Esempio n. 1
// transformation of camera focal point to body center
// ORDER MATTERS EXTREMELY.  READ AustinVilla04.pdf for more.
point3 <float> Pose::calcFocalPointInBodyFrame() {
  for (int chain = 0; chain < NUM_CHAINS; chain++ ){
    //get mdh params for this chain

  // clears matrix values each time method is called (once per frame)

  image_matrix.rotateY(body_roll_angle); // rotate body roll around y axis
  image_matrix.rotateX(body_tilt_angle); // rotate body tilt around x axis 
  // translate based on offsets between neck joint base and center body (0,0,0)
  image_matrix.rotateX(neck_angle); // rotate neck angle around x axis
  image_matrix.rotateZ(pan_angle); // rotate pan angle around z axis
  // translate about neck's actual length on z-axis
  image_matrix.translate(0, 0, NECK_LENGTH);
  image_matrix.rotateX(yaw_angle); // rotate yaw angle around x axis
  // translate about yaw joint to camera focal point offsets in y, z axis

  // stores focal point's x,y,z point in the body frame into focal_point_body_frame point3 <float>
  point3 <float> focal_point ( image_matrix.getX(), image_matrix.getY(), image_matrix.getZ());
  return focal_point;
Esempio n. 2
pcl::visualization::Camera::computeViewMatrix(Eigen::Matrix4d& view_mat) const
//constructs view matrix from camera pos, view up, and the point it is looking at
//this code is based off of gluLookAt
	Eigen::Vector3d focal_point (focal[0], focal[1], focal[2]);
	Eigen::Vector3d posv        (pos[0]  , pos[1]  , pos[2]);
	Eigen::Vector3d up          (view[0] , view[1] , view[2]);

	Eigen::Vector3d zAxis = (focal_point - posv).normalized();
  Eigen::Vector3d xAxis = zAxis.cross(up).normalized();
  // make sure the y-axis is orthogonal to the other two
  Eigen::Vector3d yAxis = xAxis.cross (zAxis);

	view_mat.block <1, 3> (0, 0) = xAxis;
	view_mat.block <1, 3> (1, 0) = yAxis;
	view_mat.block <1, 3> (2, 0) = -zAxis;
	view_mat.row (3) << 0, 0, 0, 1;

	view_mat.block <3, 1> (0, 3) = view_mat.topLeftCorner<3, 3> () * (-posv);