Esempio n. 1
 * Sends frame 3 (every 5000ms):
 *   GPS date & time
void frsky_send_frame3(int uart)
	/* send formatted frame */
	time_t time_gps = global_pos->time_utc_usec / 1000000ULL;
	struct tm *tm_gps = gmtime(&time_gps);
	uint16_t hour_min = (tm_gps->tm_min << 8) | (tm_gps->tm_hour & 0xff);
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_GPS_DAY_MONTH, tm_gps->tm_mday);
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_GPS_YEAR, tm_gps->tm_year);
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_GPS_HOUR_MIN, hour_min);
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_GPS_SEC, tm_gps->tm_sec);

Esempio n. 2
 * Sends frame 1 (every 200ms):
 *   acceleration values, barometer altitude, temperature, battery voltage & current
void frsky_send_frame1(int uart)
	/* get a local copy of the current sensor values */
	struct sensor_combined_s raw;
	memset(&raw, 0, sizeof(raw));
	orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_combined), sensor_sub, &raw);

	/* get a local copy of the battery data */
	struct battery_status_s battery;
	memset(&battery, 0, sizeof(battery));
	orb_copy(ORB_ID(battery_status), battery_sub, &battery);

	/* send formatted frame */
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_ACCEL_X,
			roundf(raw.accelerometer_m_s2[0] * 1000.0f));
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_ACCEL_Y,
			roundf(raw.accelerometer_m_s2[1] * 1000.0f));
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_ACCEL_Z,
			roundf(raw.accelerometer_m_s2[2] * 1000.0f));

	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_BARO_ALT_BP,
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_BARO_ALT_AP,
			roundf(frac(raw.baro_alt_meter) * 100.0f));

	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_TEMP1,

	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_VFAS,
			roundf(battery.voltage_v * 10.0f));
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_CURRENT,
			(battery.current_a < 0) ? 0 : roundf(battery.current_a * 10.0f));

Esempio n. 3
 * Sends frame 1 (every 200ms):
 *   acceleration values, barometer altitude, temperature, battery voltage & current
void frsky_send_frame1(int uart)
	/* send formatted frame */
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_ACCEL_X,
			roundf(sensor_combined->accelerometer_m_s2[0] * 1000.0f));
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_ACCEL_Y,
			roundf(sensor_combined->accelerometer_m_s2[1] * 1000.0f));
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_ACCEL_Z,
			roundf(sensor_combined->accelerometer_m_s2[2] * 1000.0f));

	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_BARO_ALT_BP,
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_BARO_ALT_AP,
			roundf(frac(sensor_combined->baro_alt_meter[0]) * 100.0f));

	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_TEMP1,

	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_VFAS,
			roundf(battery_status->voltage_v * 10.0f));
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_CURRENT,
			(battery_status->current_a < 0) ? 0 : roundf(battery_status->current_a * 10.0f));

Esempio n. 4
 * Sends frame 3 (every 5000ms):
 *   GPS date & time
void frsky_send_frame3(int uart)
	/* get a local copy of the battery data */
	struct vehicle_global_position_s global_pos;
	memset(&global_pos, 0, sizeof(global_pos));
	orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position), global_position_sub, &global_pos);

	/* send formatted frame */
	time_t time_gps = global_pos.time_gps_usec / 1000000;
	struct tm *tm_gps = gmtime(&time_gps);
	uint16_t hour_min = (tm_gps->tm_min << 8) | (tm_gps->tm_hour & 0xff);
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_GPS_DAY_MONTH, tm_gps->tm_mday);
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_GPS_YEAR, tm_gps->tm_year);
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_GPS_HOUR_MIN, hour_min);
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_GPS_SEC, tm_gps->tm_sec);

Esempio n. 5
 * Sends frame 1 (every 200ms):
 *  barometer altitude,  battery voltage & current
void AP_Frsky_Telem::frsky_send_frame1(uint8_t mode)
    struct Location loc;
    float battery_amps = _battery.current_amps();
    float baro_alt = 0; // in meters
    bool posok = _ahrs.get_position(loc);
    if  (posok) {
	baro_alt = loc.alt * 0.01f; // convert to meters
        if (!loc.flags.relative_alt) {
            baro_alt -= _ahrs.get_home().alt * 0.01f; // subtract home if set
    const AP_GPS &gps = _ahrs.get_gps();

    // GPS status is sent as num_sats*10 + status, to fit into a
    // uint8_t
    uint8_t T2 = gps.num_sats() * 10 + gps.status();
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_TEMP1, mode);
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_TEMP2, T2);

      Note that this isn't actually barometric altitdue, it is the
      AHRS estimate of altitdue above home.
    uint16_t baro_alt_meters = (uint16_t)baro_alt;
    uint16_t baro_alt_cm = (baro_alt - baro_alt_meters) * 100;
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_BARO_ALT_BP, baro_alt_meters);
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_BARO_ALT_AP, baro_alt_cm);
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_FUEL, roundf(_battery.capacity_remaining_pct()));
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_VFAS, roundf(_battery.voltage() * 10.0f));
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_CURRENT, (battery_amps < 0) ? 0 : roundf(battery_amps * 10.0f));
Esempio n. 6
 * send current consumptiom 
void AP_Frsky_Telem::send_current(void)
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_CURRENT, _batt_amps);
Esempio n. 7
 * send heading in degree based on AHRS and not GPS 
void AP_Frsky_Telem::send_heading(void)
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_COURS_BP, _course_in_degrees);
Esempio n. 8
 * send battery remaining
void AP_Frsky_Telem::send_batt_remain(void)
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_FUEL, _batt_remaining);
Esempio n. 9
 * send battery voltage 
void AP_Frsky_Telem::send_batt_volts(void)
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_VFAS, _batt_volts);
Esempio n. 10
 * send gps altitude integer part
void AP_Frsky_Telem::send_gps_alt_meter(void)
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_ALT_BP, _alt_gps_meters);
Esempio n. 11
 * send gps longitude minutes decimal part 
void AP_IO_BOARD::send_gps_lon_mm(void)
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_LONG_AP, _lonmmmm);
Esempio n. 12
 * send gps longitude minutes decimal part 
void AP_Frsky_Telem::send_gps_lon_mm(void)
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_LONG_AP, _lonmmmm);
Esempio n. 13
 * send gps altitude integer part
void AP_IO_BOARD::send_gps_alt_meter(void)
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_ALT_BP, _alt_gps_meters);
Esempio n. 14
 * Sends frame 2 (every 1000ms):
 * course(heading), latitude, longitude, ground speed, GPS altitude
void  AP_Frsky_Telem::frsky_send_frame2()

    // we send the heading based on the ahrs instead of GPS course which is not very usefull
    uint16_t course_in_degrees = (_ahrs.yaw_sensor / 100) % 360;
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_COURS_BP, course_in_degrees);

    const AP_GPS &gps = _ahrs.get_gps();
    bool posok = (gps.status() >= 3);
    if  (posok){
	// send formatted frame 
	float lat = 0, lon = 0,  alt = 0, speed= 0;
	char lat_ns = 0, lon_ew = 0;
	Location loc = gps.location();//get gps instance 0
	lat = frsky_format_gps(fabsf(;
	uint16_t latdddmm = lat;
	uint16_t latmmmm = (lat - latdddmm) * 10000;
	lat_ns = ( < 0) ? 'S' : 'N';
	lon = frsky_format_gps(fabsf(loc.lng/10000000.0));
	uint16_t londddmm = lon;
	uint16_t lonmmmm = (lon - londddmm) * 10000;
	lon_ew = (loc.lng < 0) ? 'W' : 'E';

	alt = loc.alt / 100;
	uint16_t alt_gps_meters = alt;
	uint16_t alt_gps_cm = (alt - alt_gps_meters) * 100;

	speed = gps.ground_speed ();
	uint16_t speed_in_meter = speed;
	uint16_t speed_in_centimeter = (speed - speed_in_meter) * 100;
	frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_LAT_BP, latdddmm);
	frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_LAT_AP, latmmmm);
	frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_LAT_NS, lat_ns);

	frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_LONG_BP, londddmm);
	frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_LONG_AP, lonmmmm);
	frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_LONG_EW, lon_ew);
	frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_SPEED_BP, speed_in_meter);
	frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_SPEED_AP, speed_in_centimeter);
	frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_ALT_BP, alt_gps_meters);
	frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_ALT_AP, alt_gps_cm);
Esempio n. 15
 * send gps North / South information 
void AP_Frsky_Telem::send_gps_lat_ns(void)
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_LAT_NS, _lat_ns);
Esempio n. 16
 * send gps East / West information 
void AP_IO_BOARD::send_gps_lon_ew(void)
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_LONG_EW, _lon_ew);
Esempio n. 17
 * Sends frame 2 (every 1000ms):
 *   GPS course, latitude, longitude, ground speed, GPS altitude, remaining battery level
void frsky_send_frame2(int uart)
	/* send formatted frame */
	float course = 0, lat = 0, lon = 0, speed = 0, alt = 0;
	char lat_ns = 0, lon_ew = 0;
	int sec = 0;

	if (global_pos->timestamp != 0 && hrt_absolute_time() < global_pos->timestamp + 20000) {
		time_t time_gps = global_pos->time_utc_usec / 1000000ULL;
		struct tm *tm_gps = gmtime(&time_gps);

		course = (global_pos->yaw + M_PI_F) / M_PI_F * 180.0f;
		lat    = frsky_format_gps(fabsf(global_pos->lat));
		lat_ns = (global_pos->lat < 0) ? 'S' : 'N';
		lon    = frsky_format_gps(fabsf(global_pos->lon));
		lon_ew = (global_pos->lon < 0) ? 'W' : 'E';
		speed  = sqrtf(global_pos->vel_n * global_pos->vel_n + global_pos->vel_e * global_pos->vel_e)
			 * 25.0f / 46.0f;
		alt    = global_pos->alt;
		sec    = tm_gps->tm_sec;

	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_GPS_COURS_BP, course);
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_GPS_COURS_AP, frac(course) * 1000.0f);

	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_GPS_LAT_BP, lat);
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_GPS_LAT_AP, frac(lat) * 10000.0f);
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_GPS_LAT_NS, lat_ns);

	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_GPS_LONG_BP, lon);
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_GPS_LONG_AP, frac(lon) * 10000.0f);
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_GPS_LONG_EW, lon_ew);

	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_GPS_SPEED_BP, speed);
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_GPS_SPEED_AP, frac(speed) * 100.0f);

	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_GPS_ALT_BP, alt);
	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_GPS_ALT_AP, frac(alt) * 100.0f);

	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_FUEL,
			roundf(battery_status->remaining * 100.0f));

	frsky_send_data(uart, FRSKY_ID_GPS_SEC, sec);

Esempio n. 18
 * send gps altitude decimals
void AP_IO_BOARD::send_gps_alt_cm(void)
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_ALT_AP, _alt_gps_cm);
Esempio n. 19
 * send gps lattitude degree and minute integer part; Initialize gps info
void AP_Frsky_Telem::send_gps_lat_dd(void)
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_LAT_BP, _latdddmm);
Esempio n. 20
 * send gps speed integer part
void AP_Frsky_Telem::send_gps_speed_meter(void)
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_SPEED_BP, _speed_in_meter);
Esempio n. 21
 * send gps lattitude minutes decimal part 
void AP_Frsky_Telem::send_gps_lat_mm(void)
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_LAT_AP, _latmmmm);
Esempio n. 22
 * send gps speed integer part
void AP_IO_BOARD::send_gps_speed_meter(void)
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_SPEED_BP, _speed_in_meter);
Esempio n. 23
 * send gps longitude degree and minute integer part 
void AP_Frsky_Telem::send_gps_lon_dd(void)
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_LONG_BP, _londddmm);
Esempio n. 24
 * send number of gps satellite and gps status eg: 73 means 7 satellite and 3d lock
void AP_Frsky_Telem::send_gps_sats()
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_TEMP2, gps_sats);
Esempio n. 25
 * send gps East / West information 
void AP_Frsky_Telem::send_gps_lon_ew(void)
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_LONG_EW, _lon_ew);
Esempio n. 26
 * send control_mode as Temperature 1 (TEMP1)
void AP_Frsky_Telem::send_mode(void)
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_TEMP1, _mode);
Esempio n. 27
 * send gps speed decimal part
void AP_Frsky_Telem::send_gps_speed_cm(void)
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_SPEED_AP, _speed_in_centimeter);
Esempio n. 28
 * send barometer altitude integer part . Initialize baro altitude
void AP_Frsky_Telem::send_baro_alt_m(void)
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_BARO_ALT_BP, _baro_alt_meters);
Esempio n. 29
 * send gps altitude decimals
void AP_Frsky_Telem::send_gps_alt_cm(void)
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_GPS_ALT_AP, _alt_gps_cm);
Esempio n. 30
 * send barometer altitude decimal part
void AP_Frsky_Telem::send_baro_alt_cm(void)
    frsky_send_data(FRSKY_ID_BARO_ALT_AP, _baro_alt_cm);