int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *ifile = stdin; FILE *ofile = stdout; FILE *ffile = NULL; int ret; float alpha, ilines_rate, ilines_rate_avg; int64_t raw_lines = -1; uint64_t report_mask = 0; uint64_t time_last, time_curr, time_delta; uint64_t time_start, time_elapsed; uint64_t ilines_last, ilines_curr, ilines_delta; uint64_t olines; int skipping = 0, tty = 0; char *line = NULL; size_t line_sz = 0; int line_read; int c, spok = 0, aopt = 0, vopt = 0, wopt = 16, Lopt = 0; int nopt_mod = 0, nopt_rem = 0; uint64_t kopt = 0; unsigned char *bopt = NULL, *iopt = NULL, *oopt = NULL; unsigned char *topt = NULL, *sopt = NULL, *popt = NULL; unsigned char *mopt = NULL, *fopt = NULL, *ropt = NULL; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "avb:hi:k:f:m:n:o:p:s:r:t:w:L")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'a': aopt = 1; // open output file in append mode break; case 'k': kopt = strtoull(optarg, NULL, 10); // skip first k lines of input skipping = 1; break; case 'n': // only try the rem'th of every mod lines (one indexed) nopt_rem = atoi(optarg) - 1; optarg = strchr(optarg, '/'); if (optarg != NULL) { nopt_mod = atoi(optarg+1); } skipping = 1; break; case 'w': if (wopt > 1) wopt = atoi(optarg); break; case 'm': mopt = optarg; // table file wopt = 1; // auto break; case 'v': vopt = 1; // verbose break; case 'b': bopt = optarg; // bloom filter file break; case 'f': fopt = optarg; // full filter file break; case 'i': iopt = optarg; // input file break; case 'o': oopt = optarg; // output file break; case 's': sopt = optarg; // salt break; case 'p': popt = optarg; // passphrase break; case 'r': ropt = optarg; // rushwallet break; case 't': topt = optarg; // type of input break; case 'L': Lopt = 1; // lookup output break; case 'h': // show help usage(argv[0]); return 0; case '?': // show error return 1; default: // should never be reached... printf("got option '%c' (%d)\n", c, c); return 1; } } if (optind < argc) { if (optind == 1 && argc == 2) { // older versions of brainflayer had the bloom filter file as a // single optional argument, this keeps compatibility with that bopt = argv[1]; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments:\n"); while (optind < argc) { fprintf(stderr, " '%s'\n", argv[optind++]); } exit(1); } } if (nopt_rem != 0 || nopt_mod != 0) { // note that nopt_rem has had one subtracted at option parsing if (nopt_rem >= nopt_mod) { bail(1, "Invalid '-n' argument, remainder '%d' must be <= modulus '%d'\n", nopt_rem+1, nopt_mod); } else if (nopt_rem < 0) { bail(1, "Invalid '-n' argument, remainder '%d' must be > 0\n", nopt_rem+1); } else if (nopt_mod < 1) { bail(1, "Invalid '-n' argument, modulus '%d' must be > 0\n", nopt_mod); } } if (wopt < 1 || wopt > 28) { bail(1, "Invalid window size '%d' - must be >= 1 and <= 28\n", wopt); } else { // very rough sanity check of window size struct sysinfo info; sysinfo(&info); uint64_t sysram = info.mem_unit * info.totalram; if (3584LLU*(1<<wopt) > sysram) { bail(1, "Not enough ram for requested window size '%d'\n", wopt); } } if (topt != NULL) { if (strcmp(topt, "str") == 0) { input2hash160 = &pass2hash160; } else if (strcmp(topt, "hex") == 0) { input2hash160 = &hexpass2hash160; } else if (strcmp(topt, "priv") == 0) { input2hash160 = &hexpriv2hash160; } else if (strcmp(topt, "warp") == 0) { spok = 1; input2hash160 = popt ? &warpsalt2hash160 : &warppass2hash160; } else if (strcmp(topt, "bwio") == 0) { spok = 1; input2hash160 = popt ? &bwiosalt2hash160 : &bwiopass2hash160; } else if (strcmp(topt, "bv2") == 0) { spok = 1; input2hash160 = popt ? &brainv2salt2hash160 : &brainv2pass2hash160; } else if (strcmp(topt, "rush") == 0) { input2hash160 = &rush2hash160; } else { bail(1, "Unknown input type '%s'.\n", topt); } } else { topt = "str"; input2hash160 = &pass2hash160; } if (spok) { if (sopt && popt) { bail(1, "Cannot specify both a salt and a passphrase\n"); } if (popt) { kdfpass = popt; kdfpass_sz = strlen(popt); } else { if (sopt) { kdfsalt = sopt; kdfsalt_sz = strlen(kdfsalt); } else { kdfsalt = chkmalloc(0); kdfsalt_sz = 0; } } } else { if (popt) { bail(1, "Specifying a passphrase not supported with input type '%s'\n", topt); } else if (sopt) { bail(1, "Specifying a salt not supported with this input type '%s'\n", topt); } } if (ropt) { if (input2hash160 != &rush2hash160) { bail(1, "Specifying a url fragment only supported with input type 'rush'\n"); } kdfsalt = ropt; kdfsalt_sz = strlen(kdfsalt) - sizeof(rushchk)*2; if (kdfsalt[kdfsalt_sz-1] != '!') { bail(1, "Invalid rushwallet url fragment '%s'\n", kdfsalt); } unhex(kdfsalt+kdfsalt_sz, sizeof(rushchk)*2, rushchk, sizeof(rushchk)); kdfsalt[kdfsalt_sz] = '\0'; } else if (input2hash160 == &rush2hash160) { bail(1, "The '-r' option is required for rushwallet.\n"); } if (bopt) { if (Lopt) { bail(1, "The '-L' option cannot be used with a bloom filter\n"); } if ((ret = mmapf(&bloom_mmapf, bopt, BLOOM_SIZE, MMAPF_RNDRD)) != MMAPF_OKAY) { bail(1, "failed to open bloom filter '%s': %s\n", bopt, mmapf_strerror(ret)); } else if (bloom_mmapf.mem == NULL) { bail(1, "got NULL pointer trying to set up bloom filter\n"); } bloom = bloom_mmapf.mem; } if (fopt) { if (!bopt) { bail(1, "The '-f' option must be used with a bloom filter\n"); } if ((ffile = fopen(fopt, "r")) == NULL) { bail(1, "failed to open '%s' for reading: %s\n", fopt, strerror(errno)); } } if (iopt) { if ((ifile = fopen(iopt, "r")) == NULL) { bail(1, "failed to open '%s' for reading: %s\n", iopt, strerror(errno)); } // increases readahead window, don't really care if it fails posix_fadvise(fileno(ifile), 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL); } if (oopt && (ofile = fopen(oopt, (aopt ? "a" : "w"))) == NULL) { bail(1, "failed to open '%s' for writing: %s\n", oopt, strerror(errno)); } /* line buffer output */ setvbuf(ofile, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); /* line buffer stderr */ setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); if (vopt && ofile == stdout && isatty(fileno(stdout))) { tty = 1; } brainflayer_init_globals(); if (secp256k1_ec_pubkey_precomp_table(wopt, mopt) != 0) { bail(1, "failed to initialize precomputed table\n"); } if (vopt) { /* initialize timing data */ time_start = time_last = getns(); olines = ilines_last = ilines_curr = 0; ilines_rate_avg = -1; alpha = 0.500; } else { time_start = time_last = 0; // prevent compiler warning about uninitialized use } for (;;) { if ((line_read = getline(&line, &line_sz, ifile)-1) > -1) { if (skipping) { ++raw_lines; if (kopt && raw_lines < kopt) { continue; } if (nopt_mod && raw_lines % nopt_mod != nopt_rem) { continue; } } line[line_read] = 0; if (input2hash160(line, line_read) == 0) { if (bloom) { if (bloom_chk_hash160(bloom, hash160_uncmp.ul)) { if (!fopt || hsearchf(ffile, &hash160_uncmp)) { if (tty) { fprintf(ofile, "\033[0K"); } fprintresult(ofile, &hash160_uncmp, 'u', topt, line); ++olines; } } if (bloom_chk_hash160(bloom, hash160_compr.ul)) { if (!fopt || hsearchf(ffile, &hash160_compr)) { if (tty) { fprintf(ofile, "\033[0K"); } fprintresult(ofile, &hash160_compr, 'c', topt, line); ++olines; } } } else if (Lopt) { fprintlookup(ofile, &hash160_uncmp, &hash160_compr, priv256, topt, line); } else { fprintresult(ofile, &hash160_uncmp, 'u', topt, line); fprintresult(ofile, &hash160_compr, 'c', topt, line); } } } else { if (!vopt) break; } if (vopt) { ++ilines_curr; if (line_read < 0 || (ilines_curr & report_mask) == 0) { time_curr = getns(); time_delta = time_curr - time_last; time_elapsed = time_curr - time_start; time_last = time_curr; ilines_delta = ilines_curr - ilines_last; ilines_last = ilines_curr; ilines_rate = (ilines_delta * 1.0e9) / (time_delta * 1.0); if (line_read < 0) { /* report overall average on last status update */ ilines_rate_avg = (--ilines_curr * 1.0e9) / (time_elapsed * 1.0); } else if (ilines_rate_avg < 0) { ilines_rate_avg = ilines_rate; /* target reporting frequency to about once every five seconds */ } else if (time_delta < 2500000000) { report_mask = (report_mask << 1) | 1; ilines_rate_avg = ilines_rate; /* reset EMA */ } else if (time_delta > 10000000000) { report_mask >>= 1; ilines_rate_avg = ilines_rate; /* reset EMA */ } else { /* exponetial moving average */ ilines_rate_avg = alpha * ilines_rate + (1 - alpha) * ilines_rate_avg; } fprintf(stderr, "\033[0G\033[2K" " rate: %9.2f p/s" " found: %5zu/%-10zu" " elapsed: %8.3f s" "\033[0G", ilines_rate_avg, olines, ilines_curr, time_elapsed / 1.0e9 ); if (line_read < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "\n"); break; } else { fflush(stderr); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rank; int size; MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); printf("Moin. I'm process %d of %d processes.\n", rank, size); //FILE *ifile = stdin; //MPI_File ifile = stdin; MPI_File ifile; FILE *ofile = stdout; int c, spok = 0, aopt = 0; unsigned char *bopt = NULL, *iopt = NULL, *oopt = NULL; unsigned char *topt = NULL, *sopt = NULL, *popt = NULL; unsigned char *Wopt = NULL; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "ab:hi:o:p:s:t:W:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'a': aopt = 1; // open output file in append mode break; case 'b': bopt = optarg; // bloom filter file break; case 'i': iopt = optarg; // input file break; case 'o': oopt = optarg; // output file break; case 's': sopt = optarg; // salt break; case 'p': popt = optarg; // passphrase break; case 't': topt = optarg; // type of input break; case 'W': Wopt = optarg; break; case 'h': // show help usage(argv[0]); return 0; case '?': // show error return 1; default: // should never be reached... printf("got option '%c' (%d)\n", c, c); return 1; } } if (optind < argc) { if (optind == 1 && argc == 2) { // older versions of brainflayer had the bloom filter file as a // single optional argument, this keeps compatibility with that bopt = argv[1]; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments:\n"); while (optind < argc) { fprintf(stderr, " '%s'\n", argv[optind++]); } exit(1); } } if (topt != NULL) { if (strcmp(topt, "str") == 0) { input2hash160 = &pass2hash160; } else if (strcmp(topt, "hex") == 0) { input2hash160 = &hexpass2hash160; } else if (strcmp(topt, "priv") == 0) { input2hash160 = &hexpriv2hash160; } else if (strcmp(topt, "warp") == 0) { spok = 1; input2hash160 = popt ? &warpsalt2hash160 : &warppass2hash160; } else if (strcmp(topt, "bwio") == 0) { spok = 1; if (popt && strcmp(popt, "hello world") == 0 && (Wopt == NULL || strcmp(Wopt, "NEVER_TELL_ME_THE_ODDS") != 0)) { // for (c = 0; c < 100; ++c) fprintf(stderr, "\n"); // try not to clobber scrollback fprintf(stderr, "\033[2J\033[0;0H\033[0;0f"); // clear terminal and send cursor to top left fflush(stderr); sleep(1); fprintf(stderr, "A STRANGE GAME.\n"); sleep(2); fprintf(stderr, "THE ONLY WINNING MOVE IS NOT TO PLAY.\n"); sleep(2); fprintf(stderr, "\n" "So, you're looking for that sweet, sweet 0.5BTC bounty? Brainflayer's\n" "cracking speed against had been communicated to them before\n" "the challange was created. It is likely that the salt was chosen to be\n" "infeasible to crack in the given timeframe by a significant margin. I advise\n" "against trying it - it's probably a waste time and money. If you want to do it\n" "anyway, run with `-W NEVER_TELL_ME_THE_ODDS`.\n"); sleep(2); fprintf(stderr, "\nAs for me, I have better things to do with my CPU cycles.\n"); sleep(3); bail(83, "CONNECTION TERMINATED\n"); } input2hash160 = popt ? &bwiosalt2hash160 : &bwiopass2hash160; } else if (strcmp(topt, "bv2") == 0) { spok = 1; input2hash160 = popt ? &brainv2salt2hash160 : &brainv2pass2hash160; } else { bail(1, "Unknown input type '%s'.\n", topt); } } else { topt = "str"; input2hash160 = &pass2hash160; } if (spok) { if (sopt && popt) { bail(1, "Cannot specify both a salt and a passphrase\n"); } if (popt) { kdfpass = popt; kdfpass_sz = strlen(popt); } else { if (sopt) { kdfsalt = sopt; kdfsalt_sz = strlen(kdfsalt); } else { kdfsalt = malloc(0); kdfsalt_sz = 0; } } } else { if (popt) { bail(1, "Specifying a passphrase not supported with input type '%s'\n", topt); } else if (sopt) { bail(1, "Specifying a salt not supported with this input type '%s'\n", topt); } } if (bopt) { if ((bloom = bloom_open(bopt)) == NULL) { bail(1, "failed to open bloom filter.\n"); } } if (iopt) { if (MPI_File_open(MPI_COMM_WORLD, iopt, MPI_MODE_RDONLY, MPI_INFO_NULL, &ifile)) { bail(1, "failed to open '%s' for reading: %s\n", iopt, strerror(errno)); } } if (oopt) { if ((ofile = fopen(oopt, (aopt ? "a" : "w"))) == NULL) { bail(1, "failed to open '%s' for writing: %s\n", oopt, strerror(errno)); } } /* use line buffered output */ setvbuf(ofile, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0); secp256k1_start(); const int overlap = 100; char **lines; int nlines; readlines(&ifile, rank, size, overlap, &lines, &nlines); fprintf(ofile, "----Welcome %d! %d Lines for you.----\n", rank, nlines); int index = 0; time_t start, end; double length; time(&start); for (int i = 0; i < nlines - 1; i++) { ++index; input2hash160(lines[i], strlen(lines[i])); if (bloom) { if (bloom_chk_hash160(bloom, hash160_uncmp.ul)) { fprintresult(ofile, &hash160_uncmp, 'u', topt, lines[i]); } if (bloom_chk_hash160(bloom, hash160_compr.ul)) { fprintresult(ofile, &hash160_compr, 'c', topt, lines[i]); } } else { fprintresult(ofile, &hash160_uncmp, 'u', topt, lines[i]); fprintresult(ofile, &hash160_compr, 'c', topt, lines[i]); } } time(&end); length = difftime(end, start); double perSecond = index / length; fprintf(ofile, "----Process: %d, Lines: %d, speed: %.0f/sec!----\n", rank, index, perSecond); secp256k1_stop(); MPI_File_close(&ifile); MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }