Esempio n. 1
static stat_t _homing_axis_start(int8_t axis)
	// get the first or next axis
	if ((axis = _get_next_axis(axis)) < 0) { 				// axes are done or error
		if (axis == -1) {									// -1 is done
			return (_set_homing_func(_homing_finalize_exit));
		} else if (axis == -2) { 							// -2 is error
			cm.cycle_state = CYCLE_OFF;
			return (_homing_error_exit(-2));
	// trap gross mis-configurations
	if ((fp_ZERO(cm.a[axis].search_velocity)) || (fp_ZERO(cm.a[axis].latch_velocity))) {
		return (_homing_error_exit(axis));
	if ((cm.a[axis].travel_max <= 0) || (cm.a[axis].latch_backoff <= 0)) {
		return (_homing_error_exit(axis));

	// determine the switch setup and that config is OK
	hm.min_mode = get_switch_mode(MIN_SWITCH(axis));
	hm.max_mode = get_switch_mode(MAX_SWITCH(axis));

	if ( ((hm.min_mode & SW_HOMING_BIT) ^ (hm.max_mode & SW_HOMING_BIT)) == 0) {// one or the other must be homing
		return (_homing_error_exit(axis));					// axis cannot be homed
	hm.axis = axis;											// persist the axis
	hm.search_velocity = fabs(cm.a[axis].search_velocity);	// search velocity is always positive
	hm.latch_velocity = fabs(cm.a[axis].latch_velocity);	// latch velocity is always positive

	// setup parameters homing to the minimum switch
	if (hm.min_mode & SW_HOMING_BIT) {
		hm.homing_switch = MIN_SWITCH(axis);				// the min is the homing switch
		hm.limit_switch = MAX_SWITCH(axis);					// the max would be the limit switch
		hm.search_travel = -cm.a[axis].travel_max;			// search travels in negative direction
		hm.latch_backoff = cm.a[axis].latch_backoff;		// latch travels in positive direction
		hm.zero_backoff = cm.a[axis].zero_backoff;

	// setup parameters for positive travel (homing to the maximum switch)
	} else {
		hm.homing_switch = MAX_SWITCH(axis);				// the max is the homing switch
		hm.limit_switch = MIN_SWITCH(axis);					// the min would be the limit switch
		hm.search_travel = cm.a[axis].travel_max;			// search travels in positive direction
		hm.latch_backoff = -cm.a[axis].latch_backoff;		// latch travels in negative direction
		hm.zero_backoff = -cm.a[axis].zero_backoff;
    // if homing is disabled for the axis then skip to the next axis
	uint8_t sw_mode = get_switch_mode(hm.homing_switch);
	if ((sw_mode != SW_MODE_HOMING) && (sw_mode != SW_MODE_HOMING_LIMIT)) {
		return (_set_homing_func(_homing_axis_start));
	// disable the limit switch parameter if there is no limit switch
	if (get_switch_mode(hm.limit_switch) == SW_MODE_DISABLED) { hm.limit_switch = -1;}
	hm.saved_jerk = cm.a[axis].jerk_max;					// save the max jerk value
	return (_set_homing_func(_homing_axis_clear));			// start the clear
Esempio n. 2
static void _calc_move_times(GCodeState_t *gms, const float axis_length[], const float axis_square[])
										// gms = Gcode model state
	float inv_time=0;				// inverse time if doing a feed in G93 mode
	float xyz_time=0;				// coordinated move linear part at requested feed rate
	float abc_time=0;				// coordinated move rotary part at requested feed rate
	float max_time=0;				// time required for the rate-limiting axis
	float tmp_time=0;				// used in computation
	gms->minimum_time = 8675309;	// arbitrarily large number

	// compute times for feed motion
	if (gms->motion_mode != MOTION_MODE_STRAIGHT_TRAVERSE) {
		if (gms->feed_rate_mode == INVERSE_TIME_MODE) {
			inv_time = gms->feed_rate;	// NB: feed rate was un-inverted to minutes by cm_set_feed_rate()
			gms->feed_rate_mode = UNITS_PER_MINUTE_MODE;
		} else {
			// compute length of linear move in millimeters. Feed rate is provided as mm/min
			xyz_time = sqrt(axis_square[AXIS_X] + axis_square[AXIS_Y] + axis_square[AXIS_Z]) / gms->feed_rate;

			// if no linear axes, compute length of multi-axis rotary move in degrees. Feed rate is provided as degrees/min
			if (fp_ZERO(xyz_time)) {
				abc_time = sqrt(axis_square[AXIS_A] + axis_square[AXIS_B] + axis_square[AXIS_C]) / gms->feed_rate;
	for (uint8_t axis = AXIS_X; axis < AXES; axis++) {
		if (gms->motion_mode == MOTION_MODE_STRAIGHT_TRAVERSE) {
			tmp_time = fabs(axis_length[axis]) / cm.a[axis].velocity_max;
			tmp_time = fabs(axis_length[axis]) / cm.a[axis].feedrate_max;
		max_time = max(max_time, tmp_time);

		if (tmp_time > 0) { 	// collect minimum time if this axis is not zero
			gms->minimum_time = min(gms->minimum_time, tmp_time);
	gms->move_time = max4(inv_time, max_time, xyz_time, abc_time);
Esempio n. 3
uint8_t cm_straight_probe(float target[], bool flags[])
    // trap zero feed rate condition
    if (fp_ZERO( {

    // error if no axes specified
    if (!flags[AXIS_X] && !flags[AXIS_Y] && !flags[AXIS_Z]) {
        return (STAT_GCODE_AXIS_IS_MISSING);

    // set probe move endpoint
    copy_vector(, target);     // set probe move endpoint
    copy_vector(pb.flags, flags);       // set axes involved on the move
    clear_vector(cm.probe_results);     // clear the old probe position.
    // NOTE: relying on probe_result will not detect a probe to 0,0,0.

    cm.probe_state = PROBE_WAITING;     // wait until planner queue empties before completing initialization
    pb.func = _probing_init;            // bind probing initialization function
    return (STAT_OK);
Esempio n. 4
#define axis_length bf->body_length
#define axis_velocity bf->cruise_velocity
#define axis_tail bf->tail_length
#define longest_tail bf->head_length
stat_t mp_aline(GCodeState_t *gm_in)
	mpBuf_t *bf; 						// current move pointer
	float exact_stop = 0;				// preset this value OFF
	float junction_velocity;
	uint8_t mr_flag = false;

	// compute some reusable terms
	float axis_length[AXES];
	float axis_square[AXES];
	float length_square = 0;

	for (uint8_t axis=0; axis<AXES; axis++) {
		axis_length[axis] = gm_in->target[axis] - mm.position[axis];
		axis_square[axis] = square(axis_length[axis]);
		length_square += axis_square[axis];
	float length = sqrt(length_square);

	if (fp_ZERO(length)) {
//		sr_request_status_report();
		return (STAT_OK);

	// If _calc_move_times() says the move will take less than the minimum move time
	// get a more accurate time estimate based on starting velocity and acceleration.
	// The time of the move is determined by its initial velocity (Vi) and how much
	// acceleration will be occur. For this we need to look at the exit velocity of
	// the previous block. There are 3 possible cases:
	//	(1) There is no previous block. Vi = 0
	//	(2) Previous block is optimally planned. Vi = previous block's exit_velocity
	//	(3) Previous block is not optimally planned. Vi <= previous block's entry_velocity + delta_velocity

	_calc_move_times(gm_in, axis_length, axis_square);						// set move time and minimum time in the state
	if (gm_in->move_time < MIN_BLOCK_TIME) {
		float delta_velocity = pow(length, 0.66666666) * mm.cbrt_jerk;		// max velocity change for this move
		float entry_velocity = 0;											// pre-set as if no previous block
		if ((bf = mp_get_run_buffer()) != NULL) {
			if (bf->replannable == true) {									// not optimally planned
				entry_velocity = bf->entry_velocity + bf->delta_vmax;
			} else {														// optimally planned
				entry_velocity = bf->exit_velocity;
		float move_time = (2 * length) / (2*entry_velocity + delta_velocity);// compute execution time for this move
		if (move_time < MIN_BLOCK_TIME)

	// get a cleared buffer and setup move variables
	if ((bf = mp_get_write_buffer()) == NULL)
        return(cm_hard_alarm(STAT_BUFFER_FULL_FATAL));                  // never supposed to fail
	bf->bf_func = mp_exec_aline;										// register the callback to the exec function
	bf->length = length;
	memcpy(&bf->gm, gm_in, sizeof(GCodeState_t));						// copy model state into planner buffer

	// Compute the unit vector and find the right jerk to use (combined operations)
	// To determine the jerk value to use for the block we want to find the axis for which
	// the jerk cannot be exceeded - the 'jerk-limit' axis. This is the axis for which
	// the time to decelerate from the target velocity to zero would be the longest.
	//	We can determine the "longest" deceleration in terms of time or distance.
	//  The math for time-to-decelerate T from speed S to speed E with constant
	//  jerk J is:
	//		T = 2*sqrt((S-E)/J[n])
	//	Since E is always zero in this calculation, we can simplify:
	//		T = 2*sqrt(S/J[n])
	//	The math for distance-to-decelerate l from speed S to speed E with constant
	//  jerk J is:
	//		l = (S+E)*sqrt((S-E)/J)
	//	Since E is always zero in this calculation, we can simplify:
	//		l = S*sqrt(S/J)
	//  The final value we want is to know which one is *longest*, compared to the others,
	//	so we don't need the actual value. This means that the scale of the value doesn't
	//	matter, so for T we can remove the "2 *" and For L we can remove the "S*".
	//	This leaves both to be simply "sqrt(S/J)". Since we don't need the scale,
	//	it doesn't matter what speed we're coming from, so S can be replaced with 1.
	//  However, we *do* need to compensate for the fact that each axis contributes
	//	differently to the move, so we will scale each contribution C[n] by the
	//	proportion of the axis movement length D[n] to the total length of the move L.
	//	Using that, we construct the following, with these definitions:
	//		J[n] = max_jerk for axis n
	//		D[n] = distance traveled for this move for axis n
	//		L = total length of the move in all axes
	//		C[n] = "axis contribution" of axis n
	// For each axis n: C[n] = sqrt(1/J[n]) * (D[n]/L)
	//	Keeping in mind that we only need a rank compared to the other axes, we can further
	//	optimize the calculations::
	//	Square the expression to remove the square root:
	//		C[n]^2 = (1/J[n]) * (D[n]/L)^2	(We don't care the C is squared, we'll use it that way.)
	//	Re-arranged to optimize divides for pre-calculated values, we create a value
	//  M that we compute once:
	//		M = (1/(L^2))
	//  Then we use it in the calculations for every axis:
	//		C[n] = (1/J[n]) * D[n]^2 * M
	//  Also note that we already have (1/J[n]) calculated for each axis, which simplifies it further.
	// Finally, the selected jerk term needs to be scaled by the reciprocal of the absolute value
	// of the jerk-limit axis's unit vector term. This way when the move is finally decomposed into
	// its constituent axes for execution the jerk for that axis will be at it's maximum value.

	float C;					// contribution term. C = T * a
	float maxC = 0;
	float recip_L2 = 1/length_square;

	for (uint8_t axis=0; axis<AXES; axis++) {
		if (fabs(axis_length[axis]) > 0) {								// You cannot use the fp_XXX comparisons here!
			bf->unit[axis] = axis_length[axis] / bf->length;			// compute unit vector term (zeros are already zero)
			C = axis_square[axis] * recip_L2 * cm.a[axis].recip_jerk;	// squaring axis_length ensures it's positive
			if (C > maxC) {
				maxC = C;
				bf->jerk_axis = axis;						// also needed for junction vmax calculation
	// set up and pre-compute the jerk terms needed for this round of planning
	bf->jerk = cm.a[bf->jerk_axis].jerk_max * JERK_MULTIPLIER / fabs(bf->unit[bf->jerk_axis]);	// scale the jerk

	if (fabs(bf->jerk - mm.jerk) > JERK_MATCH_PRECISION) {	// specialized comparison for tolerance of delta
		mm.jerk = bf->jerk;									// used before this point next time around
		mm.recip_jerk = 1/bf->jerk;							// compute cached jerk terms used by planning
		mm.cbrt_jerk = cbrt(bf->jerk);
	bf->recip_jerk = mm.recip_jerk;
	bf->cbrt_jerk = mm.cbrt_jerk;

	// finish up the current block variables
	if (cm_get_path_control(MODEL) != PATH_EXACT_STOP) { 	// exact stop cases already zeroed
		bf->replannable = true;
		exact_stop = 8675309;								// an arbitrarily large floating point number
	bf->cruise_vmax = bf->length / bf->gm.move_time;		// target velocity requested
	junction_velocity = _get_junction_vmax(bf->pv->unit, bf->unit);
	bf->entry_vmax = min3(bf->cruise_vmax, junction_velocity, exact_stop);
	bf->delta_vmax = mp_get_target_velocity(0, bf->length, bf);
	bf->exit_vmax = min3(bf->cruise_vmax, (bf->entry_vmax + bf->delta_vmax), exact_stop);
	bf->braking_velocity = bf->delta_vmax;

	// Note: these next lines must remain in exact order. Position must update before committing the buffer.
	_plan_block_list(bf, &mr_flag);				// replan block list
	copy_vector(mm.position, bf->;	// set the planner position
	mp_commit_write_buffer(MOVE_TYPE_ALINE); 	// commit current block (must follow the position update)
	return (STAT_OK);
Esempio n. 5
stat_t mp_plan_hold_callback()
	if (cm.hold_state != FEEDHOLD_PLAN)
        return (STAT_NOOP);                     // not planning a feedhold

	mpBuf_t *bp; 				                // working buffer pointer
	if ((bp = mp_get_run_buffer()) == NULL)
        return (STAT_NOOP);                     // Oops! nothing's running

	uint8_t mr_flag = true;                     // used to tell replan to account for mr buffer Vx
	float mr_available_length;                  // available length left in mr buffer for deceleration
	float braking_velocity;                     // velocity left to shed to brake to zero
	float braking_length;                       // distance required to brake to zero from braking_velocity

	// examine and process mr buffer
	mr_available_length = get_axis_vector_length(, mr.position);

/*	mr_available_length =
		(sqrt(square(mr.endpoint[AXIS_X] - mr.position[AXIS_X]) +
			  square(mr.endpoint[AXIS_Y] - mr.position[AXIS_Y]) +
			  square(mr.endpoint[AXIS_Z] - mr.position[AXIS_Z]) +
			  square(mr.endpoint[AXIS_A] - mr.position[AXIS_A]) +
			  square(mr.endpoint[AXIS_B] - mr.position[AXIS_B]) +
			  square(mr.endpoint[AXIS_C] - mr.position[AXIS_C])));


	// compute next_segment velocity
//	braking_velocity = mr.segment_velocity;
//	if (mr.section != SECTION_BODY) { braking_velocity += mr.forward_diff_1;}
	braking_velocity = _compute_next_segment_velocity();
	braking_length = mp_get_target_length(braking_velocity, 0, bp); // bp is OK to use here

	// Hack to prevent Case 2 moves for perfect-fit decels. Happens in homing situations
	// The real fix: The braking velocity cannot simply be the mr.segment_velocity as this
	// is the velocity of the last segment, not the one that's going to be executed next.
	// The braking_velocity needs to be the velocity of the next segment that has not yet
	// been computed. In the mean time, this hack will work.
	if ((braking_length > mr_available_length) && (fp_ZERO(bp->exit_velocity))) {
		braking_length = mr_available_length;

	// Case 1: deceleration fits entirely into the length remaining in mr buffer
	if (braking_length <= mr_available_length) {
		// set mr to a tail to perform the deceleration
		mr.exit_velocity = 0;
		mr.tail_length = braking_length;
		mr.cruise_velocity = braking_velocity;
		mr.section = SECTION_TAIL;
		mr.section_state = SECTION_NEW;

		// re-use bp+0 to be the hold point and to run the remaining block length
		bp->length = mr_available_length - braking_length;
		bp->delta_vmax = mp_get_target_velocity(0, bp->length, bp);
		bp->entry_vmax = 0;						// set bp+0 as hold point
		bp->move_state = MOVE_NEW;				// tell _exec to re-use the bf buffer

		_reset_replannable_list();				// make it replan all the blocks
		_plan_block_list(mp_get_last_buffer(), &mr_flag);
		cm.hold_state = FEEDHOLD_DECEL;			// set state to decelerate and exit
		return (STAT_OK);

	// Case 2: deceleration exceeds length remaining in mr buffer
	// First, replan mr to minimum (but non-zero) exit velocity

	mr.section = SECTION_TAIL;
	mr.section_state = SECTION_NEW;
	mr.tail_length = mr_available_length;
	mr.cruise_velocity = braking_velocity;
	mr.exit_velocity = braking_velocity - mp_get_target_velocity(0, mr_available_length, bp);

	// Find the point where deceleration reaches zero. This could span multiple buffers.
	braking_velocity = mr.exit_velocity;		// adjust braking velocity downward
	bp->move_state = MOVE_NEW;					// tell _exec to re-use buffer
	for (uint8_t i=0; i<PLANNER_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE; i++) {// a safety to avoid wraparound
		mp_copy_buffer(bp, bp->nx);				// copy bp+1 into bp+0 (and onward...)
		if (bp->move_type != MOVE_TYPE_ALINE) {	// skip any non-move buffers
			bp = mp_get_next_buffer(bp);		// point to next buffer
		bp->entry_vmax = braking_velocity;		// velocity we need to shed
		braking_length = mp_get_target_length(braking_velocity, 0, bp);

		if (braking_length > bp->length) {		// decel does not fit in bp buffer
			bp->exit_vmax = braking_velocity - mp_get_target_velocity(0, bp->length, bp);
			braking_velocity = bp->exit_vmax;	// braking velocity for next buffer
			bp = mp_get_next_buffer(bp);		// point to next buffer
	// Deceleration now fits in the current bp buffer
	// Plan the first buffer of the pair as the decel, the second as the accel
	bp->length = braking_length;
	bp->exit_vmax = 0;

	bp = mp_get_next_buffer(bp);				// point to the acceleration buffer
	bp->entry_vmax = 0;
	bp->length -= braking_length;				// the buffers were identical (and hence their lengths)
	bp->delta_vmax = mp_get_target_velocity(0, bp->length, bp);
	bp->exit_vmax = bp->delta_vmax;

	_reset_replannable_list();					// make it replan all the blocks
	_plan_block_list(mp_get_last_buffer(), &mr_flag);
	cm.hold_state = FEEDHOLD_DECEL;				// set state to decelerate and exit
	return (STAT_OK);
Esempio n. 6
void json_print_response(uint8_t status)

	if (js.json_verbosity == JV_SILENT) {				    // silent means no responses
	if (js.json_verbosity == JV_EXCEPTIONS)	{				// cutout for JV_EXCEPTIONS mode
		if (status == STAT_OK) {
			if (cm.machine_state != MACHINE_INITIALIZING) {	// always do full echo during startup

	// Body processing
	nvObj_t *nv = nv_body;
	if (status == STAT_JSON_SYNTAX_ERROR) {
		nv_add_string((const char *)"err", escape_string(cs.bufp, cs.saved_buf));

	} else if (cm.machine_state != MACHINE_INITIALIZING) {	// always do full echo during startup
		uint8_t nv_type;
		do {
			if ((nv_type = nv_get_type(nv)) == NV_TYPE_NULL) break;

			if (nv_type == NV_TYPE_GCODE) {
				if (js.echo_json_gcode_block == false) {	// kill command echo if not enabled
					nv->valuetype = TYPE_EMPTY;

//++++		} else if (nv_type == NV_TYPE_CONFIG) {			// kill config echo if not enabled
//fix me		if (js.echo_json_configs == false) {
//					nv->valuetype = TYPE_EMPTY;
//				}

			} else if (nv_type == NV_TYPE_MESSAGE) {		// kill message echo if not enabled
				if (js.echo_json_messages == false) {
					nv->valuetype = TYPE_EMPTY;

			} else if (nv_type == NV_TYPE_LINENUM) {		// kill line number echo if not enabled
				if ((js.echo_json_linenum == false) || (fp_ZERO(nv->value))) { // do not report line# 0
					nv->valuetype = TYPE_EMPTY;
		} while ((nv = nv->nx) != NULL);

	// Footer processing
	while(nv->valuetype != TYPE_EMPTY) {					// find a free nvObj at end of the list...
		if ((nv = nv->nx) == NULL) {						// oops! No free nvObj!
			rpt_exception(STAT_JSON_TOO_LONG, "json_print"); // report this as an exception
	char footer_string[NV_FOOTER_LEN];

    // in xio.cpp:xio.readline the CR||LF read from the host is not appended to the string.
    // to ensure that the correct number of bytes are reported back to the host we add a +1 to
    // cs.linelen so that the number of bytes received matches the number of bytes reported
    sprintf((char *)footer_string, "%d,%d,%d", 1, status, cs.linelen + 1);
    cs.linelen = 0;										    // reset linelen so it's only reported once

//	if (xio.enable_window_mode) {							// 2 footer styles are supported...
//		sprintf((char *)footer_string, "%d,%d,%d", 2, status, xio_get_window_slots());	//...windowing
//	} else {
//		sprintf((char *)footer_string, "%d,%d,%d", 1, status, cs.linelen);				//...streaming
//		cs.linelen = 0;										// reset linelen so it's only reported once
//	}

	nv_copy_string(nv, footer_string);						// link string to nv object
	nv->depth = 0;											// footer 'f' is a peer to response 'r' (hard wired to 0)
	nv->valuetype = TYPE_ARRAY;								// declare it as an array
	strcpy(nv->token, "f");									// set it to Footer
	nv->nx = NULL;											// terminate the list

	// serialize the JSON response and print it if there were no errors
	if (json_serialize(nv_header, cs.out_buf, sizeof(cs.out_buf)) >= 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s", cs.out_buf);
Esempio n. 7
 * cm_arc_feed() - canonical machine entry point for arc
 * Generates an arc by queueing line segments to the move buffer. The arc is
 * approximated by generating a large number of tiny, linear segments.
stat_t cm_arc_feed(float target[], float flags[],// arc endpoints
				   float i, float j, float k, 	 // raw arc offsets
				   float radius, 				 // non-zero radius implies radius mode
				   uint8_t motion_mode)			 // defined motion mode
	// trap zero feed rate condition
	if (( != INVERSE_TIME_MODE) && (fp_ZERO( {

	// Trap conditions where no arc movement will occur, but the system is still in
	// arc motion mode - this is not an error. This can happen when a F word or M
	// word is by itself.(The tests below are organized for execution efficiency)
	if ( fp_ZERO(i) && fp_ZERO(j) && fp_ZERO(k) && fp_ZERO(radius) ) {
		if ( fp_ZERO((flags[AXIS_X] + flags[AXIS_Y] + flags[AXIS_Z] +
					  flags[AXIS_A] + flags[AXIS_B] + flags[AXIS_C]))) {
			return (STAT_OK);

	// set values in the Gcode model state & copy it (linenum was already captured)
	cm_set_model_target(target, flags); = motion_mode;
	cm_set_work_offsets(&;					// capture the fully resolved offsets to gm
	memcpy(&, &, sizeof(GCodeState_t));	// copy GCode context to arc singleton - some will be overwritten to run segments

	// populate the arc control singleton
	copy_vector(arc.position,;		// set initial arc position from gcode model
	arc.radius = _to_millimeters(radius);			// set arc radius or zero
	arc.offset[0] = _to_millimeters(i);				// copy offsets with conversion to canonical form (mm)
	arc.offset[1] = _to_millimeters(j);
	arc.offset[2] = _to_millimeters(k);

	// Set the arc plane for the current G17/G18/G19 setting
	// Plane axis 0 and 1 are the arc plane, 2 is the linear axis normal to the arc plane
	if ( == CANON_PLANE_XY) {	// G17 - the vast majority of arcs are in the G17 (XY) plane
		arc.plane_axis_0 = AXIS_X;
		arc.plane_axis_1 = AXIS_Y;
		arc.linear_axis  = AXIS_Z;
	} else if ( == CANON_PLANE_XZ) {	// G18
		arc.plane_axis_0 = AXIS_X;
		arc.plane_axis_1 = AXIS_Z;
		arc.linear_axis  = AXIS_Y;
	} else if ( == CANON_PLANE_YZ) {	// G19
		arc.plane_axis_0 = AXIS_Y;
		arc.plane_axis_1 = AXIS_Z;
		arc.linear_axis  = AXIS_X;

	// compute arc runtime values and prep for execution by the callback

	// test arc soft limits
	stat_t status = _test_arc_soft_limits();
		copy_vector(,;		// reset model position
		return (cm_soft_alarm(status));

	cm_cycle_start();						// if not already started
	arc.run_state = MOVE_RUN;				// enable arc to be run from the callback
	return (STAT_OK);
Esempio n. 8
 * _compute_arc() - compute arc from I and J (arc center point)
 *	The theta calculation sets up an clockwise or counterclockwise arc from the current
 *	position to the target position around the center designated by the offset vector.
 *	All theta-values measured in radians of deviance from the positive y-axis.
 *                      | <- theta == 0
 *                    * * *
 *                  *       *
 *                *           *
 *                *     O ----T   <- theta_end (e.g. 90 degrees: theta_end == PI/2)
 *                *   /
 *                  C   <- theta_start (e.g. -145 degrees: theta_start == -PI*(3/4))
 *  Parts of this routine were originally sourced from the grbl project.
static stat_t _compute_arc()
	// A non-zero radius value indicates a radius arc
	// Compute IJK offset coordinates. These override any current IJK offsets
	if (fp_NOT_ZERO(arc.radius)) ritorno(_compute_arc_offsets_from_radius()); // returns if error

	// Calculate the theta (angle) of the current point (see header notes)
	// Arc.theta is starting point for theta (theta_start)
	arc.theta = _get_theta(-arc.offset[arc.plane_axis_0], -arc.offset[arc.plane_axis_1]);
	if(isnan(arc.theta) == true) return(STAT_ARC_SPECIFICATION_ERROR);

	// calculate the theta (angle) of the target point
	float theta_end = _get_theta([arc.plane_axis_0] - arc.offset[arc.plane_axis_0] - arc.position[arc.plane_axis_0],[arc.plane_axis_1] - arc.offset[arc.plane_axis_1] - arc.position[arc.plane_axis_1]);
	if(isnan(theta_end) == true) return (STAT_ARC_SPECIFICATION_ERROR);

	// ensure that the difference is positive so we have clockwise travel
	if (theta_end < arc.theta) { theta_end += 2*M_PI; }

	// compute angular travel and invert if gcode wants a counterclockwise arc
	// if angular travel is zero interpret it as a full circle
	arc.angular_travel = theta_end - arc.theta;
	if (fp_ZERO(arc.angular_travel)) {
		if ( == MOTION_MODE_CCW_ARC) {
			arc.angular_travel -= 2*M_PI;
		} else {
			arc.angular_travel = 2*M_PI;
	} else {
		if ( == MOTION_MODE_CCW_ARC) {
			arc.angular_travel -= 2*M_PI;

	// Find the radius, calculate travel in the depth axis of the helix,
	// and compute the time it should take to perform the move
	arc.radius = hypot(arc.offset[arc.plane_axis_0], arc.offset[arc.plane_axis_1]);
	arc.linear_travel =[arc.linear_axis] - arc.position[arc.linear_axis];

	// length is the total mm of travel of the helix (or just a planar arc)
	arc.length = hypot(arc.angular_travel * arc.radius, fabs(arc.linear_travel));
	if (arc.length < cm.arc_segment_len) return (STAT_MINIMUM_LENGTH_MOVE); // arc is too short to draw

	arc.time = _get_arc_time(arc.linear_travel, arc.angular_travel, arc.radius);

	// Find the minimum number of segments that meets these constraints...
	float segments_required_for_chordal_accuracy = arc.length / sqrt(4*cm.chordal_tolerance * (2 * arc.radius - cm.chordal_tolerance));
	float segments_required_for_minimum_distance = arc.length / cm.arc_segment_len;
	float segments_required_for_minimum_time = arc.time * MICROSECONDS_PER_MINUTE / MIN_ARC_SEGMENT_USEC;
	arc.segments = floor(min3(segments_required_for_chordal_accuracy,

	arc.segments = max(arc.segments, 1);		//...but is at least 1 segment = arc.time / arc.segments;	// gcode state struct gets segment_time, not arc time
	arc.segment_count = (int32_t)arc.segments;
	arc.segment_theta = arc.angular_travel / arc.segments;
	arc.segment_linear_travel = arc.linear_travel / arc.segments;
	arc.center_0 = arc.position[arc.plane_axis_0] - sin(arc.theta) * arc.radius;
	arc.center_1 = arc.position[arc.plane_axis_1] - cos(arc.theta) * arc.radius;[arc.linear_axis] = arc.position[arc.linear_axis];	// initialize the linear target
	return (STAT_OK);
Esempio n. 9
void mp_calculate_trapezoid(mpBuf_t *bf)
	//**   RULE #1 of mp_calculate_trapezoid()  **
	//**        DON'T CHANGE bf->length         **

	// F case: Block is too short - run time < minimum segment time
	// Force block into a single segment body with limited velocities
	// Accept the entry velocity, limit the cruise, and go for the best exit velocity
	// you can get given the delta_vmax (maximum velocity slew) supportable.

	bf->naiive_move_time = 2 * bf->length / (bf->entry_velocity + bf->exit_velocity); // average

	if (bf->naiive_move_time < MIN_SEGMENT_TIME_PLUS_MARGIN) {
		bf->cruise_velocity = bf->length / MIN_SEGMENT_TIME_PLUS_MARGIN;
		bf->exit_velocity = max(0.0, min(bf->cruise_velocity, (bf->entry_velocity - bf->delta_vmax)));
		bf->body_length = bf->length;
		bf->head_length = 0;
		bf->tail_length = 0;
		// We are violating the jerk value but since it's a single segment move we don't use it.

	// B" case: Block is short, but fits into a single body segment

	if (bf->naiive_move_time <= NOM_SEGMENT_TIME) {
		bf->entry_velocity = bf->pv->exit_velocity;
		if (fp_NOT_ZERO(bf->entry_velocity)) {
			bf->cruise_velocity = bf->entry_velocity;
			bf->exit_velocity = bf->entry_velocity;
		} else {
			bf->cruise_velocity = bf->delta_vmax / 2;
			bf->exit_velocity = bf->delta_vmax;
		bf->body_length = bf->length;
		bf->head_length = 0;
		bf->tail_length = 0;
		// We are violating the jerk value but since it's a single segment move we don't use it.

	// B case:  Velocities all match (or close enough)
	//			This occurs frequently in normal gcode files with lots of short lines
	//			This case is not really necessary, but saves lots of processing time

	if (((bf->cruise_velocity - bf->entry_velocity) < TRAPEZOID_VELOCITY_TOLERANCE) &&
	((bf->cruise_velocity - bf->exit_velocity) < TRAPEZOID_VELOCITY_TOLERANCE)) {
		bf->body_length = bf->length;
		bf->head_length = 0;
		bf->tail_length = 0;

	// Head-only and tail-only short-line cases
	//	 H" and T" degraded-fit cases
	//	 H' and T' requested-fit cases where the body residual is less than MIN_BODY_LENGTH

	bf->body_length = 0;
	float minimum_length = mp_get_target_length(bf->entry_velocity, bf->exit_velocity, bf);
	if (bf->length <= (minimum_length + MIN_BODY_LENGTH)) {	// head-only & tail-only cases

		if (bf->entry_velocity > bf->exit_velocity)	{		// tail-only cases (short decelerations)
			if (bf->length < minimum_length) { 				// T" (degraded case)
				bf->entry_velocity = mp_get_target_velocity(bf->exit_velocity, bf->length, bf);
			bf->cruise_velocity = bf->entry_velocity;
			bf->tail_length = bf->length;
			bf->head_length = 0;

		if (bf->entry_velocity < bf->exit_velocity)	{		// head-only cases (short accelerations)
			if (bf->length < minimum_length) { 				// H" (degraded case)
				bf->exit_velocity = mp_get_target_velocity(bf->entry_velocity, bf->length, bf);
			bf->cruise_velocity = bf->exit_velocity;
			bf->head_length = bf->length;
			bf->tail_length = 0;

	// Set head and tail lengths for evaluating the next cases
	bf->head_length = mp_get_target_length(bf->entry_velocity, bf->cruise_velocity, bf);
	bf->tail_length = mp_get_target_length(bf->exit_velocity, bf->cruise_velocity, bf);
	if (bf->head_length < MIN_HEAD_LENGTH) { bf->head_length = 0;}
	if (bf->tail_length < MIN_TAIL_LENGTH) { bf->tail_length = 0;}

	// Rate-limited HT and HT' cases
	if (bf->length < (bf->head_length + bf->tail_length)) { // it's rate limited

		// Symmetric rate-limited case (HT)
		if (fabs(bf->entry_velocity - bf->exit_velocity) < TRAPEZOID_VELOCITY_TOLERANCE) {
			bf->head_length = bf->length/2;
			bf->tail_length = bf->head_length;
			bf->cruise_velocity = min(bf->cruise_vmax, mp_get_target_velocity(bf->entry_velocity, bf->head_length, bf));

			if (bf->head_length < MIN_HEAD_LENGTH) {
				// Convert this to a body-only move
				bf->body_length = bf->length;
				bf->head_length = 0;
				bf->tail_length = 0;

				// Average the entry speed and computed best cruise-speed
				bf->cruise_velocity = (bf->entry_velocity + bf->cruise_velocity)/2;
				bf->entry_velocity = bf->cruise_velocity;
				bf->exit_velocity = bf->cruise_velocity;

		// Asymmetric HT' rate-limited case. This is relatively expensive but it's not called very often
		// iteration trap: uint8_t i=0;
		// iteration trap: if (++i > TRAPEZOID_ITERATION_MAX) { fprintf_P(stderr,PSTR("_calculate_trapezoid() failed to converge"));}

		float computed_velocity = bf->cruise_vmax;
		do {
			bf->cruise_velocity = computed_velocity;	// initialize from previous iteration
			bf->head_length = mp_get_target_length(bf->entry_velocity, bf->cruise_velocity, bf);
			bf->tail_length = mp_get_target_length(bf->exit_velocity, bf->cruise_velocity, bf);
			if (bf->head_length > bf->tail_length) {
				bf->head_length = (bf->head_length / (bf->head_length + bf->tail_length)) * bf->length;
				computed_velocity = mp_get_target_velocity(bf->entry_velocity, bf->head_length, bf);
			} else {
				bf->tail_length = (bf->tail_length / (bf->head_length + bf->tail_length)) * bf->length;
				computed_velocity = mp_get_target_velocity(bf->exit_velocity, bf->tail_length, bf);
			// insert iteration trap here if needed
		} while ((fabs(bf->cruise_velocity - computed_velocity) / computed_velocity) > TRAPEZOID_ITERATION_ERROR_PERCENT);

		// set velocity and clean up any parts that are too short
		bf->cruise_velocity = computed_velocity;
		bf->head_length = mp_get_target_length(bf->entry_velocity, bf->cruise_velocity, bf);
		bf->tail_length = bf->length - bf->head_length;
		if (bf->head_length < MIN_HEAD_LENGTH) {
			bf->tail_length = bf->length;			// adjust the move to be all tail...
			bf->head_length = 0;
		if (bf->tail_length < MIN_TAIL_LENGTH) {
			bf->head_length = bf->length;			//...or all head
			bf->tail_length = 0;

	// Requested-fit cases: remaining of: HBT, HB, BT, BT, H, T, B, cases
	bf->body_length = bf->length - bf->head_length - bf->tail_length;

	// If a non-zero body is < minimum length distribute it to the head and/or tail
	// This will generate small (acceptable) velocity errors in runtime execution
	// but preserve correct distance, which is more important.
	if ((bf->body_length < MIN_BODY_LENGTH) && (fp_NOT_ZERO(bf->body_length))) {
		if (fp_NOT_ZERO(bf->head_length)) {
			if (fp_NOT_ZERO(bf->tail_length)) {			// HBT reduces to HT
				bf->head_length += bf->body_length/2;
				bf->tail_length += bf->body_length/2;
			} else {									// HB reduces to H
				bf->head_length += bf->body_length;
		} else {										// BT reduces to T
			bf->tail_length += bf->body_length;
		bf->body_length = 0;

	// If the body is a standalone make the cruise velocity match the entry velocity
	// This removes a potential velocity discontinuity at the expense of top speed
	} else if ((fp_ZERO(bf->head_length)) && (fp_ZERO(bf->tail_length))) {
		bf->cruise_velocity = bf->entry_velocity;
Esempio n. 10
 * cm_arc_feed() - canonical machine entry point for arc
 * Generates an arc by queuing line segments to the move buffer. The arc is
 * approximated by generating a large number of tiny, linear arc_segments.
stat_t cm_arc_feed(float target[], float flags[],       // arc endpoints
				   float i, float j, float k,           // raw arc offsets
				   float radius,                        // non-zero radius implies radius mode
				   uint8_t motion_mode)                 // defined motion mode
	// Set axis plane and trap arc specification errors

	// trap missing feed rate
	if (( != INVERSE_TIME_MODE) && (fp_ZERO( {

    // set radius mode flag and do simple test(s)
	bool radius_f = fp_NOT_ZERO(;			    // set true if radius arc
    if ((radius_f) && ( < MIN_ARC_RADIUS)) {    // radius value must be + and > minimum radius

    // setup some flags
	bool target_x = fp_NOT_ZERO(flags[AXIS_X]);	                // set true if X axis has been specified
	bool target_y = fp_NOT_ZERO(flags[AXIS_Y]);
	bool target_z = fp_NOT_ZERO(flags[AXIS_Z]);

    bool offset_i = fp_NOT_ZERO([0]);	        // set true if offset I has been specified
    bool offset_j = fp_NOT_ZERO([1]);           // J
    bool offset_k = fp_NOT_ZERO([2]);           // K

	// Set the arc plane for the current G17/G18/G19 setting and test arc specification
	// Plane axis 0 and 1 are the arc plane, the linear axis is normal to the arc plane.
	if ( == CANON_PLANE_XY) {	// G17 - the vast majority of arcs are in the G17 (XY) plane
    	arc.plane_axis_0 = AXIS_X;
    	arc.plane_axis_1 = AXIS_Y;
    	arc.linear_axis  = AXIS_Z;
        if (radius_f) {
            if (!(target_x || target_y)) {                      // must have at least one endpoint specified
        } else { // center format arc tests
            if (offset_k) { // it's OK to be missing either or both i and j, but error if k is present
        	    return (STAT_ARC_SPECIFICATION_ERROR);

    } else if ( == CANON_PLANE_XZ) {	// G18
    	arc.plane_axis_0 = AXIS_X;
    	arc.plane_axis_1 = AXIS_Z;
    	arc.linear_axis  = AXIS_Y;
        if (radius_f) {
            if (!(target_x || target_z))
        } else {
            if (offset_j)
                return (STAT_ARC_SPECIFICATION_ERROR);

    } else if ( == CANON_PLANE_YZ) {	// G19
    	arc.plane_axis_0 = AXIS_Y;
    	arc.plane_axis_1 = AXIS_Z;
    	arc.linear_axis  = AXIS_X;
        if (radius_f) {
            if (!(target_y || target_z))
        } else {
            if (offset_i)
                return (STAT_ARC_SPECIFICATION_ERROR);

	// set values in the Gcode model state & copy it (linenum was already captured)
	cm_set_model_target(target, flags);

    // in radius mode it's an error for start == end
    if(radius_f) {
        if ((fp_EQ([AXIS_X],[AXIS_X])) &&
            (fp_EQ([AXIS_Y],[AXIS_Y])) &&
            (fp_EQ([AXIS_Z],[AXIS_Z]))) {

    // now get down to the rest of the work setting up the arc for execution = motion_mode;
	cm_set_work_offsets(&;					// capture the fully resolved offsets to gm
	memcpy(&, &, sizeof(GCodeState_t));	// copy GCode context to arc singleton - some will be overwritten to run segments
	copy_vector(arc.position,;		// set initial arc position from gcode model

	arc.radius = _to_millimeters(radius);			// set arc radius or zero

	arc.offset[0] = _to_millimeters(i);				// copy offsets with conversion to canonical form (mm)
	arc.offset[1] = _to_millimeters(j);
	arc.offset[2] = _to_millimeters(k);

	arc.rotations = floor(fabs(;   // P must be a positive integer - force it if not

	// determine if this is a full circle arc. Evaluates true if no target is set
	arc.full_circle = (fp_ZERO(flags[arc.plane_axis_0]) & fp_ZERO(flags[arc.plane_axis_1]));

	// compute arc runtime values

	if (fp_ZERO(arc.length)) {
        return (STAT_MINIMUM_LENGTH_MOVE);          // trap zero length arcs that _compute_arc can throw

/*	// test arc soft limits
	stat_t status = _test_arc_soft_limits();
    	copy_vector(,;		// reset model position
    	return (cm_soft_alarm(status));
	cm_cycle_start();						// if not already started
	arc.run_state = MOVE_RUN;				// enable arc to be run from the callback
	return (STAT_OK);
Esempio n. 11
static stat_t _compute_arc()
	// Compute radius. A non-zero radius value indicates a radius arc
    if (fp_NOT_ZERO(arc.radius)) {                  // indicates a radius arc
    } else {                                        // compute start radius
        arc.radius = hypotf(-arc.offset[arc.plane_axis_0], -arc.offset[arc.plane_axis_1]);

    // Test arc specification for correctness according to:
    // "It is an error if: when the arc is projected on the selected plane, the distance from
    //  the current point to the center differs from the distance from the end point to the
    //  center by more than (.05 inch/.5 mm) OR ((.0005 inch/.005mm) AND .1% of radius)."

    // Compute end radius from the center of circle (offsets) to target endpoint
    float end_0 =[arc.plane_axis_0] - arc.position[arc.plane_axis_0] - arc.offset[arc.plane_axis_0];
    float end_1 =[arc.plane_axis_1] - arc.position[arc.plane_axis_1] - arc.offset[arc.plane_axis_1];
    float err = fabs(hypotf(end_0, end_1) - arc.radius);   // end radius - start radius
    if ( (err > ARC_RADIUS_ERROR_MAX) ||
        ((err > ARC_RADIUS_ERROR_MIN) && (err > arc.radius * ARC_RADIUS_TOLERANCE)) ) {

	// Calculate the theta (angle) of the current point (position)
	// arc.theta is angular starting point for the arc (also needed later for calculating center point)
    arc.theta = atan2(-arc.offset[arc.plane_axis_0], -arc.offset[arc.plane_axis_1]);

    // g18_correction is used to invert G18 XZ plane arcs for proper CW orientation
    float g18_correction = ( == CANON_PLANE_XZ) ? -1 : 1;

	if (arc.full_circle) {                                  // if full circle you can skip the stuff in the else clause
    	arc.angular_travel = 0;                             // angular travel always starts as zero for full circles
    	if (fp_ZERO(arc.rotations)) {                       // handle the valid case of a full circle arc w/P=0
            arc.rotations = 1.0;
    } else {                                                // ... it's not a full circle
        arc.theta_end = atan2(end_0, end_1);

        // Compute the angular travel
        if (fp_EQ(arc.theta_end, arc.theta)) {
	        arc.angular_travel = 0;                         // very large radii arcs can have zero angular travel (thanks PartKam)
        } else {
	        if (arc.theta_end < arc.theta) {                // make the difference positive so we have clockwise travel
                arc.theta_end += (2*M_PI * g18_correction);
	        arc.angular_travel = arc.theta_end - arc.theta; // compute positive angular travel
    	    if ( == MOTION_MODE_CCW_ARC) { // reverse travel direction if it's CCW arc
                arc.angular_travel -= (2*M_PI * g18_correction);

    // Add in travel for rotations
    if ( == MOTION_MODE_CW_ARC) {
        arc.angular_travel += (2*M_PI * arc.rotations * g18_correction);
    } else {
        arc.angular_travel -= (2*M_PI * arc.rotations * g18_correction);

	// Calculate travel in the depth axis of the helix and compute the time it should take to perform the move
	// arc.length is the total mm of travel of the helix (or just a planar arc)
	arc.linear_travel =[arc.linear_axis] - arc.position[arc.linear_axis];
	arc.planar_travel = arc.angular_travel * arc.radius;
	arc.length = hypotf(arc.planar_travel, arc.linear_travel);  // NB: hypot is insensitive to +/- signs
	_estimate_arc_time();	// get an estimate of execution time to inform arc_segment calculation

	// Find the minimum number of arc_segments that meets these constraints...
	float arc_segments_for_chordal_accuracy = arc.length / sqrt(4*cm.chordal_tolerance * (2 * arc.radius - cm.chordal_tolerance));
	float arc_segments_for_minimum_distance = arc.length / cm.arc_segment_len;
	float arc_segments_for_minimum_time = arc.arc_time * MICROSECONDS_PER_MINUTE / MIN_ARC_SEGMENT_USEC;

	arc.arc_segments = floor(min3(arc_segments_for_chordal_accuracy,

	arc.arc_segments = max(arc.arc_segments, 1);            //...but is at least 1 arc_segment = arc.arc_time / arc.arc_segments;     // gcode state struct gets arc_segment_time, not arc time
	arc.arc_segment_count = (int32_t)arc.arc_segments;
	arc.arc_segment_theta = arc.angular_travel / arc.arc_segments;
	arc.arc_segment_linear_travel = arc.linear_travel / arc.arc_segments;
    arc.center_0 = arc.position[arc.plane_axis_0] - sin(arc.theta) * arc.radius;
    arc.center_1 = arc.position[arc.plane_axis_1] - cos(arc.theta) * arc.radius;[arc.linear_axis] = arc.position[arc.linear_axis];	// initialize the linear target
	return (STAT_OK);
Esempio n. 12
static stat_t _homing_axis_start(int8_t axis)
	// get the first or next axis
	if ((axis = _get_next_axis(axis)) < 0) { 				// axes are done or error
		if (axis == -1) {									// -1 is done
			cm.homing_state = HOMING_HOMED;
			return (_set_homing_func(_homing_finalize_exit));
		} else if (axis == -2) { 							// -2 is error
			return (_homing_error_exit(-2, STAT_HOMING_ERROR_BAD_OR_NO_AXIS));
	// clear the homed flag for axis so we'll be able to move w/o triggering soft limits
	cm.homed[axis] = false;

	// trap axis mis-configurations
	if (fp_ZERO(cm.a[axis].search_velocity)) return (_homing_error_exit(axis, STAT_HOMING_ERROR_ZERO_SEARCH_VELOCITY));
	if (fp_ZERO(cm.a[axis].latch_velocity)) return (_homing_error_exit(axis, STAT_HOMING_ERROR_ZERO_LATCH_VELOCITY));
	if (cm.a[axis].latch_backoff < 0) return (_homing_error_exit(axis, STAT_HOMING_ERROR_NEGATIVE_LATCH_BACKOFF));

	// calculate and test travel distance
	float travel_distance = fabs(cm.a[axis].travel_max - cm.a[axis].travel_min) + cm.a[axis].latch_backoff;
	if (fp_ZERO(travel_distance)) return (_homing_error_exit(axis, STAT_HOMING_ERROR_TRAVEL_MIN_MAX_IDENTICAL));

	// determine the switch setup and that config is OK
#ifndef __NEW_SWITCHES
	hm.min_mode = get_switch_mode(MIN_SWITCH(axis));
	hm.max_mode = get_switch_mode(MAX_SWITCH(axis));
	hm.min_mode = get_switch_mode(axis, SW_MIN);
	hm.max_mode = get_switch_mode(axis, SW_MAX);

	if ( ((hm.min_mode & SW_HOMING_BIT) ^ (hm.max_mode & SW_HOMING_BIT)) == 0) {	  // one or the other must be homing
		return (_homing_error_exit(axis, STAT_HOMING_ERROR_SWITCH_MISCONFIGURATION)); // axis cannot be homed
	hm.axis = axis;											// persist the axis
	hm.search_velocity = fabs(cm.a[axis].search_velocity);	// search velocity is always positive
	hm.latch_velocity = fabs(cm.a[axis].latch_velocity);	// latch velocity is always positive

	// setup parameters homing to the minimum switch
	if (hm.min_mode & SW_HOMING_BIT) {
#ifndef __NEW_SWITCHES
		hm.homing_switch = MIN_SWITCH(axis);				// the min is the homing switch
		hm.limit_switch = MAX_SWITCH(axis);					// the max would be the limit switch
		hm.homing_switch_axis = axis;
		hm.homing_switch_position = SW_MIN;					// the min is the homing switch
		hm.limit_switch_axis = axis;
		hm.limit_switch_position = SW_MAX;					// the max would be the limit switch
		hm.search_travel = -travel_distance;				// search travels in negative direction
		hm.latch_backoff = cm.a[axis].latch_backoff;		// latch travels in positive direction
		hm.zero_backoff = cm.a[axis].zero_backoff;

	// setup parameters for positive travel (homing to the maximum switch)
	} else {
#ifndef __NEW_SWITCHES
		hm.homing_switch = MAX_SWITCH(axis);				// the max is the homing switch
		hm.limit_switch = MIN_SWITCH(axis);					// the min would be the limit switch
		hm.homing_switch_axis = axis;
		hm.homing_switch_position = SW_MAX;					// the max is the homing switch
		hm.limit_switch_axis = axis;
		hm.limit_switch_position = SW_MIN;					// the min would be the limit switch
		hm.search_travel = travel_distance;					// search travels in positive direction
		hm.latch_backoff = -cm.a[axis].latch_backoff;		// latch travels in negative direction
		hm.zero_backoff = -cm.a[axis].zero_backoff;

	// if homing is disabled for the axis then skip to the next axis
#ifndef __NEW_SWITCHES
	uint8_t sw_mode = get_switch_mode(hm.homing_switch);
	if ((sw_mode != SW_MODE_HOMING) && (sw_mode != SW_MODE_HOMING_LIMIT)) {
		return (_set_homing_func(_homing_axis_start));
	// disable the limit switch parameter if there is no limit switch
	if (get_switch_mode(hm.limit_switch) == SW_MODE_DISABLED) hm.limit_switch = -1;
//	switch_t *s = &sw.s[hm.homing_switch_axis][hm.homing_switch_position];
//	_bind_switch_settings(s);

	uint8_t sw_mode = get_switch_mode(hm.homing_switch_axis, hm.homing_switch_position);
	if ((sw_mode != SW_MODE_HOMING) && (sw_mode != SW_MODE_HOMING_LIMIT)) {
		return (_set_homing_func(_homing_axis_start));
	// disable the limit switch parameter if there is no limit switch
	if (get_switch_mode(hm.limit_switch_axis, hm.limit_switch_position) == SW_MODE_DISABLED) {
		hm.limit_switch_axis = -1;

	hm.saved_jerk = cm.a[axis].jerk_max;					// save the max jerk value
	return (_set_homing_func(_homing_axis_clear));			// start the clear