Esempio n. 1
static void single_pass_dialog_destroy (GtkWidget *dialog, gpointer data)
    pass_t *pass = PASS(g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "pass"));
    (void) data; /* avoid unused parameter compiler warning */

    free_pass (PASS(pass));

    gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
Esempio n. 2
/** \brief Predict first pass after a certain time.
 *  \param sat Pointer to the satellite data.
 *  \param qth Pointer to the location data.
 *  \param start Starting time.
 *  \param maxdt The maximum number of days to look ahead (0 for no limit).
 *  \return Pointer to a newly allocated pass_t structure or NULL if
 *          there was an error.
 * This function will find the first upcoming pass with AOS no earlier than
 * t = start and no later than t = (start+maxdt).
 * \note For no time limit use maxdt = 0.0
 * \note the data in sat will be corrupt (future) and must be refreshed
 *       by the caller, if the caller will need it later on (eg. if the caller
 *       is GtkSatList).
 * \note Prepending to a singly linked list is much faster than appending.
 *       Therefore, the elements are prepended whereafter the GSList is
 *       reversed
pass_t *
get_pass   (sat_t *sat_in, qth_t *qth, gdouble start, gdouble maxdt)
    gdouble        aos = 0.0;    /* time of AOS */
    gdouble        tca = 0.0;    /* time of TCA */
    gdouble        los = 0.0;    /* time of LOS */
    gdouble        dt = 0.0;     /* time diff */
    gdouble        step = 0.0;   /* time step */
    gdouble        t0 = start;
    gdouble        t;            /* current time counter */
    gdouble        tres = 0.0; /* required time resolution */
    gdouble        max_el = 0.0; /* maximum elevation */
    pass_t        *pass = NULL;
    pass_detail_t *detail = NULL;
    gboolean       done = FALSE;
    guint          iter = 0;      /* number of iterations */
    sat_t         *sat,sat_working;
    /* FIXME: watchdog */

    /*copy sat_in to a working structure*/
    sat = memcpy(&sat_working,sat_in,sizeof(sat_t));

    /* get time resolution; sat-cfg stores it in seconds */
    tres = sat_cfg_get_int (SAT_CFG_INT_PRED_RESOLUTION) / 86400.0;

    /* loop until we find a pass with elevation > SAT_CFG_INT_PRED_MIN_EL
        or we run out of time
        FIXME: we should have a safety break
    while (!done) {

        /* Find los of next pass or of current pass */
        los = find_los (sat, qth, t0, maxdt); // See if a pass is ongoing
        aos = find_aos (sat, qth, t0, maxdt);
        /* sat_log_log(SAT_LOG_LEVEL_MSG, "%s:%s:%d: found aos %f and los %f for t0=%f", */
        /*          __FILE__,  */
        /*          __FUNCTION__, */
        /*          __LINE__, */
        /*          aos, */
        /*          los,  */
        /*          t0); */
        if (aos > los) {
            // los is from an currently happening pass, find previous aos
            aos = find_prev_aos(sat, qth, t0);

        /* aos = 0.0 means no aos */
        if (aos == 0.0) {
            done = TRUE;

        /* check whether we are within time limits;
            maxdt = 0 mean no time limit.
        else if ((maxdt > 0.0) && (aos > (start + maxdt)) ) {
            done = TRUE;
        else {
            //los = find_los (sat, qth, aos + 0.001, maxdt); // +1.5 min later
            dt = los - aos;

            /* get time step, which will give us the max number of entries */
            step = dt / sat_cfg_get_int (SAT_CFG_INT_PRED_NUM_ENTRIES);

            /* but if this is smaller than the required resolution
                we go with the resolution
            if (step < tres)
                step = tres;

            /* create a pass_t entry; FIXME: g_try_new in 2.8 */
            pass = g_new (pass_t, 1);
            pass->aos = aos;
            pass->los = los;
            pass->max_el = 0.0;
            pass->aos_az = 0.0;
            pass->los_az = 0.0;
            pass->maxel_az = 0.0;
            pass->vis[0] = '-';
            pass->vis[1] = '-';
            pass->vis[2] = '-';
            pass->vis[3] = 0;
            pass->satname = g_strdup (sat->nickname);
            pass->details = NULL;

            /* iterate over each time step */
            for (t = pass->aos; t <= pass->los; t += step) {
                /* calculate satellite data */
                predict_calc (sat, qth, t);

                /* in the first iter we want to store
                if (t == pass->aos) {
                    pass->aos_az = sat->az;
                    pass->orbit = sat->orbit;

                /* append details to sat->details */
                detail = g_new (pass_detail_t, 1);
                detail->time = t;
                detail->pos.x = sat->pos.x;
                detail->pos.y = sat->pos.y;
                detail->pos.z = sat->pos.z;
                detail->pos.w = sat->pos.w;
                detail->vel.x = sat->vel.x;
                detail->vel.y = sat->vel.y;
                detail->vel.z = sat->vel.z;
                detail->vel.w = sat->vel.w;
                detail->velo = sat->velo;
                detail->az = sat->az;
                detail->el = sat->el;
                detail->range = sat->range;
                detail->range_rate = sat->range_rate;
                detail->lat = sat->ssplat;
                detail->lon = sat->ssplon;
                detail->alt = sat->alt;
                detail->ma = sat->ma;
                detail->phase = sat->phase;
                detail->footprint = sat->footprint;
                detail->orbit = sat->orbit;
                detail->vis = get_sat_vis (sat, qth, t);

                /* also store visibility "bit" */
                switch (detail->vis) {
                case SAT_VIS_VISIBLE:
                    pass->vis[0] = 'V';
                case SAT_VIS_DAYLIGHT:
                    pass->vis[1] = 'D';
                case SAT_VIS_ECLIPSED:
                    pass->vis[2] = 'E';

                pass->details = g_slist_prepend (pass->details, detail);

                /* store elevation if greater than the
                    previously stored one
                if (sat->el > max_el) {
                    max_el = sat->el;
                    tca = t;
                    pass->maxel_az = sat->az;

                /*     g_print ("TIME: %f\tAZ: %f\tEL: %f (MAX: %f)\n", */
                /*           t, sat->az, sat->el, max_el); */

            pass->details = g_slist_reverse (pass->details);

            /* calculate satellite data */
            predict_calc (sat, qth, pass->los);
            /* store los_az, max_el and tca */
            pass->los_az = sat->az;
            pass->max_el = max_el;
            pass->tca    = tca;

            /* check whether this pass is good */
            if (max_el >= sat_cfg_get_int (SAT_CFG_INT_PRED_MIN_EL)) {
                done = TRUE;
            else {
                done = FALSE;
                t0 = los + 0.014; // +20 min
                free_pass (pass);
                pass = NULL;


    return pass;