struct hapmapSnpsCombined *fixStrandAndMerge(struct hashEl *helCEU, struct hashEl *helCHB, struct hashEl *helJPT, struct hashEl *helYRI) /* force everything to positive strand */ { boolean allMatch = TRUE; helCEU = forcePositive(helCEU); helCHB = forcePositive(helCHB); helJPT = forcePositive(helJPT); helYRI = forcePositive(helYRI); /* need a sanity check for alleles */ allMatch = matchingAlleles(helCEU, helCHB, helJPT, helYRI); if (!allMatch) return NULL; return mergeOne(helCEU, helCHB, helJPT, helYRI); }
void runThread(ThreadArgument &thArg) { int thread_id = thArg.thread_id; ProgXrayImport * ptrProg= (ProgXrayImport *)thArg.workClass; MetaData localMD; Image<double> Iaux; FileName fnImgIn, fnImgOut; size_t first = 0, last = 0; MultidimArray<char> mask; while (ptrProg->td->getTasks(first, last)) { for (size_t i=first; i<=last; i++) { ptrProg->inMD.getValue(MDL_IMAGE, fnImgIn, ptrProg->objIds[i]); MDRow rowGeo; ptrProg->readGeoInfo(fnImgIn, rowGeo); // ptrProg->readAndCrop(fnImgIn, Iaux, ptrProg->cropSizeX, ptrProg->cropSizeY);; Iaux().selfWindow(ptrProg->cropSizeYi,ptrProg->cropSizeXi, (int)(YSIZE(Iaux())-ptrProg->cropSizeYe-1),(int)(XSIZE(Iaux())-ptrProg->cropSizeXe-1)); Iaux().resetOrigin(); if (XSIZE(ptrProg->IavgDark())!=0) { Iaux()-=ptrProg->IavgDark(); forcePositive(Iaux()); } double currentBeam = 1; double expTime = 1; double slitWidth = 1; if ( ptrProg->dSource == ptrProg->MISTRAL ) { size_t idx = fnImgIn.getPrefixNumber(); currentBeam = dMi(ptrProg->cBeamArray, idx-1); expTime = dMi(ptrProg->expTimeArray, idx-1); slitWidth = dMi(ptrProg->slitWidthArray, idx-1); } else ptrProg->readCorrectionInfo(fnImgIn, currentBeam, expTime, slitWidth); Iaux() *= 1.0/(currentBeam*expTime*slitWidth); if (XSIZE(ptrProg->IavgFlat())!=0) Iaux()/=ptrProg->IavgFlat(); // Assign median filter to zero valued pixels to avoid -inf when applying log10 Iaux().equal(0,mask); mask.resizeNoCopy(Iaux()); if (XSIZE(ptrProg->bpMask()) != 0) mask += ptrProg->bpMask(); boundMedianFilter(Iaux(), mask); if (ptrProg->logFix) { Iaux().selfLog(); if (ptrProg->selfAttFix) Iaux() *= -1.; } fnImgOut.compose(i+1, ptrProg->fnOut); size_t objId = localMD.addObject(); localMD.setValue(MDL_IMAGE,fnImgOut,objId); localMD.setRow(rowGeo, objId); // // localMD.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_TILT,Iaux.tilt(),objId); Iaux.write(fnImgOut); if (thread_id==0) progress_bar(i); } } //Lock for update the total counter ptrProg->mutex.lock(); ptrProg->outMD.unionAll(localMD); ptrProg->mutex.unlock(); }
void ProgXrayImport::getFlatfield(const FileName &fnFFinput, Image<double> &Iavg) { // Process the flatfield images MultidimArray<double> &mdaIavg = Iavg(); Matrix1D<double> expTimeArray, cBeamArray, slitWidthArray; // Local vectors DataSource ldSource = dSource; // Checking if fnFFinput is a single file to obtain the flatfield avg from if (extFlat && isImage(fnFFinput)) {; ldSource = NONE; } else { switch (ldSource) { case MISTRAL: if (!H5File.checkDataset(fnFFinput.getBlockName().c_str())) break; {; H5File.getDataset("NXtomo/instrument/bright_field/ExpTimes", expTimeArray, false); H5File.getDataset("NXtomo/instrument/bright_field/current", cBeamArray, false); // If expTime is empty or only one single value in nexus file then we fill with 1 if (expTimeArray.size() < 2) { reportWarning("Input file does not contains flatfields' exposition time information."); expTimeArray.initConstant(fMD.size(), 1.); } // If current is empty or only one single value in nexus file then we fill with 1 if (cBeamArray.size() < 2) { reportWarning("Input file does not contains flatfields' current beam information."); cBeamArray.initConstant(fMD.size(), 1.); } } // Since Alba does not provide slit width, we set to ones slitWidthArray.initConstant(fMD.size(), 1.); break; case BESSY: { size_t objId; for (size_t i = fIni; i <= fEnd; ++i) { objId = fMD.addObject(); fMD.setValue(MDL_IMAGE, fnFFinput + formatString("/img%d.spe", i), objId); } break; } case GENERIC: { // Get Darkfield std::cout << "Getting darkfield from "+fnFFinput << " ..." << std::endl; getDarkfield(fnFFinput, IavgDark); if (darkFix) IavgDark.write(fnRoot+"_"+fnFFinput.removeDirectories()+"_darkfield.xmp"); std::vector<FileName> listDir; fnFFinput.getFiles(listDir); size_t objId; for (size_t i = 0; i < listDir.size(); ++i) { if (!listDir[i].hasImageExtension()) continue; objId = fMD.addObject(); fMD.setValue(MDL_IMAGE, fnFFinput+"/"+listDir[i], objId); } } break; } } if ( fMD.size() == 0 ) { reportWarning("XrayImport::getFlatfield: No images to process"); return; } ImageInfo imFFInfo; getImageInfo(fMD, imFFInfo); if ( (imFFInfo.adim.xdim != imgInfo.adim.xdim) || (imFFInfo.adim.ydim != imgInfo.adim.ydim) ) { reportWarning(formatString("XrayImport:: Flatfield images size %dx%d different from Tomogram images size %dx%d", imFFInfo.adim.xdim,imFFInfo.adim.ydim,imgInfo.adim.xdim,imgInfo.adim.ydim)); std::cout << "Setting crop values to fit the smallest dimensions." <<std::endl; // This shift in the crop sizes is exclusive of Mistral data cropSizeXi = (imgInfo.adim.xdim - std::min(imgInfo.adim.xdim-cropSizeX*2, imFFInfo.adim.xdim))/2 + 1; cropSizeYi = (imgInfo.adim.ydim - std::min(imgInfo.adim.ydim-cropSizeY*2, imFFInfo.adim.ydim))/2 + 1; cropSizeXe = cropSizeXi - 2; cropSizeYe = cropSizeYi - 2; } int cropX = (imFFInfo.adim.xdim - (imgInfo.adim.xdim-cropSizeXi-cropSizeXe))/2;// - 1; int cropY = (imFFInfo.adim.ydim - (imgInfo.adim.ydim-cropSizeYi-cropSizeYe))/2;// - 1; int N = 0; Image<double> Iaux; FileName fnImg; FOR_ALL_OBJECTS_IN_METADATA(fMD) { fMD.getValue(MDL_IMAGE, fnImg, __iter.objId); readAndCrop(fnImg, Iaux, cropX, cropY); if ( darkFix ) { Iaux() -= IavgDark(); forcePositive(Iaux()); } double currentBeam = 1; double expTime = 1; double slitWidth = 1; switch (ldSource) { case MISTRAL: { size_t idx = fnImg.getPrefixNumber(); currentBeam = dMi(cBeamArray, idx-1); expTime = dMi(expTimeArray, idx-1); slitWidth = dMi(slitWidthArray, idx-1); } break; case BESSY: case GENERIC: readCorrectionInfo(fnImg, currentBeam, expTime, slitWidth); break; default: break; } Iaux() *= 1.0/(currentBeam*expTime*slitWidth); if ( N == 0 ) mdaIavg = Iaux(); else mdaIavg += Iaux(); N++; } darkFix = false; // We reset just in case there is no dark field for tomo images mdaIavg*=1.0/N; /* Create a mask with zero valued pixels to apply boundaries median filter * to avoid dividing by zero when normalizing */ MultidimArray<char> &mdaMask = MULTIDIM_ARRAY(bpMask); if ( !fnBPMask.empty() && !mdaIavg.sameShape(mdaMask) ) REPORT_ERROR(ERR_MULTIDIM_SIZE, "XrayImport: Mask size does not match flat fields size."); if (BPFactor > 0) { double avg, std; mdaIavg.computeAvgStdev(avg, std); mdaMask.resize(mdaIavg, false); double th = avg - std*BPFactor; FOR_ALL_DIRECT_ELEMENTS_IN_MULTIDIMARRAY(mdaMask) dAi(mdaMask, n) = dAi(mdaIavg, n) < th; } else if (fnBPMask.empty()) mdaIavg.equal(0,mdaMask); MultidimArray<char> mask = mdaMask; boundMedianFilter(mdaIavg,mask); }