Esempio n. 1
 *	Process the VALUE-ALIAS command
 *	This allows VALUE mappings to be shared among multiple
 *	attributes.
static int process_value_alias(const char* fn, const int line, char **argv,
			       int argc)
	DICT_ATTR *my_da, *da;
	DICT_VALUE *dval;

	if (argc != 2) {
		fr_strerror_printf("dict_init: %s[%d]: invalid VALUE-ALIAS line",
			fn, line);
		return -1;

	my_da = dict_attrbyname(argv[0]);
	if (!my_da) {
		fr_strerror_printf("dict_init: %s[%d]: ATTRIBUTE \"%s\" does not exist",
			   fn, line, argv[1]);
		return -1;

	if (my_da->flags.has_value) {
		fr_strerror_printf("dict_init: %s[%d]: Cannot add VALUE-ALIAS to ATTRIBUTE \"%s\" with pre-existing VALUE",
			   fn, line, argv[0]);
		return -1;

	if (my_da->flags.has_value_alias) {
		fr_strerror_printf("dict_init: %s[%d]: Cannot add VALUE-ALIAS to ATTRIBUTE \"%s\" with pre-existing VALUE-ALIAS",
			   fn, line, argv[0]);
		return -1;

	da = dict_attrbyname(argv[1]);
	if (!da) {
		fr_strerror_printf("dict_init: %s[%d]: Cannot find ATTRIBUTE \"%s\" for alias",
			   fn, line, argv[1]);
		return -1;

	if (!da->flags.has_value) {
		fr_strerror_printf("dict_init: %s[%d]: VALUE-ALIAS cannot refer to ATTRIBUTE %s: It has no values",
			   fn, line, argv[1]);
		return -1;

	if (da->flags.has_value_alias) {
		fr_strerror_printf("dict_init: %s[%d]: Cannot add VALUE-ALIAS to ATTRIBUTE \"%s\" which itself has a VALUE-ALIAS",
			   fn, line, argv[1]);
		return -1;

	if (my_da->type != da->type) {
		fr_strerror_printf("dict_init: %s[%d]: Cannot add VALUE-ALIAS between attributes of differing type",
			   fn, line);
		return -1;

	if ((dval = fr_pool_alloc(sizeof(*dval))) == NULL) {
		fr_strerror_printf("dict_addvalue: out of memory");
		return -1;

	dval->name[0] = '\0';	/* empty name */
	dval->attr = my_da->attr;
	dval->value = da->attr;

	if (!fr_hash_table_insert(values_byname, dval)) {
		fr_strerror_printf("dict_init: %s[%d]: Error create alias",
			   fn, line);
		return -1;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 2
 *	Add an attribute to the dictionary.
int dict_addattr(const char *name, int vendor, int type, int value,
		 ATTR_FLAGS flags)
	size_t namelen;
	static int      max_attr = 0;
	const char	*p;
	DICT_ATTR	*attr;

	namelen = strlen(name);
	if (namelen >= DICT_ATTR_MAX_NAME_LEN) {
		fr_strerror_printf("dict_addattr: attribute name too long");
		return -1;

	for (p = name; *p != '\0'; p++) {
		if (*p < ' ') {
			fr_strerror_printf("dict_addattr: attribute name cannot contain control characters");
			return -1;

		if ((*p == '"') || (*p == '\\')) {
			fr_strerror_printf("dict_addattr: attribute name cannot contain quotation or backslash");
			return -1;

		if ((*p == '<') || (*p == '>') || (*p == '&')) {
			fr_strerror_printf("dict_addattr: attribute name cannot contain XML control characters");
			return -1;

	 *	If the value is '-1', that means use a pre-existing
	 *	one (if it already exists).  If one does NOT already exist,
	 *	then create a new attribute, with a non-conflicting value,
	 *	and use that.
	if (value == -1) {
		if (dict_attrbyname(name)) {
			return 0; /* exists, don't add it again */

		value = ++max_attr;

	} else if (vendor == 0) {
		 *  Update 'max_attr'
		if (value > max_attr) {
			max_attr = value;

	if (value < 0) {
		fr_strerror_printf("dict_addattr: ATTRIBUTE has invalid number (less than zero)");
		return -1;

	if (value >= 65536) {
		fr_strerror_printf("dict_addattr: ATTRIBUTE has invalid number (larger than 65535).");
		return -1;

	if (vendor) {
		static DICT_VENDOR *last_vendor = NULL;

		if (flags.is_tlv && (flags.encrypt != FLAG_ENCRYPT_NONE)) {
			fr_strerror_printf("Sub-TLV's cannot be encrypted");
			return -1;

		if (flags.has_tlv && (flags.encrypt != FLAG_ENCRYPT_NONE)) {
			fr_strerror_printf("TLV's cannot be encrypted");
			return -1;

		if (flags.is_tlv && flags.has_tag) {
			fr_strerror_printf("Sub-TLV's cannot have a tag");
			return -1;

		if (flags.has_tlv && flags.has_tag) {
			fr_strerror_printf("TLV's cannot have a tag");
			return -1;

		 *	Most ATTRIBUTEs are bunched together by
		 *	VENDOR.  We can save a lot of lookups on
		 *	dictionary initialization by caching the last
		 *	vendor.
		if (last_vendor && (vendor == last_vendor->vendorpec)) {
			dv = last_vendor;
		} else {
			dv = dict_vendorbyvalue(vendor);
			last_vendor = dv;

		 *	If the vendor isn't defined, die.
		if (!dv) {
			fr_strerror_printf("dict_addattr: Unknown vendor");
			return -1;

		 *	FIXME: Switch over dv->type, and limit things
		 *	properly.
		if ((dv->type == 1) && (value >= 256) && !flags.is_tlv) {
			fr_strerror_printf("dict_addattr: ATTRIBUTE has invalid number (larger than 255).");
			return -1;
		} /* else 256..65535 are allowed */

	 *	Create a new attribute for the list
	if ((attr = fr_pool_alloc(sizeof(*attr) + namelen)) == NULL) {
		fr_strerror_printf("dict_addattr: out of memory");
		return -1;

	memcpy(attr->name, name, namelen);
	attr->name[namelen] = '\0';
	attr->attr = value;
	attr->attr |= (vendor << 16); /* FIXME: hack */
	attr->vendor = vendor;
	attr->type = type;
	attr->flags = flags;
	attr->vendor = vendor;

	 *	Insert the attribute, only if it's not a duplicate.
	if (!fr_hash_table_insert(attributes_byname, attr)) {

		 *	If the attribute has identical number, then
		 *	ignore the duplicate.
		a = fr_hash_table_finddata(attributes_byname, attr);
		if (a && (strcasecmp(a->name, attr->name) == 0)) {
			if (a->attr != attr->attr) {
				fr_strerror_printf("dict_addattr: Duplicate attribute name %s", name);
				return -1;

			 *	Same name, same vendor, same attr,
			 *	maybe the flags and/or type is
			 *	different.  Let the new value
			 *	over-ride the old one.

		fr_hash_table_delete(attributes_byvalue, a);

		if (!fr_hash_table_replace(attributes_byname, attr)) {
			fr_strerror_printf("dict_addattr: Internal error storing attribute %s", name);
			return -1;

	 *	Insert the SAME pointer (not free'd when this entry is
	 *	deleted), into another table.
	 *	We want this behaviour because we want OLD names for
	 *	the attributes to be read from the configuration
	 *	files, but when we're printing them, (and looking up
	 *	by value) we want to use the NEW name.
	if (!fr_hash_table_replace(attributes_byvalue, attr)) {
		fr_strerror_printf("dict_addattr: Failed inserting attribute name %s", name);
		return -1;

	if (!vendor && (value > 0) && (value < 256)) {
	 	 dict_base_attrs[value] = attr;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 3
 *	Add a value for an attribute to the dictionary.
int dict_addvalue(const char *namestr, const char *attrstr, int value)
	size_t		length;
	DICT_ATTR	*dattr;
	DICT_VALUE	*dval;

	static DICT_ATTR *last_attr = NULL;

	if (!*namestr) {
		fr_strerror_printf("dict_addvalue: empty names are not permitted");
		return -1;

	if ((length = strlen(namestr)) >= DICT_VALUE_MAX_NAME_LEN) {
		fr_strerror_printf("dict_addvalue: value name too long");
		return -1;

	if ((dval = fr_pool_alloc(sizeof(*dval) + length)) == NULL) {
		fr_strerror_printf("dict_addvalue: out of memory");
		return -1;
	memset(dval, 0, sizeof(*dval));

	strcpy(dval->name, namestr);
	dval->value = value;

	 *	Most VALUEs are bunched together by ATTRIBUTE.  We can
	 *	save a lot of lookups on dictionary initialization by
	 *	caching the last attribute.
	if (last_attr && (strcasecmp(attrstr, last_attr->name) == 0)) {
		dattr = last_attr;
	} else {
		dattr = dict_attrbyname(attrstr);
		last_attr = dattr;

	 *	Remember which attribute is associated with this
	 *	value, if possible.
	if (dattr) {
		if (dattr->flags.has_value_alias) {
			fr_strerror_printf("dict_addvalue: Cannot add VALUE for ATTRIBUTE \"%s\": It already has a VALUE-ALIAS", attrstr);
			return -1;

		dval->attr = dattr->attr;

		 *	Enforce valid values
		 *	Don't worry about fixups...
		switch (dattr->type) {
			case PW_TYPE_BYTE:
				if (value > 255) {
					fr_strerror_printf("dict_addvalue: ATTRIBUTEs of type 'byte' cannot have VALUEs larger than 255");
					return -1;
			case PW_TYPE_SHORT:
				if (value > 65535) {
					fr_strerror_printf("dict_addvalue: ATTRIBUTEs of type 'short' cannot have VALUEs larger than 65535");
					return -1;

				 *	Allow octets for now, because
				 *	of dictionary.cablelabs


				fr_strerror_printf("dict_addvalue: VALUEs cannot be defined for attributes of type '%s'",
					   fr_int2str(dict_attr_types, dattr->type, "?Unknown?"));
				return -1;

		dattr->flags.has_value = 1;
	} else {
		value_fixup_t *fixup;

		fixup = (value_fixup_t *) malloc(sizeof(*fixup));
		if (!fixup) {
			fr_strerror_printf("dict_addvalue: out of memory");
			return -1;
		memset(fixup, 0, sizeof(*fixup));

		strncpy(fixup->attrstr, attrstr, sizeof(fixup->attrstr) - 1);
		fixup->dval = dval;

		 *	Insert to the head of the list.
		fixup->next = value_fixup;
		value_fixup = fixup;

		return 0;

	 *	Add the value into the dictionary.
	if (!fr_hash_table_insert(values_byname, dval)) {
		if (dattr) {
			DICT_VALUE *old;

			 *	Suppress duplicates with the same
			 *	name and value.  There are lots in
			 *	dictionary.ascend.
			old = dict_valbyname(dattr->attr, namestr);
			if (old && (old->value == dval->value)) {
				return 0;

		fr_strerror_printf("dict_addvalue: Duplicate value name %s for attribute %s", namestr, attrstr);
		return -1;

	 *	There are multiple VALUE's, keyed by attribute, so we
	 *	take care of that here.
	if (!fr_hash_table_replace(values_byvalue, dval)) {
		fr_strerror_printf("dict_addvalue: Failed inserting value %s",
		return -1;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 4
 *	Add vendor to the list.
int dict_addvendor(const char *name, int value)
	size_t length;

	if (value > 65535) {
	       	fr_strerror_printf("dict_addvendor: Cannot handle vendor ID larger than 65535");
		return -1;

	if ((length = strlen(name)) >= DICT_VENDOR_MAX_NAME_LEN) {
		fr_strerror_printf("dict_addvendor: vendor name too long");
		return -1;

	if ((dv = fr_pool_alloc(sizeof(*dv) + length)) == NULL) {
		fr_strerror_printf("dict_addvendor: out of memory");
		return -1;

	strcpy(dv->name, name);
	dv->vendorpec  = value;
	dv->type = dv->length = 1; /* defaults */

	if (!fr_hash_table_insert(vendors_byname, dv)) {
		DICT_VENDOR *old_dv;

		old_dv = fr_hash_table_finddata(vendors_byname, dv);
		if (!old_dv) {
			fr_strerror_printf("dict_addvendor: Failed inserting vendor name %s", name);
			return -1;
		if (old_dv->vendorpec != dv->vendorpec) {
			fr_strerror_printf("dict_addvendor: Duplicate vendor name %s", name);
			return -1;

		 *	Already inserted.  Discard the duplicate entry.
		return 0;

	 *	Insert the SAME pointer (not free'd when this table is
	 *	deleted), into another table.
	 *	We want this behaviour because we want OLD names for
	 *	the attributes to be read from the configuration
	 *	files, but when we're printing them, (and looking up
	 *	by value) we want to use the NEW name.
	if (!fr_hash_table_replace(vendors_byvalue, dv)) {
		fr_strerror_printf("dict_addvendor: Failed inserting vendor %s",
		return -1;

	return 0;