Esempio n. 1
  void drawXFormPixelWithAlpha(const uint32_t i, const uint32_t j,
                               const GRect &srcRect, const GIRect &dstRect,
                               const GBitmap &src, const GBitmap &dst,
                               const uint8_t alpha,
                               const BlendFunc blend = blend_srcover) {

    GVec3f ctxPt(static_cast<float>(dstRect.fLeft + i) + 0.5f,
                 static_cast<float>(dstRect.fTop + j) + 0.5f,

    ctxPt = m_CTMInv * ctxPt;

    if(ContainsPoint(srcRect, ctxPt[0], ctxPt[1])) {
      uint32_t x = static_cast<uint32_t>(ctxPt[0] - srcRect.fLeft);
      uint32_t y = static_cast<uint32_t>(ctxPt[1] - srcRect.fTop);

      GPixel *srcRow = GetRow(src, y);
      GPixel *dstRow = GetRow(dst, j+dstRect.fTop) + dstRect.fLeft;

      uint32_t srcA = fixed_multiply(GPixel_GetA(srcRow[x]), alpha);
      uint32_t srcR = fixed_multiply(GPixel_GetR(srcRow[x]), alpha);
      uint32_t srcG = fixed_multiply(GPixel_GetG(srcRow[x]), alpha);
      uint32_t srcB = fixed_multiply(GPixel_GetB(srcRow[x]), alpha);
      GPixel src = GPixel_PackARGB(srcA, srcR, srcG, srcB);
      dstRow[i] = blend(dstRow[i], src);
Esempio n. 2
  static GPixel blend_srcover(GPixel dst, GPixel src) {
    uint32_t srcA = GPixel_GetA(src);
    if(srcA == 255) {
      return src;

    uint32_t srcR = GPixel_GetR(src);
    uint32_t srcG = GPixel_GetG(src);
    uint32_t srcB = GPixel_GetB(src);

    uint32_t dstA = GPixel_GetA(dst);
    uint32_t dstR = GPixel_GetR(dst);
    uint32_t dstG = GPixel_GetG(dst);
    uint32_t dstB = GPixel_GetB(dst);

    return GPixel_PackARGB(srcA + fixed_multiply(dstA, 255 - srcA),
                           srcR + fixed_multiply(dstR, 255 - srcA),
                           srcG + fixed_multiply(dstG, 255 - srcA),
                           srcB + fixed_multiply(dstB, 255 - srcA));
Esempio n. 3
void dv_idct_248(dv_248_coeff_t *x248)
	dv_248_coeff_t tmp[64];
	dv_248_coeff_t *in, *out;
	dv_248_coeff_t u,v,w,z;
	dv_248_coeff_t in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7;
	gint i;
#if ! IDCT_248_UNIT_TEST
	/* prescale - 64 mults */
	for(i=0; i<64; i++) {
	  x248[i] *= dv_idct_248_prescale[i];
	} // for
#endif // ! IDCT_248_UNIT_TEST
	// Now, tmp = inv(h2) * inv(g2) * (prescale = inv(d2) * x248 * d)
	// 32 mults, 64 adds, 80 shifts, 16 negates 
	in = x248;
	out = tmp;
	for(i=0;i<64; i++) {
	  printf("%d ", (in[i] + 0x2000) >> 14);
	  if((i+1) % 8 == 0) printf("\n");
	} // for
#endif // IDCT_248_UNIT_TEST
	for(i=0; i<8; i++) {
		u = in[0+i];
		v = in[2*8+i];
		w = in[1*8+i];
		z = in[3*8+i];
		out[0*8+i] = DIV_FOUR(u) + DIV_TWO(v);
		out[1*8+i] = DIV_FOUR(u) - DIV_TWO(v);
		out[2*8+i] = fixed_multiply(w,beta0) + fixed_multiply(z,beta1);
                out[3*8+i] = -(DIV_TWO(w+z));
		u = in[4*8+i];
		v = in[6*8+i];
		w = in[5*8+i];
		z = in[7*8+i];
		out[4*8+i] = DIV_FOUR(u) + DIV_TWO(v);
		out[5*8+i] = DIV_FOUR(u) - DIV_TWO(v);
		out[6*8+i] = fixed_multiply(w,beta0) + fixed_multiply(z,beta1);
                out[7*8+i] = -(DIV_TWO(w+z));
	} // for 
	for(i=0;i<64; i++) {
	  printf("%d ", (out[i] + 0x2000) >> 14);
	  if((i+1) % 8 == 0) printf("\n");
	} // for
#endif // IDCT_248_UNIT_TEST
	in = tmp;
	out = x248;
	// Do out  = inv(f) * inv(L2) * in  (butterfly) 
        // 192 adds, 64 shifts
	for(i=0; i<8; i++) {
		u = in[8*0+i];
		v = in[8*3+i];
		w = in[8*4+i];
		z = in[8*7+i];
		out[8*0+i] = DIV_FOUR(u - v + w - z);
		out[8*1+i] = DIV_FOUR(u - v - w + z);
		out[8*6+i] = DIV_FOUR(u + v + w + z);
		out[8*7+i] = DIV_FOUR(u + v - w - z);
		u = in[8*1+i];
		v = in[8*2+i];
		w = in[8*5+i];
		z = in[8*6+i];
		out[i+8*2] = DIV_FOUR(u + v + w + z);
		out[i+8*3] = DIV_FOUR(u + v - w - z);
		out[i+8*4] = DIV_FOUR(u - v + w - z);
		out[i+8*5] = DIV_FOUR(u - v - w + z);
	} // for
	for(i=0;i<64; i++) {
	  printf("%d ", (out[i] + 0x2000) >> 14);
	  if((i+1) % 8 == 0) printf("\n");
	} // for
#endif // IDCT_248_UNIT_TEST
	in = x248;
	out = tmp;
	// Do out = in * p * b1 * b2 * m 
	// 48 mults, 48 adds 
	for(i=0; i<8; i++) {
		out[i*8+0] = in[i*8+0];
		out[i*8+1] = in[i*8+4];
		u = in[i*8+2];
		v = in[i*8+6];
		out[i*8+2] = fixed_multiply(u - v,beta2);
		out[i*8+3] = u + v;
		u = in[i*8+1];
		v = in[i*8+3];
                w = in[i*8+5];
		z = in[i*8+7];
		out[i*8+4] = fixed_multiply(u - z,beta3) + fixed_multiply(v - w,beta4);
		out[i*8+5] = fixed_multiply(u - v - w + z,beta2);
		out[i*8+6] = fixed_multiply(u - z,beta4) + fixed_multiply(w - v,beta3);
		out[i*8+7] = u + v + w + z;
	} // for
	for(i=0;i<64; i++) {
	  printf("%d ", (out[i] + 0x2000) >> 14);
	  if((i+1) % 8 == 0) printf("\n");
	} // for
#endif // IDCT_248_UNIT_TEST
	in = out;
	out = x248;
	// Do out = in * a1 * a2 * a3  (butterflys...) 
	// 272 adds (will gcc factor some of these out?)
	for(i=0; i<8; i++) {
		in0 = in[i*8+0];
		in1 = in[i*8+1];
		in2 = in[i*8+2];
		in3 = in[i*8+3];
		in4 = in[i*8+4];
		in5 = in[i*8+5];
		in6 = in[i*8+6];
		in7 = in[i*8+7];
		out[i*8+0] = in0 + in1 + in2 + in3 + in6 + in7;
		out[i*8+1] = in0 - in1 + in2 + in5 + in6;
		out[i*8+2] = in0 - in1 - in2 - in4 + in5;
		out[i*8+3] = in0 + in1 - in2 - in3 - in4;
		out[i*8+4] = in0 + in1 - in2 - in3 + in4;
		out[i*8+5] = in0 - in1 - in2 + in4 - in5;
		out[i*8+6] = in0 - in1 + in2 - in5 - in6;
		out[i*8+7] = in0 + in1 + in2 + in3 - in6 - in7;
	} // for
	for(i=0;i<64; i++) {
	  printf("%d ", (out[i] + 0x2000) >> 14);
	  if((i+1) % 8 == 0) printf("\n");
	} // for
#endif // IDCT_248_UNIT_TEST
	for(i=0; i<64; i++) 
	  out[i] = (out[i] + 0x2000) >> 14;
} // dv_idct_248
Esempio n. 4
int16_t regulator_position_to_pwm(int16_t current_position)
// This function takes the current servo position as input and outputs a pwm
// value for the servo motors.  The current position value must be within the
// range 0 and 1023. The output will be within the range of -255 and 255 with
// values less than zero indicating clockwise rotation and values more than
// zero indicating counter-clockwise rotation.
    int16_t k1;
    int16_t k2;
    int16_t output;
    int16_t command_position;
    int16_t current_velocity;
    int16_t current_error;

    // Get the command position to where the servo is moving to from the registers.
    command_position = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_SEEK_POSITION_HI, REG_SEEK_POSITION_LO);
    // Get estimated velocity
    current_velocity = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_VELOCITY_HI, REG_VELOCITY_LO);

    // Are we reversing the seek sense?
    if (registers_read_byte(REG_REVERSE_SEEK) != 0)
        // Yes. Update the system registers with an adjusted reverse sense
        // position. With reverse sense, the position value to grows from
        // a low value to high value in the clockwise direction.
        registers_write_word(REG_POSITION_HI, REG_POSITION_LO, (uint16_t) (MAX_POSITION - current_position));

        // Adjust command position for the reverse sense.
        command_position = MAX_POSITION - command_position;
        // No. Update the system registers with a non-reverse sense position.
        // Normal position value grows from a low value to high value in the
        // counter-clockwise direction.
        registers_write_word(REG_POSITION_HI, REG_POSITION_LO, (uint16_t) current_position);
    // Get the control parameters.
    k1 = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_PID_PGAIN_HI, REG_PID_PGAIN_LO);
    k2 = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_PID_DGAIN_HI, REG_PID_DGAIN_LO);

    // Determine the current error.
    current_error = command_position - current_position;

	// The following operations are fixed point operations. To add/substract
	// two fixed point values they must have the same fractional precision
    // (the same number of bits behind the decimal).  When two fixed point
    // values are multiplied the fractional precision of the result is the sum
    // of the fractional precision of the the the factors (the sum of the bits
    // behind the decimal of each factor).  To reach the best possible precision
    // the fixed point bit is chosen for each variable separately according to 
    // its maximum and dimension.  A shift factor is then applied after
    // multiplication in the fixed_multiply() function to adjust the fractional
    // precision of the product for addition or subtraction.

    // Used fixed point bits, counted from the lowest bit:
    // Control Param. k1:  fp_k1     =  5
    // Control Param. k2:  fp_k2     =  5
    // Position state z1:  fp_z1     =  5 
    // Velocity state z2:  fp_z2     = 11
	// Real Position  x1:  fp_x1     =  0
	// PWM output:         fp_output =  0

	// output = k1 * x1 + k2 * x2
    output  = fixed_multiply(k1, current_error, 5);         // fp: 5 + 0  -> 0 : rshift = 5
    output += fixed_multiply(k2, -current_velocity, 16);    // fp: 5 + 11 -> 0 : rshift = 16

    // Check for output saturation.
    if (output > MAX_OUTPUT) output = MAX_OUTPUT;
    if (output < MIN_OUTPUT) output = MIN_OUTPUT;

    return output;
Esempio n. 5
int16_t ipd_position_to_pwm(int16_t current_position)
// This function takes the current servo position as input and outputs a pwm
// value for the servo motors.  The current position value must be within the
// range 0 and 1023. The output will be within the range of -255 and 255 with
// values less than zero indicating clockwise rotation and values more than
// zero indicating counter-clockwise rotation.
// The feedback approach implemented here was first published in Richard Phelan's
// Automatic Control Systems, Cornell University Press, 1977 (ISBN 0-8014-1033-9)
// The theory of operation of this function will be filled in later, but the
// diagram below should gives a general picture of how it is intended to work.
//                           +<------- bounds checking -------+
//                           |                                |
//             |¯¯¯¯¯|   |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|   |¯¯¯¯¯|   |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|   |
//  command -->|  -  |-->|integral|-->|  -  |-->|  motor  |-->+-> actuator
//             |_____|   |________|   |_____|   |_________|   |
//                |                      |                    |
//                |                      +<-- Kv * velocity --+
//                |                      |                    |
//                |                      +<-- Kp * position --+
//                |                                           |
//                +<-------------Ki * position ---------------+
    int16_t deadband;
    int16_t command_position;
    int16_t maximum_position;
    int16_t minimum_position;
    int16_t current_velocity;
    int16_t command_error;
    int16_t output;
    int16_t position_output;
    int16_t velocity_output;
    int16_t integral_output;
    uint16_t position_gain;
    uint16_t velocity_gain;
    uint16_t integral_gain;

    // Determine the velocity as the difference between the current and previous position.
    current_velocity = current_position - previous_position;

    // Update the previous position.
    previous_position = current_position;

    // Get the command position to where the servo is moving to from the registers.
    command_position = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_SEEK_POSITION_HI, REG_SEEK_POSITION_LO);
    minimum_position = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_MIN_SEEK_HI, REG_MIN_SEEK_LO);
    maximum_position = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_MAX_SEEK_HI, REG_MAX_SEEK_LO);

    // Set the deadband value and divide by two for calculations below.
    deadband = 2;

    // Are we reversing the seek sense?
    if (registers_read_byte(REG_REVERSE_SEEK) != 0)
        // Yes. Update the system registers with an adjusted reverse sense
        // position. With reverse sense, the position value to grows from
        // a low value to high value in the clockwise direction.
        registers_write_word(REG_POSITION_HI, REG_POSITION_LO, (uint16_t) (MAX_POSITION - current_position));

        // Adjust command position for the reverse sense.
        command_position = MAX_POSITION - command_position;
        minimum_position = MAX_POSITION - minimum_position;
        maximum_position = MAX_POSITION - maximum_position;
        // No. Update the system registers with a non-reverse sense position.
        // Normal position value grows from a low value to high value in the
        // counter-clockwise direction.
        registers_write_word(REG_POSITION_HI, REG_POSITION_LO, (uint16_t) current_position);

    // Sanity check the command position. We do this because this value is
    // passed from the outside to the servo and it could be an invalid value.
    if (command_position < minimum_position) command_position = minimum_position;
    if (command_position > maximum_position) command_position = maximum_position;

    // The command error is the difference between the command position and current position.
    command_error = command_position - current_position;

    // Adjust proportional error due to deadband.  The potentiometer readings are a 
    // bit noisy and there is typically one or two units of difference from reading 
    // to reading when the servo is holding position.  Adding deadband decreases some 
    // of the twitchiness in the servo caused by this noise.
    if (command_error > deadband)
        // Factor out deadband from the command error.
        command_error -= deadband;
    else if (command_error < -deadband)
        // Factor out deadband from the command error.
        command_error += deadband;
        // Adjust to command error to zero within deadband.
        command_error = 0;

    // Get the positional, velocity and integral gains from the registers.
    position_gain = registers_read_word(REG_PID_PGAIN_HI, REG_PID_PGAIN_LO);
    velocity_gain = registers_read_word(REG_PID_DGAIN_HI, REG_PID_DGAIN_LO);
    integral_gain = registers_read_word(REG_PID_IGAIN_HI, REG_PID_IGAIN_LO);

    // Add the command error scaled by the position gain to the integral accumulator.
    // The integral accumulator maintains a sum of total error over each iteration.
    integral_accumulator_update(command_error, integral_gain);

    // Get the integral output. There is no gain applied to the integral output.
    integral_output = integral_accumulator_get();

    // Determine the position output component.  We multiply the position gain
    // by the current position of the servo to create the position output.
    position_output = fixed_multiply(current_position, position_gain);

    // Determine the velocity output component.  We multiply the velocity gain
    // by the current velocity of the servo to create the velocity output.
    velocity_output = fixed_multiply(current_velocity, velocity_gain);

    // registers_write_word(REG_RESERVED_18, REG_RESERVED_19, (uint16_t) position_output);
    // registers_write_word(REG_RESERVED_1A, REG_RESERVED_1B, (uint16_t) velocity_output);
    // registers_write_word(REG_RESERVED_1C, REG_RESERVED_1D, (uint16_t) integral_output);

    // The integral output drives the output and the position and velocity outputs
    // function as a frictional component to counter the integral output.
    output = integral_output - position_output - velocity_output;

    // Is the output saturated? If so we need limit the output and clip
    // the integral accumulator just at the saturation level.
    if (output < MIN_OUTPUT)
        // Calculate a new integral accumulator based on the output range.  This value
        // is calculated to keep the integral output just on the verge of saturation.
        integral_accumulator_reset(position_output + velocity_output + MIN_OUTPUT);

        // Limit the output.
        output = MIN_OUTPUT;
    else if (output > MAX_OUTPUT)
        // Calculate a new integral accumulator based on the output range.  This value
        // is calculated to keep the integral output just on the verge of saturation.
        integral_accumulator_reset(position_output + velocity_output + MAX_OUTPUT);

        // Limit the output.
        output = MAX_OUTPUT;

    // Return the output.
    return output;
Esempio n. 6
  // This code draws a bitmap assuming that we only have translation and scale,
  // which allows us to perform certain optimizations...
  void drawBitmapSimple(const GBitmap &bm, const GPaint &paint) {
    const GBitmap &ctxbm = GetInternalBitmap();
    GRect ctxRect = GRect::MakeXYWH(0, 0, ctxbm.width(), ctxbm.height());
    GRect bmRect = GRect::MakeXYWH(0, 0, bm.width(), bm.height());
    GRect pixelRect = GetTransformedBoundingBox(bmRect);

    GRect rect;
    if(!(rect.setIntersection(ctxRect, pixelRect))) {

    // We know that since we're only doing scale and translation, that all of the pixel
    // centers contained in rect are going to be drawn, so we only need to know the
    // dimensions of the mapping...
    GVec3f origin(0, 0, 1);
    GVec3f offset(1, 1, 1);

    origin = m_CTM * origin;
    offset = m_CTM * offset;

    float xScale = 1.0f / (offset.X() - origin.X());
    float yScale = 1.0f / (offset.Y() - origin.Y());

    GVec2f start = GVec2f(0, 0);
    if(xScale < 0.0f) {
      start.X() = pixelRect.fRight - 1.0f;
    if(yScale < 0.0f) {
      start.Y() = pixelRect.fBottom - 1.0f;

    GIRect dstRect = rect.round();

    // Construct new bitmap
    int32_t offsetX = ::std::max(0, -dstRect.fLeft);
    int32_t offsetY = ::std::max(0, -dstRect.fTop);
    GBitmap fbm;
    fbm.fWidth = bm.width();
    fbm.fHeight = bm.height();
    fbm.fPixels = GetRow(bm, offsetY) + offsetX;
    fbm.fRowBytes = bm.fRowBytes;

    BlendFunc blend = blend_srcover;

    float alpha = paint.getAlpha();
    if(alpha >= kOpaqueAlpha) {
      for(uint32_t j = 0; j < dstRect.height(); j++) {

        uint32_t srcIdxY = static_cast<uint32_t>(start.Y() + static_cast<float>(j) * yScale);
        GPixel *srcPixels = GetRow(fbm, Clamp<int>(srcIdxY, 0, fbm.height()));
        GPixel *dstPixels = GetRow(ctxbm, dstRect.fTop + j) + dstRect.fLeft;

        for(uint32_t i = 0; i < dstRect.width(); i++) {
          uint32_t srcIdxX = static_cast<uint32_t>(start.X() + static_cast<float>(i) * xScale);
          dstPixels[i] = blend(dstPixels[i], srcPixels[Clamp<int>(srcIdxX, 0, fbm.width())]);
    } else {
      const uint32_t alphaVal = static_cast<uint32_t>((alpha * 255.0f) + 0.5f);
      for(uint32_t j = 0; j < dstRect.height(); j++) {

        uint32_t srcIdxY = static_cast<uint32_t>(start.Y() + static_cast<float>(j) * yScale);
        GPixel *srcPixels = GetRow(fbm, srcIdxY);
        GPixel *dstPixels = GetRow(ctxbm, dstRect.fTop + j) + dstRect.fLeft;

        for(uint32_t i = 0; i < dstRect.width(); i++) {
          uint32_t srcIdxX = static_cast<uint32_t>(start.X() + static_cast<float>(i) * xScale);
          uint32_t srcA = fixed_multiply(GPixel_GetA(srcPixels[srcIdxX]), alphaVal);
          uint32_t srcR = fixed_multiply(GPixel_GetR(srcPixels[srcIdxX]), alphaVal);
          uint32_t srcG = fixed_multiply(GPixel_GetG(srcPixels[srcIdxX]), alphaVal);
          uint32_t srcB = fixed_multiply(GPixel_GetB(srcPixels[srcIdxX]), alphaVal);
          GPixel src = GPixel_PackARGB(srcA, srcR, srcG, srcB);
          dstPixels[i] = blend(dstPixels[i], src);