TEST_F(SurroundingTextTest, BasicRangeSelection)
    setHTML(String("<p id='selection'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>"));

        VisibleSelection selection = select(0, 5);
        SurroundingText surroundingText(*firstRangeOf(selection), 1);

        EXPECT_EQ("Lorem ", surroundingText.content());
        EXPECT_EQ(0u, surroundingText.startOffsetInContent());
        EXPECT_EQ(5u, surroundingText.endOffsetInContent());

        VisibleSelection selection = select(0, 5);
        SurroundingText surroundingText(*firstRangeOf(selection), 5);

        EXPECT_EQ("Lorem ip", surroundingText.content().simplifyWhiteSpace());
        EXPECT_EQ(1u, surroundingText.startOffsetInContent());
        EXPECT_EQ(6u, surroundingText.endOffsetInContent());

        VisibleSelection selection = select(0, 5);
        SurroundingText surroundingText(*firstRangeOf(selection), 42);

        EXPECT_EQ("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", surroundingText.content().simplifyWhiteSpace());
        EXPECT_EQ(1u, surroundingText.startOffsetInContent());
        EXPECT_EQ(6u, surroundingText.endOffsetInContent());

        VisibleSelection selection = select(6, 11);
        SurroundingText surroundingText(*firstRangeOf(selection), 2);

        EXPECT_EQ(" ipsum ", surroundingText.content());
        EXPECT_EQ(1u, surroundingText.startOffsetInContent());
        EXPECT_EQ(6u, surroundingText.endOffsetInContent());

        VisibleSelection selection = select(6, 11);
        SurroundingText surroundingText(*firstRangeOf(selection), 42);

        EXPECT_EQ("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", surroundingText.content().simplifyWhiteSpace());
        EXPECT_EQ(7u, surroundingText.startOffsetInContent());
        EXPECT_EQ(12u, surroundingText.endOffsetInContent());
TEST_F(SurroundingTextTest, TreeRangeSelection)
    setHTML(String("<div>This is outside of <p id='selection'>foo bar</p> the selected node</div>"));

        VisibleSelection selection = select(0, 1);
        SurroundingText surroundingText(*firstRangeOf(selection), 1);

        EXPECT_EQ("fo", surroundingText.content().simplifyWhiteSpace());
        EXPECT_EQ(0u, surroundingText.startOffsetInContent());
        EXPECT_EQ(1u, surroundingText.endOffsetInContent());

        VisibleSelection selection = select(0, 3);
        SurroundingText surroundingText(*firstRangeOf(selection), 12);

        EXPECT_EQ("e of foo bar", surroundingText.content().simplifyWhiteSpace());
        EXPECT_EQ(5u, surroundingText.startOffsetInContent());
        EXPECT_EQ(8u, surroundingText.endOffsetInContent());

        VisibleSelection selection = select(0, 3);
        SurroundingText surroundingText(*firstRangeOf(selection), 1337);

        EXPECT_EQ("This is outside of foo bar the selected node", surroundingText.content().simplifyWhiteSpace());
        EXPECT_EQ(20u, surroundingText.startOffsetInContent());
        EXPECT_EQ(23u, surroundingText.endOffsetInContent());

        VisibleSelection selection = select(4, 7);
        SurroundingText surroundingText(*firstRangeOf(selection), 12);

        EXPECT_EQ("foo bar the se", surroundingText.content().simplifyWhiteSpace());
        EXPECT_EQ(5u, surroundingText.startOffsetInContent());
        EXPECT_EQ(8u, surroundingText.endOffsetInContent());

        VisibleSelection selection = select(0, 7);
        SurroundingText surroundingText(*firstRangeOf(selection), 1337);

        EXPECT_EQ("This is outside of foo bar the selected node", surroundingText.content().simplifyWhiteSpace());
        EXPECT_EQ(20u, surroundingText.startOffsetInContent());
        EXPECT_EQ(27u, surroundingText.endOffsetInContent());
Esempio n. 3
bool TextFinder::find(int identifier,
                      const WebString& searchText,
                      const WebFindOptions& options,
                      bool wrapWithinFrame,
                      bool* activeNow) {
  if (!options.findNext)
    setMarkerActive(m_activeMatch.get(), false);

  if (m_activeMatch &&
      &m_activeMatch->ownerDocument() != ownerFrame().frame()->document())
    m_activeMatch = nullptr;

  // If the user has selected something since the last Find operation we want
  // to start from there. Otherwise, we start searching from where the last Find
  // operation left off (either a Find or a FindNext operation).
  VisibleSelection selection(ownerFrame().frame()->selection().selection());
  bool activeSelection = !selection.isNone();
  if (activeSelection) {
    m_activeMatch = firstRangeOf(selection);

  const FindOptions findOptions =
      (options.forward ? 0 : Backwards) |
      (options.matchCase ? 0 : CaseInsensitive) |
      (wrapWithinFrame ? WrapAround : 0) |
      (options.wordStart ? AtWordStarts : 0) |
      (options.medialCapitalAsWordStart ? TreatMedialCapitalAsWordStart : 0) |
      (options.findNext ? 0 : StartInSelection);
  m_activeMatch = ownerFrame().frame()->editor().findStringAndScrollToVisible(
      searchText, m_activeMatch.get(), findOptions);

  if (!m_activeMatch) {
    // If we're finding next the next active match might not be in the current
    // frame.  In this case we don't want to clear the matches cache.
    if (!options.findNext)

    return false;

  // If the user is browsing a page with autosizing, adjust the zoom to the
  // column where the next hit has been found. Doing this when autosizing is
  // not set will result in a zoom reset on small devices.
  if (ownerFrame()
          ->pageNeedsAutosizing()) {

  bool wasActiveFrame = m_currentActiveMatchFrame;
  m_currentActiveMatchFrame = true;

  bool isActive = setMarkerActive(m_activeMatch.get(), true);
  if (activeNow)
    *activeNow = isActive;

  // Make sure no node is focused. See http://crbug.com/38700.

  // Set this frame as focused.

  if (!options.findNext || activeSelection || !isActive) {
    // This is either an initial Find operation, a Find-next from a new
    // start point due to a selection, or new matches were found during
    // Find-next due to DOM alteration (that couldn't be set as active), so
    // we set the flag to ask the scoping effort to find the active rect for
    // us and report it back to the UI.
    m_locatingActiveRect = true;
  } else {
    if (!wasActiveFrame) {
      if (options.forward)
        m_activeMatchIndex = 0;
        m_activeMatchIndex = m_lastMatchCount - 1;
    } else {
      if (options.forward)

      if (m_activeMatchIndex + 1 > m_lastMatchCount)
        m_activeMatchIndex = 0;
      else if (m_activeMatchIndex < 0)
        m_activeMatchIndex = m_lastMatchCount - 1;
    WebRect selectionRect = ownerFrame().frameView()->contentsToRootFrame(
    reportFindInPageSelection(selectionRect, m_activeMatchIndex + 1,

  return true;
Esempio n. 4
PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> SelectionEditor::firstRange() const
    if (m_logicalRange)
        return m_logicalRange->cloneRange();
    return firstRangeOf(m_selection);