void destroy_shtable(sbtable_t htable, int hash_size){ int i; if(htable== NULL) return; for(i= 0; i< hash_size; i++) { lock_destroy(&htable[i].lock); free_subs_list(htable[i].entries->next); shm_free(htable[i].entries); } shm_free(htable); htable= NULL; }
int update_watchers_status(str pres_uri, pres_ev_t* ev, str* rules_doc) { subs_t subs; db_key_t query_cols[6], result_cols[5]; db_val_t query_vals[6]; int n_result_cols= 0, n_query_cols = 0; db1_res_t* result= NULL; db_row_t *row; db_val_t *row_vals ; int i; str w_user, w_domain, reason= {0, 0}; unsigned int status; int status_col, w_user_col, w_domain_col, reason_col; subs_t* subs_array= NULL,* s; unsigned int hash_code; int err_ret= -1; int n= 0; typedef struct ws { int status; str reason; str w_user; str w_domain; }ws_t; ws_t* ws_list= NULL; LM_DBG("start\n"); if(ev->content_type.s== NULL) { ev= contains_event(&ev->name, NULL); if(ev== NULL) { LM_ERR("wrong event parameter\n"); return 0; } } memset(&subs, 0, sizeof(subs_t)); subs.pres_uri= pres_uri; subs.event= ev; subs.auth_rules_doc= rules_doc; /* update in watchers_table */ query_cols[n_query_cols]= &str_presentity_uri_col; query_vals[n_query_cols].nul= 0; query_vals[n_query_cols].type= DB1_STR; query_vals[n_query_cols].val.str_val= pres_uri; n_query_cols++; query_cols[n_query_cols]= &str_event_col; query_vals[n_query_cols].nul= 0; query_vals[n_query_cols].type= DB1_STR; query_vals[n_query_cols].val.str_val= ev->name; n_query_cols++; result_cols[status_col= n_result_cols++]= &str_status_col; result_cols[reason_col= n_result_cols++]= &str_reason_col; result_cols[w_user_col= n_result_cols++]= &str_watcher_username_col; result_cols[w_domain_col= n_result_cols++]= &str_watcher_domain_col; if (pa_dbf.use_table(pa_db, &watchers_table) < 0) { LM_ERR( "in use_table\n"); goto done; } if(pa_dbf.query(pa_db, query_cols, 0, query_vals, result_cols,n_query_cols, n_result_cols, 0, &result)< 0) { LM_ERR( "in sql query\n"); goto done; } if(result== NULL) return 0; if(result->n<= 0) { err_ret= 0; goto done; } LM_DBG("found %d record-uri in watchers_table\n", result->n); hash_code= core_case_hash(&pres_uri, &ev->name, shtable_size); subs.db_flag= hash_code; /*must do a copy as sphere_check requires database queries */ if(sphere_enable) { n= result->n; ws_list= (ws_t*)pkg_malloc(n * sizeof(ws_t)); if(ws_list== NULL) { LM_ERR("No more private memory\n"); goto done; } memset(ws_list, 0, n * sizeof(ws_t)); for(i= 0; i< result->n ; i++) { row= &result->rows[i]; row_vals = ROW_VALUES(row); status= row_vals[status_col].val.int_val; reason.s= (char*)row_vals[reason_col].val.string_val; reason.len= reason.s?strlen(reason.s):0; w_user.s= (char*)row_vals[w_user_col].val.string_val; w_user.len= strlen(w_user.s); w_domain.s= (char*)row_vals[w_domain_col].val.string_val; w_domain.len= strlen(w_domain.s); if(reason.len) { ws_list[i].reason.s = (char*)pkg_malloc(reason.len* sizeof(char)); if(ws_list[i].reason.s== NULL) { LM_ERR("No more private memory\n"); goto done; } memcpy(ws_list[i].reason.s, reason.s, reason.len); ws_list[i].reason.len= reason.len; } else ws_list[i].reason.s= NULL; ws_list[i].w_user.s = (char*)pkg_malloc(w_user.len* sizeof(char)); if(ws_list[i].w_user.s== NULL) { LM_ERR("No more private memory\n"); goto done; } memcpy(ws_list[i].w_user.s, w_user.s, w_user.len); ws_list[i].w_user.len= w_user.len; ws_list[i].w_domain.s = (char*)pkg_malloc(w_domain.len* sizeof(char)); if(ws_list[i].w_domain.s== NULL) { LM_ERR("No more private memory\n"); goto done; } memcpy(ws_list[i].w_domain.s, w_domain.s, w_domain.len); ws_list[i].w_domain.len= w_domain.len; ws_list[i].status= status; } pa_dbf.free_result(pa_db, result); result= NULL; for(i=0; i< n; i++) { subs.watcher_user = ws_list[i].w_user; subs.watcher_domain = ws_list[i].w_domain; subs.status = ws_list[i].status; memset(&subs.reason, 0, sizeof(str)); if( pres_update_status(subs, reason, query_cols, query_vals, n_query_cols, &subs_array)< 0) { LM_ERR("failed to update watcher status\n"); goto done; } } for(i=0; i< n; i++) { pkg_free(ws_list[i].w_user.s); pkg_free(ws_list[i].w_domain.s); if(ws_list[i].reason.s) pkg_free(ws_list[i].reason.s); } ws_list= NULL; goto send_notify; } for(i = 0; i< result->n; i++) { row= &result->rows[i]; row_vals = ROW_VALUES(row); status= row_vals[status_col].val.int_val; reason.s= (char*)row_vals[reason_col].val.string_val; reason.len= reason.s?strlen(reason.s):0; w_user.s= (char*)row_vals[w_user_col].val.string_val; w_user.len= strlen(w_user.s); w_domain.s= (char*)row_vals[w_domain_col].val.string_val; w_domain.len= strlen(w_domain.s); subs.watcher_user= w_user; subs.watcher_domain= w_domain; subs.status= status; memset(&subs.reason, 0, sizeof(str)); if( pres_update_status(subs,reason, query_cols, query_vals, n_query_cols, &subs_array)< 0) { LM_ERR("failed to update watcher status\n"); goto done; } } pa_dbf.free_result(pa_db, result); result= NULL; send_notify: if (pres_notifier_processes == 0) { s= subs_array; while(s) { if(notify(s, NULL, NULL, 0)< 0) { LM_ERR( "sending Notify request\n"); goto done; } /* delete from database also */ if(s->status== TERMINATED_STATUS) { if(pres_db_delete_status(s)<0) { LM_ERR("failed to delete terminated " "dialog from database\n"); goto done; } } s= s->next; } } free_subs_list(subs_array, PKG_MEM_TYPE, 0); return 0; done: if(result) pa_dbf.free_result(pa_db, result); free_subs_list(subs_array, PKG_MEM_TYPE, 0); if(ws_list) { for(i= 0; i< n; i++) { if(ws_list[i].w_user.s) pkg_free(ws_list[i].w_user.s); else break; if(ws_list[i].w_domain.s) pkg_free(ws_list[i].w_domain.s); if(ws_list[i].reason.s) pkg_free(ws_list[i].reason.s); } } return err_ret; }