Esempio n. 1
uint8_t motion_append(void)
// Append a new curve keypoint from data stored in the curve registers.  The keypoint
// is offset from the previous curve by the specified delta.  An error is returned if
// there is no more room to store the new keypoint in the buffer or if the delta is
// less than one (a zero delta is not allowed).
    int16_t position;
    int16_t in_velocity;
    int16_t out_velocity;
    uint8_t next;
    uint16_t delta;

    // Get the next index in the buffer.
    next = (motion_head + 1) & MOTION_BUFFER_MASK;

    // Return error if we have looped the head to the tail and the buffer is filled.
    if (next == motion_tail) return 0;

    // Get the position, velocity and time delta values from the registers.
    position = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_CURVE_POSITION_HI, REG_CURVE_POSITION_LO);
    in_velocity = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_CURVE_IN_VELOCITY_HI, REG_CURVE_IN_VELOCITY_LO);
    out_velocity = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_CURVE_OUT_VELOCITY_HI, REG_CURVE_OUT_VELOCITY_LO);
    delta = (uint16_t) registers_read_word(REG_CURVE_DELTA_HI, REG_CURVE_DELTA_LO);

    // Keypoint delta must be greater than zero.
    if (delta < 1) return 0;

    // Fill in the next keypoint.
    keys[next].delta = delta;
    keys[next].position = int_to_float(position);
    keys[next].in_velocity = fixed_to_float(in_velocity);
    keys[next].out_velocity = fixed_to_float(out_velocity);

    // Is this keypoint being added to an empty buffer?
    if (motion_tail == motion_head)
        // Initialize a new hermite curve that gets us from the current position to the new position.
        // We use a velocity of zero at each end to smoothly transition from one to the other.
        curve_init(0, delta, curve_get_p1(), keys[next].position, 0.0, 0.0);

    // Increase the duration of the buffer.
    motion_duration += delta;

    // Set the new head index.
    motion_head = next;

    // Reset the motion registers and update the buffer status.

    return 1;
Esempio n. 2
 real& real::operator=(const GLfixed& fxt)
     if (_is_float)
         _float = fixed_to_float(fxt);
         _fixed = fxt;
     return *this;
Esempio n. 3
  Initializes the motor controller. Must be called before the motor
  controller module can be used properly.
  @param max_volts The maximum voltage the motor can take.
  @param max_current The maximum allowed current for the motor.
  @param min_current The minimum allowed current for the motor, often just -1 * @c max_current.
  @param max_target The maximum allowed current to be commanded using @ref mc_set_target_current.
  @param min_target The minimum allowed current to be commanded using @ref mc_set_target_current.
  @param thermal_current_limit The nominal or max continuous current for the motor.
  @param thermal_time_constant The Winding Thermal Time Constant.
  @param kp Proportional constant for the PID current controller.
  @param ki Integral constant for the PID current controller.
  @param kd Derivative constant for the PID current controller.
  @param max_pwm Maximum allowed PWM for the motor, often to limit voltage.
  @param error_limit If there are this many errors in a row, shutdown the motor. (DEPRECATED)
  @param smart_error_limit If the integral of the error is greater than this value, shutdown the motor.
  @param op The operation of the motor, either @c MC_NORMAL or @c MC_BACKWARDS. Used if positive PWM and positive position don't match.
  @param current A function that returns the motor current as a fixed point value in amps.
  @param position A function that returns the motor position as a floating point number in radians.
  @param velocity A function that returns the motor velocity as a floating point number in radians.
void mc_init(
    float max_volts, 
		float max_current, 
		float min_current,
    float max_target, // dont see this in soft_setup_init
    float min_target,  // dont see this in soft_setup_init
    float thermal_current_limit, //from spec sheet
    float thermal_time_constant, //tau, from spec sheet
		float kp, 
		float ki, 
		float kd, 
		int max_pwm, 
		int error_limit, // set 4 now
    float smart_error_limit, // set 10 now
    MC_OPERATION op,        // I dont see this in soft_setup_init
		FIXED_VOID_F current, 
		FLOAT_VOID_F position,
		FLOAT_VOID_F velocity) //initializes the motor controller
  mc_data.operation = op;
	mc_data.motor_voltage_max = max_volts;	//Volts	
	mc_data.current_max = float_to_fixed(max_current);	//Amps
	mc_data.current_min = float_to_fixed(min_current);	//Amps
  mc_data.target_max = float_to_fixed(max_target);
  mc_data.target_min = float_to_fixed(min_target);
  mc_data.thermal_limit = float_to_fixed((thermal_current_limit*thermal_current_limit)*thermal_time_constant);
  mc_data.tau_inv = float_to_fixed(1.0/thermal_time_constant);
  mc_data.thermal_safe = fixed_mult(float_to_fixed(0.75), mc_data.thermal_limit);
  mc_data.thermal_diff = float_to_fixed(1.0/(thermal_current_limit - fixed_to_float(mc_data.thermal_safe)));
  mc_data.dt = float_to_fixed(1.0/(float)(1000*SCHED_SPEED)); = float_to_fixed(kp); = float_to_fixed(ki);
	mc_data.kd = float_to_fixed(kd);	
	mc_data.integral = 0;
	mc_data.max_pwm = max_pwm;
	mc_data.max_integral = float_to_fixed((((float)max_pwm)/ki));
	mc_data.error_limit  = error_limit;
  mc_data.smart_error_limit = float_to_fixed(smart_error_limit);
  mc_data.smart_error_limit_inverse = float_to_fixed(1.0*10.0/smart_error_limit); 
	mc_data.get_current = current;
	mc_data.get_position = position;
	mc_data.get_velocity = velocity;
Esempio n. 4
  Checks the motor current for limits.
  If the motor current is outside of the @c current_limits, this returns a multiplier which 
  will be multiplied by the target current to slowly decrease its value.
  Also integrates the motor current error (the amount the motor current is above the @c current_limit),
  and if this value is greater than @c smart_error_limit, calls @ref mc_turnoff to completely turn off the motor,
  until it is safely back within bounds.
  @param current The newest current to add to the smart current limiting.
  @return A multiplier to limit the current if it is out of bounds.
static fixed mc_smart_check_current(fixed current){
  //Check max current for mechanical shutoff
  //Must change error_limit to around 20.
  static fixed current_error = 0;
  fixed motor_current = current;
  static fixed multiplier = FIXED_ONE;
  // we'll set the limit to 4.5 amps.. if it is below these limits then the things are fine.
  // as soon as we try to go above this limit a multiplier less than one will be generated.  
  // ****** Integrate Error ****** //
  if (motor_current > 0){
    current_error = current_error + (motor_current - mc_data.current_max);
  } else if (motor_current < 0){
    current_error = current_error - (motor_current - mc_data.current_min);
  if (current_error <= 0){  
    current_error = 0;
    if (mc_mech_off){ //previously turned off due to mechanical limit
      mc_turnon(MC_MECH); //integrator <= 0 so safe to turn back on

  // ****** Calculate multiplier ****** //
  multiplier = FIXED_ONE - (fixed_mult(current_error , mc_data.smart_error_limit_inverse));
  if (multiplier < 0){multiplier = 0;}
  mc_mult = fixed_to_float(multiplier);
  // smart_erroe_limit_inverse is not exactly 1/smart_error_limit, which would mean multiplier goes from one to zero when error goes from 0 to error limit
  // instead I wanted the multiplier to decay faster becasue its taking time to respond/ or the error is growing very fast.
  // so I am settign it to be like 1/.1/smart_error_limit so that it goes to zero quicker and then remains zero
  // ****** Check absolute limit ****** //
  if (current_error >= mc_data.smart_error_limit){ //set limit to ~10, can be changed.
  //this is so that when curren go to dangerous level of 8 
  //then the error 8-4.5 = 3.5 will have about three tic tocs to reach to 10 and stops.
  //3.3 ms is the mechanichal time constant.  
  return multiplier;
Esempio n. 5
 GLfloat const_real::as_float() const
     return _is_float ? _float : fixed_to_float(_fixed);
Esempio n. 6
 GLfloat const_real_ptr::as_float(size_t n) const
     return _is_float ? _float[n] : fixed_to_float(_fixed[n]);
Esempio n. 7
int main(int ac, char** av)
#if 1
        fixed_t fu = float_to_fixed(1.2);
        fixed_t bar = float_to_fixed(2.4);
        fixed_t baz = fixed_add(fu, bar);

        printf("%f + ", fixed_to_float(fu));
        printf("%f = ", fixed_to_float(bar));
        printf("%f\n", fixed_to_float(baz));

        fixed_t fu = float_to_fixed(1.5);
        fixed_t bar = int_to_fixed(2);
        fixed_t baz = fixed_mul(fu, bar);

        printf("%f * ", fixed_to_float(fu));
        printf("%f = ", fixed_to_float(bar));
        printf("%f\n", fixed_to_float(baz));

        fixed_t fu = int_to_fixed(1);
        fixed_t bar = int_to_fixed(2);
        fixed_t baz = fixed_div(fu, bar);

        printf("%f / ", fixed_to_float(fu));
        printf("%f = ", fixed_to_float(bar));
        printf("%f\n", fixed_to_float(baz));

        fixed_t fu = int_to_fixed(-1);
        fixed_t bar = int_to_fixed(2);
        fixed_t baz = fixed_div(fu, bar);

        printf("%f / ", fixed_to_float(fu));
        printf("%f = ", fixed_to_float(bar));
        printf("%f\n", fixed_to_float(baz));

#if 0
        fixed_t alpha = float_to_fixed(0.0);
        fixed_t step = float_to_fixed(0.01);
        for (; alpha < FIXED_TWO_PI; alpha = fixed_add(alpha, step))
            printf("%f ", fixed_to_float(alpha));
            printf("%f\n", fabsf(sinf(fixed_to_float(alpha)) - fixed_to_float(fixed_sin(alpha))));


    return 0;
Esempio n. 8
void state_fixed_to_float(known_state_ints& state_ints, known_state& state)
	state.p = fixed_to_float(state_ints.p);
	state.q = fixed_to_float(state_ints.q);
	state.r = fixed_to_float(state_ints.r);
	state.dq = fixed_to_float(state_ints.dq);
	state.dr = fixed_to_float(state_ints.dr); = fixed_to_float(; = fixed_to_float(;
	state.error_heading = fixed_to_float(state_ints.error_heading);
	state.derror_heading = fixed_to_float(state_ints.derror_heading);
	state.ierror_heading = fixed_to_float(state_ints.ierror_heading);
	state.error_pitch = fixed_to_float(state_ints.error_pitch);
	state.dpitch = fixed_to_float(state_ints.dpitch);
	state.ipitch = fixed_to_float(state_ints.ipitch);