static int fs_format(int cidx) {
  s32_t r;
  struct mount_info *m = &s_fsm;
  _u32 fsc_size = FS_CONTAINER_SIZE(FS_SIZE);
  dprintf(("formatting %d s=%u, cs=%d\n", cidx, FS_SIZE, (int) fsc_size));

  m->cidx = cidx;
  r = fs_create_container(cidx, FS_SIZE);
  if (r < 0) goto out;
  m->fh = r;
  m->valid = m->rw = m->formatting = 1;
  /* Touch a byte at the end to open a "hole". */
  r = sl_FsWrite(m->fh, fsc_size - 1, (_u8 *) "\xff", 1);
  dprintf(("write 1 @ %d %d\n", (int) (fsc_size - 1), (int) r));
  if (r != 1) goto out_close;

  /* There must be a mount attempt before format. It'll fail and that's ok. */
  r = fs_mount_spiffs(m, FS_SIZE, FS_BLOCK_SIZE, FS_PAGE_SIZE);
  dprintf(("mount: %d\n", (int) r));
  r = SPIFFS_format(&m->fs);
  dprintf(("format: %d\n", (int) r));
  if (r != SPIFFS_OK) goto out_close;

  m->seq = INITIAL_SEQ;
  r = fs_write_meta(m);

  sl_FsClose(m->fh, NULL, NULL, 0);
  m->fh = -1;
  m->valid = m->formatting = m->rw = 0;
  return r;
static int fs_mount(int cidx, struct mount_info *m) {
  int r;
  struct fs_info fsi;
  memset(m, 0, sizeof(*m));
  m->fh = -1;
  dprintf(("mounting %d\n", cidx));
  m->cidx = cidx;
  r = fs_get_info(cidx, &fsi);
  if (r != 0) return r;
  m->seq = fsi.seq;
  m->valid = 1;
  r = fs_mount_spiffs(m, FS_SIZE, FS_BLOCK_SIZE, FS_PAGE_SIZE);
  dprintf(("mount %d: %d\n", cidx, r));
  return r;
static int fs_mount_idx(const char *cpfx, int cidx, struct mount_info *m) {
  int r;
  struct fs_container_info fsi;
  memset(m, 0, sizeof(*m));
  m->fh = -1;
  m->cidx = cidx;
  r = fs_get_info(cpfx, cidx, &fsi);
  if (r != 0) return r;
  m->cpfx = strdup(cpfx);
  m->seq = fsi.seq;
  m->valid = 1;
  LOG(LL_INFO, ("Mounting %s.%d 0x%llx", cpfx, cidx, fsi.seq));
  r = fs_mount_spiffs(m, fsi.fs_size, fsi.fs_block_size, fsi.fs_page_size,
  DBG(("mount %d: %d %d", cidx, (int) r, (int) SPIFFS_errno(&m->fs)));
  if (r < 0) {
    LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Mount failed: %d", r));
  return r;