Esempio n. 1
void ASTAlterQuery::formatQueryImpl(const FormatSettings & settings, FormatState & state, FormatStateStacked frame) const
    frame.need_parens = false;

    std::string indent_str = settings.one_line ? "" : std::string(4u * frame.indent, ' ');

    settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << indent_str << "ALTER TABLE " << (settings.hilite ? hilite_none : "");

    if (!table.empty())
        if (!database.empty())
            settings.ostr << indent_str << backQuoteIfNeed(database);
            settings.ostr << ".";
        settings.ostr << indent_str << backQuoteIfNeed(table);
    settings.ostr << settings.nl_or_ws;

    FormatStateStacked frame_nested = frame;
    frame_nested.need_parens = false;
    static_cast<IAST *>(command_list)->formatImpl(settings, state, frame_nested);
Esempio n. 2
void ASTDropQuery::formatQueryImpl(const FormatSettings & settings, FormatState &, FormatStateStacked) const
    settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "");
    if (kind == ASTDropQuery::Kind::Drop)
        settings.ostr << "DROP ";
    else if (kind == ASTDropQuery::Kind::Detach)
        settings.ostr << "DETACH ";
    else if (kind == ASTDropQuery::Kind::Truncate)
        settings.ostr << "TRUNCATE ";
        throw Exception("Not supported kind of drop query.", ErrorCodes::SYNTAX_ERROR);

    settings.ostr << ((table.empty() && !database.empty()) ? "DATABASE " : "TABLE ");

    if (if_exists)
        settings.ostr << "IF EXISTS ";

    settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_none : "");

    if (table.empty() && !database.empty())
        settings.ostr << backQuoteIfNeed(database);
        settings.ostr << (!database.empty() ? backQuoteIfNeed(database) + "." : "") << backQuoteIfNeed(table);

Esempio n. 3
void ASTAlterQuery::formatQueryImpl(const FormatSettings & settings, FormatState & state, FormatStateStacked frame) const
    frame.need_parens = false;

    std::string indent_str = settings.one_line ? "" : std::string(4u * frame.indent, ' ');

    settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << indent_str << "ALTER TABLE " << (settings.hilite ? hilite_none : "");

    if (!table.empty())
        if (!database.empty())
            settings.ostr << indent_str << backQuoteIfNeed(database);
            settings.ostr << ".";
        settings.ostr << indent_str << backQuoteIfNeed(table);
    settings.ostr << settings.nl_or_ws;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < parameters.size(); ++i)
        const ASTAlterQuery::Parameters & p = parameters[i];

        if (p.type == ASTAlterQuery::ADD_COLUMN)
            settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << indent_str << "ADD COLUMN " << (settings.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
            p.col_decl->formatImpl(settings, state, frame);

            /// AFTER
            if (p.column)
                settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << indent_str << " AFTER " << (settings.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
                p.column->formatImpl(settings, state, frame);
        else if (p.type == ASTAlterQuery::DROP_COLUMN)
            settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << indent_str
                << (p.clear_column ? "CLEAR " : "DROP ") << "COLUMN " << (settings.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
            p.column->formatImpl(settings, state, frame);
            if (p.partition)
                settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << indent_str<< " IN PARTITION " << (settings.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
                p.partition->formatImpl(settings, state, frame);
        else if (p.type == ASTAlterQuery::MODIFY_COLUMN)
            settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << indent_str << "MODIFY COLUMN " << (settings.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
            p.col_decl->formatImpl(settings, state, frame);
        else if (p.type == ASTAlterQuery::MODIFY_PRIMARY_KEY)
            settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << indent_str << "MODIFY PRIMARY KEY " << (settings.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
            settings.ostr << "(";
            p.primary_key->formatImpl(settings, state, frame);
            settings.ostr << ")";
        else if (p.type == ASTAlterQuery::DROP_PARTITION)
            settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << indent_str << (p.detach ? "DETACH" : "DROP") << " PARTITION "
            << (settings.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
            p.partition->formatImpl(settings, state, frame);
        else if (p.type == ASTAlterQuery::ATTACH_PARTITION)
            settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << indent_str << "ATTACH "
                << (p.part ? "PART " : "PARTITION ") << (settings.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
            p.partition->formatImpl(settings, state, frame);
        else if (p.type == ASTAlterQuery::FETCH_PARTITION)
            settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << indent_str << "FETCH "
                << "PARTITION " << (settings.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
            p.partition->formatImpl(settings, state, frame);
            settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "")
                << " FROM " << (settings.hilite ? hilite_none : "") << std::quoted(p.from, '\'');
        else if (p.type == ASTAlterQuery::FREEZE_PARTITION)
            settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << indent_str << "FREEZE PARTITION " << (settings.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
            p.partition->formatImpl(settings, state, frame);

            if (!p.with_name.empty())
                settings.ostr << " " << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << "WITH NAME" << (settings.hilite ? hilite_none : "")
                    << " " << std::quoted(p.with_name, '\'');
            throw Exception("Unexpected type of ALTER", ErrorCodes::UNEXPECTED_AST_STRUCTURE);

        std::string comma = (i < (parameters.size() -1) ) ? "," : "";
        settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << indent_str << comma << (settings.hilite ? hilite_none : "");

        settings.ostr << settings.nl_or_ws;