->data.intersection.object.O2 * reflexionColor.r;
                    color.g = intersection->data.intersection.object.O1 * color.g + intersection->data.intersection.object.O2 * reflexionColor.g;
                    color.b = intersection->data.intersection.object.O1 * color.b + intersection->data.intersection.object.O2 * reflexionColor.b;

                                color.r = intersection->data.intersection.object.O1 * color.r + intersection->data.intersection.object.O2 * reflexionColor.r;
                                color.g = intersection->data.intersection.object.O1 * color.g + intersection->data.intersection.object.O2 * reflexionColor.g;
                                color.b = intersection->data.intersection.object.O1 * color.b + intersection->data.intersection.object.O2 * reflexionColor.b;



            if (intersection->data.intersection.object.O3 > 0.0 && intersection->nextPtr != NULL) {
                iluminatePixel(anchor, rayFromEyeDirection, &transparencyColor, &intersection->nextPtr->data.intersection);
                color.r += intersection->data.intersection.object.O3 * transparencyColor.r;
                color.g += intersection->data.intersection.object.O3 * transparencyColor.g;
                color.b += intersection->data.intersection.object.O3 * transparencyColor.b;



    return color;