Esempio n. 1
static void free_config(struct sway_config *config) {
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < config->symbols->length; ++i) {

	for (i = 0; i < config->modes->length; ++i) {


	for (i = 0; i < config->workspace_outputs->length; ++i) {

	for (i = 0; i < config->criteria->length; ++i) {

	for (i = 0; i < config->output_configs->length; ++i) {
Esempio n. 2
 * Inits and returns a newly hash_data_t structure.
 * @returns a newly hash_data_t structure.
hash_data_t *new_hash_data_t(guchar *data, gssize size_read, guint8 *hash, gshort cmptype)
    hash_data_t *hash_data = NULL;
    compress_t *compress = NULL;

    hash_data = (hash_data_t *) g_malloc(sizeof(hash_data_t));

    if (cmptype != COMPRESS_NONE_TYPE && data != NULL)
            compress = compress_buffer(data, size_read, (gint) cmptype);
            hash_data->data = compress->text;
            hash_data->read = compress->len;
            hash_data->uncmplen = size_read;
            free_variable(compress); /* do not free compress->text as its reference is now used in hash_data->data. */
            /* data variable is not used anymore (it has been replaced by compress->text) it has to be freed by the caller */
            hash_data->data = data;
            hash_data->read = size_read;
            hash_data->uncmplen = size_read;

    hash_data->hash = hash;
    hash_data->cmptype = cmptype;

    return hash_data;
Esempio n. 3
 * Verifies if the tables are created whithin the database and creates
 * them if there is no tables at all.
 * @param database : the structure to manage database's connexion.
static void verify_if_tables_exists(db_t *database)
    char *error_message = NULL;
    int result = 0;
    int *i = NULL;               /** int *i is used to count the number of row */

    i = (int *) g_malloc0(sizeof(int));
    *i = 0;

    /* Trying to get all the tables that are in the database */
    result = sqlite3_exec(database->db, "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';", table_callback, i, &error_message);

    if (result == SQLITE_OK && *i == 0)  /* No row (0) means that there is no table */
            print_debug(_("Creating tables into the database\n"));

            /* The database does not contain any tables. So we have to create them.         */
            /* Creation of buffers table that contains checksums and their associated data */
            exec_sql_cmd(database, "CREATE TABLE buffers (buffer_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, url TEXT, data TEXT);", _("(%d) Error while creating database table 'buffers': %s\n"));

            /* Creation of transmited table that may contain id of transmited buffers if any + creation of its indexes */
            exec_sql_cmd(database, "CREATE TABLE transmited (buffer_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);", _("(%d) Error while creating database table 'transmited': %s\n"));

            exec_sql_cmd(database, "CREATE INDEX main.transmited_buffer_id ON transmited (buffer_id ASC)", _("(%d) Error while creating index 'transmited_buffer_id': %s\n"));

            /* Creation of files table that contains everything about a file */
            exec_sql_cmd(database, "CREATE TABLE files (file_id  INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, cache_time INTEGER, type INTEGER, inode INTEGER, file_user TEXT, file_group TEXT, uid INTEGER, gid INTEGER, atime INTEGER, ctime INTEGER, mtime INTEGER, mode INTEGER, size INTEGER, name TEXT, transmitted BOOL, link TEXT);", _("(%d) Error while creating database table 'files': %s\n"));

            exec_sql_cmd(database, "CREATE INDEX main.files_inodes ON files (inode ASC)", _("(%d) Error while creating index 'files_inodes': %s\n"));

Esempio n. 4
 * makes a GSList of hash_data_t * element where 'hash' field is base64
 * decoded hashs from a string containning base64 * encoded hashs that
 * must be separated by commas.
 * @param the string containing base64 encoded hashs such as : *
 *        "cCoCVkt/AABf04jn2+rfDmqJaln6P2A9uKolBjEFJV4=", "0G8MaPZ/AADNyaPW7ZP2s0BI4hAdZZIE2xO1EwdOzhE="
 *        for instance.
 * @returns a GSList of hash_data_t * where each elements contains a
 *          base64 decoded hash (binary form).
GList *make_hash_data_list_from_string(gchar *hash_string)
    guint i = 0;
    gchar **hashs = NULL;
    gchar *a_hash = NULL;
    hash_data_t *hash_data = NULL;
    GList *hash_list = NULL;
    gsize len = 0;

    if (hash_string != NULL)
            /* hash list generation */
            hashs = g_strsplit(hash_string, ",", -1);

            while (hashs[i] != NULL)
                    a_hash = g_strndup(g_strchug(hashs[i] + 1), strlen(g_strchug(hashs[i])) - 2);

                    /* we have to base64 decode it to insert it into the hash_data_t * structure
                     * and then into the meta_data one.
                    hash_data = new_hash_data_t_as_is(NULL, 0, g_base64_decode(a_hash, &len), COMPRESS_NONE_TYPE, 0);
                    hash_list = g_list_prepend(hash_list, hash_data);
                    i = i + 1;


            hash_list = g_list_reverse(hash_list);

    return hash_list;
Esempio n. 5
 * Transmits each row found in the database
 * @param userp is a pointer to a transmited_t * structure that must contain
 *        a comm_t * pointer and a db_t * pointer.
 * @param nb_col gives the number of columns in this row.
 * @param data contains the data of each column.
 * @param name_col contains the name of each column.
 * @returns always 0.
static int transmit_callback(void *userp, int nb_col, char **data, char **name_col)
    transmited_t *trans = (transmited_t *) userp;
    gchar *sql_command = NULL;
    gint success = 0;

    if (trans != NULL && data != NULL && trans->comm != NULL && trans->database != NULL)

            trans->comm->readbuffer = data[2];          /** data[2] is the data column in buffers table of the database */
            success = post_url(trans->comm, data[1]);   /** data[1] is the url column in buffers table of the database  */

            if (success == CURLE_OK)

                    sql_command = g_strdup_printf("INSERT INTO transmited (buffer_id) VALUES ('%s');", data[0]);
                    exec_sql_cmd(trans->database, sql_command,  _("(%d) Error while inserting into the table 'transmited': %s\n"));

            /** @todo use the result of post to be able to manage errors */

    return 0;
Esempio n. 6
 * This function gets meta data and data from a file and sends them
 * to the server in order to save the file located in the directory
 * 'directory' and represented by 'fileinfo' variable.
 * @param main_struct : main structure of the program
 * @param directory is the directory we are iterating over
 * @param fileinfo is a glib structure that contains all meta data and
 *        more for a file.
 * @note This function is not threadable as is. One may have problems
 *       when writing to the database for instance.
void save_one_file(main_struct_t *main_struct, file_event_t *file_event)
    meta_data_t *meta = NULL;
    a_clock_t *my_clock = NULL;
    gchar *message = NULL;
    gchar *another_dir = NULL;
    filter_file_t *filter = NULL;

    if (main_struct != NULL && file_event != NULL)
        my_clock = new_clock_t();

        /* Get data and meta_data for a file. */
        filter = new_filter_t(main_struct->database, main_struct->regex_exclude_list, FALSE);
        meta = get_meta_data_from_fileinfo(file_event, filter, main_struct->opt);

        /* We want to save all files that are not excluded ie filter->excluded not TRUE */
        if (meta != NULL && filter != NULL && filter->excluded == FALSE)
            if (meta->in_cache == FALSE)
                /* File is not in cache thus unknown thus we need to save it */
                if (meta->size < CLIENT_SMALL_FILE_SIZE)
                    process_small_file_not_in_cache(main_struct, meta);
                    process_big_file_not_in_cache(main_struct, meta);

            if (meta->file_type == G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY)
                /* This is a recursive call */
                another_dir = g_strdup(meta->name);
                g_async_queue_push(main_struct->dir_queue, another_dir);

            message = g_strdup_printf(_("processing file %s"), meta->name);
            free_meta_data_t(meta, FALSE);
        else if (meta != NULL && filter != NULL && filter->excluded == TRUE)
            message = g_strdup_printf(_("processing excluded file %s"), meta->name);
            free_meta_data_t(meta, FALSE);
            message = g_strdup_printf(_("Error with meta (%p) or filter (%p) structures\n"), meta, filter);
            print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, message);

        end_clock(my_clock, message);
Esempio n. 7
 * Frees memory
 * @param container is a list_t structure to be freed
static void free_list_t(list_t *container)
    if (container != NULL)
            g_list_free_full(container->list, free_gchar_variable);
Esempio n. 8
 * Frees everything whithin the file_row_t structure
 * @param row is the variable to be freed totaly
static void free_file_row_t(file_row_t *row)
    if (row != NULL)
            g_slist_free_full(row->id_list, free_gchar_variable);
Esempio n. 9
 * Returns a database connexion or NULL.
 * @param dirname is the name of the directory where the database is
 *        located.
 * @param filename is the filename of the file that contains the
 *        database
 * @result returns a db_t * filled with the database connexion or NULL
 *         in case of an error.
db_t *open_database(gchar *dirname, gchar *filename)
    gchar *database_name = NULL;
    db_t *database = NULL;
    sqlite3 *db = NULL;
    int result = 0;

    if (dirname != NULL && filename != NULL)
            database_name = g_build_filename(dirname, filename, NULL);
            result = sqlite3_open(database_name, &db);

            if (result != SQLITE_OK)
                    print_db_error(_("(%d) Error while trying to open %s database: %s\n"), result, database_name, sqlite3_errmsg(db));

                    return NULL;
                    database = (db_t *) g_malloc0(sizeof(db_t));

                    database->version_filename = g_strdup_printf("%s.version", database_name);
                    database->db = db;
                    sqlite3_extended_result_codes(db, 1);

                    database->stmts = new_stmts(db);
                    database->version = get_database_version(database->version_filename, KN_CLIENT_DATABASE);


                    return database;
            return NULL;
Esempio n. 10
 * Converts at max hashs from hash_extract->hash_list into a gchar *
 * string that are comma separated.
 * @param hash_extract contains one pointer to a GList og guint8 * binary
 *        hashs and one pointer to a gchar * string that contains thoses
 *        hashs, base64 encoded and comma separated.
 * @param max is a gint that represents the maximum number of hashs to
 *        convert.
 * @returns a correctly filled gchar *string
gchar *convert_max_hashs_from_hash_list_to_gchar(hash_extract_t *hash_extract, gint max)
    GList *head = NULL;
    gchar *base64 = NULL;
    gchar *hash_string = NULL;
    gchar *old_list = NULL;
    hash_data_t *hash_data = NULL;
    gint i = 0;

    if (hash_extract != NULL)
            head = hash_extract->hash_list;

    while (head != NULL && i < max)
            hash_data = head->data;
            base64 = g_base64_encode(hash_data->hash, HASH_LEN);

            if (old_list == NULL)
                    hash_string = g_strdup_printf("\"%s\"", base64);
                    old_list = hash_string;
                    hash_string = g_strdup_printf("%s, \"%s\"", old_list, base64);
                    old_list = hash_string;


            i = i + 1;
            head = g_list_next(head);

    hash_string = old_list;

    hash_extract->hash_list = head;
    hash_extract->hash_string = hash_string;

    return hash_string;
Esempio n. 11
 * Frees server's structure
 * @param server_struct is the structure to be freed
void free_server_struct_t(server_struct_t *server_struct)

    if (server_struct != NULL)
            print_debug(_("\tMHD daemon stopped.\n"));
            free_variable(server_struct->backend); /** we need a backend function to be called to free th backend structure */
            print_debug(_("\tbackend variable freed.\n"));
            print_debug(_("\tdata thread unrefed.\n"));
            print_debug(_("\tmeta thread unrefed.\n"));
            print_debug(_("\toption structure freed.\n"));
            print_debug(_("\tmain structure freed.\n"));
Esempio n. 12
 * Sends meta data to the server and returns it's answer or NULL in
 * case of an error.
 * @param main_struct : main structure of the program (contains pointers
 *        to the communication socket.
 * @param meta : the meta_data_t * structure to be saved.
 * @returns a newly allocated gchar * string that may be freed when no
 *          longer needed.
static gchar *send_meta_data_to_server(main_struct_t *main_struct, meta_data_t *meta, gboolean data_sent)
    gchar *json_str = NULL;
    gchar *answer = NULL;
    gint success = CURLE_FAILED_INIT;
    json_t *root = NULL;
    json_t *array = NULL;

    if (main_struct != NULL && meta != NULL && main_struct->hostname != NULL)
        json_str = convert_meta_data_to_json_string(meta, main_struct->hostname, data_sent);

        /* Sends meta data here: readbuffer is the buffer sent to server */
        print_debug(_("Sending meta data: %s\n"), json_str);
        main_struct->comm->readbuffer = json_str;
        success = post_url(main_struct->comm, "/Meta.json");

        if (success == CURLE_OK)
            answer = g_strdup(main_struct->comm->buffer);
            main_struct->comm->buffer = free_variable(main_struct->comm->buffer);
            /* Need to manage HTTP errors ? */
            /* Saving meta data that should have been sent to sqlite database */
            db_save_buffer(main_struct->database, "/Meta.json", main_struct->comm->readbuffer);

            /* An error occured -> we need the whole hash list to be saved
             * we are building a 'fake' answer with the whole hash list.
            array = convert_hash_list_to_json(meta->hash_data_list);
            root = json_object();
            insert_json_value_into_json_root(root, "hash_list", array);
            answer = json_dumps(root, 0);


    return answer;
Esempio n. 13
 * Frees the meta_data_t * structure
 * @param meta is a meta_data_t * structure to be freed
 * @param free_link is a boolean that when set to TRUE will free
 * @returns always NULL
gpointer free_meta_data_t(meta_data_t *meta, gboolean free_link)
    if (meta != NULL)

            if (free_link == TRUE)
                    /* meta->link should not be freed only in 'client' program */

            g_list_free_full(meta->hash_data_list, free_hdt_struct);

    return NULL;
Esempio n. 14
static void proxy_free_variables( var_list_t *args, const char *local_var_prefix )
  const var_t *arg;

  if (!args) return;
  LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( arg, args, const var_t, entry )
    if (is_attr(arg->attrs, ATTR_OUT))
      free_variable( arg, local_var_prefix );
      fprintf(proxy, "\n");
Esempio n. 15
 * Process the file that is not already in our local cache
 * @param main_struct : main structure of the program
 * @param meta is the meta data of the file to be processed (it does
 *             not contain any hashs at that point).
static void process_small_file_not_in_cache(main_struct_t *main_struct, meta_data_t *meta)
    GFile *a_file = NULL;
    gchar *answer = NULL;
    gint success = 0;      /** success returns a CURL Error status such as CURLE_OK for instance */
    a_clock_t *mesure_time = NULL;

    if (main_struct != NULL && main_struct->opt != NULL && meta != NULL)

        print_debug(_("Processing small file: %s\n"), meta->name);

        if (meta->file_type == G_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR)
            mesure_time = new_clock_t();

            /* Calculates hashs and takes care of data */
            a_file = g_file_new_for_path(meta->name);
            meta->hash_data_list = calculate_hash_data_list_for_file(a_file, meta->blocksize);
            a_file = free_object(a_file);

            end_clock(mesure_time, "calculate_hash_data_list");

        mesure_time = new_clock_t();
        answer = send_meta_data_to_server(main_struct, meta, FALSE);
        end_clock(mesure_time, "send_meta_data_to_server");

        mesure_time = new_clock_t();
        if (meta->size < meta->blocksize)
            /* Only one block to send (size is less than blocksize's value) */
            meta->hash_data_list = send_data_to_server(main_struct, meta->hash_data_list, answer);
            /* A least 2 blocks to send */
            meta->hash_data_list = send_all_data_to_server(main_struct, meta->hash_data_list, answer);
        end_clock(mesure_time, "send_(all)_data_to_server");

        free_variable(answer); /* Not used by now */

        if (success == CURLE_OK)
            /* Everything has been transmitted so we can save meta data into the local db cache */
            /* This is usefull for file carving to avoid sending too much things to the server  */
            mesure_time = new_clock_t();
            db_save_meta_data(main_struct->database, meta, TRUE);
            end_clock(mesure_time, "db_save_meta_data");
Esempio n. 16
 * Makes an array with the hashs in the list and sends them to
 * /Hash_Array.json URL of the server. The server must answer with a list
 * of needed hashs
 * @param comm a comm_t * structure that must contain an initialized
 *        curl_handle (must not be NULL)
 * @param hash_data_list : list of hash_data already processed that are
 *        ready to be transmited to server (if needed)
 * @returns a gchar * containing the JSON array of needed hashs
static gchar *send_hash_array_to_server(comm_t *comm, GList *hash_data_list)
    json_t *array = NULL;
    json_t *root = NULL;
    gchar *whole_hash_list = NULL;
    gchar *answer = NULL;
    gboolean success = CURLE_FAILED_INIT;

    if (comm != NULL && hash_data_list != NULL)
        array = convert_hash_list_to_json(hash_data_list);
        root = json_object();
        insert_json_value_into_json_root(root, "hash_list", array);

        whole_hash_list = json_dumps(root, 0);
        comm->readbuffer = whole_hash_list;
        print_debug("Hash_Array: %s\n", whole_hash_list);

        success = post_url(comm, "/Hash_Array.json");

        if (success == CURLE_OK)
            answer = g_strdup(comm->buffer);
            comm->buffer = free_variable(comm->buffer);
            answer = g_strdup(whole_hash_list);


    return answer;
Esempio n. 17
 * Makes a symbolic link named  with 'file' filename that points to the
 * target 'points_to'
 * @param file is the file to create as a symbolic link
 * @param points_to is the target of the link
void make_symbolic_link(GFile *file, gchar *points_to)
    gchar *filename = NULL;
    GError *error = NULL;

    if (file != NULL && points_to != NULL)
            if (g_file_make_symbolic_link(file, points_to, NULL, &error) == FALSE && error != NULL)
                    filename = g_file_get_path(file);
                    print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, _("Error: unable to create symbolic link %s to %s: %s.\n"), filename, points_to, error->message);
Esempio n. 18
 * Verifies if cmptype is a compression type allowed to be used and
 * sets the option accordingly or exit the program with an error
 * message.
 * @param Structure that manage program's options
 * @param cmtype a type to be tested
static void set_compression_type(options_t *opt, gshort cmptype)
    gchar *compress_type_string = NULL;

    if (is_compress_type_allowed(cmptype))
            opt->cmptype = cmptype;
            compress_type_string = get_compress_type_string();
            print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, _("Unknown compression type: %d. Allowed compression types are: %s\n"), cmptype, compress_type_string);
Esempio n. 19
 * Deletes all transmited buffers from the buffers table in database
 * based on transmited table.
 * @param userp is a pointer to a db_t * structure
 * @param nb_col gives the number of columns in this row.
 * @param data contains the data of each column.
 * @param name_col contains the name of each column.
 * @returns always 0.
static int delete_transmited_callback(void *userp, int nb_col, char **data, char **name_col)
    db_t *database = (db_t *) userp;
    gchar *sql_command = NULL;

    if (database != NULL && data != NULL)
            sql_command = g_strdup_printf("DELETE FROM buffers WHERE buffer_id='%s';", data[0]);
            exec_sql_cmd(database, sql_command,  _("(%d - %d) Error while deleting from table 'buffers': %s\n"));

    return 0;
Esempio n. 20
 * Ends the clock and prints the elapsed time and then frees everything
 * @param my_clock is a clock_t * structure with begin already filled
 * @param message is a message that we want to include into the displayed
 *        result in order to know what was measured.
void end_clock(a_clock_t *my_clock, gchar *message)
    GTimeSpan difference = 0;

    if (my_clock != NULL && my_clock->begin != NULL)
            my_clock->end = g_date_time_new_now_local();
            difference = g_date_time_difference(my_clock->end, my_clock->begin);


            print_debug(_("Elapsed time (%s): %d µs\n"), message, difference);
Esempio n. 21
 * Frees the option structure
 * @param opt is the structure to be freed
void free_options_t(options_t *opt)
    if (opt != NULL)
Esempio n. 22
 * Gets all data from a list of hash obtained from X-Get-Hash-Array HTTP
 * header.
 * @param server_struct is the main structure for the server.
 * @param connection is the connection in MHD
 * @returns a newlly allocated gchar * string that contains the anwser to be
 *          sent back to the client (hopefully a json string containing
 *          a hash (that is a fake one here), data and size of the data.
static gchar *get_data_from_a_list_of_hashs(server_struct_t *server_struct, struct MHD_Connection *connection)
    const char *header = NULL;
    gchar *answer = NULL;
    gchar *hash = NULL;
    GList *head = NULL;
    GList *header_hdl = NULL;
    GList *hash_data_list = NULL;
    hash_data_t *header_hd = NULL;
    hash_data_t *hash_data = NULL;
    backend_t *backend = server_struct->backend;
    guint size = 0;

    header = MHD_lookup_connection_value(connection, MHD_HEADER_KIND, "X-Get-Hash-Array");
    header_hdl = make_hash_data_list_from_string((gchar *)header);

    head = header_hdl;
    while (header_hdl != NULL)
            header_hd = header_hdl->data;
            hash = hash_to_string(header_hd->hash);
            hash_data = backend->retrieve_data(server_struct, hash);
            size = size + hash_data->read;
            hash_data_list = g_list_prepend(hash_data_list, hash_data);
            header_hdl = g_list_next(header_hdl);

    g_list_free_full(head, free_hdt_struct);
    hash_data_list = g_list_reverse(hash_data_list);

    head = hash_data_list;

    hash_data = create_one_hash_data_t_from_hash_data_list(hash_data_list, size);

    g_list_free_full(head, free_hdt_struct);

    answer = convert_hash_data_t_to_string(hash_data);


    return answer;
Esempio n. 23
 * Tells if a specific table or index exists or not in the selected
 * and opened database.
 * @param database is the database structure
 * @param name is a gchar * string that is the name of
 *        the table or index to look for.
 * @param type is an integer that represents the type of the
 *         object to look for.
 * @returns 0 if the table exists, 1 if it doesn't and -1 on
 *          if an error occurs.
static gint does_db_object_exists(db_t *database, gchar *name, gint type)
    char *error_message = NULL;
    int result = -3;              /* result is used for the sqlite execution result */
    list_t *container = NULL;
    gint object_exists = -1;     /* -1 is an SQL error and -2 is a struct error    */
    gchar *cmd = NULL;

    cmd = get_select_command_upon_type(type);

    if (cmd == NULL)
            return object_exists;

    /* this structure is needed by sqlite3_exec call bak make_list_first_column_callback.*/
    container = new_list_t();

    if (database != NULL && database->db != NULL)
            /* Trying to get all the table names that are in the database */
            result = sqlite3_exec(database->db, cmd, make_list_first_column_callback, container, &error_message);


    if (result == SQLITE_OK && container != NULL)
            object_exists = does_object_name_exists_in_returned_list(name, container->list);
    else if (database != NULL && database->db != NULL)
            print_on_db_error(database->db, result, "sqlite_master table");
            object_exists = -1;
            object_exists = -2;

    return object_exists;
Esempio n. 24
 * Function to answer to get requests in a json way. This mode should be
 * prefered.
 * @param server_struct is the main structure for the server.
 * @param connection is the connection in MHD
 * @param url is the requested url
 * @note to translators all json requests MUST NOT be translated because
 *       it is the protocol itself !
 * @returns a newlly allocated gchar * string that contains the anwser to be
 *          sent back to the client.
static gchar *get_json_answer(server_struct_t *server_struct, struct MHD_Connection *connection, const char *url)
    gchar *answer = NULL;
    gchar *hash = NULL;
    size_t hlen = 0;

    if (g_strcmp0(url, "/Version.json") == 0)
            answer = convert_version_to_json(PROGRAM_NAME, SERVER_DATE, SERVER_VERSION, SERVER_AUTHORS, SERVER_LICENSE);
    else if (g_str_has_prefix(url, "/File/List.json"))
            answer = get_a_list_of_files(server_struct, connection);
    else if (g_str_has_prefix(url, "/Data/Hash_Array.json"))
            answer = get_data_from_a_list_of_hashs(server_struct, connection);
    else if (g_str_has_prefix(url, "/Data/"))
            hash = g_strndup((const gchar *) url + 6, HASH_LEN*2);  /* HASH_LEN is expressed when hash is in binary form  */
            hash = g_strcanon(hash, "abcdef0123456789", '\0');      /* replace anything not in hexadecimal format with \0 */

            hlen = strlen(hash);
            if (hlen == HASH_LEN*2)
                    print_debug(_("Trying to get data for hash %s\n"), hash);
                    answer = get_data_from_a_specific_hash(server_struct, hash);
                    answer = g_strdup_printf("{\"Invalid url: in %s hash has length\": %zd instead of %d}", url, hlen, HASH_LEN*2);

        { /* Some sort of echo to the invalid request */
            answer = g_strdup_printf("{\"Invalid url\": %s}", url);

    return answer;
Esempio n. 25
 * Transforms a binary hashs into a printable string (gchar *)
 * @param a_hash is a hash in a binary form that we want to transform into
 *        a string.
 * @returns a string that contains the hash in an hexadecimal form.
gchar *hash_to_string(guint8 *a_hash)
    gchar *string = NULL;
    gchar *octet = NULL;
    guint i = 0;

    if (a_hash != NULL)
            string = (gchar *) g_malloc0(HASH_LEN*2 + 1); /* two char per bytes */

            for(i = 0; i < HASH_LEN; i++)
                    octet = g_strdup_printf("%02x", a_hash[i]);
                    memmove(string + i*2, octet, 2);

    return string;
Esempio n. 26
 * Filters out and returns TRUE if the event concerns a file that has to
 * be saved FALSE otherwise
 * @param head is the matching monitired directory
 * @param event is the fanotify's structure event
static gboolean filter_out_if_necessary(GSList *head, struct fanotify_event_metadata *event)
    gchar *progname = NULL;

    if (head != NULL)
            progname = get_program_name_from_pid(event->pid);

            if (g_strcmp0(PROGRAM_NAME, progname) != 0)
                    /* Save files that does not come from our activity */

                    return TRUE;

    return FALSE;
Esempio n. 27
 * Does carve all directories from the list in the option list.
 * This function is a thread that is run at the end of the initialisation
 * of main_struct structure.
 * @param data: main structure of the program that contains also
 *        the options structure that should have a list of directories
 *        to save.
static gpointer carve_all_directories(gpointer data)
    main_struct_t *main_struct = (main_struct_t *) data;
    gchar *directory = NULL;

    if (main_struct != NULL && main_struct->opt != NULL)
        g_slist_foreach(main_struct->opt->dirname_list, carve_one_directory, main_struct);

        directory = g_async_queue_pop(main_struct->dir_queue);

        while (directory != NULL)
            carve_one_directory(directory, main_struct);
            directory = g_async_queue_pop(main_struct->dir_queue);

    return NULL;
Esempio n. 28
static char *get_program_name_from_pid(int pid)
    int fd = 0;
    ssize_t len = 0;
    char *aux = NULL;
    gchar *cmd = NULL;
    gchar *buffer = NULL;

    /* Try to get program name by PID */
    cmd = g_strdup_printf("/proc/%d/cmdline", pid);

    if ((fd = open(cmd, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
            return NULL;

    buffer = (gchar *) g_malloc(PATH_MAX);

    /* Read file contents into buffer */
    if ((len = read(fd, buffer, PATH_MAX - 1)) <= 0)
            close (fd);
            return NULL;
            close (fd);

            buffer[len] = '\0';
            aux = strstr(buffer, "^@");

            if (aux)
                    *aux = '\0';

            return buffer;
Esempio n. 29
 * Prints options as selected when invoking the program with -v option
 * @param opt the options_t * structure that contains all selected options
 *        from the command line and that will be used by the program.
static void print_selected_options(options_t *opt)
    gchar *blocksize = NULL;

    if (opt != NULL)
            fprintf(stdout, _("\n%s options are:\n"), PROGRAM_NAME);

            print_filelist(opt->dirname_list, _("Directory list:\n"));
            print_filelist(opt->exclude_list, _("Exclude list:\n"));

            if (opt->adaptive == FALSE)
                     * We need to translate this number into a string before
                     * inserting it into the final string in order to allow
                     * this final string to be translated in an other language.
                    blocksize = g_strdup_printf("%" G_GINT64_FORMAT, opt->blocksize);
                    fprintf(stdout, _("Blocksize: %s\n"), blocksize);
                    fprintf(stdout, _("Blocksize: adaptive mode\n"));

            print_string_option(_("Configuration file: %s\n"), opt->configfile);
            print_string_option(_("Cache directory: %s\n"), opt->dircache);
            print_string_option(_("Cache database name: %s\n"), opt->dbname);
            if (opt->srv_conf != NULL)
                    print_string_option(_("Server's IP address: %s\n"), opt->srv_conf->ip);
                    fprintf(stdout, _("Server's port number: %d\n"), opt->srv_conf->port);
            fprintf(stdout, _("Buffersize: %d\n"), opt->buffersize);
Esempio n. 30
 * Processes events
 * @param main_struct is the maion structure
 * @param event is the fanotify's structure event
 * @param dir_list MUST be a list of gchar * g_utf8_casefold()
 *        transformed.
static void event_process(main_struct_t *main_struct, struct fanotify_event_metadata *event, GSList *dir_list)
    gchar *path = NULL;
    gboolean to_save = FALSE;
    GSList *head = NULL;

    path = get_file_path_from_fd(event->fd);

    if (path != NULL)
            /* Does the event concern a monitored directory ? */
            head = does_event_concerns_monitored_directory(path, dir_list);

            /* Do we need to save this file ? Is it excluded somehow ? */
            to_save = filter_out_if_necessary(head, event);

            if (to_save == TRUE)
                    print_debug(_("Received event file/directory: %s\n"), path);
                    print_debug(_(" matching directory is: %s\n"), head->data);

                    /* we are only watching this event so it is not necessary to print it !
                     * if (event->mask & FAN_CLOSE_WRITE)
                     *   {
                     *       print_debug(_("\tFAN_CLOSE_WRITE\n"));
                     *   }

                    /* Saving the file effectively */
                    prepare_before_saving(main_struct, path);

