Esempio n. 1
File: skills.c Progetto: jcubic/ToME
 * Checks various stuff to do when skills change, like new spells, ...
void recalc_skills(bool init)
	process_hooks(HOOK_RECALC_SKILLS, "()");

	/* Update stuffs */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_BONUS | PU_HP | PU_MANA | PU_SPELLS | PU_POWERS |

	/* Redraw various info */
	flag_bool(&p_ptr->redraw, FLAG_PR_WIPE);
	flag_bool(&p_ptr->redraw, FLAG_PR_BASIC);
	flag_bool(&p_ptr->redraw, FLAG_PR_EXTRA);
	flag_bool(&p_ptr->redraw, FLAG_PR_MAP);
Esempio n. 2
File: powers.c Progetto: jcubic/ToME
static void power_activate(s32b power)
	power_type *x_ptr = &powers_type[power];

	if (!power_chance(x_ptr)) return;

	switch (power)
		if (!process_hooks(HOOK_ACTIVATE_POWER, "(d)", power))
			msg_format("Warning power_activate() called with invalid power(%d).", power);
			energy_use = 0;

	flag_bool(&p_ptr->redraw, FLAG_PR_HP);
	flag_bool(&p_ptr->redraw, FLAG_PR_MANA);
Esempio n. 3
 * Increase the "number" of an item in the inventory
void item_increase(s32b item, s32b num)
	object_type *o_ptr = get_object(item);

	if (!o_ptr) return;

	/* Apply */
	num += o_ptr->number;

	/* Bounds check */
	if (num > 255) num = 255;
	else if (num < 0) num = 0;

	/* Un-apply */
	num -= o_ptr->number;

	/* Change the number and weight */
	if (num)
		/* Add the number */
		o_ptr->number += num;

		if (item >= 0)
			/* Recalculate bonuses */
			p_ptr->update |= (PU_BONUS);

			/* Recalculate mana XXX */
			p_ptr->update |= (PU_MANA);

			/* Combine the pack */
			p_ptr->notice |= (PN_COMBINE);

			/* Window stuff */
			flag_bool(&p_ptr->window, FLAG_PW_INVEN);
			flag_bool(&p_ptr->window, FLAG_PW_EQUIP);
Esempio n. 4
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
    char const* outmesh = "result.obj";
    char const* atlas = "result.png";
    char const* mtl = "result.mtl";
    int sizehint = 32;
    int nsamples = 128;
    bool gbuffer = false;
    bool chartinfo = false;
    float multiply = 1.0;
    flag_usage("[options] input_mesh.obj");
    flag_string(&outmesh, "outmesh", "OBJ file to produce");
    flag_string(&atlas, "atlas", "PNG file to produce");
    flag_string(&mtl, "material", "MTL file to produce");
    flag_int(&sizehint, "sizehint", "Controls resolution of atlas");
    flag_int(&nsamples, "nsamples", "Quality of ambient occlusion");
    flag_bool(&gbuffer, "gbuffer", "Generate diagnostic images");
    flag_bool(&chartinfo, "ids", "Group faces by charts, add alpha channel");
    flag_float(&multiply, "multiply", "Scales the AO values be a constant");
    flag_parse(argc, argv, "v" AOBAKER_VERSION, 1);
    char const* inmesh = flagset_singleton()->argv[0];
    return aobaker_bake(inmesh, outmesh, mtl, atlas, sizehint, nsamples, gbuffer,
        chartinfo, multiply);
Esempio n. 5
File: powers.c Progetto: jcubic/ToME
 * Note: return value indicates the amount of mana to use
bool power_chance(power_type *x_ptr)
#if 0 // DGDGDGDG -- mana is no more hardcoded
	bool use_hp = FALSE;
	s32b diff = x_ptr->diff;

	/* Always true ? */
	if (!x_ptr->cost) return TRUE;

	/* Not enough mana - use hp */
	if (p_ptr->csp < x_ptr->cost) return FALSE;

	/* Power is not available yet */
	if (p_ptr->lev < x_ptr->level)
		msg_format("You need to attain level %d to use this power.", x_ptr->level);
		energy_use = 0;
		return (FALSE);

	/* Too confused */
	else if (intrinsic(CONFUSED))
		msg_print("You are too confused to use this power.");
		energy_use = 0;
		return (FALSE);

	/* Else attempt to do it! */
	if (p_ptr->lev > x_ptr->level)
		s32b lev_adj = ((p_ptr->lev - x_ptr->level) / 3);
		if (lev_adj > 10) lev_adj = 10;
		diff -= lev_adj;

	if (diff < 5) diff = 5;

	/* take time and pay the price */
	p_ptr->csp -= (x_ptr->cost / 2 ) + (randint(x_ptr->cost / 2));

	energy_use = get_player_energy(SPEED_POWER);

	/* Redraw mana and hp */
	flag_bool(&p_ptr->redraw, FLAG_PR_HP);
	flag_bool(&p_ptr->redraw, FLAG_PR_MANA);

	/* Window stuff */
	p_ptr->window |= (PW_PLAYER);

	/* Success? */
	// DGDGDGDGDG this was stat_cur, needs adjusting
	// DGDGDGDGDG dont bother, jsut change the formula to be sane anyway
	if (randint(get_stat(x_ptr->stat, ind)) >=
	                ((diff / 2) + randint(diff / 2)))
		return (TRUE);

	if (flush_failure) flush();
	msg_print("You've failed to concentrate hard enough.");
	return (FALSE);
Esempio n. 6
File: skills.c Progetto: jcubic/ToME
 * Interreact with abilitiess
void do_cmd_ability()
	s32b  sel = 0, start = 0, max = 0;
	s32b c;
	s32b  *table;
	s32b  i;
	s32b  wid, hgt;

		msg_print("There are no abilities for you to learn!");

	C_MAKE(table, max_ab_idx, s32b);

	/* Initialise the abilities list */
	for (i = 0; i < max_ab_idx; i++)
		if (ab_info[i].name &&
			(wizard || (!ab_info[i].hidden && show_ability(i))))
			add_sorted_ability(table, &max, i);

	if (max == 0)
		C_FREE(table, max_ab_idx, s32b);
		msg_print("There are no abilities for you to learn!");

	/* Save the screen */

	/* Clear the screen */

	while (TRUE)
		Term_get_size(&wid, &hgt);

		/* Display list of skills */
		print_abilities(table, max, sel, start);

		/* Wait for user input */
		c = inkey();

		/* Leave the skill screen */
		if (c == ESCAPE) break;

		/* Next page */
		else if (c == 'n')
			sel += (hgt - 7);
			if (sel >= max) sel = max - 1;

		/* Previous page */
		else if (c == 'p')
			sel -= (hgt - 7);
			if (sel < 0) sel = 0;

		/* Select / increase a skill */
			s32b dir;

			/* Allow use of numpad / arrow keys / roguelike keys */
			dir = get_keymap_dir(c);

			/* Move cursor down */
			if (dir == 2) sel++;

			/* Move cursor up */
			if (dir == 8) sel--;

			/* gain ability */
			if (dir == 6) gain_ability(table[sel]);

			/* XXX XXX XXX Wizard mode commands outside of wizard2.c */

			if (wizard && (c == '+')) ab_info[table[sel]].acquired = TRUE;
			if (wizard && (c == '-')) ab_info[table[sel]].acquired = FALSE;

			/* Contextual help */
			if (c == '?') exec_lua(format("ingame_help('select_context', 'ability', '%s')", ab_info[table[sel]].name));

			/* Handle boundaries and scrolling */
			if (sel < 0) sel = max - 1;
			if (sel >= max) sel = 0;
			if (sel < start) start = sel;
			if (sel >= start + (hgt - 7)) start = sel - (hgt - 7) + 1;

	/* Load the screen */

	C_FREE(table, max_ab_idx, s32b);

	/* Update stuffs */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_BONUS | PU_HP | PU_MANA | PU_SPELLS | PU_POWERS |
	                  PU_SANITY | PU_BODY);

	/* Redraw various info */
	flag_bool(&p_ptr->redraw, FLAG_PR_WIPE);
	flag_bool(&p_ptr->redraw, FLAG_PR_BASIC);
	flag_bool(&p_ptr->redraw, FLAG_PR_EXTRA);
	flag_bool(&p_ptr->redraw, FLAG_PR_MAP);
Esempio n. 7
File: store.c Progetto: jcubic/ToME
 * Enter a store, and interact with it.
 * Note that we use the standard "request_command()" function
 * to get a command, allowing us to use "command_arg" and all
 * command macros and other nifty stuff, but we use the special
 * "shopping" argument, to force certain commands to be converted
 * into other commands, normally, we convert "p" (pray) and "m"
 * (cast magic) into "g" (get), and "s" (search) into "d" (drop).
void do_cmd_store(void)
    s32b which;
    s32b maintain_num;
    s32b i;
    bool recreate = FALSE;
    store_type *st_ptr;
    store_info_type *sti_ptr;

    cave_type *c_ptr;

    /* Access the player grid */
    c_ptr = &cave[p_ptr->py][p_ptr->px];

    /* Verify a store */
    if (!cave_feat_is(c_ptr, FLAG_CONTAINS_BUILDING))
        msg_print("You see no store here.");

    /* Extract the store code */
    which = get_flag(c_ptr, FLAG_CONTAINS_BUILDING);

    /* Get the store */
    st_ptr = flag_get_store(&town_info[p_ptr->town_num].stores, which);

    /* If it does not exists yet, create it */
    if (!st_ptr)
        call_lua("store.create_for_town", "(d,d)", "", p_ptr->town_num, which);
        st_ptr = flag_get_store(&town_info[p_ptr->town_num].stores, which);

        if (!st_ptr) quit(format("Could not create store %d town %d! BAD BAD BAD!", which, p_ptr->town_num));

    /* Hack -- Check the "locked doors" */
    if (st_ptr->store_open > turn)
        msg_print("The doors are locked.");
    sti_ptr = &st_info[st_ptr->st_idx];

    /* Calculate the number of store maintainances since the last visit */
    if (has_flag(sti_ptr, FLAG_STORE_MAINTAIN_TURNS))
        if (get_flag(sti_ptr, FLAG_STORE_MAINTAIN_TURNS) >= 1)
            maintain_num = (turn - st_ptr->last_visit) / (10L * get_flag(sti_ptr, FLAG_STORE_MAINTAIN_TURNS));
            maintain_num = 0;
        maintain_num = (turn - st_ptr->last_visit) / (10L * STORE_TURNS);

    /* Maintain the store max. 10 times */
    if (maintain_num > 10) maintain_num = 10;

    if (maintain_num)
        /* Maintain the store */
        for (i = 0; i < maintain_num; i++)
            call_lua("store.maintain", "(S)", "", st_ptr);

        /* Save the visit */
        st_ptr->last_visit = turn;

    /* Forget the lite */
    /* forget_lite(); */

    /* Forget the view */

    call_lua("store.display", "(S)", "", st_ptr);

    /* Free turn XXX XXX XXX */
    energy_use = 0;

    /* Recreate the level only when needed */
    if (recreate)
        /* Reinit wilderness to activate quests ... */
        p_ptr->oldpx = p_ptr->px;
        p_ptr->oldpy = p_ptr->py;

        p_ptr->leaving = TRUE;

    /* Hack -- Cancel automatic command */
    command_new = 0;

    /* Hack -- Cancel "see" mode */
    command_see = FALSE;

    /* Flush messages XXX XXX XXX */

    /* Clear the screen */

    /* Update everything */
    p_ptr->update |= (PU_VIEW | PU_MON_LITE);
    p_ptr->update |= (PU_MONSTERS);

    /* Redraw entire screen */
    flag_bool(&p_ptr->redraw, FLAG_PR_BASIC);
    flag_bool(&p_ptr->redraw, FLAG_PR_EXTRA);

    /* Redraw map */
    flag_bool(&p_ptr->redraw, FLAG_PR_MAP);

    /* Window stuff */
    flag_bool(&p_ptr->window, FLAG_PW_OVERHEAD);
Esempio n. 8
File: cmd4.c Progetto: jcubic/ToME
 * Hack -- redraw the screen
 * This command performs various low level updates, clears all the "extra"
 * windows, does a total redraw of the main window, and requests all of the
 * interesting updates and redraws that I can think of.
 * This command is also used to "instantiate" the results of the user
 * selecting various things, such as graphics mode, so it must call
 * the "TERM_XTRA_REACT" hook before redrawing the windows.
void do_cmd_redraw(void)
	s32b j;

	term *old = Term;

	/* Hack -- react to changes */
	Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_REACT, 0);

	/* Combine and Reorder the pack (later) */
	p_ptr->notice |= (PN_COMBINE | PN_REORDER);

	/* Update torch */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_TORCH);

	/* Update stuff */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_BONUS | PU_HP | PU_MANA | PU_SPELLS | PU_POWERS |
	                  PU_SANITY | PU_BODY);

	/* Forget view */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_UN_VIEW);

	/* Update view */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_VIEW);

	/* Update monster light */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_MON_LITE);

	/* Update monsters */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_MONSTERS);

	/* Redraw everything */
	flag_bool(&p_ptr->redraw, FLAG_PR_WIPE);
	flag_bool(&p_ptr->redraw, FLAG_PR_BASIC);
	flag_bool(&p_ptr->redraw, FLAG_PR_EXTRA);
	flag_bool(&p_ptr->redraw, FLAG_PR_MAP);

	/* Window stuff */
	flag_bool(&p_ptr->window, FLAG_PW_ALL);

	/* Hack -- update */

	/* Redraw every window */
	for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
		/* Dead window */
		if (!angband_term[j]) continue;

		/* Activate */

		/* Redraw */

		/* Refresh */

		/* Restore */