bool flip_till_1() { if (status == rows*cols -1) { if (is_it_check()) return true; mat[status/cols][status%cols] ^= 1; // try flipping flipped(status); solution[status] = true; if (is_it_check()) return true; mat[status/cols][status%cols] ^= 1; // revert flipped(status); solution[status] = false; return false; } if(can_i_flip(status)) { mat[status/cols][status%cols] ^= 1 ; // flip it damn you flipped(status); solution[status] = true; status++; if(flip_till_1()) return true; status--; mat[status/cols][status%cols] ^= 1 ; // revert!!!!!! flipped(status); solution[status] = false; } status++; return flip_till_1(); }
void write_chunk(uint32 type, uint32 length, void const* data, File& f) { flip(type); f.write32(flipped(length)); f.write32(type); f.write(data, length); uint32 crc = update_crc(0xFFFFFFFF, &type, 4); crc = ~update_crc(crc, data, length); f.write32(flipped(crc)); }
/** * Returns a new stamp where all variations have been flipped in the given * \a direction. */ TileStamp TileStamp::flipped(FlipDirection direction) const { TileStamp flipped(*this); flipped.d.detach(); for (const TileStampVariation &variation : flipped.variations()) { TileLayer *layer = variation.tileLayer(); if (>isStaggered()) { Map::StaggerAxis staggerAxis =>staggerAxis(); if (staggerAxis == Map::StaggerY) { if ((direction == FlipVertically && !(layer->height() & 1)) || direction == FlipHorizontally)>invertStaggerIndex(); } else { if ((direction == FlipHorizontally && !(layer->width() & 1)) || direction == FlipVertically)>invertStaggerIndex(); } } if (>orientation() == Map::Hexagonal) layer->flipHexagonal(direction); else layer->flip(direction); } return flipped; }
glm::quat transform_sensor_rotation(const glm::quat& q) { // this bit of code converts the coordinate system of the BNO055 // to that of gemini. glm::quat flipped(q.w, q.x, -q.z, -q.y); glm::quat y = glm::quat(glm::vec3(0, mathlib::degrees_to_radians(180), 0)); return glm::inverse(y * flipped); }
void screenshot (const char* filename) { cv::Mat img(HEIGHT, WIDTH, CV_8UC3); cv::Mat flipped(HEIGHT, WIDTH, CV_8UC3); glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, (img.step & 3) ? 1 : 4); glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH, img.step/img.elemSize()); glReadPixels(0, 0, img.cols, img.rows, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,; cv::flip(img, flipped, 0); imwrite(filename, flipped); }
void pd::player::move_right() { m_stoped = false; m_ticks_until_stop = SDL_GetTicks(); flipped(false); pd::vec2 vec = linear_velocity(); if (vec.x < (airborne() ? max_airborne_velocity : max_velocity)) apply_force(movement_force, 0.0f); }
void screenshot (const int width, const int height, const char* filename, const int buffer) { glReadBuffer(buffer); cv::Mat img(height, width, CV_8UC3); cv::Mat flipped(height, width, CV_8UC3); glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, (img.step & 3) ? 1 : 4); glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH, img.step/img.elemSize()); glReadPixels(0, 0, img.cols, img.rows, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,; cv::flip(img, flipped, 0); imwrite(filename, flipped); return; }
TextureRegion TextureRegion::flipped(const bool doFlip) const { if (doFlip) { return flipped(); } else { return *this; } }
arma::field<arma::Cube<double>> Utils::flipCubes(const arma::field<arma::Cube<double>>& f) { arma::field<arma::Cube<double>> flipped(f.size()); for (unsigned int i=0; i<f.size(); ++i) { arma::Cube<double> flippedCube(f[i].n_rows, f[i].n_cols, f[i].n_slices); for (unsigned int j=0; j<f[i].n_slices; ++j) { flippedCube.slice(j) = arma::fliplr(arma::flipud(f[i].slice(j))); } flipped[i] = flippedCube; } return flipped; }
/** * Returns a new stamp where all variations have been flipped in the given * \a direction. */ TileStamp TileStamp::flipped(FlipDirection direction) const { TileStamp flipped(*this); flipped.d.detach(); foreach (const TileStampVariation &variation, flipped.variations()) { TileLayer *layer = static_cast<TileLayer*>(>layerAt(0)); layer->flip(direction); } return flipped; }
/** * Flip this mapping and return a new mapping for the other strand, with * contexts swapped. */ inline Mapping flip(size_t contigLength) const { if(is_mapped) { // If we're mapped, flip the location and exchange the contexts. TextPosition newLocation = location; newLocation.flip(contigLength); Mapping flipped(newLocation); flipped.setMaxContext(rightMaxContext, leftMaxContext); return flipped; } else { // If we are unmapped, just continue being exactly the same. return *this; } }
void tft_t::setVerticalScrollingArea(const uint16_t tfa, const uint16_t bfa) { uint16_t vsa = SIZE_H - tfa - bfa; cmd(0x33); // Vertical Scrolling Definition if (flipped()) { write16(bfa); // Top Fixed Area write16(vsa); // Vertical Scrolling Area write16(tfa); // Bottom Fixed Area } else { write16(tfa); // Top Fixed Area write16(vsa); // Vertical Scrolling Area write16(bfa); // Bottom Fixed Area } d.tfa = tfa; d.bfa = bfa; }
//Sorts energies from largest to smallest vector<pair<int, double> > energySort(vector<pair<int, double> > shower) { std::vector<std::pair<double, int> > energy; for (VP_iterator=shower.begin(); VP_iterator!=shower.end(); VP_iterator++) { pair<double, int> flipped(VP_iterator->second, VP_iterator->first); energy.push_back(flipped); } std::map<double, int> myMap(energy.begin(), energy.end()); map<double, int>::iterator m; vector<pair<int, double> > sorted; for (m=myMap.end(); m!=myMap.begin(); --m) { pair<int, double> orderHit(m->second, m->first); sorted.push_back(orderHit); } sorted.erase(sorted.begin(), sorted.begin()+1); return sorted; }
/** * Returns a new stamp where all variations have been flipped in the given * \a direction. */ TileStamp TileStamp::flipped(FlipDirection direction) const { TileStamp flipped(*this); flipped.d.detach(); for (const TileStampVariation &variation : flipped.variations()) { const QRect mapRect(QPoint(),>size()); for (auto layer :>tileLayers()) { TileLayer *tileLayer = static_cast<TileLayer*>(layer); // Synchronize tile layer size to map size (assumes map contains all layers) if (tileLayer->rect() != mapRect) { tileLayer->resize(mapRect.size(), tileLayer->position()); tileLayer->setPosition(0, 0); } if (>orientation() == Map::Hexagonal) tileLayer->flipHexagonal(direction); else tileLayer->flip(direction); } if (>isStaggered()) { Map::StaggerAxis staggerAxis =>staggerAxis(); if (staggerAxis == Map::StaggerY) { if ((direction == FlipVertically && !(>height() & 1)) || direction == FlipHorizontally)>invertStaggerIndex(); } else { if ((direction == FlipHorizontally && !(>width() & 1)) || direction == FlipVertically)>invertStaggerIndex(); } } } return flipped; }
char * ovOverlap::toString(char *str, ovOverlapDisplayType type, bool newLine) { switch (type) { case ovOverlapAsHangs: sprintf(str, "%10"F_U32P" %10"F_U32P" %c %6"F_S32P" %6"F_U32P" %6"F_S32P" %7.6f%s%s", a_iid, b_iid, flipped() ? 'I' : 'N', a_hang(), span(), b_hang(), erate(), (overlapIsDovetail()) ? "" : " PARTIAL", (newLine) ? "\n" : ""); break; case ovOverlapAsCoords: sprintf(str, "%10"F_U32P" %10"F_U32P" %c %6"F_U32P" %6"F_U32P" %6"F_U32P" %6"F_U32P" %6"F_U32P" %7.6f%s", a_iid, b_iid, flipped() ? 'I' : 'N', span(), a_bgn(), a_end(), b_bgn(), b_end(), erate(), (newLine) ? "\n" : ""); break; case ovOverlapAsRaw: sprintf(str, "%10"F_U32P" %10"F_U32P" %c %6"F_U32P" %6"F_U64P" %6"F_U64P" %6"F_U64P" %6"F_U64P" %7.6f %s %s %s%s", a_iid, b_iid, flipped() ? 'I' : 'N', span(), dat.ovl.ahg5, dat.ovl.ahg3, dat.ovl.bhg5, dat.ovl.bhg3, erate(), dat.ovl.forOBT ? "OBT" : " ", dat.ovl.forDUP ? "DUP" : " ", dat.ovl.forUTG ? "UTG" : " ", (newLine) ? "\n" : ""); break; case ovOverlapAsCompat: sprintf(str, "%8"F_U32P" %8"F_U32P" %c %6d %6d %5.2f %5.2f%s", a_iid, b_iid, dat.ovl.flipped ? 'I' : 'N', a_hang(), b_hang(), erate() * 100.0, erate() * 100.0, (newLine) ? "\n" : ""); break; case ovOverlapAsPaf: // miniasm/map expects entries to be separated by tabs // no padding spaces on names we don't confuse read identifiers sprintf(str, "%"F_U32P"\t%6"F_U32P"\t%6"F_U32P"\t%6"F_U32P"\t%c\t%"F_U32P"\t%6"F_U32P"\t%6"F_U32P"\t%6"F_U32P"\t%6"F_U32P"\t%6"F_U32P"\t%6"F_U32P" %s", a_iid, (g->gkStore_getRead(a_iid)->gkRead_sequenceLength()), a_bgn(), a_end(), flipped() ? '-' : '+', b_iid, (g->gkStore_getRead(b_iid)->gkRead_sequenceLength()), flipped() ? b_end() : b_bgn(), flipped() ? b_bgn() : b_end(), (uint32)floor(span() == 0 ? (1-erate() * (a_end()-a_bgn())) : (1-erate()) * span()), span() == 0 ? a_end() - a_bgn() : span(), 255, (newLine) ? "\n" : ""); break; } return(str); }
void tft_t::setVerticalScrolling(const uint16_t vsp) { cmd(0x37); // Vertical Scrolling Start Address write16(flipped() ? vsMaximum() - vsp : vsp); d.vsp = vsp; }
double Schlüssellöcher::Key::meanDifferenceWithFlipped(const Key & other) const { const Key& a = *this, b = flipped(), c = other, d = other.flipped(); return (a.differenceToKey(c) + a.differenceToKey(d) + b.differenceToKey(c) + b.differenceToKey(d)) / 4; }
bool PathFinderManager::getSpawnPointInArea(const Sphere& area, Zone *zone, Vector3& point, bool checkPath) { SortedVector<ManagedReference<NavArea*>> areas; float radius = area.getRadius(); const Vector3& center = area.getCenter(); Vector3 flipped(center.getX(), center.getZ(), -center.getY()); float extents[3] = {3, 5, 3}; dtNavMeshQuery* query = getNavQuery(); if (zone == NULL) return false; zone->getInRangeNavMeshes(center.getX(), center.getY(), &areas, true); if (areas.size() == 0) { Vector3 temp((frand() * 2.0f) - 1.0f, (frand() * 2.0f) - 1.0f, 0); Vector3 result = temp * (frand() * radius); point = center + result; point.setZ(CollisionManager::getWorldFloorCollision(point.getX(), point.getY(), zone, false)); return true; } for (const auto& navArea : areas) { Vector3 polyStart; dtPolyRef startPoly; dtPolyRef ref; int status = 0; float pt[3]; RecastNavMesh *mesh = navArea->getNavMesh(); if (mesh == NULL) continue; ReadLocker rLocker(navArea); dtNavMesh *dtNavMesh = mesh->getNavMesh(); if (dtNavMesh == NULL) continue; query->init(dtNavMesh, MAX_QUERY_NODES); if (!((status = query->findNearestPoly(flipped.toFloatArray(), extents, &m_spawnFilter, &startPoly, polyStart.toFloatArray())) & DT_SUCCESS)) continue; for (int i=0; i<50; i++) { try { if (!((status = query->findRandomPointAroundCircle(startPoly, polyStart.toFloatArray(), radius, &m_spawnFilter, frand, &ref, pt)) & DT_SUCCESS)) { continue; } else { point = Vector3(pt[0], -pt[2], CollisionManager::getWorldFloorCollision(pt[0], -pt[2], zone, false)); Vector3 temp = point - center; float len = temp.length(); if (len > radius) { float multiplier = (frand() * radius) / len; temp.setX(temp.getX() * multiplier); temp.setY(temp.getY() * multiplier); point = center + temp; point.setZ(CollisionManager::getWorldFloorCollision(point.getX(), point.getY(), zone, false)); } if (checkPath) { if (!getRecastPath(center, point, navArea, nullptr, len, false)) { continue; } } return true; } } catch (Exception& exc) { error(exc.getMessage()); } } } return false; }