int ft_read_file(int fd, t_obj *obj) { int ret; char buf[1025]; char *tmp; char *str; str = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 1); ret = 0; str[0] = '\0'; while ((ret = read(fd, buf, 1024)) > 0) { buf[ret] = '\0'; tmp = ft_strjoin(str, buf); free(str); str = tmp; } ft_putstr(str); if (ret == -1) return (0); obj->pos = -1; ret = 0; ret = ft_file(obj, str, ret); while (str[ret++]) if (str[ret] >= 97 && str[ret] <= 122 && str[ret - 1] == '\n') ret = ft_file(obj, str, ret + 1); return (1); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 2 || argv[1][0] == '-') ft_stdin(); ft_file(argc, argv); return (0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char buffer[547]; char **map; char save[16][16]; char tab[27]; int cpt[4]; if (argc != 2) ft_ragequit(); ft_file(argv[1], buffer, tab); map = ft_debut(cpt, save, tab); while (cpt[0] == 1 && cpt[1] >= cpt[2]) { cpt[0] = ft_treatment(map, save, tab, 1); cpt[3] = 0; while (cpt[1] > cpt[2] && !cpt[3] && cpt[0] == 2) { cpt[1]--; map = ft_init(cpt[1]); cpt[3] = ft_test_point(map); cpt[0] = 1; } } ft_exit(save, ft_len_save(save)); return (0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char BUF[547]; char **map; char save[16][16]; char tab[27]; char end; int taille; int cpt; if (argc != 2) ft_ragequit(); ft_bzero(tab, 27); ft_file(argv[1], BUF); ft_erreur(BUF); ft_search(BUF, tab); taille = ft_sqrt(8 * tab[0]); map = ft_init(taille); ft_clean(save, 15); cpt = 1; end = 0; while (end == 0 && taille >= ft_sqrt(4 * tab[0])) { end = ft_treatment(map, save, tab, cpt); if (taille > ft_sqrt(4 * tab[0])) { taille--; map = ft_init(taille); cpt = ft_try_copy(map, save, taille); } } ft_exit(save, ft_len_save(save)); return (0); }
int Database::ReadFile(int file_num) { printf("*--------------Database Read-----------------*\n"); std::string dir = MACHINEPATH; dir.append("Database/Corpus/"); std::string suffix = ".txt"; char buf[10]; sprintf(buf, "%d", file_num); std::ifstream database_setup; printf("Reading database setup file...\n"); std::string db_file(dir); db_file.append("database_summary_"); db_file.append(buf); db_file.append(suffix);; database_setup >> mfcc_num_coef; database_setup >> fft_frame_length; fft_frame_length += 2; database_setup >> database_frame_num; database_setup >> num_tracks; database_setup.close(); printf("Complete\n"); std::ifstream mfccFile; printf("Reading mfcc file...\n"); std::string mf_file(dir); mf_file.append("mfcc_frames_"); mf_file.append(buf); mf_file.append(suffix);; mfcc_matrix = (double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*database_frame_num); for(int i = 0; i < database_frame_num; i++){ mfcc_matrix[i] = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*mfcc_num_coef); for(int j = 0 ; j < mfcc_num_coef;j++){ mfccFile >> mfcc_matrix[i][j]; } } mfccFile.close(); printf("Complete\n"); std::ifstream fftFile; printf("Reading fft frames file...\n"); std::string ft_file(dir); ft_file.append("fft_frames_"); ft_file.append(buf); ft_file.append(suffix);; fft_matrix = (double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*database_frame_num); for(int i = 0 ; i < database_frame_num; i++){ fft_matrix[i] = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*fft_frame_length); for(int j = 0; j < fft_frame_length; j++){ fftFile >> fft_matrix[i][j]; } } fftFile.close(); printf("Complete\n"); debug_print(("Reading track frame lengths...")); std::string track_frame_l_file(MACHINEPATH); track_frame_l_file.append("Database/Corpus/track_frame_lengths.txt"); std::ifstream tr_frm_l_file;; track_frame_length = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*num_tracks); for(int i = 0 ; i < num_tracks; i++){ tr_frm_l_file >> track_frame_length[i]; } tr_frm_l_file.close(); debug_print(("\tComplete\n")); debug_print(("Reading buf lengths...")); std::string buf_s_file_p(MACHINEPATH); buf_s_file_p.append("Database/Corpus/buffer_sizes.txt"); std::ifstream buf_s_file;; track_buffer_sizes = (long*)malloc(sizeof(long)*num_tracks); for(int i = 0 ; i < num_tracks; i++){ buf_s_file >> track_buffer_sizes[i]; } buf_s_file.close(); debug_print(("\tComplete\n")); debug_print(("Number MFCC Coefficients : %d\n",mfcc_num_coef)); debug_print(("Number values p FFT frame : %d\n",fft_frame_length)); debug_print(("Total num frames in database : %ld\n\n",database_frame_num)); printf("*--------------------------------------------*\n"); gr_size = (int)database_frame_num; gr_coef = mfcc_num_coef; gr_fft = fft_frame_length; return 0; }
int Database::ReadFileGroup(int file_num,int s_grouping,int type) { grouping = s_grouping; // grouping must be > 0 printf("\n*--------------Database Group Read-----------------*\n"); std::string dir = MACHINEPATH; switch(type){ case 0: dir.append("Database/Corpus/"); break; case 1: dir.append("Database/Corpus/DB/"); break; } //dir.append("Database/Corpus/"); std::string suffix = ".txt"; char buf[10]; // enough to hold all numbers up to 64-bits sprintf(buf, "%d", file_num); std::ifstream database_setup; printf("Reading database setup file..."); std::string db_file(dir); db_file.append("database_summary_"); db_file.append(buf); db_file.append(suffix);; database_setup >> mfcc_num_coef; database_setup >> fft_frame_length; fft_frame_length += 2; database_setup >> database_frame_num; database_setup >> num_tracks; database_setup.close(); printf("\tComplete\n"); std::ifstream mfccFile; printf("Reading mfcc file..."); std::string mf_file(dir); mf_file.append("mfcc_frames_"); mf_file.append(buf); mf_file.append(suffix);; grouped_size = (long)floor(database_frame_num/grouping); int grouped_coef = mfcc_num_coef * grouping; gr_size = (int)grouped_size; gr_coef = grouped_coef; mfcc_matrix = (double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*grouped_size); for(int i = 0; i < grouped_size; i++){ mfcc_matrix[i] = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*grouped_coef); } for(int i = 0; i < grouped_size ; i++){ for(int j = 0 ; j < grouped_coef;j++){ mfccFile >> mfcc_matrix[i][j]; } } mfccFile.close(); printf("\tComplete\n"); std::ifstream fftFile; printf("Reading fft frames file..."); std::string ft_file(dir); ft_file.append("fft_frames_"); ft_file.append(buf); ft_file.append(suffix);; fft_length_grouped = fft_frame_length * grouping; printf("fft len group : %d\n",fft_length_grouped); fft_matrix = (double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*grouped_size); for(int i = 0 ; i < grouped_size; i++){ fft_matrix[i] = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*fft_length_grouped); } for(int i = 0 ; i < grouped_size; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < fft_length_grouped; j++){ fftFile >> fft_matrix[i][j]; // printf("%f ",fft_matrix[i][j]); } } fftFile.close(); printf("\tComplete\n"); gr_size = (int)grouped_size; gr_fft = fft_length_grouped; debug_print(("Reading track frame lengths...")); std::string track_frame_l_file(dir); track_frame_l_file.append("track_frame_lengths.txt"); std::ifstream tr_frm_l_file;; track_frame_length = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*num_tracks); for(int i = 0 ; i < num_tracks; i++){ tr_frm_l_file >> track_frame_length[i]; printf("Track Length : %d \n",track_frame_length[i]); } tr_frm_l_file.close(); debug_print(("Reading buf lengths...")); std::string buf_s_file_p(dir); buf_s_file_p.append("buffer_sizes.txt"); std::ifstream buf_s_file;; track_buffer_sizes = (long*)malloc(sizeof(long)*num_tracks); for(int i = 0 ; i < num_tracks; i++){ buf_s_file >> track_buffer_sizes[i]; } buf_s_file.close(); debug_print(("\tComplete\n")); debug_print(("\tComplete\n")); printf("Num Tracks : %d\n",num_tracks); debug_print(("Number MFCC Coefficients : %d\n",mfcc_num_coef)); debug_print(("Number values p FFT frame : %d\n",fft_frame_length)); debug_print(("Total num frames in database : %ld\n",database_frame_num)); debug_print(("Grouped MFCC num coefs : %d\n",grouped_coef)); debug_print(("Num frames when grouped : %ld\n",grouped_size)); GroupTrackLengths(); printf("*--------------------------------------------------*\n"); return 0; }