void SelectBox::setColors(const QColor& colorL, const QColor& fillL, const QColor& colorR, const QColor& fillR, int newAlpha) { qDebug("SelectBox setColors()"); alpha = newAlpha; leftPenColor = colorL; //TODO: allow customization leftBrushColor = QColor(fillL.red(), fillL.green(), fillL.blue(), alpha); rightPenColor = colorR; //TODO: allow customization rightBrushColor = QColor(fillR.red(), fillR.green(), fillR.blue(), alpha); leftPen.setColor(leftPenColor); leftPen.setStyle(Qt::DashLine); leftBrush.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern); leftBrush.setColor(leftBrushColor); rightPen.setColor(rightPenColor); rightPen.setStyle(Qt::SolidLine); rightBrush.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern); rightBrush.setColor(rightBrushColor); if(!boxDir) { dirPen = leftPen; dirBrush = leftBrush; } else { dirPen = rightPen; dirBrush = rightBrush; } forceRepaint(); }
void KviIrcViewToolWidget::filterLoad() { QString szFile; QString szInit; g_pApp->getLocalKvircDirectory(szInit,KviApplication::Filters); if(KviFileDialog::askForOpenFileName(szFile,__tr2qs("Select a File - KVIrc"),szInit,QString(),false,true,this)) // This is the window title { QFile f(szFile); if(f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { char cBuffer[KVI_NUM_MSGTYPE_OPTIONS]; KviMemory::set(cBuffer,0,KVI_NUM_MSGTYPE_OPTIONS); f.read(cBuffer,KVI_NUM_MSGTYPE_OPTIONS); f.close(); for(int i=0; i < KVI_NUM_MSGTYPE_OPTIONS; i++) { m_pFilterItems[i]->setOn(cBuffer[i]); } forceRepaint(); } else { KviMessageBox::warning(__tr2qs("Can't open the filter file %s for reading."),&szFile); } } }
void ServerObject::setHue(unsigned int hue) { if (hue != hue_) { hue_ = hue; worldRenderData_.hueInfo_[1u] = data::Manager::getHuesLoader()->translateHue(hue_); forceRepaint(); } }
void MdiArea::setBackgroundColor(const QColor& color) { if(!color.isValid()) bgColor = background().color(); else bgColor = color; forceRepaint(); }
void RoutingPluginPrivate::updateDestinationInformation() { if ( m_routingModel->route().currentSegment().isValid() ) { qreal remaining = remainingDistance(); qreal distanceLeft = nextInstructionDistance(); m_audio->update( m_routingModel->route(), distanceLeft, remaining, m_routingModel->deviatedFromRoute() ); m_nearNextInstruction = distanceLeft < thresholdDistance; QString pixmapHtml = "<img src=\":/flag.png\" /><br />"; m_widget.destinationDistanceLabel->setText( pixmapHtml + richText( fuzzyDistance( remaining ) ) ); m_widget.instructionIconLabel->setEnabled( m_nearNextInstruction ); m_widget.progressBar->setMaximum( thresholdDistance ); m_widget.progressBar->setValue( qRound( distanceLeft ) ); updateButtonVisibility(); QString pixmap = MarbleDirs::path( "bitmaps/routing_step.png" ); pixmapHtml = QString( "<img src=\"%1\" />" ).arg( pixmap ); qreal planetRadius = m_marbleWidget->model()->planet()->radius(); GeoDataCoordinates const onRoute = m_routingModel->route().positionOnRoute(); GeoDataCoordinates const ego = m_routingModel->route().position(); qreal const distanceToRoute = planetRadius * distanceSphere( ego, onRoute ); if ( !m_routingModel->route().currentSegment().isValid() ) { m_widget.instructionLabel->setText( richText( QObject::tr( "Calculate a route to get directions." ) ) ); m_widget.instructionIconLabel->setText( pixmapHtml ); } else if ( distanceToRoute > 300.0 ) { m_widget.instructionLabel->setText( richText( QObject::tr( "Route left." ) ) ); m_widget.instructionIconLabel->setText( pixmapHtml ); } else if ( !m_routingModel->route().currentSegment().nextRouteSegment().isValid() ) { m_widget.instructionLabel->setText( richText( QObject::tr( "Destination ahead." ) ) ); m_widget.instructionIconLabel->setText( pixmapHtml ); } else { pixmap = m_routingModel->route().currentSegment().nextRouteSegment().maneuver().directionPixmap(); QString const instructionText = m_routingModel->route().currentSegment().nextRouteSegment().maneuver().instructionText(); m_widget.instructionLabel->setText( richText( "%1" ).arg( instructionText ) ); pixmapHtml = QString( "<p align=\"center\"><img src=\"%1\" /><br />%2</p>" ).arg( pixmap ); m_widget.instructionIconLabel->setText( pixmapHtml.arg( richText( fuzzyDistance( distanceLeft ) ) ) ); if( remaining > 50 ) { m_routeCompleted = false; } else { if ( !m_routeCompleted ) { QString content = QObject::tr( "Arrived at destination. <a href=\"#reverse\">Calculate the way back.</a>" ); m_widget.instructionLabel->setText( richText( "%1" ).arg( content ) ); } m_routeCompleted = true; } } forceRepaint(); } }
void RoutingPluginPrivate::updateZoomButtons( int zoomValue ) { int const minZoom = m_marbleWidget ? m_marbleWidget->minimumZoom() : 900; int const maxZoom = m_marbleWidget ? m_marbleWidget->maximumZoom() : 2400; bool const zoomInEnabled = zoomValue < maxZoom; bool const zoomOutEnabled = zoomValue > minZoom; if ( ( zoomInEnabled != m_widget.zoomInButton->isEnabled() ) || ( zoomOutEnabled != m_widget.zoomOutButton->isEnabled() ) ) { m_widget.zoomInButton->setEnabled( zoomInEnabled ); m_widget.zoomOutButton->setEnabled( zoomOutEnabled ); forceRepaint(); } }
void RoutingPluginPrivate::toggleGuidanceMode( bool enabled ) { if( !m_marbleWidget || m_guidanceModeEnabled == enabled ) { return; } m_guidanceModeEnabled = enabled; updateButtonVisibility(); if( enabled ) { QObject::connect( m_routingModel, SIGNAL(positionChanged()), m_parent, SLOT(updateDestinationInformation()) ); } else { QObject::disconnect( m_routingModel, SIGNAL(positionChanged()), m_parent, SLOT(updateDestinationInformation()) ); } if ( enabled ) { QString const text = QObject::tr( "Starting guidance mode, please wait..." ); m_widget.instructionLabel->setText( richText( "%1" ).arg( text ) ); } if ( enabled ) { RouteRequest* request = m_marbleWidget->model()->routingManager()->routeRequest(); if ( request && request->size() > 0 ) { GeoDataCoordinates source = request->source(); if ( source.isValid() ) { GeoDataLookAt view; view.setCoordinates( source ); // By happy coincidence this equals OpenStreetMap tile level 15 view.setRange( 851.807 ); m_marbleWidget->flyTo( view ); } } } m_marbleWidget->model()->routingManager()->setGuidanceModeEnabled( enabled ); if ( enabled ) { m_routeCompleted = false; } forceRepaint(); }
void MpOsdItem::customEvent(QEvent *event) { QQuickItem::customEvent(event); switch ((int)event->type()) { case Show: setVisible(true); update(); break; case Hide: setVisible(false); break; case EnqueueFrame: setVisible(true); _GetAllData(event, d->osd); forceRepaint(); break; default: break; } }
void RoutingPluginPrivate::updateGpsButton( PositionProviderPlugin *activePlugin ) { m_widget.gpsButton->setChecked( activePlugin != 0 ); forceRepaint(); }
void RoutingPluginPrivate::updateGuidanceModeButton() { bool const hasRoute = m_routingModel->rowCount() > 0; m_widget.routingButton->setEnabled( hasRoute ); forceRepaint(); }
void MdiArea::setBackgroundTexture(const QString& fileName) { bgTexture.load(fileName); forceRepaint(); }
void MdiArea::setBackgroundLogo(const QString& fileName) { bgLogo.load(fileName); forceRepaint(); }
void MdiArea::useBackgroundColor(bool use) { useColor = use; forceRepaint(); }
void MdiArea::useBackgroundTexture(bool use) { useTexture = use; forceRepaint(); }
void MdiArea::useBackgroundLogo(bool use) { useLogo = use; forceRepaint(); }