bool CUninstallWindow::Start(app_entry_s *pApp) { if (!fl_choice(CreateText(GetTranslation("This will remove %s from your computer\nContinue?"), pApp->name.c_str()), GetTranslation("No"), GetTranslation("Yes"), NULL)) return false; bool checksums = false; if (!m_pOwner->CheckSums(pApp->name.c_str())) { int ret = fl_choice(GetTranslation("Some files have been modified after installation.\n" "This can happen if you installed another package which uses one or\n" "more files with the same name or you installed another version."), GetTranslation("Cancel"), GetTranslation("Continue anyway"), GetTranslation("Only remove unchanged")); if (ret == 0) return false; checksums = (ret == 2); } // Clear previous contents m_pBuffer->select(0, m_pBuffer->length()); m_pBuffer->remove_selection(); m_pProgress->value(0); m_pWindow->show(); m_pOwner->Uninstall(pApp, checksums); m_pProgress->value(100); m_pOKButton->activate(); return true; }
/* * React to user input. * This consists of the events: * - Rename Slot (right click) * - Read From Slot * - Write To Slot * - Swap Slot First Selection * - Swap Slot Second Selction * * TODO restore autoclose functionality */ void BankView::react(int event, int nslot) { BankSlot &slot = *slots[nslot]; const bool isempty = slot.empty(); const int mode = bvc->mode(); //Rename slot if (event==2 && !isempty && mode!=4) { if(const char *name=fl_input("Slot (instrument) name:", { osc->write("/bank-rename", "is", nslot, name); osc->write("/refresh_bank", "i", nslot); } } //Reads from slot if ((event==1)&&(mode==1)&&(!slot.empty())){ printf("Loading a part #%d with file '%s'\n", nslot, slot.filename()); osc->write("/load-part", "is", *npart, slot.filename()); osc->writeValue("/part"+to_s(*npart)+"/name",; if(cbwig_) cbwig_->do_callback(); } //save(write) to slot if(event==1 && mode==2){ if(!isempty && !fl_choice("Overwrite the slot no. %d ?","No","Yes",NULL,nslot+1)) return; osc->write("/save-bank-part", "ii", *npart, nslot); osc->write("/refresh_bank", "i", nslot); //pthread_mutex_lock(&master->part[*npart]->load_mutex); //bank->savetoslot(slot,master->part[*npart]); //pthread_mutex_unlock(&master->part[*npart]->load_mutex); bvc->mode(1); } //Clears the slot if(event==1 && mode==3 && !isempty) { if (fl_choice("Clear the slot no. %d ?","No","Yes",NULL, nslot+1)) { osc->write("/clear-bank-slot", "i", nslot); osc->write("/refresh_bank", "i", nslot); } } //Swap if(mode==4) { if(event==1 && nselected>=0){ osc->write("/swap-bank-slots", "ii", nselected, nslot); osc->write("/refresh_bank", "i", nslot); osc->write("/refresh_bank", "i", nselected); //bank->swapslot(nselected,slot); nselected=-1; } else if(nselected<0 || event==2) { nselected=nslot; }; }; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // quitApp() - called when we are exiting the program // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MainWindow::quitApp() { int ask = fl_choice("Do you really want to quit?", "Yes", "No", "Cancel"); if (ask == 0) { std::exit(0); } }
int Msg::GetAnswer(const char *question, int defaultval, const char *zero, const char *one, const char *two) { // if a callback is given let's assume we don't want to be bothered // with interactive stuff if(CTX::instance()->noPopup || _callback) return defaultval; #if defined(HAVE_FLTK) if(FlGui::available()) return fl_choice(question, zero, one, two, ""); #endif if(two) printf("%s\n\n0=[%s] 1=[%s] 2=[%s] (default=%d): ", question, zero, one, two, defaultval); else printf("%s\n\n0=[%s] 1=[%s] (default=%d): ", question, zero, one, defaultval); char str[256]; char *ret = fgets(str, sizeof(str), stdin); if(!ret || !strlen(str) || !strcmp(str, "\n")) return defaultval; else return atoi(ret); }
void cb_exit(Fl_Widget*, void* pall){ allspec *all; all = (allspec *)pall; int ret; if(all->not_saved){ ret = fl_choice("Memorized data are not saved.\nExit really?", "Exit", "Return", NULL); if(ret != 0) return; } exit(0); }
void open_callback(Fl_Widget* w) { int allowed = 1; if (*CurrentFileSpec_str && Unsaved) { allowed = fl_choice(" Opening a new file now will discard unsaved work ", " Cancel open ", " Discard and open a new file ", NULL); } if (allowed) { load_content(NULL); } }
void quit_callback(Fl_Widget* w) { int allowed = 1; // printf("Current filespec is %s, unsaved is %d\n", CurrentFileSpec_str, Unsaved); if (*CurrentFileSpec_str && Unsaved) { allowed = fl_choice("Quitting now will discard unsaved work", " Cancel quit ", " Discard and quit ", NULL); } if (allowed) { Running = 0; } }
void Mixer::command_quit ( void ) { if ( Loggable::dirty() ) { int i = fl_choice( "There have been changes since the last save. Quitting now will discard them", "Discard", "Cancel", NULL ); if ( i != 0 ) return; } quit(); }
void CInstaller::CancelCB(Fl_Widget *w, void *p) { CInstaller *installer = static_cast<CInstaller *>(p); const char *msg; if (installer->Installing()) msg = GetTranslation("Install commands are still running\n" "If you abort now this may lead to a broken installation\n" "Are you sure?"); else msg = GetTranslation("This will abort the installation\nAre you sure?"); if (fl_choice(msg, GetTranslation("No"), GetTranslation("Yes"), NULL)) throw Exceptions::CExUser(); }
void clear_callback(Fl_Widget* w) { int allowed = 1; if (Unsaved) { allowed = fl_choice("Clearing will discard unsaved work", " Cancel clear ", " Discard unsaved work ", NULL); } if (allowed) { clear_content(); Unsaved = 0; *CurrentFileSpec_str = '\0'; SaveBtn_p->deactivate(); update_results_display(); } }
//callback for delete void OnRemoveCommunity(Fl_Widget* pWidget,void * pParam) { Fl_Tabs* pTab = (Fl_Tabs*)(pParam); if(pTab->children()>1) { if(fl_choice("Really delete Scope of \"%s\" ?", "No", "Yes", NULL, pTab->value()->label())) { Fl_Group* pG = (Fl_Group*)pTab->value(); pG->clear(); pTab->remove(pG); pTab->value(pTab->child(0)); delete pG; } } }
void preset_click (Fl_Button * o, void *) { int ok; char temp2[128]; long long kk = (long long) o->user_data (); int num = (int) kk; int tecla = Fl::event_key (); if (Fl::event_button () == 3) { Fl_Widget *w = gui.ob->child (num); if (strlen (Banco[num].Name) > 0) { Fl_Widget *m = fl_message_icon (); m->parent ()->copy_label ("goomf"); sprintf (temp2, "Overwrite? \"%s\"", w->label ()); ok = fl_choice (temp2, "No", "Yes", NULL); if (!ok) return; } strcpy (Name, gui.Pname->value ()); preset_to_bank (num); w->copy_label (gui.Pname->value ()); Haz_laristra (); Send_laristra (); } if ((Fl::event_button () == 1) || tecla == 32) { gui.PresetSelect->value (num); Put_Combi (num); gui.ready = 2; } }
int fn_ask(const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; char out[BUFFER_SIZE]; //maximum dans un message... //start va_start(ap,format); #ifdef VISUALC vsprintf(out,format,ap); #else vsnprintf(out,BUFFER_SIZE,format,ap); #endif va_end(ap); #ifdef WIN32 return (MessageBox(GET_HWND,out,"",MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION)==IDYES)?1:0; #endif #ifdef LINUX return fl_choice(out,"Oui","Non",0)?0:1; #endif }
bool CFLTKEditor::CheckSave() { if (!IsFileChanged()) return true; string sText; sText = "The file '"; sText += GetName(); sText += "' has been modified.\n"; sText += "Would you like to save it now?"; int iR = fl_choice(sText.c_str(), "Cancel", "Save", "Discard"); if (iR == 1) { Save(); // Save the file... return !IsFileChanged(); } return (iR == 2) ? true : false; }
void CFLTKEditor::Quit() { bool bSaveAll = false; int i, iCount = m_mEditorData.Count(); for (i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { SetCurEditor(i); if (!bSaveAll && IsFileChanged()) { string sText; sText = "The file '"; sText += GetName(); sText += "' has been modified.\n"; sText += "Would you like to save it now?"; int iR = fl_choice(sText.c_str(), "Discard", "Save", "Save all"); if (iR == 1) { Save(); // Save the file... } else if (iR == 2) { Save(); bSaveAll = true; } } else if (bSaveAll) { Save(); } } exit(0); }
int yyy_choice(const char *msg, const char *b0, const char *b1, const char *b2){ return fl_choice(msg, b0, b1, b2); }
int ModelViewController::handle(int event) { Vector2f Clickpoint; // NEW: Current Mouse Point static float Click_y; static float old_zoom; Clickpoint.x = (GLfloat)Fl::event_x();; Clickpoint.y = (GLfloat)Fl::event_y();; switch(event) { case FL_PUSH: //mouse down event position in Fl::event_x() and Fl::event_y() { switch(Fl::event_button()) { case FL_LEFT_MOUSE: MousePt.T[0] = (GLfloat)Clickpoint.x; MousePt.T[1] = (GLfloat)Clickpoint.y; ArcBall->click(&MousePt); // Update Start Vector And Prepare For Dragging break; case FL_MIDDLE_MOUSE: downPoint = Clickpoint; /* Matrix3fSetIdentity(&LastRot); // Reset Rotation Matrix3fSetIdentity(&ThisRot); // Reset Rotation Matrix4fSetRotationFromMatrix3f(&Transform, &ThisRot); // Reset Rotation */ break; case FL_RIGHT_MOUSE: Click_y = Clickpoint.y; old_zoom = zoom; break; } LastRot = ThisRot; // Set Last Static Rotation To Last Dynamic One redraw(); return 1; } case FL_DRAG: //mouse moved while down event ... switch(Fl::event_button()) { case FL_LEFT_MOUSE: Quat4fT ThisQuat; MousePt.T[0] = Clickpoint.x; MousePt.T[1] = Clickpoint.y; ArcBall->drag(&MousePt, &ThisQuat); // Update End Vector And Get Rotation As Quaternion Matrix3fSetRotationFromQuat4f(&ThisRot, &ThisQuat); // Convert Quaternion Into Matrix3fT Matrix3fMulMatrix3f(&ThisRot, &LastRot); // Accumulate Last Rotation Into This One Matrix4fSetRotationFromMatrix3f(&Transform, &ThisRot); // Set Our Final Transform's Rotation From This One redraw(); break; case FL_MIDDLE_MOUSE: { Vector2f dragp = Clickpoint; Vector2f delta = downPoint-dragp; Matrix4f matrix; memcpy(&matrix.m00, &Transform.M[0], sizeof(Matrix4f)); Vector3f X(delta.x,0,0); X = matrix * X; Vector3f Y(0,-delta.y,0); Y = matrix * Y; ProcessControl.Center += X*delta.length()*0.01f; ProcessControl.Center += Y*delta.length()*0.01f; redraw(); downPoint=Clickpoint; } break; case FL_RIGHT_MOUSE: float y = Click_y - Clickpoint.y; zoom = old_zoom + y*0.1; redraw(); break; } return 1; case FL_RELEASE: //mouse up event ... MousePt.T[0] = (GLfloat)Fl::event_x(); MousePt.T[1] = (GLfloat)Fl::event_y(); redraw(); return 1; case FL_MOUSEWHEEL: { //mouse scroll event int mwscrolled = Fl::event_dy(); zoom += mwscrolled*1; redraw(); return 1; } case FL_FOCUS : case FL_UNFOCUS : // Return 1 if you want keyboard events, 0 otherwise return 0; case FL_KEYBOARD: //keypress, key is in Fl::event_key(), ascii in Fl::event_text() .. Return 1 if you understand/use the keyboard event, 0 otherwise... return 1; case FL_SHORTCUT: // shortcut, key is in Fl::event_key(), ascii in Fl::event_text() ... Return 1 if you understand/use the shortcut event, 0 otherwise... return 1; case FL_CLOSE: if (fl_choice("Save settings ?", "Exit", "Save then exit", NULL)) { // int a=0; // ProcessControl.SaveXML(); } break; default: break; } // pass other events to the base class... return Fl_Gl_Window::handle(event); }
int ResourceWindow::handle( int event ) { int ret = Fl_Group::handle(event); std::string dndText; switch ( event ) { case FL_DND_RELEASE: //LOG("DND Release"); ret = 1; break; case FL_DND_ENTER: // return(1) for these events to 'accept' dnd //LOG("DND Enter"); //Fl::belowmouse(this); // send the leave events first //Fl::focus(this); //handle(FL_FOCUS); ret = 1; break; case FL_DND_DRAG: ret = 1; break; case FL_DND_LEAVE: //LOG("DND Leave"); ret = 1; break; case FL_PASTE: // handle actual drop (paste) operation { //label(Fl::event_text()); //fprintf(stderr, "PASTE: %s\n", Fl::event_text()); //LOG("PASTE: %s\n", Fl::event_text()); dndText = Fl::event_text(); bool hasAsset = processedDragAndDrop(dndText); ret = 1; } break; case FL_PUSH: {// do 'copy/dnd' when someone clicks on box if (Fl::event_button() == 2) { LOG("press middle button"); LOG("lastClickedItemPath = %s",lastClickedItemPath.c_str()); Fl_Tree_Item* lastItem = resourceTree->find_item(lastClickedItemPath.c_str()); if (lastItem) { const char* itemType = (const char*)lastItem->user_data(); bool sendDND = false; std::string dndMsg = ""; if (strcmp(itemType, "skeleton") == 0) { std::string skName = lastItem->label(); dndMsg = "SKELETON:"; dndMsg += skName; sendDND = true; } else if (strcmp(itemType, "pawn") == 0) { dndMsg = "PAWN:dummy"; sendDND = true; } //Fl::copy("message",7,0); if (sendDND) { Fl::copy(dndMsg.c_str(),dndMsg.length(),0); Fl::dnd(); } ret = 1; } } break; } case FL_KEYDOWN: { switch (Fl::event_key()) { case FL_Delete: { // check pawns and characters for selection Fl_Tree_Item* tree = getTreeFromName("pawn"); int numChildren = tree->children(); for (int c = 0; c < numChildren; c++) { Fl_Tree_Item* child = tree->child(c); if (child->is_selected()) { const char* name = child->label(); int confirm = fl_choice(vhcl::Format("Are you sure you want to delete '%s'?",name).c_str(), "No", "Yes", NULL); if (confirm == 0) return 0; SmartBody::SBScene::getScene()->removePawn(name); updateGUI(); return 1; } } tree = getTreeFromName("character"); numChildren = tree->children(); for (int c = 0; c < numChildren; c++) { Fl_Tree_Item* child = tree->child(c); if (child->is_selected()) { const char* name = child->label(); int confirm = fl_choice(vhcl::Format("Are you sure you want to delete '%s'?",name).c_str(), "No", "Yes", NULL); if (confirm == 0) return 0; SmartBody::SBScene::getScene()->removeCharacter(name); updateGUI(); return 1; } } } break; default: break; } } } return ret; }
void Track::menu_cb ( const Fl_Menu_ *m ) { char picked[256]; m->item_pathname( picked, sizeof( picked ) ); DMESSAGE( "Picked: %s", picked ); Logger log( this ); if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Type/Mono" ) ) { command_configure_channels( 1 ); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Type/Stereo" ) ) { command_configure_channels( 2 ); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Type/Quad" ) ) { command_configure_channels( 4 ); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Type/..." ) ) { const char *s = fl_input( "How many channels?", "3" ); if ( s ) { int c = atoi( s ); if ( c <= 0 || c > 10 ) fl_alert( "Invalid number of channels." ); else { command_configure_channels(c); } } } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "/Add Control" ) ) { /* add audio track */ char *name = get_unique_control_name( "Control" ); timeline->wrlock(); new Control_Sequence( this, name ); timeline->unlock(); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "/Overlay controls" ) ) { overlay_controls( ! m->mvalue()->value() ); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "/Add Annotation" ) ) { add( new Annotation_Sequence( this ) ); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "/Color" ) ) { unsigned char r, g, b; Fl::get_color( color(), r, g, b ); if ( fl_color_chooser( "Track Color", r, g, b ) ) { color( fl_rgb_color( r, g, b ) ); } redraw(); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Flags/Record" ) ) { armed( m->mvalue()->flags & FL_MENU_VALUE ); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Flags/Mute" ) ) { mute( m->mvalue()->flags & FL_MENU_VALUE ); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Flags/Solo" ) ) { solo( m->mvalue()->flags & FL_MENU_VALUE ); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Size/Small" ) ) { size( 0 ); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Size/Medium" ) ) { size( 1 ); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Size/Large" ) ) { size( 2 ); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Size/Huge" ) ) { size( 3 ); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "/Remove" ) ) { int r = fl_choice( "Are you certain you want to remove track \"%s\"?", "Cancel", NULL, "Remove", name() ); if ( r == 2 ) { timeline->command_remove_track( this ); Fl::delete_widget( this ); } } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "/Rename" ) ) { ((Fl_Sometimes_Input*)name_field)->take_focus(); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "/Move Up" ) ) { timeline->command_move_track_up( this ); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "/Move Down" ) ) { timeline->command_move_track_down( this ); } else if ( !strcmp( picked, "Takes/Show all takes" ) ) { show_all_takes( ! m->mvalue()->value() ); } else if ( !strcmp( picked, "Takes/New" ) ) { timeline->wrlock(); sequence( (Audio_Sequence*)sequence()->clone_empty() ); timeline->unlock(); } else if ( !strcmp( picked, "Takes/Remove" ) ) { if ( takes->children() ) { Loggable::block_start(); timeline->wrlock(); Audio_Sequence *s = sequence(); sequence( (Audio_Sequence*)takes->child( 0 ) ); delete s; timeline->unlock(); Loggable::block_end(); } } else if ( !strcmp( picked, "Takes/Remove others" )) { if ( takes->children() ) { Loggable::block_start(); takes->clear(); Loggable::block_end(); } } else if ( !strncmp( picked, "Takes/", sizeof( "Takes/" ) - 1 ) ) { Audio_Sequence* s = (Audio_Sequence*)m->mvalue()->user_data(); timeline->wrlock(); sequence( s ); timeline->unlock(); } }
/* ============================================================================ Saves the log data to a file using the current window width ============================================================================ */ void VTTpddServerLog::SaveFile(MString filename) { FILE* fd; int count, c, i, dataIdx; VTTpddLogEntry* pEntry; MString fmt, hexFmt; // Validate we have data if (m_log.GetSize() == 0) return; // Test if the file exists if ((fd = fopen((const char *) filename, "r")) != NULL) { // Close the file fclose(fd); int ans = fl_choice("Overwrite existing file %s?", "Ok", "Cancel", NULL, fl_filename_name((const char *) filename)); if (ans == 1) return; } // Try to open the file if ((fd = fopen((const char *) filename, "w")) == NULL) { MString err; err.Format("Unable to create file %s\n", (const char *) filename); fl_message("%s", (const char *) err); return; } // Test if any leftover RX or TX data not logged to an entry yet if (m_rxCount > 0) AddNewEntry(TPDD_LOG_RX, m_rxCount, m_rxBuffer); if (m_txCount > 0) AddNewEntry(TPDD_LOG_TX, m_txCount, m_txBuffer); m_txCount = 0; m_rxCount = 0; // Now loop for all entries count = m_log.GetSize(); for (c = 0; c < count; c++) { // Get the next entry pEntry = (VTTpddLogEntry *) m_log[c]; fmt.Format("%4d: %s: ", pEntry->m_ref, pEntry->m_rxTx ? "TX" : "RX"); i = 0; dataIdx = 0; while (dataIdx < pEntry->m_count) { if (dataIdx != 0) fmt = " "; // "Print" the HEX data to the line for (i = 0; i < m_bytesPerLine && dataIdx + i < pEntry->m_count; i++) { hexFmt.Format("%02X ", (unsigned char) pEntry->m_pData[dataIdx + i]); fmt += hexFmt; } // Pad with spaces if less then m_bytesPerLine for ( ; i < m_bytesPerLine; i++) fmt += (char *) " "; // "Print" the ASCII data to the line fmt += (char *) " "; for (i = 0; i < m_bytesPerLine && dataIdx + i < pEntry->m_count; i++) { // Test if it's actual ASCII data or not if (pEntry->m_pData[dataIdx + i] >= ' ' && pEntry->m_pData[dataIdx + i] <= '~') hexFmt.Format("%c", (unsigned char) pEntry->m_pData[dataIdx + i]); else hexFmt = '.'; fmt += hexFmt; } // Save to the file fprintf(fd, "%s\n", (const char *) fmt); dataIdx += i; } } // Close the file fclose(fd); }
void VSPAEROScreen::GuiDeviceCallBack( GuiDevice* device ) { assert( m_ScreenMgr ); Vehicle *veh = VehicleMgr.GetVehicle(); if( veh ) { //TODO add callback to determine if the setup file text has been edited if ( device == &m_SetupButton ) { if( veh->GetVSPAEROCmd().empty() || !FileExist( VSPAEROMgr.m_DegenFileFull ) || VSPAEROMgr.IsSolverRunning() ) { /* Do nothing. Should not be reachable, button should be deactivated.*/ } else { if ( FileExist( VSPAEROMgr.m_SetupFile ) ) { switch( fl_choice( "Overwrite any existing setup file?", "Cancel", "Abort", "Overwrite" ) ) { case( 0 ): case ( 1 ): break; case( 2 ): // Clear the solver console m_SolverBuffer->text( "" ); m_SolverProcess.StartThread( solver_setup_thread_fun, ( void* ) &m_SolverPair ); break; } } else { // Clear the solver console m_SolverBuffer->text( "" ); m_SolverProcess.StartThread( solver_setup_thread_fun, ( void* ) &m_SolverPair ); } } } else if ( device == &m_SolverButton ) { if( veh->GetVSPAEROCmd().empty() || !FileExist( VSPAEROMgr.m_DegenFileFull ) || VSPAEROMgr.IsSolverRunning() ) { /* Do nothing. Should not be reachable, button should be deactivated.*/ } else { // Clear out previous results VSPAEROMgr.ClearAllPreviousResults(); // Clear the solver console m_SolverBuffer->text( "" ); //Show the plot screen m_ScreenMgr->m_ShowPlotScreenOnce = true; //deferred show of plot screen VSPAEROPlotScreen * vspapscreen = ( VSPAEROPlotScreen * )m_ScreenMgr->GetScreen( ScreenMgr::VSP_VSPAERO_PLOT_SCREEN ); if( vspapscreen ) { vspapscreen->SetDefaultView(); vspapscreen->Update(); } m_SolverProcess.StartThread( solver_thread_fun, ( void* ) &m_SolverPair ); } } else if ( device == &m_ViewerButton ) { if( veh->GetVIEWERCmd().empty() || !FileExist( VSPAEROMgr.m_DegenFileFull ) || m_ViewerProcess.IsRunning() ) { /* Do nothing. Should not be reachable, button should be deactivated.*/ } else { vector<string> args; args.push_back( VSPAEROMgr.m_ModelNameBase ); m_ViewerProcess.ForkCmd( veh->GetExePath(), veh->GetVIEWERCmd(), args ); m_ViewerBuffer->text( "" ); m_ViewerMonitor.StartThread( monitorfun, ( void* ) &m_ViewerPair ); } } else if( device == &m_KillSolverSetupButton ) { VSPAEROMgr.KillSolver(); } else if( device == &m_KillSolverButton ) { VSPAEROMgr.KillSolver(); } else if( device == &m_PlotButton ) { m_ScreenMgr->m_ShowPlotScreenOnce = true; //deferred show of plot screen } else if( device == &m_SaveSetup ) { SaveSetup(); } else if( device == &m_ReadSetup ) { ReadSetup(); } else if( device == &m_RefWingChoice ) { int id = m_RefWingChoice.GetVal(); VSPAEROMgr.m_RefGeomID = m_WingGeomVec[id]; } else if( device == &m_GeomSetChoice ) { VSPAEROMgr.m_GeomSet = m_GeomSetChoice.GetVal(); } else if( device == &m_ComputeGeometryButton ) { VSPAEROMgr.ComputeGeometry(); } else if( device == &m_DegenFileButton ) { veh->setExportFileName( vsp::DEGEN_GEOM_CSV_TYPE, m_ScreenMgr->GetSelectFileScreen()->FileChooser( "Select degen geom CSV output file.", "*.csv" ) ); } else if( device == &m_CompGeomFileButton ) { veh->setExportFileName( vsp::VSPAERO_PANEL_TRI_TYPE, m_ScreenMgr->GetSelectFileScreen()->FileChooser( "Select comp geom TRI output file.", "*.tri" ) ); } else if( device == &m_CGSetChoice ) { VSPAEROMgr.m_CGGeomSet = m_CGSetChoice.GetVal(); } else if( device == &m_MassPropButton ) { string id = veh->MassPropsAndFlatten( m_CGSetChoice.GetVal(), VSPAEROMgr.m_NumMassSlice(), false, false ); veh->DeleteGeom( id ); VSPAEROMgr.m_Xcg = veh->m_CG.x(); VSPAEROMgr.m_Ycg = veh->m_CG.y(); VSPAEROMgr.m_Zcg = veh->m_CG.z(); } else if( device == &m_ExportResultsToCsvButton ) { string fileName = m_ScreenMgr->GetSelectFileScreen()->FileChooser( "Select CSV File", "*.csv" ); if ( fileName.size() > 0 ) { int status = VSPAEROMgr.ExportResultsToCSV( fileName ); if ( status != vsp::VSP_OK ) { char strBuf[1000]; sprintf( strBuf, "File export failed\nFile: %s", fileName.c_str() ); fl_alert( strBuf ); } } } } m_ScreenMgr->SetUpdateFlag( true ); }