Esempio n. 1
* Initialize the parameters using a configuration file
* @param[in] yamlConfigFile the full path to the configuration file to parse
* @param[in] classFolder the full path to the classifiers folder if not defined at runtime
* @exception std::runtime_error error accessing or parsing the configuration file
void DetectionParams::loadFromFile(const std::string& yamlConfigFile, const std::string& classFolder) throw(std::runtime_error){

		cv::FileStorage fs(yamlConfigFile, cv::FileStorage::READ);
		configFileName = yamlConfigFile;

		if (!fs.isOpened())
			throw std::runtime_error("CONFIG PARSER ERROR :: Couldn't load configuration file: " + yamlConfigFile + "\n");
		//if the folder containing the classifiers is not specified read it from the config file
		if (classFolder.empty()){
			classifiersFolder = (std::string)fs["ClassifiersFolder"];
			if (classifiersFolder.empty())
				throw (std::runtime_error("CONFIG PARSER ERROR :: Classifiers Folder not specified. \n"));
		else classifiersFolder = classFolder;

		//replace separators with the right ones

		cascadeFile = (std::string)fs["CascadeFile"];
		if (cascadeFile.empty())
			throw (std::runtime_error("CONFIG PARSER ERROR :: Cascade Classifier not specified. \n"));
		cascadeFile = classifiersFolder + cascadeFile; //full filename

		svmModelFile = (std::string)fs["SVMFile"];
		if (svmModelFile.empty())
			throw (std::runtime_error("CONFIG PARSER ERROR :: SVM Classifier not specified. \n"));
		svmModelFile = classifiersFolder + svmModelFile; //full filename

		svmModelFile2 = (std::string)fs["SVMFile2"];
		if (svmModelFile2.empty()){
			//throw (std::runtime_error("CONFIG PARSER ERROR :: SVM Classifier not specified. \n"));
			use3Stages_ = false;
			svmModelFile2 = classifiersFolder + svmModelFile2; //full filename
			std::string tmpNeg = (std::string)fs["negLabel"];
			std::string tmpPos = (std::string)fs["posLabel"];
			if (tmpNeg.empty() || tmpPos.empty())
				throw (std::runtime_error("CONFIG PARSER ERROR :: Labels for 3rd stage are not specified. \n"));
			use3Stages_ = true;

		cv::FileNode n, n2;
		n = fs["minWinSize"];
		if (n.empty())
			throw std::runtime_error("Parser Error :: Cascade Minimum Window Size not specified.\n");
		n2 = n["width"];
		if (n2.empty())
			throw std::runtime_error("Parser Error :: Cascade Minimum Window Size width not specified.\n");
		cascadeMinWin.width = (int)n2;
		n2 = n["height"];
		if (n2.empty())
			throw std::runtime_error("Parser Error :: Cascade Minimum Window Size height not specified.\n");
		cascadeMinWin.height = (int)n2;

		n = fs["HOG_winSize"];
		if (n.empty())
			throw(std::runtime_error("Parser Error :: HOG Window Size not specified.\n"));
		n2 = n["width"];
		if (n2.empty())
			throw std::runtime_error("Parser Error :: HOG Window Size width not specified.\n");
		hogWinSize.width = (int)n2;
		n2 = n["height"];
		if (n2.empty())
			throw std::runtime_error("Parser Error :: HOG Window Size height not specified.\n");
		hogWinSize.height = (int)n2;

		n = fs["maxWinSizeFactor"];
		const float cascadeMaxWinFactor = (n.empty() ? 8.f : (float)n[0]);
		cascadeMaxWin.width = cascadeMinWin.width * cascadeMaxWinFactor;
		cascadeMaxWin.height = cascadeMinWin.height * cascadeMaxWinFactor;

		n = fs["CroppingFactors"];
		if (n.empty())
			croppingFactors[0] = 1.f;
			croppingFactors[1] = 1.f;
			n2 = n["width"];
			croppingFactors[0] = (n2.empty() ? 1.f : (float)n2);

			n2 = n["height"];
			croppingFactors[1] = (n2.empty() ? 1.f : (float)n2);

		n = fs["ScaleFactor"];
		scalingFactor = (n.empty() ? 1. : (float)n);

		n = fs["CascadeScaleFactor"];
		cascadeScaleFactor = (n.empty() ? 1.1 : (float)n);

		n = fs["SVMThreshold"];
		SVMThreshold = (n.empty() ? .5 : (float)n);

		n = fs["maxAgePreConfirmation"];
		maxAgePreConfirmation = (n.empty() ? 5 : (int)n);

		n = fs["maxAgePostConfirmation"];
		maxAgePostConfirmation = (n.empty() ? 15 : (int)n);

		n = fs["nHangOverFrames"];
		nHangOverFrames = (n.empty() ? 3 : (int)n);

		init_ = true;

	catch (std::exception& e)

Esempio n. 2
static bool tmpSearchPath(std::string  path, std::vector<SearchFileInfo> & files, bool recursion)
    if (path.length() == 0)
        return false;
    path = fixPathString(path);
    auto wildcard = subString(path, "/", true, true);
    if (!wildcard.second.empty())
        path = wildcard.first + "/";

#ifdef WIN32
    WIN32_FIND_DATAA fd;
    std::string findpath = path;
    HANDLE hFile = FindFirstFileA(findpath.c_str(), &fd);
    if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        return false;
    SearchFileInfo file;
        if (fd.dwFileAttributes == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
            if (strcmp(fd.cFileName, ".") != 0 && strcmp(fd.cFileName, "..") != 0)
                memset(&file, 0, sizeof(file));
                file.bDir = true;
                strcpy_s(file.filename, sizeof(file.filename), fd.cFileName);
                sprintf(file.fullpath, "%s%s", path.c_str(), fd.cFileName);
                if (wildcard.second.empty())
                if (recursion)
                    tmpSearchPath(fixPathString(file.fullpath) + wildcard.second, files, recursion);
            memset(&file, 0, sizeof(file));
            file.bDir = false;
            file.filesize = fd.nFileSizeHigh;
            file.filesize = file.filesize << 32;
            file.filesize += fd.nFileSizeLow;
            strcpy_s(file.filename, sizeof(file.filename), fd.cFileName);
            sprintf(file.fullpath, "%s%s", path.c_str(), fd.cFileName);
            if (wildcard.second.empty() || compareStringWildcard(file.filename, wildcard.second))
    } while (FindNextFileA(hFile, &fd));

    DIR *dp;
    struct dirent *entry;
    struct stat statbuf;
    if ((dp = opendir(path.c_str())) == NULL)
        return false;
    SearchFileInfo file;
    while ((entry = readdir(dp)) != NULL)
        lstat(entry->d_name, &statbuf);
        if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode))
            if (strcmp(".", entry->d_name) == 0 || strcmp("..", entry->d_name) == 0)
            memset(&file, 0, sizeof(file));
            file.bDir = true;
            file.filesize = statbuf.st_size;
            strcpy(file.filename, entry->d_name);
            sprintf(file.fullpath, "%s%s", path.c_str(), entry->d_name);
            if (wildcard.second.empty())
            if (recursion)
                tmpSearchPath(fixPathString(file.fullpath)+wildcard.second, files, recursion);
            memset(&file, 0, sizeof(file));
            file.bDir = false;
            file.filesize = statbuf.st_size;
            strcpy(file.filename, entry->d_name);
            file.fullpath[0] = '\0';
            if (wildcard.second.empty() || compareStringWildcard(file.filename, wildcard.second))
    return true;