static void uninit(struct vf_instance *vf){ if(!vf->priv) return; freeBuffers(&vf->priv->luma); freeBuffers(&vf->priv->chroma); free(vf->priv); vf->priv=NULL; }
status_t CaptureStream::stop() { LOG2("@%s, name:%s", __FUNCTION__, getName()); status_t status = NO_ERROR; flushMessage(); // usually the devices are stopped already (see notifyPolledEvent) but just in case.. if (mCaptureDevice->isStarted()) { status = mCaptureDevice->stop(false); if (status != OK) LOGW("@%s Failed to stream off the capture device", __FUNCTION__); else LOG1("@%s stopped capture device", __FUNCTION__); } if (mPostviewDevice->isStarted()) { status = mPostviewDevice->stop(false); if (status != OK) LOGW("@%s Failed to stream off the postview device", __FUNCTION__); else LOG1("@%s stopped postview device", __FUNCTION__); } // pools need to be destroyed, or to be exact, the VIDIOC_REQBUFS needs to be sent with 0. See V4L2 spec. mCaptureDevice->destroyBufferPool(); mPostviewDevice->destroyBufferPool(); mPostviewDevice->close(); // <- crucial. Reason unknown, but please verify still snapshot functionality if you attempt to remove this freeBuffers(); mLastReqId = INVALID_REQ_ID; mRawLockEnabled = false; mCaptureWithoutPreview = false; return status; }
int PreviewStream::configure(int fps, bool /*videoSnapshot*/) { FLOG_TRACE("PreviewStream %s running", __FUNCTION__); int ret = NO_ERROR; int errCode = 0; fAssert(mDeviceAdapter.get() != NULL); ret = mDeviceAdapter->setDeviceConfig(mWidth, mHeight, mFormat, fps); if (ret != NO_ERROR) { FLOGE("%s setDeviceConfig failed", __FUNCTION__); errCode = CAMERA2_MSG_ERROR_DEVICE; goto fail; } mDeviceAdapter->setCameraBufferProvide(this); ret = allocateBuffers(mWidth, mHeight, mFormat, mMaxProducerBuffers); if (ret != NO_ERROR) { FLOGE("%s allocateBuffers failed", __FUNCTION__); errCode = CAMERA2_MSG_ERROR_REQUEST; goto fail; } mPrepared = true; return NO_ERROR; fail: freeBuffers(); FLOGE("Error occurred, performing cleanup"); if (NULL != mErrorListener) { mErrorListener->handleError(errCode); } return BAD_VALUE; }
MBOOL StereoNodeImpl:: onStop() { FUNC_START; MBOOL ret = syncWithThread(); //wait for jobs done Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock); { list<PostBufInfo>::iterator iter; for(iter = mlPostBufData.begin(); iter != mlPostBufData.end(); iter++) { MY_LOGD("ReturnBuffer:data(%d), buf(0x%x)", (*iter).data, (*iter).buf); handleReturnBuffer( (*iter).data, (MUINTPTR)((*iter).buf), 0); } } while(muEnqFrameCnt > muDeqFrameCnt) { MY_LOGD("wait lock enq %d > deq %d", muEnqFrameCnt, muDeqFrameCnt); mCondDeque.wait(mLock); MY_LOGD("wait done"); } // freeBuffers(); // FUNC_END; return ret; }
status_t FakeStreamManager::FakeStream::stop() { LOG2("@%s", __FUNCTION__); freeBuffers(); return NO_ERROR; }
status_t FakeStreamManager::FakeStream::allocateBuffers() { LOG2("@%s", __FUNCTION__); Mutex::Autolock _l(mBuffersLock); if (mBuffers.size() || mBuffersInDevice.size()) { LOGW("%s: buffers are allocated!", __FUNCTION__); return NO_ERROR; } for (int i = 0; i < mBufsNum; i++) { sp<CameraBuffer> buf = MemoryUtils::allocateHeapBuffer( mConfig.width, mConfig.height, widthToStride(GFXFmt2V4l2Fmt(mConfig.format, mCameraId), mConfig.width), GFXFmt2V4l2Fmt(mConfig.format, mCameraId), mCameraId); if (buf.get()) { mBuffers.push_back(buf); } else { LOGE("%s: no memory for fake stream %d!", __FUNCTION__, mType); freeBuffers(); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } return NO_ERROR; }
// the principal program sequence void VisionEngine::start() { if (!interface_) interface_ = new ConsoleInterface(app_name_.c_str()); if (!interface_->openDisplay(this)) { delete interface_; interface_ = new ConsoleInterface(app_name_.c_str()); interface_->openDisplay(this); } if(camera_==NULL ) { interface_->displayError("No camera found!"); return; } if( camera_->startCamera() ) { initFrameProcessors(); startThread(); mainLoop(); stopThread(); } else interface_->displayError("Could not start camera!"); teardownCamera(); freeBuffers(); }
status_t CaptureStream::allocateBuffers(int bufsNum) { if (mPostviewBuffers.size()) { LOGW("%s: Already have buffers!", __FUNCTION__); return NO_ERROR; } // Fill up the empty v4L2 buffers for (int i = 0 ; i < bufsNum; i++) { struct v4l2_buffer v4l2Buf; CLEAR(v4l2Buf); mV4l2PostviewBuffers.push(v4l2Buf); mV4l2CaptureBuffers.push(v4l2Buf); } // Allocate internal buffers for postview for (int i = 0; i < bufsNum; i++) { sp<CameraBuffer> buf = MemoryUtils::allocateHeapBuffer( mPostviewConfig.width, mPostviewConfig.height, mPostviewConfig.stride, PlatformData::getV4L2PixelFmtForGfxHalFmt(HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED, mCameraId), mCameraId); if (buf.get()) { mPostviewBuffers.push_back(buf); mV4l2PostviewBuffers.editItemAt(i).m.userptr = (unsigned long int)buf->data(); } else { LOGE("%s: no memory for postview!", __FUNCTION__); freeBuffers(); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } return NO_ERROR; }
status_t MetadataQueue::setStreamSlot(const List<camera_metadata_t*> &bufs) { if (mStreamSlotCount > 0) { freeBuffers(mStreamSlot.begin(), mStreamSlot.end()); } mStreamSlot = bufs; mStreamSlotCount = mStreamSlot.size(); return OK; }
void AnatomyOMXClient::stop() { changeState(OMX_StateIdle); sleep(1); changeState(OMX_StateLoaded); freeBuffers(); sleep(1); deinit(); }
//============================================================================== void BufferedOutputStream::close() { if(m_rpOutputStream) { flushBuffers(); freeBuffers(); m_rpOutputStream->close(); m_rpOutputStream.release(); } }
void GuitarSori::init( const int mFramesPerBuffer, const int mNumChannels, const int mSampleSize, PaSampleFormat mSampleFormat, const double mSampleRate) { int numBytes, numBytesConverted; framesPerBuffer = mFramesPerBuffer; numChannels = mNumChannels; sampleSize = mSampleSize; sampleFormat = mSampleFormat; sampleRate = mSampleRate; numBytes = mFramesPerBuffer * mNumChannels * mSampleSize; numBytesConverted = mFramesPerBuffer * mNumChannels * 8; freeBuffers(); sampleBlock = (char *)malloc(numBytes); sampleBlockConverted = (double *)malloc(numBytesConverted); sampleBlockFFT = (double *)malloc(numBytesConverted / 2); if ( !isBuffersReady() ) { printf("Cannot allocate sample block\n"); return; } memset(sampleBlock, 0x00, numBytes); memset(sampleBlockConverted, 0x00, numBytesConverted); memset(sampleBlockFFT, 0x00, numBytesConverted / 2); err = Pa_Initialize(); printf("──────────────────────────────\n"); inputParameters.device = Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice(); /* default input device */ inputParameters.device = 1; printf("Input device # %d. : %s\n", inputParameters.device, Pa_GetDeviceInfo(inputParameters.device)->name); printf("Input LL: %g s\n", Pa_GetDeviceInfo(inputParameters.device)->defaultLowInputLatency); printf("Input HL: %g s\n", Pa_GetDeviceInfo(inputParameters.device)->defaultHighInputLatency); printf("Input HL: %g s\n", Pa_GetDeviceInfo(inputParameters.device)->defaultHighInputLatency); printf("Input Channel(MAX.) : %d ", Pa_GetDeviceInfo(inputParameters.device)->maxInputChannels); inputParameters.channelCount = numChannels; inputParameters.sampleFormat = sampleFormat; inputParameters.suggestedLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(inputParameters.device)->defaultHighInputLatency; inputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL; outputParameters.device = Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice(); /* default output device */ printf("Output device # %d.\n", outputParameters.device); printf("Output LL: %g s\n", Pa_GetDeviceInfo(outputParameters.device)->defaultLowOutputLatency); printf("Output HL: %g s\n", Pa_GetDeviceInfo(outputParameters.device)->defaultHighOutputLatency); outputParameters.channelCount = numChannels; outputParameters.sampleFormat = sampleFormat; outputParameters.suggestedLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(outputParameters.device)->defaultHighOutputLatency; outputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL; err = Pa_OpenStream(&stream, &inputParameters, &outputParameters, sampleRate, framesPerBuffer, paClipOff, NULL, NULL); err = Pa_StartStream(stream); }
status_t MetadataQueue::setStreamSlot(camera_metadata_t *buf) { if (buf == NULL) { freeBuffers(mStreamSlot.begin(), mStreamSlot.end()); mStreamSlotCount = 0; return OK; } if (mStreamSlotCount > 1) { List<camera_metadata_t*>::iterator deleter = ++mStreamSlot.begin(); freeBuffers(++mStreamSlot.begin(), mStreamSlot.end()); mStreamSlotCount = 1; } if (mStreamSlotCount == 1) { free_camera_metadata( *(mStreamSlot.begin()) ); *(mStreamSlot.begin()) = buf; } else { mStreamSlot.push_front(buf); mStreamSlotCount = 1; } return OK; }
OMX_ERRORTYPE EnableDataFlow::resetComponents() { DBGT_PROLOG(""); OMX_ERRORTYPE err = OMX_ErrorNone; DBGT_PTRACE("Sending Command StateIdle to SwJpegEnc"); err = OMX_SendCommand(mSwJpegEnc, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL); if(OMX_ErrorNone != err) { DBGT_CRITICAL("Sending OMX_StateIdle failed for SwJpegEnc err = %d", err); DBGT_EPILOG(""); return err; } DBGT_PTRACE("Sending Command StateIdle to ArmIv"); err = OMX_SendCommand(mArmIvProc, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL); if(OMX_ErrorNone != err) { DBGT_CRITICAL("Sending OMX_StateIdle failed for ArmIVProc err = %d", err); DBGT_EPILOG(""); return err; } mStateArmIvSem.wait(); mStateSWJpegSem.wait(); DBGT_PTRACE("Sending Command StateLoaded to ArmIv"); err = OMX_SendCommand(mArmIvProc, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateLoaded, NULL); if(OMX_ErrorNone != err) { DBGT_CRITICAL("Sending OMX_StateLoaded failed for ArmIVProc err = %d", err); DBGT_EPILOG(""); return err; } DBGT_PTRACE("Sending Command StateLoaded to SwJpegEnc"); err = OMX_SendCommand(mSwJpegEnc, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateLoaded, NULL); if(OMX_ErrorNone != err) { DBGT_CRITICAL("Sending OMX_StateLoaded failed for SwJpegEnc err = %d", err); DBGT_EPILOG(""); return err; } err = freeBuffers(); if(OMX_ErrorNone != err) { DBGT_CRITICAL("Free buffers err = %d", err); DBGT_EPILOG(""); return err; } mStateSWJpegSem.wait(); mStateArmIvSem.wait(); DBGT_EPILOG(""); return err; }
//============================================================================== BufferedOutputStream::~BufferedOutputStream() { if(m_rpOutputStream) { try { writeBuffer(); } catch(IOException& /*e*/) { } } freeBuffers(); }
// the principal program sequence void PortVideoSDL::run() { if( !setupCamera() ) { if( !setupWindow() ) return; showError("No camera found!"); teardownWindow(); return; } if( !setupWindow() ) return; allocateBuffers(); initFrameProcessors(); bool success = camera_->startCamera(); if( success ){ SDL_FillRect(window_,0,0); SDL_Flip(window_); // add the help message from all FrameProcessors for (frame = processorList.begin(); frame!=processorList.end(); frame++) { std::vector<std::string> processor_text = (*frame)->getOptions(); if (processor_text.size()>0) help_text.push_back(""); for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator processor_line = processor_text.begin(); processor_line!=processor_text.end(); processor_line++) { help_text.push_back(*processor_line); } } //print the help message for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator help_line = help_text.begin(); help_line!=help_text.end(); help_line++) { std::cout << *help_line << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; running_=true; cameraThread = SDL_CreateThread(getFrameFromCamera,this); controlThread= SDL_CreateThread(getControlMessage,this); mainLoop(); SDL_KillThread(cameraThread); SDL_KillThread(controlThread); teardownCamera(); } else { showError("Could not start camera!"); } teardownWindow(); freeBuffers(); }
void VisionEngine::resetCamera(CameraConfig *cam_cfg) { //teardownCamera(); freeBuffers(); if (cam_cfg!=NULL) CameraTool::setCameraConfig(cam_cfg); setupCamera(); if( camera_->startCamera() ) { interface_->closeDisplay(); interface_->setBuffers(sourceBuffer_,destBuffer_,width_,height_,format_); interface_->openDisplay(this); for (frame = processorList.begin(); frame!=processorList.end();frame++) (*frame)->init(width_ , height_, format_, format_); } else interface_->displayError("Could not start camera!"); pause_ = false; }
static void doPage(FILE * const ifP, struct cmdlineInfo const cmdline) { bit * bitrow; int rows, cols, format, row; unsigned int blankRows; bool rowIsBlank; pbm_readpbminit(ifP, &cols, &rows, &format); bitrow = pbm_allocrow(cols); allocateBuffers(cols); putinit(cmdline); blankRows = 0; prevRowBufferIndex = 0; memset(prevRowBuffer, 0, rowBufferSize); for (row = 0; row < rows; ++row) { pbm_readpbmrow(ifP, bitrow, cols, format); convertRow(bitrow, cols, cmdline.pack,, &rowIsBlank); if (rowIsBlank) ++blankRows; else { printBlankRows(blankRows); blankRows = 0; printRow(); } } printBlankRows(blankRows); blankRows = 0; putrest(!cmdline.noreset); freeBuffers(); pbm_freerow(bitrow); }
void ofxAudioUnitFftNode::setFftBufferSize(unsigned int bufferSize) { _log2N = (unsigned int) ceilf(log2f(bufferSize)); _N = 1 << _log2N; // if the new buffer size is bigger than what we've allocated for, // free everything and allocate anew (otherwise re-use) if(_log2N > _currentMaxLog2N) { freeBuffers(); _fftData.realp = (float *)calloc(_N / 2, sizeof(float)); _fftData.imagp = (float *)calloc(_N / 2, sizeof(float)); _window = (float *)calloc(_N, sizeof(float)); _fftSetup = vDSP_create_fftsetup(_log2N, kFFTRadix2); _currentMaxLog2N = _log2N; } generateWindow(_outputSettings.window, _window, _N); setBufferSize(_N); }
void SimpleAudioDriver::stop(IOService* inProvider) { // tear things down freeBuffers(); destroyTimer(); if(mCommandGate != NULL) { if(mWorkLoop != NULL) { mWorkLoop->removeEventSource(mCommandGate); mCommandGate->release(); mCommandGate = NULL; } } if(mWorkLoop != NULL) { mWorkLoop->release(); mWorkLoop = NULL; } IOService::stop(inProvider); }
/* The main function for running the ECG program. */ int runECG() { openFile(); //printf("Peak nr. Line R peak\n"); buffered_filtered_data = makeBuffer(SIZE_FILTERED_DATA); buffered_raw_data = makeBuffer(SIZE_RAW_DATA); buffered_LP_data = makeBuffer(SIZE_LP_DATA); buffered_HP_data = makeBuffer(SIZE_HP_DATA); buffered_derivative_square_data = makeBuffer(SIZE_DERIVATIVESQUARE_DATA); buffered_peak_lines = makeBuffer(SIZE_PEAKS); initQRS(); while (getFilePointer() != EOF) { insert(&buffered_filtered_data, filter()); detectPeaks(); line++; } freeBuffers(&buffered_raw_data, &buffered_LP_data, &buffered_HP_data, &buffered_derivative_square_data, &buffered_filtered_data, &buffered_peak_lines); return 0; }
void module_video_camera::worker() { CvCapture* capture = cvCreateCameraCapture(0);//cvCaptureFromCAM(0); if(!capture || currentTask() != INITIALIZE_CAPTURE){ message = "module||ERROR! Cannot initialize camera!!"; addTask(CLEANUP_CAPTURE); return; } else message = ""; IplImage *frame; Tasks task = INITIALIZE_CAPTURE; while( task != TERMINATE_CAPTURE ){ // Fetch a frame if its asked for / couldnt fetch a previous frame / is the first time. if( task == FETCH_FRAME || task == IGNORE_FRAME || task == INITIALIZE_CAPTURE ){ frame = cvQueryFrame(capture); if(frame){ if( !m_bufferReady ) initializeBuffers(frame->width,frame->height, frame->depth, frame->nChannels); cvConvertImage(frame,m_buffer[nextPage()], CV_CVTIMG_SWAP_RB); addTask(CONSUME_FRAME); } else addTask(IGNORE_FRAME); } usleep(10); task = currentTask(); } //Cleanup cvReleaseCapture(&capture); freeBuffers(); addTask(CLEANUP_CAPTURE); }
GuitarSori::~GuitarSori() { stopThread(); freeBuffers(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifdef ON_DEMAND int junk = 0; #endif #ifdef MODULE int new_sock; #endif /* return status of MPI functions */ MPI_Status status; /* number of pixels of the image */ int dim = 0; /* dimensions of the image */ int width, height; /* image count */ int num_image = 0, num_worker; /* time variables */ struct timeval tv1, tv2; /* fits of Gaussian */ double fit[DIM_FIT]; /* image representing Gaussian fit */ unsigned char *image = NULL; /* indexes */ int i = 0; /* Gauss matrix and vector have contiguous space in memory */ double *data = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * DIM_FIT * (DIM_FIT + 1)); gsl_matrix_view matrice = gsl_matrix_view_array(data, DIM_FIT, DIM_FIT); gsl_vector_view vettore = gsl_vector_view_array(data + (DIM_FIT * DIM_FIT), DIM_FIT); /********************************************************************* INIT *********************************************************************/ srand(time(NULL)); /* in order to recover from an error */ gsl_set_error_handler_off(); /* Initialize of MPI */ MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); /* check the input parameters */ if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid number of parameters\n"); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_ERR_ARG); } /* Every process takes the own rank */ MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank); /* Total number of processes */ MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &p); /* check for the number of processes */ if (p <= PS) { fprintf(stderr, "Number of process not valid\n"); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_ERR_OP); } /* number of workers */ num_worker = p - PS; /* first image is used to estimate gaussian parameters */ if (my_rank == EMITTER) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Emitter with rank %d\n", my_rank); #endif #ifdef MODULE new_sock = Connect(); if (Read(new_sock, &width, sizeof(int)) < 0) error("Error reading the integers"); if (Read(new_sock, &height, sizeof(int)) < 0) error("Error reading the integers"); dim = width * height; image = (unsigned char *) malloc(dim); /* read from the socket */ if (Read(new_sock, image, dim) < 0) error("Error reading from socket"); #else /* an image representing the gaussian is created and returned as a unsigned char matrix */ width = atoi(argv[1]); height = atoi(argv[2]); image = createImage(width, height); #endif /* parameters of the gaussian are estimated */ initialization(image, width, height, fit); } /* broadcast data of the image */ MPI_Bcast(&width, 1, MPI_INT, EMITTER, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(&height, 1, MPI_INT, EMITTER, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(&fit, DIM_FIT, MPI_DOUBLE, EMITTER, MPI_COMM_WORLD); /* dimension of the image */ dim = width * height; /********************************************************************* EMITTER *********************************************************************/ if (my_rank == EMITTER) { for (i = 0; i < STREAMLENGTH; i++) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Emitter sends image %d\n", i); #endif /* send to the workers the first images */ if (i < num_worker) { /* first image is sent to worker */ MPI_Send(image, dim, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, i + PS, IMAGE, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } else { #ifdef ON_DEMAND /* ON_DEMAND */ /* receive the request */ MPI_Recv(&junk, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, REQUEST, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); /* send the image */ MPI_Send(image, dim, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, status.MPI_SOURCE, IMAGE, MPI_COMM_WORLD); #else /* NOT ON_DEMAND */ MPI_Send(image, dim, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, i % num_worker + PS, IMAGE, MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif } #ifdef MODULE if (i < STREAMLENGTH - 1) { /* read from the socket */ if (Read(new_sock, image, dim) < 0) error("Error reading from socket"); } #endif } /* send the termination message */ for (i = PS; i < p; i++) MPI_Send(NULL, 0, MPI_INT, i, TERMINATION, MPI_COMM_WORLD); /********************************************************************* COLLECTOR *********************************************************************/ } else if (my_rank == COLLECTOR) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Collector with rank %d\n", my_rank); #endif /* take the time */ gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL); i = 0; while (i < num_worker) { MPI_Recv(fit, DIM_FIT, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); if (status.MPI_TAG == TERMINATION) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Worker %d has ended\n", status.MPI_SOURCE); #endif i++; } else { num_image++; #ifdef DEBUG /* PRINTOUT OF THE CURRENT RESULT */ printf ("Image %d from worker %d: %f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", num_image, status.MPI_SOURCE, fit[PAR_A], fit[PAR_X], fit[PAR_Y], fit[PAR_SX], fit[PAR_SY], fit[PAR_a], fit[PAR_b], fit[PAR_c]); #endif } } /* take the time */ gettimeofday(&tv2, NULL); /* print parallelism degree, data size and the completion time */ printf("%d\t%d\t%ld\n", p, dim, (tv2.tv_sec - tv1.tv_sec) * 1000000 + tv2.tv_usec - tv1.tv_usec); /********************************************************************* WORKER *********************************************************************/ } else { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Worker with rank %d\n", my_rank); #endif /* calculate number of pixels and initialize buffers for the fit */ dim = width * height; initBuffers(dim); image = (unsigned char *) malloc(dim); while (TRUE) { #ifdef ON_DEMAND /* send the request */ MPI_Send(&dim, 1, MPI_INT, EMITTER, REQUEST, MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif /* blocking test of incoming message */ MPI_Probe(EMITTER, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); /* workers ends if receives termination message */ if (status.MPI_TAG == TERMINATION) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Worker %d ends after %d images\n", my_rank, num_image); #endif /* last result is sent to the collector with a different TAG */ MPI_Send(fit, DIM_FIT, MPI_DOUBLE, COLLECTOR, TERMINATION, MPI_COMM_WORLD); freeBuffers(); break; } /* receive the image from the emitter */ MPI_Recv(image, dim, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, EMITTER, IMAGE, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); /* calculation of the Gauss matrix and vector */ procedure(image, width, height, fit, matrice, vettore, 0); /* solve the system and adjust the fit vector */ postProcedure(matrice, vettore, fit); /* send the result to the collector */ MPI_Send(fit, DIM_FIT, MPI_DOUBLE, COLLECTOR, RESULTS, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } } /* Finalize of MPI */ MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }
/* return 1 on success and 0 on failure. * By side effect returns private key, cert, and optionally ca. * Parses and decodes the parts of PKCS12 * * NOTE: can parse with USER RSA enabled but may return cert that is not the * pair for the key when using RSA key pairs. * * pkcs12 : non-null WC_PKCS12 struct * psw : password to use for PKCS12 decode * pkey : Private key returned * cert : x509 cert returned * ca : optional ca returned */ int wc_PKCS12_parse(WC_PKCS12* pkcs12, const char* psw, byte** pkey, word32* pkeySz, byte** cert, word32* certSz, WC_DerCertList** ca) { ContentInfo* ci = NULL; WC_DerCertList* certList = NULL; byte* buf = NULL; word32 i, oid; int ret, pswSz; WOLFSSL_ENTER("wc_PKCS12_parse"); if (pkcs12 == NULL || psw == NULL || cert == NULL || certSz == NULL || pkey == NULL || pkeySz == NULL) { return BAD_FUNC_ARG; } pswSz = (int)XSTRLEN(psw); *cert = NULL; *pkey = NULL; if (ca != NULL) { *ca = NULL; } /* if there is sign data then verify the MAC */ if (pkcs12->signData != NULL ) { if ((ret = wc_PKCS12_verify(pkcs12, pkcs12->safe->data, pkcs12->safe->dataSz, (byte*)psw, pswSz)) != 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("PKCS12 Bad MAC on verify"); WOLFSSL_LEAVE("wc_PKCS12_parse verify ", ret); return MAC_CMP_FAILED_E; } } /* Decode content infos */ ci = pkcs12->safe->CI; for (i = 0; i < pkcs12->safe->numCI; i++) { byte* data; word32 idx = 0; int size, totalSz; if (ci->type == WC_PKCS12_ENCRYPTED_DATA) { int number; WOLFSSL_MSG("Decrypting PKCS12 Content Info Container"); data = ci->data; if (data[idx++] != (ASN_CONSTRUCTED | ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC)) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ASN_PARSE_E; } if ((ret = GetLength(data, &idx, &size, ci->dataSz)) < 0) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ret; } if ((ret = GetSequence(data, &idx, &size, ci->dataSz)) < 0) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ret; } if ((ret = GetShortInt(data, &idx, &number, ci->dataSz)) < 0) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ret; } if (number != 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("Expecting 0 for Integer with Encrypted PKCS12"); } if ((ret = GetSequence(data, &idx, &size, ci->dataSz)) < 0) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ret; } ret = GetObjectId(data, &idx, &oid, oidIgnoreType, ci->dataSz); if (ret < 0 || oid != WC_PKCS12_DATA) { WOLFSSL_MSG("Not PKCS12 DATA object or get object parse error"); freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ASN_PARSE_E; } /* decrypted content overwrites input buffer */ size = ci->dataSz - idx; buf = (byte*)XMALLOC(size, pkcs12->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_PKCS); if (buf == NULL) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return MEMORY_E; } XMEMCPY(buf, data + idx, size); if ((ret = DecryptContent(buf, size, psw, pswSz)) < 0) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); WOLFSSL_MSG("Decryption failed, algorithm not compiled in?"); return ret; } data = buf; idx = 0; #ifdef WOLFSSL_DEBUG_PKCS12 { byte* p; for (printf("\tData = "), p = (byte*)buf; p < (byte*)buf + size; printf("%02X", *p), p++); printf("\n"); } #endif } else { /* type DATA */ WOLFSSL_MSG("Parsing PKCS12 DATA Content Info Container"); data = ci->data; if (data[idx++] != (ASN_CONSTRUCTED | ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC)) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ASN_PARSE_E; } if ((ret = GetLength(data, &idx, &size, ci->dataSz)) <= 0) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ret; } if (data[idx++] != ASN_OCTET_STRING) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ASN_PARSE_E; } if ((ret = GetLength(data, &idx, &size, ci->dataSz)) < 0) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ret; } } /* parse through bags in ContentInfo */ if ((ret = GetSequence(data, &idx, &totalSz, ci->dataSz)) < 0) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ret; } totalSz += idx; while ((int)idx < totalSz) { int bagSz; if ((ret = GetSequence(data, &idx, &bagSz, ci->dataSz)) < 0) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ret; } bagSz += idx; if ((ret = GetObjectId(data, &idx, &oid, oidIgnoreType, ci->dataSz)) < 0) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ret; } switch (oid) { case WC_PKCS12_KeyBag: /* 667 */ WOLFSSL_MSG("PKCS12 Key Bag found"); if (data[idx++] != (ASN_CONSTRUCTED | ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC)) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ASN_PARSE_E; } if ((ret = GetLength(data, &idx, &size, ci->dataSz)) <= 0) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ASN_PARSE_E; } if (*pkey == NULL) { *pkey = (byte*)XMALLOC(size, pkcs12->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_PKCS); if (*pkey == NULL) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return MEMORY_E; } XMEMCPY(*pkey, data + idx, size); *pkeySz = ToTraditional(*pkey, size); } #ifdef WOLFSSL_DEBUG_PKCS12 { byte* p; for (printf("\tKey = "), p = (byte*)*pkey; p < (byte*)*pkey + size; printf("%02X", *p), p++); printf("\n"); } #endif idx += size; break; case WC_PKCS12_ShroudedKeyBag: /* 668 */ { byte* k; WOLFSSL_MSG("PKCS12 Shrouded Key Bag found"); if (data[idx++] != (ASN_CONSTRUCTED | ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC)) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ASN_PARSE_E; } if ((ret = GetLength(data, &idx, &size, ci->dataSz)) < 0) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ASN_PARSE_E; } k = (byte*)XMALLOC(size, pkcs12->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_PKCS); if (k == NULL) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return MEMORY_E; } XMEMCPY(k, data + idx, size); /* overwrites input, be warned */ if ((ret = ToTraditionalEnc(k, size, psw, pswSz)) < 0) { freeBuffers(k, NULL, pkcs12->heap); freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ret; } if (ret < size) { /* shrink key buffer */ k = (byte*)XREALLOC(k, ret, pkcs12->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_PKCS); if (k == NULL) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return MEMORY_E; } } size = ret; if (*pkey == NULL) { *pkey = k; *pkeySz = size; } else { /* only expecting one key */ freeBuffers(k, NULL, pkcs12->heap); } idx += size; #ifdef WOLFSSL_DEBUG_PKCS12 { byte* p; for (printf("\tKey = "), p = (byte*)k; p < (byte*)k + ret; printf("%02X", *p), p++); printf("\n"); } #endif } break; case WC_PKCS12_CertBag: /* 669 */ { WC_DerCertList* node; WOLFSSL_MSG("PKCS12 Cert Bag found"); if (data[idx++] != (ASN_CONSTRUCTED | ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC)) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ASN_PARSE_E; } if ((ret = GetLength(data, &idx, &size, ci->dataSz)) < 0) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ret; } /* get cert bag type */ if ((ret = GetSequence(data, &idx, &size, ci->dataSz)) <0) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ret; } if ((ret = GetObjectId(data, &idx, &oid, oidIgnoreType, ci->dataSz)) < 0) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ret; } switch (oid) { case WC_PKCS12_CertBag_Type1: /* 675 */ /* type 1 */ WOLFSSL_MSG("PKCS12 cert bag type 1"); if (data[idx++] != (ASN_CONSTRUCTED | ASN_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC)) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ASN_PARSE_E; } if ((ret = GetLength(data, &idx, &size, ci->dataSz)) <= 0) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ret; } if (data[idx++] != ASN_OCTET_STRING) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ASN_PARSE_E; } if ((ret = GetLength(data, &idx, &size, ci->dataSz)) < 0) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ret; } break; default: WOLFSSL_MSG("Unknown PKCS12 cert bag type"); } if (size + idx > (word32)bagSz) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return ASN_PARSE_E; } /* list to hold all certs found */ node = (WC_DerCertList*)XMALLOC(sizeof(WC_DerCertList), pkcs12->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_PKCS); if (node == NULL) { freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return MEMORY_E; } XMEMSET(node, 0, sizeof(WC_DerCertList)); node->buffer = (byte*)XMALLOC(size, pkcs12->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_PKCS); if (node->buffer == NULL) { XFREE(node, pkcs12->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_PKCS); freeBuffers(*pkey, buf, pkcs12->heap); freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); return MEMORY_E; } XMEMCPY(node->buffer, data + idx, size); node->bufferSz = size; /* put the new node into the list */ if (certList != NULL) { WOLFSSL_MSG("Pushing new cert onto stack"); node->next = certList; certList = node; } else { certList = node; } /* on to next */ idx += size; } break; case WC_PKCS12_CrlBag: /* 670 */ WOLFSSL_MSG("PKCS12 CRL BAG not yet supported"); break; case WC_PKCS12_SecretBag: /* 671 */ WOLFSSL_MSG("PKCS12 Secret BAG not yet supported"); break; case WC_PKCS12_SafeContentsBag: /* 672 */ WOLFSSL_MSG("PKCS12 Safe Contents BAG not yet supported"); break; default: WOLFSSL_MSG("Unknown PKCS12 BAG type found"); } /* Attribute, unknown bag or unsupported */ if ((int)idx < bagSz) { idx = bagSz; /* skip for now */ } } /* free temporary buffer */ if (buf != NULL) { XFREE(buf, pkcs12->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_PKCS); buf = NULL; } ci = ci->next; WOLFSSL_MSG("Done Parsing PKCS12 Content Info Container"); } /* check if key pair, remove from list */ { WC_DerCertList* current = certList; WC_DerCertList* previous = NULL; if (*pkey != NULL) { while (current != NULL) { DecodedCert DeCert; InitDecodedCert(&DeCert, current->buffer, current->bufferSz, pkcs12->heap); if (ParseCertRelative(&DeCert, CERT_TYPE, NO_VERIFY, NULL) == 0) { if (wc_CheckPrivateKey(*pkey, *pkeySz, &DeCert) == 1) { WOLFSSL_MSG("Key Pair found"); *cert = current->buffer; *certSz = current->bufferSz; if (previous == NULL) { certList = current->next; } else { previous->next = current->next; } FreeDecodedCert(&DeCert); XFREE(current, pkcs12->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_PKCS); break; } } FreeDecodedCert(&DeCert); previous = current; current = current->next; } } } if (ca != NULL) { *ca = certList; } else { /* free list, not wanted */ freeCertList(certList, pkcs12->heap); } return 1; }
bool SimpleAudioDriver::start(IOService* inProvider) { // start the superclass bool theAnswer = IOService::start(inProvider); if(theAnswer) { // create the work loop mWorkLoop = IOWorkLoop::workLoop(); FailIfNULL(mWorkLoop, theAnswer = kIOReturnNoResources, Failure, "SimpleAudioDriver::start: couldn't allocate the work loop"); // create the command gate mCommandGate = IOCommandGate::commandGate(this); FailIfNULL(mWorkLoop, theAnswer = kIOReturnNoResources, Failure, "SimpleAudioDriver::start: couldn't allocate the command gate"); // attach it to the work loop mWorkLoop->addEventSource(mCommandGate); // initialize the stuff tracked by the IORegistry mSampleRate = 44100; setProperty(kSimpleAudioDriver_RegistryKey_SampleRate, mSampleRate, sizeof(mSampleRate) * 8); mIOBufferFrameSize = 16384; setProperty(kSimpleAudioDriver_RegistryKey_RingBufferFrameSize, mIOBufferFrameSize, sizeof(mIOBufferFrameSize) * 8); char theDeviceUID[128]; snprintf(theDeviceUID, 128, "SimpleAudioDevice-%d", static_cast<int>(random() % 100000)); setProperty(kSimpleAudioDriver_RegistryKey_DeviceUID, theDeviceUID); // allocate the IO buffers IOReturn theError = allocateBuffers(); FailIfError(theError, theAnswer = false, Failure, "SimpleAudioDriver::start: allocating the buffers failed"); // initialize the timer that stands in for a real interrupt theError = initTimer(); FailIfError(theError, freeBuffers(); theAnswer = false, Failure, "SimpleAudioDriver::start: initializing the timer failed"); // initialize the controls theError = initControls(); FailIfError(theError, theAnswer = false, Failure, "SimpleAudioDriver::start: initializing the controls failed"); // publish ourselves registerService(); } return theAnswer; Failure: if(mCommandGate != NULL) { if(mWorkLoop != NULL) { mWorkLoop->removeEventSource(mCommandGate); mCommandGate->release(); mCommandGate = NULL; } } if(mWorkLoop != NULL) { mWorkLoop->release(); mWorkLoop = NULL; } freeBuffers(); destroyTimer(); return theAnswer; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* pixels per worker */ int ppw = 0; /* number of workers */ int num_worker; /* pixels of the entire image */ int dim; /* dimension of the entire image */ int width,height; /* time variables */ struct timeval tv1, tv2; /* Dimension of the partitioned image */ int dimx = 0, dimy = 0; /* fit of the Gaussian */ double fit[DIM_FIT]; /* image representing Gaussian fit */ unsigned char *image = NULL; #ifdef PADDED /* buffer for the padded image */ unsigned char *padded = NULL; #endif #ifdef MODULE /* socket for the camera */ int new_sock; #endif /* local partition of the image*/ unsigned char *partition; /* size of reduce buffer */ int buffer_size = DIM_FIT * (DIM_FIT + 1); /* indexes */ int i = 0; /* buffer for fit procedure */ double *data = (double *) malloc( sizeof(double) * buffer_size ); gsl_matrix_view matrice = gsl_matrix_view_array(data, DIM_FIT, DIM_FIT); gsl_vector_view vettore = gsl_vector_view_array(data + (DIM_FIT * DIM_FIT), DIM_FIT); /* output buffer of reduce */ double *ret = (double *) malloc( sizeof(double) * buffer_size ); gsl_matrix_view r_matrice = gsl_matrix_view_array(ret, DIM_FIT, DIM_FIT); gsl_vector_view r_vettore = gsl_vector_view_array(ret + (DIM_FIT * DIM_FIT), DIM_FIT); /********************************************************************* INIT *********************************************************************/ srand(time(NULL)); /* in order to recover from an error */ gsl_set_error_handler_off(); /* Initialize of MPI */ MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); /* Check the input parameters */ if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid number of parameters: %d\n",argc); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,MPI_ERR_ARG); } /* Every process takes their own rank */ MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank); /* Total number of processes */ MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &p); /* Number of workers */ num_worker = p - PS; if (my_rank == EMITTER) { #if DEBUG printf("Emitter with rank %d\n", my_rank); #endif #ifdef MODULE new_sock = Connect(); if (Read(new_sock, &width, sizeof(int)) < 0) error("Error reading the integers"); if (Read(new_sock, &height, sizeof(int)) < 0) error("Error reading the integers"); dim = width * height; image = (unsigned char *) malloc (dim); /* read from the socket */ if (Read(new_sock, image, dim) < 0) error("Error reading from socket"); #else /* an image representing the gaussian is created and returned as a unsigned char matrix */ width = atoi(argv[1]); height = atoi(argv[2]); /* y dimension of the image is adjusted (if needed) */ while (height % num_worker != 0) height++; /* image is created */ image = createImage(width, height); #endif /* parameters of the gaussian are estimated */ initialization(image, width, height,fit); #if DEBUG printf("Emitter survived init\n"); #endif } /* broadcast data of the image */ MPI_Bcast(&width,1,MPI_INT,EMITTER,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(&height,1,MPI_INT,EMITTER,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(&fit,DIM_FIT,MPI_DOUBLE,EMITTER,MPI_COMM_WORLD); /* dimension of the local partition are determined and relative buffers are initialized */ dim = width * height; dimx = width; dimy = height / num_worker; ppw = dimx * dimy; partition = (unsigned char *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * ppw); initBuffers(ppw); /* if I am the emitter I take the time */ if (my_rank == EMITTER) gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL); #ifdef PADDED if (my_rank == EMITTER){ padded =(unsigned char*) malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * ppw * p); for (i=0; i < dim; i++){ padded[i + ppw] = image[i]; } for(i=0;i<DIM_FIT * (DIM_FIT + 1);i++){ ret[i] = 0; } free(image); image = padded; } #endif /********************************************************************* LOOP on ELEMENTS *********************************************************************/ for (i = 0; i < STREAMLENGTH; i++) { /* the emitter executes the scatter */ MPI_Scatter(image, ppw, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, partition, ppw, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, EMITTER, MPI_COMM_WORLD); /* execute the procedure over my partition */ if(my_rank >= PS){ procedure(partition, dimx, dimy , fit, matrice, vettore, dimy*(my_rank-PS)); } /* execute the reduce of matrix and vector */ MPI_Reduce(data, ret, buffer_size , MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, EMITTER, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (my_rank == EMITTER) { /* adjust fit results */ postProcedure(r_matrice,r_vettore,fit); } /* broadcast of the result */ MPI_Bcast(fit, DIM_FIT, MPI_DOUBLE, EMITTER, MPI_COMM_WORLD); #ifdef DEBUG if (my_rank == EMITTER) { printf("Image %d: %f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", i, fit[PAR_A], fit[PAR_X], fit[PAR_Y], fit[PAR_SX], fit[PAR_SY], fit[PAR_a], fit[PAR_b], fit[PAR_c]); } #endif #ifdef MODULE if (my_rank == EMITTER && i < STREAMLENGTH - 1) { /* new image is stored in buffer image of the emitter*/ #ifdef PADDED if (Read(new_sock, image + ppw, dim) < 0) error("Error reading from socket"); #else if (Read(new_sock, image, dim) < 0) error("Error reading from socket"); #endif } #endif } if (my_rank == EMITTER) { gettimeofday(&tv2, NULL); /* print the parallelism degree, data size and the completion time */ printf("%d\t%d\t%ld\n", p, dim, (tv2.tv_sec - tv1.tv_sec) * 1000000 + tv2.tv_usec - tv1.tv_usec); } freeBuffers(); /* Finalize of MPI */ MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }
TerrainTileEditable::~TerrainTileEditable() { destoryGeometry(); freeBuffers(); }
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int *messList = NULL; int testIdx, doTestLoop; int i; executableName = "com"; MPI_Init ( &argc, &argv ); MPI_Get_processor_name ( hostName, &i ); /* Set global wsize and rank values */ MPI_Comm_size ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &wsize ); MPI_Comm_rank ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank ); if ( !initAllTestTypeParams ( &testParams ) ) { MPI_Finalize ( ); exit ( 1 ); } argStruct.testList = "Bidirectional, BidirAsync"; if ( !processArgs ( argc, argv ) ) { if ( rank == 0 ) printUse ( ); MPI_Finalize ( ); exit ( 1 ); } /* If using a source directory of process rank target files, * get the next appropriate file. */ if ( targetDirectory != NULL && getNextTargetFile ( ) == 0 ) { prestaAbort ( "Failed to open target file in target directory %s\n", targetDirectory ); } doTestLoop = 1; while ( doTestLoop ) { if ( !setupTestListParams ( ) || !initAllTestTypeParams ( &testParams ) ) { if ( rank == 0 ) printUse ( ); MPI_Finalize ( ); exit ( 1 ); } #ifdef PRINT_ENV if ( rank == 0 ) printEnv(); #endif printReportHeader ( ); for ( testIdx = 0; testIdx < TYPETOT; testIdx++ ) { if ( argStruct.testList == NULL || ( argStruct.testList != NULL && strstr ( argStruct.testList, testParams[testIdx].name ) != NULL ) ) { prestaRankDebug ( 0, "running test index %d\n", testIdx ); runTest ( &testParams[testIdx] ); } } if ( presta_check_data == 1 ) { MPI_Reduce ( &presta_data_err_total, &presta_global_data_err_total, 1, MPI_LONG_LONG, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD ); } if ( targetDirectory == NULL || getNextTargetFile ( ) == 0 ) { doTestLoop = 0; } } printSeparator ( ); freeBuffers ( &testParams ); free ( messList ); MPI_Finalize ( ); exit ( 0 ); }
// Implementation of inherited interfaces void* ANativeWindowDisplayAdapter::allocateBuffer(int width, int height, const char* format, int &bytes, int numBufs) { LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; status_t err; int i = -1; const int lnumBufs = numBufs; mBufferHandleMap = new buffer_handle_t*[lnumBufs]; mGrallocHandleMap = new IMG_native_handle_t*[lnumBufs]; int undequeued = 0; GraphicBufferMapper &mapper = GraphicBufferMapper::get(); Rect bounds; if (NULL == mANativeWindow) { return NULL; } // Set gralloc usage bits for window. err = mANativeWindow->set_usage(mANativeWindow, CAMHAL_GRALLOC_USAGE); if (err != 0) { LOGINFO("native_window_set_usage failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); if (ENODEV == err) { LOGINFO("Preview surface abandoned!"); mANativeWindow = NULL; } return NULL; } LOGINFO("Number of buffers set to ANativeWindow %d", numBufs); ///Set the number of buffers needed for camera preview err = mANativeWindow->set_buffer_count(mANativeWindow, numBufs); if (err != 0) { LOGINFO("set_buffer_count failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); if (ENODEV == err) { LOGINFO("Preview surface abandoned!"); mANativeWindow = NULL; } return NULL; } LOGINFO("Configuring %d buffers for ANativeWindow", numBufs); mBufferCount = numBufs; // Set window geometry err = mANativeWindow->set_buffers_geometry(mANativeWindow, width, height, ANDROID_HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_422_I ); //current camera is YUYV,which same as YUY2 if (err != 0) { LOGINFO("native_window_set_buffers_geometry failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); if (ENODEV == err) { LOGINFO("Preview surface abandoned!"); mANativeWindow = NULL; } return NULL; } ///We just return the buffers from ANativeWindow, if the width and height are same, else (vstab, vnf case) ///re-allocate buffers using ANativeWindow and then get them ///@todo - Re-allocate buffers for vnf and vstab using the width, height, format, numBufs etc if (mBufferHandleMap == NULL) { LOGINFO("Couldn't create array for ANativeWindow buffers"); LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return NULL; } bytes = getBufSize(format, width, height); mANativeWindow->get_min_undequeued_buffer_count(mANativeWindow, &undequeued); LOGINFO("mBufferCount %d, undequeued %d\n", mBufferCount, undequeued); // lock the initial queueable buffers bounds.left = 0; = 0; bounds.right = width; bounds.bottom = height; for (i = 0; i < mBufferCount; i++) { buffer_handle_t* buf; int stride; void * y_uv = NULL; err = mANativeWindow->dequeue_buffer(mANativeWindow, &buf, &stride); if (err != 0) { LOGINFO("dequeueBuffer failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err); if (ENODEV == err) { LOGINFO("Preview surface abandoned!"); mANativeWindow = NULL; } goto fail; } mBufferHandleMap[i] = buf; //if(i < mBufferCount - undequeued){ if(true){ mapper.lock((buffer_handle_t) *mBufferHandleMap[i], CAMHAL_GRALLOC_USAGE, bounds, &y_uv); mGrallocHandleMap[i] = (IMG_native_handle_t*)y_uv; mANativeWindow->lock_buffer(mANativeWindow, mBufferHandleMap[i]); mFramesWithCameraAdapterMap.add((int) mGrallocHandleMap[i], i); mFrameProvider->addFramePointers((void*)mGrallocHandleMap[i] , NULL); } else{ mANativeWindow->cancel_buffer(mANativeWindow, mBufferHandleMap[i]); //mFramesWithCameraAdapterMap.removeItem((int) mGrallocHandleMap[i]); mapper.unlock((buffer_handle_t) *mBufferHandleMap[i]); } } mFirstInit = true; mPixelFormat = getPixFormatConstant(format); mFrameWidth = width; mFrameHeight = height; return mGrallocHandleMap; fail: // need to cancel buffers if any were dequeued for (int start = 0; start < i && i > 0; start++) { int err = mANativeWindow->cancel_buffer(mANativeWindow, mBufferHandleMap[start]); if (err != 0) { LOGINFO("cancelBuffer failed w/ error 0x%08x", err); break; } mFramesWithCameraAdapterMap.removeItem((int) mGrallocHandleMap[start]); } freeBuffers(mGrallocHandleMap); LOGINFO("Error occurred, performing cleanup"); if (NULL != mErrorNotifier.get()) { mErrorNotifier->errorNotify(-ENOMEM); } LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return NULL; }